Blood and Soil: A Southern White Nationalist Perspective


Matthew Heimbach has a new essay on religion and other important issues:

“This past weekend I shared a hotel room with a member of the League, he was a National Socialist and a folk religionist. While his political and religious views were not mine and far from most within the League, I was intrigued. We discussed politics, religion, and a future for our people, and the funny thing was, we agreed on the most important points. At the end of the day, I want my children to go to white schools, I want to see the symbols of my folk flying in the breeze over the courthouse and post office, I want to be able to worship my God and my faith without fear of government tyrants or communist subversion, and most importantly, I want my race to survive.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Re: Mark

    If it could be done that soon and that easily, I would naturally be all for it, but I think that scenario is far too optimistic. Instead, I think we will be constrained for a long time (like Israel has been with the Palestinians) by the attitude of the rest of the Western world, and at the outset we will be limited to doing things like gutting the welfare state.

  2. If you go for 100% like the hothead WN would do, you are sure to be destroyed by the rest of the world. If you take 90% and give them 10%, they will accept it grudgingly. I saw Netanyahu tell this to a settler, when he thought the cameras were off. He said this advice was given to him by a family Rabbi.

  3. Roger Chickering disagrees with wikipedia, some noble blood doesn’t make someone a noble, Ludendorff was raised solidly middle class and the Prussian nobility was never anything to brag about compared to other European countries anyway. German Europeanness has always run as deep as their southern neighbor’s warchest. The German is at his best romanized and killing baltic heathens with Polish coreligionists, not taking marching orders from the pug-nosed roundheaded gutturals.

    The Church is Europe and Ludendorff despised it, like Bernhardi (a real noble) he wanted to bring Europe under a Prussian jackboot, I consider that both literal and spiritual destruction.

    I’m not interested in exchanging personal barbs with a new-age Houston Chamberlain. I take your insults as welcome endorsement since I join the world, including most pro-South folks in being repulsed by National Socialist history and the modern cargo-cult.

  4. “gutting the welfare state.”

    Welfare state initially for the lower income as a safety net. included the aa into the mix in 1965 with negative impact.

  5. Note to the gallery:

    “No-Man” was unable to provide a source for his alleged quote by Ludendorff. This is because it was never said by Ludendorff.

    “No-Man” asserted that Ludendorff was not Prussian nobility. When I corrected him on the facts of the matter, “No-Man” suggested that simply because Ludendorff was born to a noble mother doesn’t make him nobility (a patently absurd statement), and then took a parting shot at the Prussian nobility as a whole.

    “No-Man” has laid bare his true colours by expressing his vitriolic hatred of Germany and its people. He is also trying to troll me into making derogatory remarks about non-German(ic) Europeans, but I will not allow him to utilise this divide and conquer tactic.

    Thank you for your attention, ladies and gentlemen. It was amusing watching this fool slither, squirm, and finally run for cover when exposed to the light of Truth.

  6. Do you do parties, Robert? I think you should come in an SS uniform and double-Hitlergruss, a human coat-rack to match my jubilee jew skin lampshades.

  7. “No-Man” has laid bare his true colours by expressing his vitriolic hatred of Germany and its people.

    Here is No-man’s idealized Europe:

    You’ll notice that Polish Berlin is now Berolinsk, Danish Hamburg is now Hamborg, Dutch Hannover is now Hanoover, French Karlsruhe is now Charlesrepos, and Czech Nuremberg is now Nuremhora.

    Not only has Germany been wiped off the map, but the German language and culture as well. Austria is all Italian now (Salzburg is Salcastello, etc.) and Switzerland is all French (Zurich is Turicum). D-A-CH is defunct. Surely a Germanophobe’s wetdream. Your welcome, No-man.

    Of course if it was up to me it would be the other way around. Europe would be renamed Großdeutschland, ruled from mighty Germania (formerly Berlin) and the provincial cities would be properly Germanized and renamed Londonstadt, Parisburg, Athensdorf, Warsawheim, etc.

    The EU flag would be replaced with the Schwarz-Rot-Gold (no swastikas please), the EU anthem with Deutschland über alles, and the twin Euro-dorks Barroso and Van Rompuy with Angela the Austere, She-Kaiser of the Germans and all lesser Europeans without the law. 😉

  8. The EU flag would be replaced with the Schwarz-Rot-Gold (no swastikas please)

    Swastika symbol of the milkywave; renewal of life.

  9. Yes, what a great hero he was for invading the sovereign territory of another Volk

    You feel the same way about Varus as the kikes do you myopic teutophile.

    vitriolic hatred of Germany and its people

    More like I support the people against their northern cultural inferiors just like I do in the USA. Your roundheaded hero Bismarck kept cherished photos of U.S. Grant in his quarters. The way that you graft mystic racial bullshit onto a thoroughly liberal anti-European project such as German federalism is disgusting. The entire concept of Germanness is being not “Roman” ie European, this was clearly expressed by Fichte’s opposition to “half romans”. There was no word in German for Europe, no concept even. It’s a shame that Hitler stole the organizing principles of the anti-German Austro-Catholic party and used it against them.


