Blood and Soil: A Southern White Nationalist Perspective


Matthew Heimbach has a new essay on religion and other important issues:

“This past weekend I shared a hotel room with a member of the League, he was a National Socialist and a folk religionist. While his political and religious views were not mine and far from most within the League, I was intrigued. We discussed politics, religion, and a future for our people, and the funny thing was, we agreed on the most important points. At the end of the day, I want my children to go to white schools, I want to see the symbols of my folk flying in the breeze over the courthouse and post office, I want to be able to worship my God and my faith without fear of government tyrants or communist subversion, and most importantly, I want my race to survive.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That’s definitely the line taught in the public schools, the quaker-puritan-wasp- (ect, etch) blaming game.

    The line I was taught in school was pro-Quaker and pro-Puritan. They were, after all, the founders of “our country”. That’s the Yankee-centric line that is taught.

    In reality, the Quakers and Puritans were our foes at the beginning and our ancestors knew it. Even Virginia’s name “The Old Dominion” comes from her support for the Crown and tradition against Cromwell’s Puritans. The South is traditionally Episcopalian and had no use for the religious cults of the North. The Quaker/Puritan mindset of telling everyone how to live and having a religious-like zeal towards equality still exists with today’s Yankees, secular though they are.

    It can make readers wonder what’s in it for you (or others), especially since so MANY speaking for the “South” do not seem to have antebellum history in the south, confederate ancestors, not really, and define the south WRONGLY only in terms of race issues.

    I don’t know a lot about Hunter or his roots, but I don’t get the impression that he views the South only in racial terms. Maybe I’m wrong.

  2. I think Dixiegirl is right on southern blood ties and the right of families and kin to keep their land and culture, and right on the threat of Romanism to white liberty, etc. Only a full-scale revival of right Christianity (not Papal heresy) led by faithful pastors and elders will allow southerners resist the onslaught of globalism — and the same is true for the remaining northern whites in the northern states. We pray and work for that. We must all remain in place and stand our ground, maintaining our Christian homes and extended families and traditions uncorrupted.

  3. No-Man wrote:

    “The German and the Jew are just different kinds of barbarians. Erich Ludendorff is a perfect example, he was a Prussian Odinist that wanted to literally destroy Europe.”

    General Ludendorff wanted to “literally destroy Europe?” Can you please give me a citation for that absurd assertion. I know quite a bit about Ludendorff (Not only a hero of the Beer Hall Putsch, on whom even the police refused to fire, but a fellow Wotanist later in life, also) and I have never read anything of the sort. Even his later, more obscure writings were spent analyzing the impact of Jewry, Freemasonry, and Christianity on Europe.

  4. I completely agree with the idea that Southern Nationalists have no reason to adopt the paraphernalia of National Socialism. Dixie is a completely separate entity from 1930’s era Germany with virtual nothing in common except that both states believed in the primacy of the White race. Unfortunately, simply by jettisoning Nazi imagery from the mainstream of White advocacy and replacing it with the Confederate Battle Flag and other symbols of the CSA is not going to result in its opponents bestowing respectability on the cause as a result. Among leftists and liberals the Confederacy and Nazi Germany are equally abhorrent.

  5. Dalton,

    That was nothing but lies. There was no such DNA testing done on any relatives of Adolf Hitler that would prove such an allegation.

    His nephew, Patrick, was an opportunist scumbag of the lowest variety, and he turned against Adolf Hitler completely and even tried to join the allied forces. You think if he knew Herr Wolf was Jewish, he wouldn’t have let that one slip after they broke off all relations and he was FIGHTING AGAINST HIS OWN FAMILY AND FATHERLAND?!

    I’ve read the Pink Swastika and the evidence is quite flimsy. Moreover, as Nicholes-Goodricke-Clark pointed out in The Occult Roots of Nazism (the best book available on the subject), Hitler had little time for such things. Most of the NSDAP didn’t. Himmler carried around a copy of the Bhagwad Gîta and created a research institution (Ahnenerbe) dedicated to rediscovering our lost heritage and an initiatory order of sorts within the SS, certainly represented by the 12 Obbergruppenführers who sat at his “round table,” but the the accusation that the exoteric NSDAP political platform, or the infrastructure created to carry it out, was “steeped in rank Occultism” is just laughable. I wish it had been!

