


  1. Do you know WHY the homos and the multiculturalists and the race-mixers – who basically turned the tide that was against them eventually came out on top?

    Because they were WILLING to tear-down and topple their enemies’ cultural monuments, again and again and again.

    In contrast, you guys are simply content to pose in front of THEIR monuments today, snap a couple of joke-photos for your “buds” and anyone else you wish to impress.

    See the difference between how our enemies faced THEIR opposition (us) and how YOU face your enemies today?

    Now, do you understand WHY we are losing?

    • Re: Rorke’s

      WNs are losing because you can’t get them to show up and do anything in the real world. They are scared shitless of omnipotent Jews.

      Ripping the monument down? What would that accomplish besides getting us arrested? It would be back up tomorrow. We can’t take down those monuments until we have the power to remove them permanently.

      We won’t have any power at all until there is a well funded organized resistance in the real world. There won’t be an organized resistance until people show up, join organizations, and quit pissing themselves in fear of Jews.

      In the meantime, we can show people that we are not afraid of the opposition. Heimbach confronted 400 screaming communists in DC with 2 girls and about 5 other guys. We physically went into that building.

      Right now we are focused on getting the people who already agree with us to show up, join us, and increase our numbers.

  2. BG: “We won’t have any power at all until there is a well funded organized resistance in the real world. There won’t be an organized resistance until people show up, join organizations, and quit pissing themselves in fear of Jews.”


    You’re what – 29 years old – maybe early 30’s? Even so, you neither stupid nor incapable of reading. And if you read you can study and research. And if you do THAT, you will discover that everything you preach as “the solution” was known twenty years ago.

    Forty years ago.


    In short, you have not suddenly discovered a miraculous panacea. Instead, you are simply treading the worn pathways of activism that many, many others have trod before you. And this is frightening, because you’re intelligent enough to know better. You’re intelligent enough to also know that when you’re 50, you’re going to hear or read about some new 30-something guy say: “We won’t have any power at all until there is a well funded organized resistance in the real world. There won’t be an organized resistance until people show up, join organizations, and quit pissing themselves in fear of Jews.”

    And that’s when you’ll react just like I am NOW – in utter despair. Because you’ll realize that someone named “Brad Griffin” is doing the exact same things that I and many other bright and talented activists have already done, years ago, and not a shade better than we did, nor acting a shade braver than we were.

    I understand you’re not a Neo-Nazi – neither am I. But do read up on the methods they used to finally seize power. True, some was “legal” and sans violence. But much of it was not. And the Nazis won. Then read up on George Washington and the American Revolution. Much of their defiance against the British was only rhetoric and protests – but eventually much of it was not. And the Revolutionaries won. Even the Soviet Communists did what you’re doing now, “protesting”, “opposing”, “challenging their enemies in the street” (like Heimbach did) and so forth. But even while they did all those things, they set about pulling down the Czar’s monuments whenever and wherever they could, inflicting the “death from a thousand cuts” that would eventually lead to the fiery end of the Czarist Regime.

    The point? All the “activist groundwork” has been done. Individuals like me already did the work for you. We did it decades ago. In the decades since, others have come forth and done the same, again, and again, and again. They’ve “named the Jew”, “named the Jew”, and “named the Jew”, again, and again, and again.


    For unless you can “take it to the next level” you would be better off – and happier in the long run – by taking your newly minted college degree, getting some decent paying job, and becoming a quiet and peaceful suburbanite down in Georgia. Because if all you can do is simply retrace my footsteps and the footsteps of David Duke, William Pierce, Revilo Oliver, and so many others before you, you’re just wasting your time.

    By 2045 America will be slightly over half-non-white so spending another 20 or 30 years “educating people” is just a suicide shot to the brain.

    Carry our fight to the next level.

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