    Despite your narrow obsession with what you mistakenly believe to be traditionalism you demonstrate a repeated concern for the punters and even the “ladies” reading this exchange. Ladies don’t read sites like this, women are ‘racially aware’ only when their men have failed to insulate them from the colored underclass – it can then be assumed they are of low social value, this is confirmed by the flattery and insults that drip from their dry lips.

  10. The Kaiserreich may have outdone the Yankees with the shameful anti-White “Indian Independence” committee. Divide and conquer? Try having a discussion about the reality of your lousy politics instead of putting on a show for people. You can’t because you don’t want to offend women, other nationalities or your “slavic brethren.” You claim to be old school NS… “slavic brethren.”

  11. Second, I believe national independence is the next step. Washington has to be on the other side of a national border.

    Unless you’re speaking figuratively, I disagree. I am not willing to give up Maryland, our second oldest state and, along with Delaware, our traditional northern frontier. Also consider how much extra distance Maryland adds from the US border to Richmond.

    In much the same way as Israel was created, the White enclaves would expand and link up over time.

    I understand the analogy, but wouldn’t using the Afrikaner homeland policy be a better idea? Some of us have a knee-jerk disgust at the thought of modelling our policies after the Jews.

    Also, what about the removal of the Yankees? Is that something you’re on board with?

  12. Re: Long Live Dixie

    1.) I prefer to use Israel as a model because it is the most successful example of how an ethnostate can be created even in an overwhelmingly non-White area like Palestine which is sacred to millions of hostile Muslims.

    2.) I like to rub the Jews faces in their own hypocrisy.

    3.) It would be ideal to retake Maryland, but we got to start somewhere.

    4.) The problem will take care of itself when the South is no longer a colony for economic migrants.

    5.) Instead of fantasizing like WNs about what we would do if we had the power, I would prefer to focus on building an actual power base in the real world by encouraging people to join the Council and League for we can take the first steps in that direction.

  13. “Lew: One-third of the entire world Jewish population was murdered during World War II, and you are blaming them? ”

    EC- Is that why census numbers of jews PRIOR to WWII and census numbers of jews AFTER WWII, actually INCREASED?

    The Hollow-hoax is just one more tool to keep Whites from seeing the Jew as the imposter he really is.

  14. The problem will take care of itself when the South is no longer a colony for economic migrants.

    There are too many of them here for the problem to solve itself. You live in Alabama, so you probably don’t experience it like our people in the Upper South do. The Yankee colonisation problem is severe. Aside from our lack of independence, I can think of nothing that needs a more urgent solution.

    Instead of fantasizing like WNs about what we would do if we had the power . . .

    There is a place for talking about what kind of country we would like to have. It helps us to establish goals and keeps people motivated.

    . . . encouraging people to join the Council . . .

    Does the CCC endorse Southron nationalism?

    . . . and League . . ..

    Why should I be a member of the League?

    I’m genuinely asking and would appreciate input from other League members, as well.

  15. If we didn’t have The Holocaust we’d have to invent it. It’s the bit in Germany’s mouth. So long as that bastard state exists we need The Holocaust.

    That even a small number of American white people perceive The Holocaust mythos as a threat is quite strange. The outcome of WWII no doubt propelled many of your families into the middle class. Those camps were liberated by boys that went home to velveeta and Jim Crow.

  16. Re: Long Live Dixie

    1.) These nomadic economic migrants are not going to stick around in an independent South when it is a nation and no longer a marketplace.

    2.) I’m sick of listening to people arguing about the nuances of their fantasy world on the internet. We can’t get anywhere near being in a position to secede much less create an “ethnostate” until we first build up an organized resistance in the real world.

    3.) There is a great deal of overlap between the two organizations. There is nothing stopping anyone from creating a dynamic secessionist group within the Council which is more focused on racial issues.

    4.) I answered that question in a previous thread: until there is an organized resistance in the real world, nothing will ever change, and the League and Council are established organizations and we can work within these groups to advance our goals.

  17. “No-man- Bomber Harris, do it again”

    Why is this disgusting genocidal hatred of Germans allowed on this site, Hunter? This poster No-man is so disgusting, so foul. He is just stinking up the comment section. He talks exactly like a hateful, anti-German Jew. So is this poster a Jew, or some sort of anti-German southern European catholic? He rejoices in the mass murder of innocent German men, women, and children. Isn’t that enough, Hunter? When is it enough?