    To your knowledge, do you have any Jews in your family tree, Dalton? That is a genuine question; are you a Jew?

    I have nothing to say to Jews until it’s time to settle accounts.

  6. OT: the Voting rights act was have been struck down. I think that Congress will equally impose such rules on every state, rather than selectively as that seems to be the heart of the dissent against it, from my 1 minute skimming of the article.

  7. Robert C,

    Have you seen the mini series “Hitler, the Rise of Evil” staring the British actor Robert Carlyle (he was the lead in The Full Monty)

    The childhood scenes and World War I scenes where AH was beating a dog were bad, but I thought the rest was surprisingly good. I have never seen any actor other than Carlyle even remotely present a believable AH. Ludendorff is presented as the one who messed up The Beer Hall Putsch. And AH viciously scolded him and pushed him aside after Ludendorff lost a Presidential race.

    The scene where AH speaks for the first time is very good.

  8. Jack,

    Yes, I’ve seen the movie, thanks.

    I’m well aware of the tension between the Führer and the Great Hero of the First European Civil War.

    The men who were arrested at the barrel of Hitler’s gun and Heß’s tongue were allowed to leave the Burgerbraukeller, while Ludendorff was in charge of them and Hitler was absent, because he accepted the men at their word as officers and gentlemen. This was undoubtedly a terrible blunder,greatly weakening the forces that made the Putsch attempt. Ludendorff kept marching through the police lines as the shots rang out. Though the police would not fire on the Old General, they massacred the first National Socialist martyrs, including Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter. When he was shot through the lung and fell dead, he pulled Hitler down with him, dislocating the latter’s shoulder but potentially saving his life. Of the 16 men who fell that day, it was only Scheubner-Richter that Herr Wolf viewed as an “irreplaceable loss.”

    Ludendorff was also acquitted of all responsibility in the Putsch (documents were forged and witness statements changed to make him appear ignorant of the incident) whereas Hitler went to prison.

    There were some harsh words spoken from both sides, especially after he lost the election to Hindenburg. He did very little campaigning during his election bid and this irked Hitler quite a bit; however, there was a mutual respect that abided between the two men until Ludendorff was laid to rest in 1937. He was given a state funeral with full honours, which Adolf Hitler attended.

    I note that this discussion on Ludendorff began because he was accused of wanting to destroy Europe. I asked for a citation to substantiate that assertion, and I have yet to receive one.

  9. **O/T:

    Everyone ought to watch and pass on this horrible video of a violent gorilla enacting a home invasion on a young White mother, viciously beating her in the process (and all in front of her small child). Horrific stuff, and as always, if the races were reversed, the whole world would be watching this by now:

  10. Horrific video posted by Mary. The kind of thing that makes you want to just say kill ’em all. The thing is, you have to keep your eye on the ball liberal whites (Yankee worldview in ODs terms) and especially Jews are ultimately responsible for attacks like that one. They created and enforce the conditions that force people to live among blacks.

  11. Lew,

    Thanks, I’ll ignore him then.

    I don’t play patty-cake with Jews.


  12. Everyone ought to watch and pass on this horrible video of a violent gorilla enacting a home invasion on a young White mother, viciously beating her in the process

    Too bad the husband wasn’t as proactive as he should have been. You can easily access IP cams like that through a mobile device. IP cams are cheap now. Especially if you have a family and child you should have some surveillance installed with an internet connection.

    ADT is nice, but what if you’re outside and you’re grabbed. I prefer surveillance and having a gun ready for action.

    On those ADT commercials they always show some WASPy White guy breaking in, but in reality it’s typically niggers.

    Dropcam is very easy to use, however they charge you for the recording which is kept on their servers.

    You can set all that up yourself cheaper if you’re tech savvy.

  13. Germans have been expelled from most white countries, the difference being they were only sometimes allowed in.

    Do you ever reread your replies before you click post? You say some crazy shit, dude.

    You do realize that America’s largest White ethnic contribution is German don’t you?

