Blood and Soil: A Southern White Nationalist Perspective


Matthew Heimbach has a new essay on religion and other important issues:

“This past weekend I shared a hotel room with a member of the League, he was a National Socialist and a folk religionist. While his political and religious views were not mine and far from most within the League, I was intrigued. We discussed politics, religion, and a future for our people, and the funny thing was, we agreed on the most important points. At the end of the day, I want my children to go to white schools, I want to see the symbols of my folk flying in the breeze over the courthouse and post office, I want to be able to worship my God and my faith without fear of government tyrants or communist subversion, and most importantly, I want my race to survive.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Silver says:
    June 26, 2013 at 6:55 am
    “I agree, but I think by the time all is said and done they may have to content themselves with some 50% of southern territory being racially exclusive, and maybe a further 10% under their control but not racially exclusive – “

    I mean do it exactly like the Israelis. Take 90% and allow 10% in each negotiation, is what Netanyahu said. It is just a matter of time and patience.

  2. I don’t think this will happen in the short term, it could be 50 to 100 years or longer. I can’t see America outside the South existing as we know it by then. Most likely it will be a third world conflict zone, of different competing ethnicities.

  3. Granger, it’s one thing to desire it, it’s another thing to face up to the realities on the ground. You know, there are some hardnut zinonists who claim all of Jordan as legitimate Isreali lebensraum but they too must face facts.

    I too was thinking in terms of a time-frame 100-200 years ahead. You are assuming time must necessarily work in your favor, but that assumption is unfounded. Time could work for or against you. Right now, it’s decidedly against you. It has in the past been working in zionists’ favor, but in future it seems time will be decidedly against them (a possibility which a few of them are now reluctantly beginning to come to terms with).

    In terms of the distant future, whether “America” exists or not is rather beside the point. The racial attitudes that feature, regardless of what the state (or states) calls itself or its exact political form, will determination the kind of relationship a future south will have with the rest of the world.

  4. “I can’t see America outside the South existing as we know it by then. Most likely it will be a third world conflict zone, of different competing ethnicities.”

    The same was said in the midst of the Irish immigration wave of the 1840s and 1850s, and during the Southern & Eastern European wave of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. If there is one lesson to be learned, it’s this: never understimate America’s capacity to assimilate immigrants.

  5. Silver says:
    June 26, 2013 at 8:47 am
    “Granger, it’s one thing to desire it, it’s another thing to face up to the realities on the ground. You know, there are some hardnut zinonists who claim all of Jordan as legitimate Isreali lebensraum but they too must face facts. “

    They will say publicly they are facing facts, profess love for the brotherhood of man and keep shaving slices like they always do. They will do it, because it works.

    The only threat I see to the White man, is other White men. The kind of White men that landed on Plymouth Rock. Fanatics that were kicked out of every country in Europe, for disturbing the peace. In America they persecuted those that didn’t think like them and now they invade other countries, to force their way on everyone else.

    They won’t last, because their house is divided. They will go the way of the Soviet Union.

  6. “Pathological fear,” he says. Robert, you’re totally out of touch with reality. What a deadweight around your race’s neck you are, you hate-ridden fool.

    Criticizing musket ball headed prots from the land Max Weber called a “nation of plebes” does well to tear the scab off the sore. Anyone that isn’t the slightest bit relieved we live in a world where a guy like that is doomed to the back alleys of the internet, fighting for every inch, within an inch of his life, is not civilized.

  7. He is also trying to troll me into making derogatory remarks about non-German(ic) Europeans, but I will not allow him to utilise this divide and conquer tactic.

    King of the North!

  8. E C says:
    June 26, 2013 at 9:08 am
    “never understimate America’s capacity to assimilate immigrants.”

    They butchered half a million White men to force it and it will never be forgiven or forgotten.

    I do not underestimate your kind.

  9. “They butchered half a million White men to force it”

    When did this happen?