  18. I’m sick of listening to people arguing about the nuances of their fantasy world on the internet.

    I didn’t think I was getting any more nuanced in what you call my “fantasy world” than you were in this thread. But, if you think so, then I’ll stop posting here at your request.

    We can’t get anywhere near being in a position to secede much less create an “ethnostate” until we first build up an organized resistance in the real world.

    I was hoping you would tell me what you mean by an ethnostate vs. a nation state.

  19. Re: economic migrants – sooner or later it’s going to BE about Race.

    Meaning that we should welcome our millions of uninvited colonists and unite with them on racial grounds (because of the racial situation that they and their fellows have created)?

  20. “Shut-up and die Grandpa, you fought for the Jews!”

    That is good slogan for white nationalism and allied ideologies, the only “right wing” movement in history that is ashamed of its country’s military victories. Come on guys, YouTube comments don’t write themselves, get to work!

  21. Re: Long Live Dixie

    1.) No, I understand that a White ethnostate is a fantasy. I think it is a great idea, but like secession, it is also a fantasy. In order to achieve either of these goals, we will need a strong and vibrant resistance in the real world.

    What is power? It is lots of bodies. It is compelling ideas. It is discipline. It is money. It is organization. It is weapons. If we are to achieve any of our goals, we simply need more of these things, and sooner rather than later.

    Do you agree that our ability to achieve any of our goals is directly relative to the amount of power we have and that in turn is relative to the amount of the above items at our disposal?

    2.) If the South seceded tomorrow and organized a national government, it would be a multiracial nation-state. Within the context of that nation-state, we could create an embryonic ethnostate which – like Israel – could expand over time until it encompasses the whole of our national territory.

  22. What is power? It is lots of bodies. It is compelling ideas. It is discipline. It is money. It is organization. It is weapons. If we are to achieve any of our goals, we simply need more of these things, and sooner rather than later.

    Do you agree that our ability to achieve any of our goals is directly relative to the amount of power we have and that in turn is relative to the amount of the above items at our disposal?

    Yes, definitely. I suppose that the League is the best thing we have going in terms of our vehicle to power. I’m still a bit turned-off by the League’s North Carolina’s chairman, the New Yorker whom I have mentioned here a few times. But, I’m also inspired by the increasing radicalisation of League members that I have been noticing lately.

    • Re: Long Live Dixie

      The League and Council are what its members make of both organizations. When the Rainbows were more numerous and vocal in the 1990s and early 2000s, the League tilted toward their point of view.

      When the Rainbows began to leave after 9/11 to “Take Back America,” more racialists began to join and the organization is now officially a Southern White Nationalist organization.

      As for the North Carolina chairman, I don’t know much about him. I do know that the Rainbows are dwindling and everyone who joins the League who agrees with our point of view will accelerate their departure.

  23. LLD – yes. Race. Sooner or later – and it’s going to be sooner than you can imagine – it’s going to BE about Race. For every-one.

  24. LLD – yes. Race. Sooner or later – and it’s going to be sooner than you can imagine – it’s going to BE about Race. For every-one.

    I do not accept the idea that Yankees can dismantle our racial customs and laws, throw our borders wide open, colonise our land with their own surplus population, and then tell us that since the racial situation is a mess we should unite with them. I have no use for Negroes, Mexicans, or Yankees. And I am under no illusions as to how much more minor the Negro and Mexican problems would be if not for the Yankee problem.

    Every single area of Dixie that is mass-colonised by the Yankees has lurched to the left.

  25. “we need The Holocaust (…) Those camps were liberated by boys that went home to velveeta”

    Holohoax apologetics, German bashing, “logos” gibberish, endless global war boosting, clever word smithery ad nauseum.

  26. Consider that northern whites who transplant themselves into the air-conditioned South are mostly rich, urban/suburban, rootless cosmopolitans, not representative of the settled, rural, poor northern white population.

  27. Hunter, you seem to be overlooking the most important, potentially influential organisation or institution of all. Have you considered conversion, seminary, and a pastoral and preaching career?

  28. Consider that northern whites who transplant themselves into the air-conditioned South are mostly rich, urban/suburban, rootless cosmopolitans, not representative of the settled, rural, poor northern white population.

    Not true in North Carolina. There are a lot of blue collar Yankees here.

  29. Well, LLD, your northern “blue collars” obviously aren’t settled, or rooted — and they apparently have all the money needed to transplant themselves and cause liberal trouble in another state. Northern transplants to North Carolina that I know are truly rich, and so immediately rose to the top of the social order in their new southern hometowns. Pennsylvania climate in winter was “too severe” and North Carolina much more fashionable.

  30. No-Man is definitely one of the most revolting characters to ever troll pro-White comment threads.

    While I understand Craig’s impulse to simply clean house with regard to a Volksschädling such as No-Man, I think it’s instructive for those who read the entire thread to see that he is an ignorant, uncultured, petty little man, whom I proved to be a both a liar and a fool within the span of a couple of posts.