    Germans are typically not exploitative like Jews, they’re an industrious people and of course racially compatible with our Germanic English founding population.

  14. Hunter,

    Do you have an snail mail address for David Duke? I would like to make a donation to him but I can’t use a credit card. I looked around his site but I can’t find a P.O. Box or an address to send a letter to.

    David Duke has a new book about the jewish origins of communism in Russia and Ukraine he is trying to get published. It sounds really good. Maybe you could do a post about it. Thanks.

  15. Dalton,

    Remember all those times you brown-nosed Jack Ryan? Guy is a nazi and he won’t defend you from being digitally black-balled by Der Stuermer types. I value your contributions, fyi.

  16. Re: 313Chris

    1.) The negro was a dynamic and productive worker under slavery. The black population was concentrated in plantations in the countryside. They were as much as an afterthought in the Old South as the prisoners in the prisons down the road.

    2.) As I previously noted, the negro by himself didn’t cause us many problems during the Old South. The real problem was the large group of Yankee fanatics in the North who were determined to impose “freedom” and “equality” and “democracy” and “civil rights” on the negro in order to create their utopian society.

  17. Re: E C

    ”All we ask is to be left alone.”
    – Jefferson Davis, February 1861

    The Lower South seceded because the trajectory of the Union was clear – the threat posed by “Black Republicanism” was considered far greater than anti-slavery – and the Confederacy waged a defensive war against a hostile Northern invasion.

  18. Re: Mark

    In my “vision,” there would be a gradual separation of the races in an independent South in which “White zones” and “black zones” would be created. There are already parts of the South which are overwhelmingly White (such as parts of North Alabama and North Georgia) and it would be simple to secure those areas.

    The blacks would be pushed into what would effectively be Bantustans, American Indian reservations, or Palestinian settlements like Gaza or the West Bank. The Whites Only zones would expand over time and a Southern White ethnostate within an independent South would be created in the same way as Israel.

    The millions of blacks and Hispanics aren’t going to disappear here overnight. Getting rid of them will also depend heavily on our relationship with the rest of the world. This is a project which will be the work of many generations.

    The vast majority of the White Southern population lives in urban and suburban areas. We can’t and don’t need to take back every square inch of the South immediately, but like the Israelis it is something we can strive to achieve over time.

  19. Do you ever reread your replies before you click post? You say some crazy shit, dude.

    Federated Germans have been marched out of every European nation at gunpoint except Switzerland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.

    You do realize that America’s largest White ethnic contribution is German don’t you?

    Non-sequitur and incorrect. The largest group of ethnic Whites in BRA are Hispanic Whites. Mainstream Americans with German lastnames contribute nothing ethnically German to society, they don’t even speak the language and most came here before “Germany” even existed.

  20. I’m in favor of black-balling Jews without exception. They have the mainstream and most of the Internet available to spread lies unchallenged. Unless you’re Polish, you can’t have a entirely negative view of Hitler and NS and expect to be taken seriously as an opponent of liberalism and the current order. The victors imposed what we see around us. Your German-phobia seems to cloud your critical thinking skills.

  21. Re: Mosin

    It’s funny how WNs continue to hallucinate about the threat posed by slave rebellions when the real problem, then as now, was always fanatical bloodthirsty Yankees like John Brown who wanted to march into the South and wage war against us in order to liberate their negro brothers.

    Even in Haiti, the slave rebellion that spiraled out of control there was caused by the Jacobins.

  22. Re: DixieGirl

    Clyde Wilson and other Southern historians have written about the roots of the Yankee Question in the religion of the Puritans who settled New England and the Quakers who settled Pennsylvania.

    This impulse to level all social hierarchies, racial or otherwise, in order to create a utopian society is rooted in the culture created by those people who settled the Northeast. It was not part of our culture, especially in the Lower South, which is why we have clashed with them for centuries.

  23. In my “vision,” there would be a gradual separation of the races in an independent South in which “White zones” and “black zones” would be created.

    That’s quite a fantasy you have there, where the Union is dissolved by non-violent means, blacks willingly separate from Whites, and gradually over time the South expands with no resistance.

