Amurrica Series: Washington, DC Churches Celebrate Demise of Christian Marriage

District of Corruption

This is worthy of the Amurrica Series:

“WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — The National Cathedral is pealing its church bells, along with some other Washington churches, to celebrate the Supreme Court’s decisions on gay marriage.

Cathedral spokesman Richard Weinberg said the bells rang at noon Wednesday for 45 minutes to an hour. Bells also rang at other Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Unitarian and other Christian churches.

The cathedral scheduled a prayer service for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender families on Wednesday at 7 p.m. to celebrate the ruling. …”

In Time magazine, we learn that the next step is to require Christian churches to perform gay marriages. That’s ridiculous, right?

“Marriage without a church or temple wedding isn’t the real thing. Why can some people have all the bells and whistles in the church of their choice but not me? Of course, there have been and will be congregations and churches that allow gay men and lesbians to be married in their midst and to bless those unions, recognizing that God loves them just as much as Governor Andrew Cuomo does. But some rich and influential religious institutions are not only free to continue to reject gay men and women as equal beneficiaries of all aspects of faith but will now also rally their congregants to reject politicians who are willing to abide with this extension of secular civil rights — no matter how much acceptance there is of same-sex marriage elsewhere, no matter how many wedding announcements appear in the New York Times …”

How’s that for an exclamation point on this failed experiment?

Have you seen enough of this failed and degenerate Union? Are you sick of wasting your time trying to “Take Back America”? Join the League of the South.

Update: If it were not already obvious from the thousands of other ways in which Christianity has been undermined, you can’t be an American and a Christian. You are going to have to choose at some point.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Christian churches” my ass! Hell yes I’m tired of this rotten corpse the south is bound to.

  2. The crueler they are the easier it is for us. Go Libtards you are gods now punish them with no mercy

  3. Secession is really just triage at this point. Do we want to stay part of a Socialist tax-gobbling Moloch of a police state that oppresses Christians?

  4. Folks, this was as predictable as a dog scratching fleas. But it doesn’t stop here, of course. The next step will be for some queer or carpet muncher couple, married in one State that is sodo-friendly, to move to another that is not and sue. Count on it. Probably before the end of the year.Of course, we all know how the perverts in robe will rule–EQUAL PROTECTION.

  5. Yes, the mexican invasion is the next big event. With legal amnesty the mexicans will be spread throughout the US.

  6. In a few decades, marriage will be merely sentimental, a part of gay culture. Children will be surprised to learn there was a time when men and women “got married.” Unions between men and women will be informal, like friendships, with nothing of the quality of contract. Their legal existence will be indirect, the product of a raft of laws that will govern property, care of spawn, inheritance, and so on. Today’s decision is to marriage what Brown v. Board of Education was to the public schools.

  7. John B.: Exactly…as long as Uncle Sugar can subsidize failure. Marriage evolved from nature through struggle. Observe that all civilization exists on a very thin rind of make believe below which is the abyss of nature. Nature always wins.

  8. The Methodist Church doesn’t perform homosexual marriages, and doesn’t ordain homosexual clergy! I doubt any bells rang there. As far as I know the Southern Baptists don’t either. Nor do all of the Presbyterians.

  9. Speaking of Yankees, you don’t get much more Yankee than the United Church of Christ, and the Unitarians who were once part of the United Church of Christ a/k/a Congregationalists. They are the original Puritan Yankees!

  10. All this ruling did was to formalize what already is long since water under the bridge. I’m surprised homosexual marriage is not already legal in every state. Queers are more overrepresented in most industries and everywhere else than are Jews. A few years ago I read that something like 70 percent of homosexuals are college educated. They are well organized, as everyone knows. This combination is highly conductive to gaining control of levers of power.

    It’s just another manifestation of the concepts I have discussed on this website.

  11. Okay N.C. Here it is . The Dems are trying to “energize the base” with their Moron MOndays at the State Legislature building in Raleigh. NOw that the gays have somewhat won they are going to start up in NC if you aren’t careful. So what do you do. 1st of all notice how all those demonstrating are a bunch of aging baby boomers and most of these folks are white. Start having someone check other arrest records other than the ones at the state house. That’s right these folks have been arrested before folks. Think about it why would a bunch of middle class white people be voting for rights for negroes?? One reason they are a bunch of pot heads. They are drug users and like to have sex with negroes too. If someone would be smart enough to start looking into some of their records which is public record you could find prior arrest records on some of them and start linking their “liberal ” activity to crime. That is the reality of where you are NC. Do something about the protestors or suffer the consequences. This is your time NC to restore order take it and deal with the realities of 2014 at the same time. Expose these folks for who they are .

