About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The mantra: “racism is a code word for anti-White” or better (with thanks to Robroy) “racist is a control word for Whites” – this is where it begins with helping cowed Whites flip the script.

    Questions, especially open-ended wondering or ‘just askin’ questions help.

    Such as “is it possible for an African American to be racist? Those rap songs are just filled with hatred towards White Americans. Have you ever listened to this stuff?” Or “Gee. All the power players in Washington just happen to be Jewish people. Good on them for being so smart. But I can’t help wondering if this has anything to do with ownership of the US by a private Jewish bank. Oh. You didn’t know the Fed Reserve was a private cartel?”

    Yes. I am reaching for the barfbag even as I write this. But to talk to Whites with strong Jewish social control programming, you have to write/speak code just for their programs.

  2. Jeez. I’m as subtle as a flying brick. I just pretty much say it’s the God Damned Jews, and Niggers are their Flying Monkeys.

    People are shocked. But they are acclimating. They are starting to “see”.

  3. All of us tough guys with brains have never written a script for “normals” on how to handle the control word “racist.” Plenty of jew naming and ideology and intellectual what not, but not one thing to help a hapless old lady like Paula Deen overcome the anti-whites.

    That’s all quite true, but it’s complicated by the need any society has for a word that describes people who try to make “too much” of racial differences or ethnic origins. You might counter that in a racially homogeneous society that problem couldn’t exist, but no society can realistically hope to be perfectly racially uniform or of uniform ethnic pedigree. Any degree of racial differentiation – even a very, very small degree – that can be noticed can be made “too much” of. It won’t do to pretend that “racism was only invented in the 1930s” because the attitude that term describes obviously existed well before that.

    None of this is to say that “racist” must always possess the same power to control thoughts as it enjoys today, however. I’m simply making the point because activists, in their eagerness to render “racist” completely ineffective, tend to overlook this aspect.

    Anyway, Simmons, let’s put you on the spot and see how you’d respond.

    “Simmons, are you a racist?”


    “Simmons, have you ever used the n-word?”

    If it help, imagine I’m interviewing you for a job and I spring one of those questions on you, to test your mettle, say.

    Remember, the point isn’t to give an internet tough guy response or to tell the interviewer what he wants to hear in order to get the job or to get the investigators off your back. The point is to respond in a way that would encourage others to do the same and create a cumulative pro-white counter to “racist.”

  4. In Israel Ashkenazim look down as Sephardim as being racially inferior, they don’t want to mix with them.

    Not in the way you think.

    I’m going to guess you’ve gotten that opinion from the book written by that American Jew who visited Israel in the 70s and was disappointed by what he found. (I forget the book’s title.) The author was condemning Israel for being a racist society, but the message WNs took from it was something like “We knew it. Racial difference means permanent conflict. Look, it’s even true in Israel!” so it’s a fairly well known work in WN circles.

    In reality, many of the “racial” prejudices in those days resulted from the way Israeli society came to be, rather than from any deep-seated racial animosity. As you must be aware, Jews from all over the world began to flood into Israel at a rapid clip after the state’s formation. These people couldn’t help dragging their “cultural baggage” along with them. The result was a mishmash of cultural difference which, unsurprisingly, gave rise to a host of cultural and ethnic prejudices. Cultural differences for obvious reasons track racial differences (whether or to what degree they’re caused by the latter is beside the point here) so what is often a cultural prejudice can only too easily be mistaken for a racial prejudice – and particularly so in the case of people on the lookout for the latter.

    Then there’s also the point that Ashkenazis and Sephardis belong to separate religious traditions. Jews who take their religion seriously tend to want to keep those traditions alive, and this typically requires maintaining distance from those of other traditions. So the possibility of mistaking cultural prejudice for racial exists here too.

    Among Israelis who don’t care much for religion racial prejudice may exist, but it’s a gross mistake to imagine Israeli society is riven by racial hatreds. My impression is that whatever racial prejudice exists has not been anywhere near sufficient to prove a barrier to mixing. And anyway, Sephardis and Ashkenazis are not worlds apart in racial appearance, so it’s not always clear just whom is one is supposed to prejudiced against even if one were determined to be prejudiced. The really swarthy, middle eastern looking Jews are Mizrahis, not Sephardis, but even here, I don’t have the impression that secular Jews attempt to hold a firm racial line.

  5. @Rorke’s Drift Veteran

    “Another Southern coward gets down on her knees and licks the negro’s crotch.”

    Nigger-talk like that comes from the Jewish corruption of the culture.

  6. I demand the poster Silver be banned. I cannot believe it someone actually is interrogating instead of repeating all the old WN 1.0 or SN fails, the traditions of decades of FAIL must be upheld, ban Silver now.