    I just wanted to point out that blacks don’t deserve a homeland in the South, it’s not the same situation as South Africa. I disagree with giving them sovereignty over any portion of the South. Temporary accommodation is completely different.

  24. No-Man:

    You provided an English quote, then a source document written in German. Why not pluck the quote from the document and give me the citation? Have you never been in an undergraduate classroom? It’s clear that you read this quote in English as rendered by someone else (you didn’t translate it), and when I demanded a citation, you just linked to Ludendorff’s book and gave the year. You didn’t state what page or paragraph you’re referencing from said source document because you can’t. What a joke.

    As you haven’t quoted Ludendorff, but only offered your own parody of his words, I can only respond to your interpretation, and even here you fall flat: your quote has him vowing to eliminate “any warfaring nation,” meaning nations that make war upon the Reich must be extirpated. He is calling for the sort of unity that Germany had during the Heiliges Europa Römisches Reich. That’s a far cry from your original statement that Ludendorff wanted to “literally destroy Europe.”

    Your assertion that Germans should be conflated with Jews, as “they are just different kinds of barbarians,” is historically ignorant and offensive. Your scholarship is sloppy and your words are facile.

    It’s pretty amusing to watch nameless Americans proles criticize Prussian nobility like Ludendorff. Such people wouldn’t be fit to shine his boots.

  25. Florida, Texas, Virginia, Maryland and Georgia are being colonized as we speak.
    This is happening with zero pushback in any of those states. In fact, they are being subsidized by the native taxpayers to colonize.

  26. Re: Mark

    I can point to several precedents: Indian reservations, the creation of Israel, the Bantustans in South Africa, sundown towns in the Jim Crow era, and the zoning laws which used to exist before Shelly v. Kraemer.

    If a White ethnostate was ever created in the South, as a practical matter, it would have to be centered on the whitest areas, places like North Alabama, North Georgia, and East Tennessee, which would be secured first, and then parts of our major cities which would be zoned “whites only” or “black.”

    Since most people in the South live in urban areas anyway (try driving from Mobile to Montgomery), it is not absolutely imperative to drive every single negro out of Dixie the moment we attain independence, which would be impossible anyway in light of the fact that there are millions of them here.

    Creating a White ethnostate in Dixie would take generations to accomplish and before we can even take the first step we have to have physical control of an independent national government. It’s a worthy goal, but it is not something that will be accomplished overnight, and it will heavily depend on our relationship with the rest of the world more than any other factor.

    The easiest place to start would be to dissolve all the manifestations of BRA – the welfare state, the civil rights laws, the affirmative action laws, and so on – which would create a push/pull effect that would encourage huge numbers of blacks to self deport to more hospitable states where blacks are still glamorized.

    BTW, I have not argued that blacks “deserve” a homeland in the South. I have only provided a scenario in which an ethnostate could be built in a step-by-step process along the lines of Israel. While total racial separation isn’t practical in the short term, we could achieve something vastly greater than, say, Orania in the near term, which would at least be something.

  27. Hunter, the south doesn’t have generations to sort out this mess. The south has a generation, at best.

  28. He wasn’t nobility, he was an oaf that died in a Catholic hospital being cared for by those he despised. The HRE had no prideful concept of ‘Germania’ that book became influential only after the reformation. And I don’t play patty-cake with neo-nazis, can’t you read gothic script?

    Varus fought the good fight.


  29. “No-man says:

    June 25, 2013 at 8:56 pm


    Remember all those times you brown-nosed Jack Ryan? Guy is a nazi and he won’t defend you from being digitally black-balled by Der Stuermer types.”

    And? This speaks very well of Jack’s character.

    ” I value your contributions, fyi.”

    Of course you do, precious…

  30. Robert C. : To Wo-Man Jews, Germans, Working class whites, Arabs, and Muslims in general are “barbarians”. However, Catholics and little sub-caste of mestizos to do labor for his little fish entreprenual intrigue, that’s a different story!

    Never trust anyone who denigrates another white ethnicity. There exists enough devisiveness among us already.