    Are you talking about the Civil War? If so, what does that have to do with immigration? The nativist movement was overwhelmingly centered in the North. The South had very few immigrants anyway.

  10. You said America was the great “assimilator”.

    So what do you think those “Americans” were doing killing Southerners and burning all their cities to the ground?

  11. you’re some swarthy, anonymous little dinaricized Mediterranean whose pathological fear of Northmen drives you to invoke the prayer of your ancestors: “A furore Normannorum libera nos, Domine”

    I don’t think there is any credible evidence they actually said this. It’s apocryphal (attributed to them).

  12. Perhaps the most evil sentiment ever to disgrace the Occidental Dissent blog:


    The proudly consistent German- and Protestant-hater reminds me of Nobel prize winner Wiesel’s infamous advice: “Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate – healthy, virile hate – for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German.” Hertzl Frankl and other rabbis have stated or agree “Germans are genetically vicious” and the evil meme “There are no good Germans” is well known and appears in at least one Israeli newspaper. If only Bomber Harris had been able to drop hydrogen bombs instead of phosphorous, or better yet, if the Romans had exterminated them all in the first century….

  13. It is appropriate that the outing occurred on a thread titled “Blood and Soil….” Blut and Boden is not a concept that the urban, rootless cosmopolitan can really grasp. That true Germans come from the countryside, belonging to their heimat, das gelobte land, is impossible for people who belong to the world to understand.


    Actually I get a kick out of reading this troll’s Internet badassness. Considering that most likely he is the same pussy that admitted to shitting himself in terror when a nigger approached him for some money and “A Hindu saved my life” by driving him off in his taxi, its a real laugh to read his crap.

  15. As for the North Carolina chairman, I don’t know much about him.

    Bernhard has called Lincoln a “white supremacist”, has claimed that the Confederate Army was integrated, and has blamed Jim Crow on New Englanders. Below is one of his writings. The section “The War Between the States and Confederate Black Troops” is the most noteworthy.

    Note the biographical information:

    “Bernhard Thuersam is the Executive Director of the Cape Fear Historical Institute in Wilmington. A native of Niagara Falls, New York, he has been a devoted student of world history since 1958. He is a former Chairman of the Cape Fear Museum Board of Trustees.”

    His racial attitudes aside, a New Yorker should never be placed in a position of leadership over our people, and especially within a nationalist organisation.

    Like I said in the other thread, I’m thinking about giving the League another chance. But, I nearly quit soon after joining last year because of Bernhard. Until I came to OD, my assumption was that nothing at all had changed since first encountering the League in the ’90s. Maybe Bernhard is just a remnant of the early days of the League, as of yet unpurged.

  16. Robert Campbell,

    If No-man was a European-American, it’s comments about Germany would be much more nuanced. No-man has that vicious hatred that is seen with so many Jewish posters that I’ve noticed after many years of reading jewish commentators. European-American posters tend to engage in a good faith debate, making concessions when proven wrong. No-man, like many internet jewish commentators, concede nothing, but just push their extreme hatred along with mocking their opponents.

    What kind of European-American would show up to a explicitly European-American site to cheer the mass murder of innocent German men, women, and children?

  17. No-Man has some legitimate points when he’s not in his “let’s troll and ridicule the WNists” mode. His hatred of Germans comes across as pathological, and I suspect warps his thinking skills.


    Tamer is that you? If so, maybe you should go back to using your old name. Nobody gives a shit that you switched names.

  18. I agree with Lew’s assessment of Tamer (yes Lew, No Man is indeed Tamer of Savages, lol). He writes some great stuff on occasion, and he has provided many a laugh, but he crossed the line with what he said about the horrific bombing of Dresden and frankly, he ought to be ashamed.

    Carolyn Yeager did a great series on the bombing of Dresden last year where she would read passages from a book called ” The Fire” by Jörg Friedrich for a few minutes at the start of her ‘Heretics Hour’ shows. Chechar later did some compelling pieces using ‘Hellstorm’ by Thomas Goodrich as his focus; both are worth hearing/ looking at.