    Craig noted that this creature’s contempt for Germany is downright Jewish in magnitude but speculated that he could also be an “anti-German southern European Catholic.” I think he may be the former, pretending to be the latter. In either case, this would put him firmly outside the sphere of Southern Nationalists committed to an Anglo-Celtic republic, or any other group of white racialists.

    Does anyone here claim to know this “No-Man” in real life? Has anyone seen him? Before he fires back the same question: I am a known entity. I have met Hunter Wallace and he’s a friend of mine. I can say that of many of the people posting here, but who are you? At best, you’re some swarthy, anonymous little dinaricized Mediterranean whose pathological fear of Northmen drives you to invoke the prayer of your ancestors: “A furore Normannorum libera nos, Domine”

  31. Re: Craig

    Nannying the OD comments is a full time job. I’ve tried for years to do it myself but never have the time or the inclination to read every comment, control every comment thread, or clean up the grammar and spelling errors.

    I’ve considered bringing back the Donate feature and raising money to pay someone to do it like Amren.

  32. As for No-Man, I am pretty sure he is from New York or New Jersey. Iceman is from Pennsylvania. He claims to be Jewish because he has Eastern European ancestry, but it is on the same level as Southerners who claim to have a Choctaw or Cherokee ancestor.

  33. “Southerners who claim to have a Choctaw or Cherokee ancestor”

    Quite a few Southern whites do have some Choctaw or Cherokee ancestry. The initial settlers of the South were overwhelmingly male (Jamestown, for example, was virtually all-male). These settlers were primarily concerned about acquiring wealth (or, in the case of indentured servants, paying off debts), and not particularly about race or religion. A situation somewhat similar to Latin America was the result, with many white men marrying Native American women.

    • In the initial stages of colonization, yes. But no, the South is not “a situation somewhat similar to Latin America,” as the number of Indians located in Central America and the Andes dwarfed those who were present in the Eastern seaboard.

  34. “The easiest place to start would be to dissolve all the manifestations of BRA – the welfare state”

    Dissolving the welfare state would hurt poor whites. The plurality of Food Stamp recipients are now white.

    • Dissolving the welfare state would have a “disparate impact” on blacks who are more reliant on their EBT cards than Whites. We’re only concerned with the South, not the rest of the USA, and that single reform alone would precipitate a mass exodus from places like the Mississippi Delta and the Alabama Black Belt.

  35. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 26, 2013 at 5:06 am

    “I’ve considered bringing back the Donate feature and raising money to pay someone to do it like Amren.”

    I hope it will won’t be like AmRen. Censorious websites are intellectual dead zones. They are just plain dull.

  36. Of course dissolving the welfare state would affect blacks more than whites on average. However, a significant number of whites will be affected, and in the Upland South more whites than blacks would be affected in absolute numbers. This would be somewhat similar to the literacy tests for voting after Reconstruction, which had a disparate impact on blacks but also disenfranchised a large number of whites.

  37. If you go for 100% like the hothead WN would do, you are sure to be destroyed by the rest of the world. If you take 90% and give them 10%, they will accept it grudgingly.

    I agree, but I think by the time all is said and done they may have to content themselves with some 50% of southern territory being racially exclusive, and maybe a further 10% under their control but not racially exclusive – and that I consider a best case scenario. Of course, a great deal depends on what occurs elsewhere in the world. Hunter is convinced racial attitudes there are set in stone, but there’s no good reason to assume that.

    Hunter, the position you’ve now adopted – or at least the language you’re now using – is not much different to what you once derided as my “moderate schtick.”

  38. At best, you’re some swarthy, anonymous little dinaricized Mediterranean whose pathological fear of Northmen drives you to invoke the prayer of your ancestors: “A furore Normannorum libera nos, Domine”

    “Pathological fear,” he says. Robert, you’re totally out of touch with reality. What a deadweight around your race’s neck you are, you hate-ridden fool.

  39. Re: E C

    In Kentucky and West Virginia, yes.

    Kentucky and West Virginia are two of the whitest states in America. Naturally, there are more Whites than blacks who are dependent on the welfare state in Appalachia, but not in the South as a whole.

    63% of EBT card users in Mississippi are African-Americans:

    83.6% of TANF welfare users, 60% of WIC users, 67% of non-elderly Medicaid users in Mississippi are African-Americans:

    In Mississippi, 42% of African-Americans and 15% of Whites in Mississippi are poor. There are more non-taxpayers in Mississippi than in any other state in America. Black non-taxpayers disproportionately benefit from the welfare state.

    Ending the welfare state would create a push-pull effect similar to how blacks have been moving from Chicago to Des Moines, Minneapolis, and Milwaukee in such a higher welfare benefits.

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