    Regarding WWII and the Germans, I agree the South is a different situation, but as one poster alluded to, the left is not going to let you out. What is your point? To be able to say “Yeah, but look how evil those Nazis were! The South was never THAT bad!” If it ever comes up, jump right into Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin–a nice little spot of history that is trying to be buried.

  31. Non-sequitur and incorrect. The largest group of ethnic Whites in BRA are Hispanic Whites. Mainstream Americans with German lastnames contribute nothing ethnically German to society, they don’t even speak the language and most came here before “Germany” even existed.

    I usually only encounter this type of brazen idiocy with niggers.

    It’s not a non sequitur and what I said is correct, it’s common knowledge.

    The fact that you think Germans contributed nothing to society, neither genetically nor culturally, and that you consider mestizo Latinos to be White, tells me all I need to know about you.

    You’re way ahead in the running for the dumbest troll at OD, and you’ve got some serious competition.

    The ten largest ancestries of American Whites are: German Americans (16.5%), Irish Americans (11.9%), English Americans (9.0%), Italian Americans (5.8%), French Americans (4%), Polish Americans (3%), Scottish Americans (1.9%), Dutch Americans (1.6%), Norwegian Americans (1.5%), and Swedish Americans (1.4%)

    White Americans of German descent still outnumber Hispanic “Whites,” approximately 36 million to 26 million. The latter’s claim to being White of course is inaccurate and only a small fraction would pass any kind of racial hygiene standard.

  32. Re: Sean

    Let us worry about the South. You people can focus on persuading your friends, family, and neighbors – an uphill struggle, I know – not to make things worse than they already are now.

  33. Calm down, Wo-man….take your meds, have a canolle, play volleyball with your little bros. Don’t hate on Germans.

  34. Jack Ryan,

    I saw that movie during the initial broadcast. That movie is what started my awakening, so to speak. The think that really made an impression were the scenes in which Carlyle delivered the Beer Hall speeches, in English. I recall snapping to attention, and being profoundly moved. I had received endless Anti-Hitler agitprop like every-one else….this was the FIRST time I ever head “Hitler” speak.

    I didn’t think about anything this, for years, until I became involved with racial politics…..I just tucked those scenes away, in the back of my head. Most of the movie was pretty stupid. The Eva Braun stuff……the early scenes were infinitely more authentic. The latter half was standard “Big Mean Hitler picked on the poor Jooz” crapola.

  35. If a White ethnostate was ever created in the South . . .

    What is the difference between an ethnostate and a nation state? Is your proposed white ethnostate more inclusive of non-Southron whites than a Southron nation state would be?

  36. “Big Mean Hitler picked on the poor Jooz” crapola.”
    The Soviets committed atrocity when the Germans retreated from the eastern blocks; Reds settle the score with those who opposed their cockamanie utopia.

  37. I can point to several precedents: Indian reservations, the creation of Israel, the Bantustans in South Africa, sundown towns in the Jim Crow era, and the zoning laws which used to exist before Shelly v. Kraemer.

    We’re going in circles here.

    The only applicable precedent would be Amerindian reservations, which I initially pointed out.

    The significant difference being that Amerindians are native to this land, thus it’s a valid argument to give them a sovereign homeland.

    Bantustans were done in a similar way for native black Africans in South Africa.

    American blacks have no such claim to the South.

    Creating a White ethnostate in Dixie would take generations to accomplish

    I have never claimed it would be an overnight transformation, nor do I have this naive notion like some that it will be nonviolent.

    I agree it will be gradual, but I disagree with your idea that it will take generations to relocate blacks and non-Whites. This is not the old days before combustion engines, where we were attempting to transport them by ship to Liberia. With modern transportation and technology it’s not even an issue.

    It has more to do with allowing them time to find accommodations and employment, and to move their assets. Easily done in less than ten years. The state would help finance their relocation, buy their property at fair market value, etc.

    The mass exodus of spinnin’ rims and loud obnoxious music would be a sight.