  19. Anyone that isn’t the slightest bit relieved we live in a world where a guy like that is doomed to the back alleys of the internet, fighting for every inch, within an inch of his life, is not civilized.

    On the presumption that you’re referring to Robert Campbell (“a guy like that”) rather than me, let me add this: yes, he’s a hate-ridden fool… but he’s a love-smitten fool too.

    In fact, when it comes to race we may well call it a rule that behind every great hater there is a great lover, and though I hate the sonvabitch (or it just that he hates me?) I’m willing to grant he’s a great lover.

    I’ll share a little secret with him, though I doubt he’d believe it. Watching the 2004 movie DER UNTERGANG was a painful experience for me. There was a scene towards the end in which Goebbels’ wife poisoned her children that left me saddened and contemplative. I already knew the story, so it wasn’t a case of surprise. But seeing it on screen, with the backdrop of the surrounding war, tumult and looming disaster, touched something inside me – perhaps the same something Magda Goebbels herself felt in those moments of despair.

    Magda didn’t want her children to grow up in a world without national-socialism. For her there was no meaning, no value, no enchantment in it. For her NS was the gift, the hope, the dream. And when the dream died she and all she loved had to die with it. Her dream was my nightmare, but it was a grand dream and, perhaps because I have grand dreams of my own, seeing the grand dream of another lying in ruins evoked intense nostalgia in me.

    I suppose it’s strange – certainly it’s dangerous – that I should sympathize so with sworn enemies. Yet if there is one lesson I can say without hesitation I’ve learned from my time debating race it’s that truths and lies are equal in their power to injure, but they are not equal in their power to heal. It is for that reason truths must be told.

  20. Jagdflieger says:

    June 26, 2013 at 1:16 pm


    Actually I get a kick out of reading this troll’s Internet badassness. Considering that most likely he is the same pussy that admitted to shitting himself in terror when a nigger approached him for some money and “A Hindu saved my life” by driving him off in his taxi, its a real laugh to read his crap.”

    Indeed! He also fantasizes about sex with a relative…

  21. Re: Long Live Dixie

    If we control the direction of the national organization, it doesn’t really matter what a state chapter leader believes. If you live in North Carolina, you should get together with Harold and Scott.

  22. “Magda didn’t want her children to grow up in a world without national-socialism. For her there was no meaning, no value, no enchantment in it. For her NS was the gift, the hope, the dream.”

    Um, no. That is not why she did it. Magda was nowhere near that devoted to NS. She did not think in those terms. She killed herself and them because she knew what was going to happen to them if the Allies got their hands on them.

  23. Silver,

    Thank you for sharing that anecdote.

    My wife was reduced to tears by ‘Der Untergang’ and I was left with a profound sense of despair, perhaps even rising to Level-5 (to reference the paradigm you created on your old blog) and a feeling of utter emptiness.If the Iron Dream is dead, and no amount of Will can bring it back, why live? Instead, I am trapped in a nightmare even in my waking hours:

    When I was a very young man (13), I first read Mein Kampf, and by 15 I had devoured Rosenberg’s Mythus des 20 Jahrhunderts, Ich Kämpfe, Whisker’s rendering of Deutschland Erwache, the entire 4 volume (there are 5 available now) series of Hammer’s “SS Ideology,” and gave my heart fully to this beautiful world-view, which I know to be extremely life-affirming in its best aspects and no “guiltier” of war atrocities than any other modern world power in its “worst” aspects. By the time I was 17, I realized that there was absolutely no chance of reviving National Socialism. History doesn’t work in reaction, and everything about my beloved NSDAP was a product of a unique historical experience with which America has no parallel. I have tried to “repackage” it, or ally with those who were similarly inclined on numerous occasions, but nothing amounted of it, and it was not for lack of trying.