  12. “In Time magazine, we learn that the next step is to require Christian churches to perform gay marriages.”

    Forcing churches to do anything is unconstitutional under the First Amendment. Churches can even refuse to perform interracial marriages if they want.

    • “Forcing churches to do anything is unconstitutional under the First Amendment. Churches can even refuse to perform interracial marriages if they want.”

      The Obama administration doesn’t have any respect for the Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, or the Tenth Amendment. When the Democrats are able to install a friendlier majority on the Supreme Court, the First Amendment will be destroyed as well.

  13. If churches were never legally forced to perform interracial marriages, they will never be forced to perform gay marriages.

  14. Hunter: Right you are! It will be under the cloak of hate speech. It is coming. With so much hate and discontent from the people the leftist tyrants have pushed for 60+ years the only logical leftist utopian solution will be to outlaw hate speech. Then likely hate thoughts.

  15. Isn’t it strange that every leftist will tell you that religion is a deeply personal issue that has no place in politics, but sexual practices need to paraded in the streets.

  16. Who gave that gang of misfits on the so called supreme court the right to define marriage? Does anyone believe that that group of slobs actually make a decision based on law? Hardly.

  17. Hunter? I can’t be American and Christian?

    Dude, I have no choice about being an American (at least as defined the old-fashioned — that is, correct — way, before the cultural marxists tried to define us out of existence: A White born in America of White parents). I can’t stop being an American any more than a Japanese can stop being a Japanese, even if he moves to Antarctica, or a Nigerian can stop being a Nigerian by moving to France, or a Frenchman can stop being a Frenchman by moving to China.
    C’mon, guy, we battle against the genocidalist liars who try to say Whites don’t exist; please don’t YOU start, too, by saying us Americans (again, defined the old-fashioned, correct way) have any ability to change what we are.

    What we have to start saying is : Stop being a “good” American, where “good” (scare quotes on purpose) is defined as loyalty to the U.S. gov’t. Or, perhaps better yet, stop being a loyal U.S. citizen and START being a good American (good as defined as loyal to our people — not the anti-White American gov’t).

    Sorry for jumping on you, but this is important. Us Americans belong in America BECAUSE we are the indigenous. Americans (defined as White born in America of White parents, i.e., the correct definition) is a new ethnicity forged in North America, and I can’t stand being told I, and my people, don’t exist or could change what we are somehow, hocus-pocus, if we just *decided* to. We Americans born in America have just as much right to our land as the Sioux Indians and CERTAINLY more right to it than the imminvader mestizos from Mexico.

  18. “Hell yes I’m tired of this rotten corpse the south is bound to.”

    Judging by which states have elected BOTH senators to be anti-amnesty, looks to me like the area of the Mountain West, connected to the southern Plains and Texas, is where the Remnant of Whites, true to ourselves, resides.

    Email I got from Roy Beck at Numbers USA:

    “Final Amnesty Vote in just a few hours — Phone these Senators who have been voting NO on amnesty

    This is it! We think most of these Senators are solid to vote NO in this final chance to kill this bill.

    But we can’t take any chances.

    Today is your last opportunity to make a difference in the Senate amnesty fight. We expect the final cloture vote on S. 744 Thursday morning.

    Please go to the list of Senators below and call the ones that are appropriate for you.

    Thank them for their votes against the amnesty bill in the last two weeks and ask for their assurance that they won’t change their mind in this final vote.

    Keep your Senator on the right side


    Sen. Sessions — 888-995-8349
    Sen. Shelby — 888-995-8349


    Sen. Boozman — 888-995-8349


    Sen. Chambliss — 888-995-1975
    Sen. Isakson — 888-995-1978


    Sen. Crapo — 888-995-1966
    Sen. Risch — 888-995-2049


    Sen. Coats — 888-995-2035


    Sen. Grassley — 888-995-8349


    Sen. Moran — 888-995-6517
    Sen. Roberts — 888-995-8349


    Sen. McConnell — 888-995-1997
    Sen. Paul — 888-978-3076


    Sen. Vitter — 888-995-8349


    Sen. Cochran — 888-995-1953
    Sen. Wicker — 888-995-2066


    Sen. Blunt — 888-995-8349


    Sen. Fischer — 888-995-8349
    Sen. Johanns — 888-995-2038


    Sen. Chiesa — 888-995-6530


    Sen. Burr — 888-995-2097


    Sen. Portman — 888-995-2027


    Sen. Coburn — 888-995-1952
    Sen. Inhofe — 888-995-8349


    Sen. Toomey — 888-995-1993


    Sen. Scott — 888-995-8349


    Sen. Thune — 888-995-2051


    Sen. Cornyn — 888-995-2037
    Sen. Cruz — 888-995-2036


    Sen. Lee — 888-995-8349


    Sen. Johnson — 888-995-8349


    Sen. Barrasso — 888-995-2053
    Sen. Enzi — 888-995-8349

    We believe every one of these Senators can be helped by voters to understand that their best political interests are aligned with the best interests of the state in voting NO on the final bill.”