  38. “No-Man” (a fitting handle) wrote:

    “He [General Erich Ludendorff] wasn’t nobility”

    Really? Is that so? It is common knowledge that he was. I can provide endless citations for this from various sources, but the Jew-owned Wikipedia acknowledges it upfront:

    “Erich’s mother, Klara Jeanette Henriette von Tempelhoff (1840–1914), was the daughter of the noble but impoverished Friedrich August Napoleon von Tempelhoff (1804–1868), and his wife Jeannette Wilhelmine von Dziembowska (1816–1854), who came from a Germanized Polish landed family on her father’s side, and through whom Erich was a remote descendant of the Dukes of Silesia and the Marquesses and Electors of Brandenburg….Despite Ludendorff’s maternal noble origins, however, he married outside them, to Margarete née Schmidt (1875–1936), the daughter of a factory owner.”

    Are you challenging the established facts of Ludendorff’s life or you’re just an ignoramus?

    “No Man” continued:

    “The HRE had no prideful concept of ‘Germania’ that book became influential only after the reformation.”

    I didn’t mention Tacitus or his early ethnographic sketch of Germania, and I don’t see how it comes to bear on this discussion; you’re backed into a corner, so you’re tossing out non sequiturs and red herrings in an attempt to confuse the gallery.

    “No-Man” added:

    “And I don’t play patty-cake with neo-nazis, can’t you read gothic script?”

    There is nothing “neo” about my National Socialism, thanks. Yes, I can read the “gothic” font, as you call it. My Jubilee copy of Mein Kampf is written entirely in Fraktur font and I am quite fond of it. Please direct me to the quote (in German, Fraktur or otherwise) in which Ludendorff proclaimed his desire “to literally destroy Europe.”

    If your next post does not contain an academic citation providing evidence of your assertion (which I’ve requested three times now), all intelligent observers will conclude that you’re a dilettante and a liar who has been intellectually outmatched.

    “No-man” concluded:

    “Varus fought the good fight.


    Varus was a fool who marched into Germanic territory and got his ass handed to him by Hermann the Cheruscan. He left the poor Nordic Augustus banging his head against the palace walls and shouting, “Varus, give me back my legions!” Yes, what a great hero he was for invading the sovereign territory of another Volk, losing several legions in a battle against scarcely armed and comparably ill-trained German tribesmen, and earning the eternal contempt of the greatest Roman Emperor who ever lived.

    Bomber Harris rained literally tons of phosphorous down on Dresden, inhabited by 1.2 peaceful residents and arguably the most beautiful city in Europe. He was a true war criminal and mass murderer.

    The fact that your heroes include the likes of Varus and Harris is quite telling, indeed. It’s not Ludendorff who thought that Europe should be literally destroyed, it’s you.

    I think it’s amusing that you challenged Ludendorff’s nobility (something I debunked quickly), rather than asserting your own. Go back to lapping up prole food in the sun. Hail the masses – ugly and dumb!

  39. Here’s where I differ from the WNs:

    1.) First, I am focused on the real world, not abstractions; I want the Southern states to secede or revolt to dissolve the Union. I believe that secession is the immediate goal. That’s why I preface every blog entry with some kind of location in order to stay nailed down in the real world.

    2.) Second, I believe national independence is the next step. Washington has to be on the other side of a national border.

    3.) Third, I like the idea of a “White ethnostate,” but I don’t consider it nearly as important as securing our independence through secession and the creation of an independent national government.

    I think of it as a long range goal or something that would have to be created over the course of many generations. The more pressing problem right now is getting out of the Union to prevent any more damage from being inflicted on us.

    4.) Within the context of a Southern nation-state, then and only then could a “White ethnostate” be created. We could start creating it by first securing the whitest counties in the South and placing them off limits to blacks. We could also start zoning blacks into certain areas in our larger cities.

    In much the same way as Israel was created, the White enclaves would expand and link up over time. The parts of the cities which are zoned as “Whites Only” would increase over time. The black population will diminish when we stop subsidizing it and create incentives for them to move elsewhere.

    We’re not going to expel millions of blacks and Hispanics over night. We can start building the White ethnostate, at least in certain locations, not long after independence. Eventually, the ideal would be drive them out altogether, but that is not going to happen overnight anywhere.

    In the interim, we can follow the Israeli model and confine them to certain areas while securing our borders and gaining the weapons that will make our position unassailable.

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