    Recently, I turned 31. I’m beginning to feel ancient; in some ways, my days as a fiery young activist for the National Alliance feel like a previous life. Nevertheless, I cannot, and will not, simply avert my gaze from the truths I discovered and experienced throughout the course of my extensive National Socialist and Radical Traditionalist “re-education” in order to bury my head in the sand. I couldn’t do this even if I wanted to, as it’s simply not in my nature. Therefore, I affirm my commitment to Aletheia, and endeavour to reach its altar despite my admitted handicaps. What else can I do?

    Best Regards,

  24. “So what do you think those “Americans” were doing killing Southerners and burning all their cities to the ground?”

    They were suppressing a rebellion, not assimilating immigrants, if that’s what you were asking…

  25. Brutus:

    Magda Göbbels was an extremely committed and enthusiastic National Socialist; in fact, one could argue that she was an even more ardent supporter of the Avatar than her esteemed husband by the time of the Götterdammerung, based on what we know from those in the bunker with her at the end, the diaries of her husband, and generally the way in which she lived her entire post-1933 life: as the ideal National Socialist woman. The way in which she handled the scandalous affair with Slavic women to which her husband was unfortunately prone is a good example of this. Instead of divorcing him and breaking up the family, she appealed to her beloved Führer to intervene, which he did, forcing Göbbels to honour the dignity of his loyal and beautiful wife.

    The fact that atrocities would be visited upon her children was certainly something that partially motivated her actions (the brutality of the potential occupation was something that loomed large in her husband’s propaganda, and rightly so), but she was primarily compelled by her idealism, Romanticism, and commitment to the National Socialist Weltanschauung. A Germany without National Socialism is not Germany, she suspected, and she was right.

    Heil Hitler! Heil Maga Göbbels!

  26. E C says:
    “They were suppressing a rebellion, not assimilating immigrants, if that’s what you were asking…”

    They were responsible for half a million unnecessary deaths.

    You aren’t about Peace and Love at all, are you Mr “Anti-Racist”?

  27. “What else can I do?”

    – I used to ask myself that question, in relation to this existential war for which fate, in it’s cruel sense of humor, volunteered me. My answer, and my truth, is simply this — Fight until you don’t have any fight left.

  28. Robert,
    perhaps even rising to Level-5 (to reference the paradigm you created on your old blog) and a feeling of utter emptiness

    Ah yes, you were a reader. I’d almost forgotten about those days. That was a most amateurish effort and I’m glad I deleted it. Yet there are some things I said then that I’d still sign my name to today. One of those is the progression of realizations about race that take place in a man, and how various political movements or ideologies (at least in western countries) are characterized by a particular level of realization.

    In this schema NS is – and even in Hitler’s time was – an L5 movement. It is a revolt against despair but despair is still central to it. In the same vein Christianity could be thought a revolt against death. Christ died so that we might live, and through faith in his resurrection the Christian expects eternal life. But for that resurrection and the faith in it, there would be only death. And but for his revolt the Nazi would see only reason to despair.

    But recall there was another level, a deeper realization still. I think I called it something like ‘racial existentialism,’ but that term fails to fully convey the sense of genuine appreciation I believe is characteristic of this level. Before appreciation, however, comes acceptance.

    We must accept that the way things are is the way things are; what is, is. We needn’t like the way things are, we may well wish they were otherwise, but we must accept that, right now, such-and-such is the case. X or Y or Z just is, we say, and we allow that truth to permeate us. At no point are we required to like X or Y or Z. There’s no requirement that acceptance be a joyous process. Very often, however, we find we experience a great relief after accepting difficult truths. Our psychological defenses resist acceptance because they believe acceptance equals pain, and when acceptance proves painless great relief results; a weight is lifted from our shoulders and it’s not uncommon for it to be accompanied by a smile.

    The application to race is that despair gives way to dignity. A racial sense of self develops that is impermeable to insult or insecurity. Racial revulsion melts into compassion, thence to appreciation. The struggle for a racial order ceases then to be a struggle against others and becomes a struggle alongside others; it becomes a struggle to implement a good idea and one that all can participate in and benefit from.