    The first question I would give Horus the White Rabbit’s response and invert the question back onto the interviewer, just hoping that the interviewer is not an anti-white bigot. The second question I would basically tell them the truth that in my family one did not go around spewing invective of a low brow nature, but that I had on occasion repeated lyrics from the rap sub culture, but I realize how awful it was and no longer do so and hope that this place of employment does not tolerate such poor behavior from anyone.

    I never, ever allow anyone at anytime moral superiority over me.

  7. I agree. She is a materialistic coward.

    She sold out, at least it was for millions.

    Interesting that now the standard has been raised, you can’t have EVER said the N-word! Oh noes!

    She’s also thinking of her two sons who have shows on the Food Network, so you can’t be too hard on her.

    I agree with Ann Coulter, never apologize.

    Notice how it’s really all White Yankees though. Do you think Southern Whites really give a fuck that she said nigger years ago. I doubt blacks care either, other than some bigmouth Civil Rights goons like Sharpton.

  8. Silver is jewing this thread.

    Israel is a racist (fully racist in the Judaic sense of the word), apartheid state with religious extenuations.

    Myriads of examples (not just one book – for whom the author was assassinated) exist on this subject.

    Why don’t you roll out a little shooky Falasha, Silver, and explain to the goyim all about Israeli affirmative action for him, you know like one of the ones they photo shopped into the pix of Obama when he came over to kiss ass and bang his head on the wall?

    Judaism is a racial supremacy; it is the strongest racial supremacy on the planet. Everybody should know this by now.

    Mr Silver smoothy can not refute these facts. But he can log on here and jew the thread. People should learn from this and study his technique for obfuscating facts which are (should be) known to all, minimizing these facts in the context of present non-Jewish discussions on race and especially the tone of contempt for lesser ‘racists’.

    Those who are flipping the Jew script on the race card in public debates should study these techniques and improve on them. I hope I don’t need to supply a link that demonstrates that Jews (through their Bolshevik front) invented the crime of ‘racism’ for Whites – which was both a thought and hate crime under Judaic Bolshevik tyranny (and White genocide) in Russia.

  9. The first question I would give Horus the White Rabbit’s response and invert the question back onto the interviewer, just hoping that the interviewer is not an anti-white bigot.

    Do you mean the response: “In your opinion I’m a racist. You’re just saying that ‘cos I’m white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.” ? That’s very good, of course, but I don’t think you can apply it as a stock template in all contexts. In the case you’re asked outright “Are you a racist?” you’d have to preface it with something like “I think whites are people, too. Sure.” Then you could flesh it out with “Some people call that ‘racist’ but they’re only saying that ‘cos I’m white. Let’s face it, a lot of the time ‘anti-racist’ really is no more than a code word for ‘anti-white.'” You can also use “Well, whites are people too” by itself. Just append, “aren’t they/we [depending on who you’re talking to]? Or do you disagree?” to it.

    The second question I would basically tell them the truth that in my family one did not go around spewing invective of a low brow nature, but that I had on occasion repeated lyrics from the rap sub culture, but I realize how awful it was and no longer do so and hope that this place of employment does not tolerate such poor behavior from anyone.

    It’s a disgustingly devious leftwing thought-control question, isn’t it? I can understand all too well the desire to drag the smug prick asking out back and smash his head into the brickwork. The great irony here is that leftists themselves keep people like blacks racially insecure much more than people who regularly use ‘nigger.’ If lefties really wanted to help they’d teach blacks to get over people noticing their race. Because once blacks get over it they’ll no longer feel insecure about their race. I’m not saying they won’t be upset to be called niggers, but it won’t have anywhere near the effect on their psyche that it seems to (and that lefties claim it absolutely does have).

    It’d be a pretty cool world in which I could answer forthrightly, “I never call blacks nigger to their faces, or even act impolitely towards them in any way. I want blacks out of my hair as much as possible and the best way for that to happen is to be polite and helpful, not rude and standoffish. But among friends I refer to blacks as ‘niggers’ quite regularly, and that’s in a neutral tone. When I’m upset, I call them things like ‘pieces of worthless black nigger monkeyshit’ or ‘shit on two legs.'”

    Any leftie cocksucker ‘watchdogs’ reading this, choke on it.

  10. Judaism is a racial supremacy; it is the strongest racial supremacy on the planet.

    It’s a supremacist religion, but it’s not racially supremacist in the same way that WN is. The kind of intense genetic/bloodlines scrutiny you read about in WN literature occurs only among a small subset of yids. As far as Israeli society goes, it’s not characterized by mammoth racial divides the way you’d have it.

    I’m not Jewish, by the way. I get tired of repeating it, so I’ll tell you this once and then leave you to your fantasies.

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