District of Corruption
As I expected, the Supreme Court punted on Fisher v. University of Texas and sent the case back to the Fifth Circuit when it could have issued a broad ruling, which means that affirmative action will continue to exist in public universities just as Obamacare survived a similar challenge last summer.
Such bullshit. The “supremes” held this case over from last October because they needed more time to determine what equality meant. Now they wasted the entire first session of this year keeping it on the back burner until the last week (this week) to decide to kick it back to the lesser court. Of course they could’ve recommended an injunction against AA until the case is determined but nope, its business as usual because they fear being labelled racis’ for voting it unconstitutional. And it’s no coincidence that their maintaing the status quo will prolong the case another couple years while admissions departments keep discriminating against whites and asians.
There is now a “glass escalator theory” for why men make more money even in female dominated fields. These are the “hidden advantages” of men being in the minority.
Sotomayor freely acknowledges she was offered a free-ride at Princeton over her better ranked white peers. AA will not be rescinded by these robed perverts. The white identity should be abandoned because it is strictly punitive at this point.
I just lie now when I am applying for a job and I would advise all whites – particularly young whites applying for college – to suddenly “discover” some American Indian ancestry. Find out the tribe that supposedly lived near where you were born and say “family legend” has it that your great grandmammy was a squaw.
Hey – it worked for Elizabeth Warren.
I thought that Sotomayor jumped eight feet-
I just lie now when I am applying for a job and I would advise all whites – particularly young whites applying for college – to suddenly “discover” some American Indian ancestry. Find out the tribe that supposedly lived near where you were born and say “family legend” has it that your great grandmammy was a squaw.
That is dishonourable.