    (Note: the claim isn’t that others will participate, only that they can. A door is opened that was previously locked shut; the task is to show as many through it as possible.)

  29. Mosin, I am well aware of the kind of deception jewess Pamela Geller gets up to, believe me, but her and Spencer’s being banned is still an event of note when we see the kinds of Islamic filth that is permitted both benefits and ‘free speech’ on British shores 😉

  30. If the Iron Dream is dead, and no amount of Will can bring it back, why live? Instead, I am trapped in a nightmare even in my waking hours:

    With your indulgence I’ll relate something of my past. I had the misfortune of being born bright but uncontrollably rebellious to parents honest and loving but also stupid and staid. I quickly learned that telling the truth about my activities won me no reprieve so I resorted to lies. My lies weren’t always believed, but since I was going to be in trouble anyway at least lying gave me a fighting chance. But why weren’t my lies always believed, I wondered. Could there be such a thing, I began to ask myself, as a perfect lie, that all believe and none who don’t can disprove? I hadn’t yet realized that the most effective lies were those people wanted to believe, not those I wanted to tell. Nor had I realized that the answer to my question was a resounding yes, that such a lie had been told, believed and consecrated years before my time; indeed, that many such lies had and, in line with the principle enunciated in the previous sentence, they lurked where I least expected.

    So I know something of the emptiness, the bitterness, and the bleakness that can come over a man when he is struck by such realizations. I don’t think much of nationalist/racialist music, but one song I heard many years ago is evocative of this bleak mood, Reminding oneself is good for the soul, but it’s best not to dwell there too long.

    Therefore, I affirm my commitment to Aletheia, and endeavour to reach its altar despite my admitted handicaps. What else can I do?

    Indulge me some more.

    You have heard tell of an emerald castle, a magical place where all one’s desires can be fulfilled. One day you come upon a map detailing the castle’s location. You begin to follow it and sure enough you soon make out a distant glimmer on the horizon. You are sure the path is perilous but, steeling yourself, you commence the arduous trek. Day and night you trek but the castle scarce appears any closer. Undaunted you resolve to continue. You endure all manner of hardship on your journey until at long last the castle comes into full view. Inspired now, tiredness leaves your body and you push on towards the entrance. And then suddenly you’re forced to stop dead in your tracks: there is a ledge dividing you from the castle. You peer down but there is no bottom in view. The ledge is too wide to leap and you have nothing to bridge it with. In desperation you follow the ledge around the castle but the ledge makes a full circle. What manner of trickery is this you scream at the heavens, but your predicament is unchanged. What to do? You’ve come too far to turn back, and though you’re ever so close you are ever as far with no known way to complete the voyage. There you lie down, amid soft sobs of anguish, ready to die, a broken man. Then you sit up: in the distance is the whir of a helicopter. The very tool you needed in the first place! Saved. Or are you? The pilot leans out to get a look at you and notices you’re Robert Campbell. Does he extend a hand of friendship?

  31. “Magda Göbbels was an extremely committed and enthusiastic National Socialist; in fact, one could argue that she was an even more ardent supporter of the Avatar than her esteemed husband by the time of the Götterdammerung, based on what we know from those in the bunker with her at the end, the diaries of her husband, and generally the way in which she lived her entire post-1933 life: as the ideal National Socialist woman.”

    This description is not consistent with the various histories and biographies of the people and era in question. Your authoritative assertion made me question my memory of my readings and studies, made me doubt my recollections and impressions. You could have been right and my memory faded. But I was fairly certain of my recollection. I decided to write to David Irving about the matter. The following is my message and his response:

    “Hello, Mr. Irving.

    I read your biography of Dr Goebbels a few years ago. I wanted to clarify something in mind, or rather perhaps refresh my memory that may well be faulty. I recently read the following comment and my first reaction was that it was in error, that the commenter was mistaken or possibly misinformed. But maybe it is my memory. He wrote:

    “Magda Göbbels was an extremely committed and enthusiastic National Socialist; in fact, one could argue that she was an even more ardent supporter of the Avatar than her esteemed husband by the time of the Götterdammerung, based on what we know from those in the bunker with her at the end, the diaries of her husband, and generally the way in which she lived her entire post-1933 life: as the ideal National Socialist woman.”

    Would you describe those descriptions as accurate? I thought I remember from Mastermind, the impression, that Magda was not really that devoted to NS or ideology. My impression was she was just a woman–you know what I mean. That it was not so much devotion to the NS ideology.

    I would appreciate any comments you may have regarding this.


    Yes, she enjoyed being an attachment but was not attached to the NSDAP. I have the same impression of Marga Himmler.

    David Irving
    now writing in Key West, USA

  32. Brutus,

    I am a fan of Irving’s work and have also read the book on Göbbels, and I came away with an entirely different impression from the same body of facts. Have you read ‘First Lady of the Reich’ by Hans-Otto Meissner? It is not nearly as venomous Anja Klabunde’s work on Magda, and I recommend giving it a look if you haven’t already.

    If you took my comments and replaced “National Socialism” with “Adolf Hitler,” I think David Irving would probably agree with my remarks, which is why I focused on her devotion to the Great One, family life, etc. These are the domains of woman.

    It’s arguable whether women are truly capable of affirming principles of their own accord. According to the metaphysical principles of Traditionalism, the Absolute Man is the unmoved mover whereas the Absolute Woman represents the “active matrix of every conditioned form of existence;” she only finds an end to her restlessness in the stability of her husband: by fulfilling the Demeterian and Aphrodistic functions with the sort of ‘comportment’ about which Dominique Venner so frequently wrote. Magda personified that, in my opinion.

    I don’t claim that Magda was somehow above metaphysical reality, but I do recognize her tireless devotion to the Führer; the fact that she could have fled the bunker yet did not, and that she and all her children died nobly when it was no longer possible for them to live proudly (FPY), speaks very well of her character, indeed. Meissner argues in his work that Magda’s preoccupation with Buddhism likely aided her in her decision to do what needed to be done during the Götterdammerung, and that statement may have merit, but I believe that when Adolf Hitler died, so did what was left of Magda Göbbels’ desire to live.


    “There are two types of women: the seductress, who wishes to continue to go on dancing outside so as to imagine herself alive and with a soul, enticing the warrior to desecrate him (Ecce deus fortior me, qui veniens dominabitur mihi!!); and she who places her eternity in the hands of her lover, “who dies so that he may live,” because she believes in him with faith and love, imagining that if he regains his eternity, he will make her immortal, too.” – Don Miguel Serrano

  33. Sorry, I don’t agree with your evaluation of Magda Goebbels. It’s not supported by history. The truth is the woman was not stable. This is not a statement about NS; it is only a statement about her.

    The matter of Magda Goebbels is of no particular importance. I just like greater accuracy. That is why I commented, and checked.

  34. Brutus,

    As I pointed out, “stability” and women do not often mix well together, and there are metaphysical reasons for that reality.

    It is easy to point to someone like, say, Hanna Reitsch, as a an example of a heroic National Socialist woman, as her heroism was of an active, masculine nature, easily assayed from an outside perspective.

    Magda’s heroism was of a different sort, which is much harder to quantify, especially in hindsight with 70 years of propaganda clouding the air.

    I spoke so authoritatively when giving my opinion of Magda because it is my sincerely and deeply held opinion. Irving’s opinion is just that: an opinion.

    I’m not ignorant about the facts of Magda’s life; I simply believe in the power of National Socialism/The Will of Adolf Hitler to redeem wayward members of the Folk. even if all of the worst rumours about Arlosoroff as painted by Klabunde and others be true.

    I suppose we shall just have to agree to differ on this matter.

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