    So: Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas. These are all contiguous land masses. Connect them together and you could make a country with a seaport, plus all the domestic energy production resources our White ethnostate would want.

    But the South? The only continguous Dixie states which have done a decent job of keeping White interests, as defined as electing BOTH Senators against amnesty, are Mississippi Alabama, and Georgia.
    Kentucky is stranded.
    How are you going to gain your independence from ZOGUSA with everybody so scattered?
    You Dixie folks just better move over here with us Wyomingites and we’ll demand our ethnostate. (Wyoming has almost no jews nor blacks).

  19. Barb:

    A question for you. You write:

    “Us Americans belong in America BECAUSE we are the indigenous. Americans (defined as White born in America of White parents, i.e., the correct definition) is a new ethnicity forged in North America, and I can’t stand being told I, and my people, don’t exist or could change what we are somehow, hocus-pocus, if we just *decided* to. We Americans born in America have just as much right to our land as the Sioux Indians and CERTAINLY more right to it than the imminvader mestizos from Mexico.”

    What about Blacks born in America? They have a similar history. Just as the American White race is unique to this continent, and forged by mixing of different European tribes, so too is the Black race a mix of African tribes (and some European).

    On what basis do you exclude them from being indigenous Americans? On average I suspect most Blacks have longer roots in America (most all going back to pre-USA slave trade) than do most Whites (huge influxes of Europeans in the second half of 19th century and first half of 20th.)

  20. Jackson,

    I’m jumping in and answering the questions you asked Barb.

    “What about Blacks born in America?”

    There are three options with them:

    1. Repatriate them to Liberia.

    2. Give them their own chunk of land here on the North American continent (I vote for Vermont).

    3. Have them live among Whites under the exact same conditions as Apartheid, which successfully protected the White Afrikanners until international pressure became overwhelming and the Afrikanner “leaders” caved and repealed all the apartheid laws by 1990.

    You pick. I don’t see any other options that don’t present a clear and present danger to our people.

    “On what basis do you exclude them from being indigenous Americans?”

    Because two races can’t be the same ethnic tribe. You know this. And besides, our White European ancestors came here out of their own free will. Blacks, well, didn’t. What we took we are allowed to give back. We have no moral obligation to live among blacks just because of the history of slavery, and anyone who says we do is either an anti-White lunatic or an equality-obsessed ethnomasochist.

    “On average I suspect most Blacks have longer roots in America (most all going back to pre-USA slave trade) than do most Whites (huge influxes of Europeans in the second half of 19th century and first half of 20th.)”

    That’s the same kind of argument the antis make about the Amerindians. “Well, uh, the Indians were here long b’fore the Whites were! The land belongs to them! Herp derp!” C’mon Jackson, you know better than that.

  21. Barb,

    I just wanted to respond to a few points in your thoughtful post:

    “please don’t YOU start, too, by saying us Americans (again, defined the old-fashioned, correct way) have any ability to change what we are.”

    I think it’s important to understand that Hunter and most others here on OD are Southrons, not Americans. Yes, there is an ethnic difference. Southrons are primarily of British stock, whereas Americans like you and me are part of the European melting pot. I’m primarily of Irish and Polish stock, but I also have German, Greek, French, English (hence my surname), and a little Spanish blood in me. I’m a Northerner/Yankee, and everyone in my family tree has their roots here in Michigan.

    Most of the White immigrants who came here from Europe after 1830 settled in the Northeast and the Midwest. The melting pot is a Yankee concept and doesn’t apply to the South. It’s a real concept, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just not applicable to Southrons unless you want to call them a British melting pot. (:

    “Or, perhaps better yet, stop being a loyal U.S. citizen and START being a good American (good as defined as loyal to our people — not the anti-White American gov’t).”

    I used to think Jean Raspail’s distinction between the nation and the state was applicable to White America, but I no longer believe that. How can I as a White American be “loyal” to the trash in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast? How can I be “loyal” to the patriotards (a small minority among Whites, thank God) who would rather invade Muslim countries than, you know, control Muslim immigration and kick Muslims out of America? (HT: Matt Parrott)

    I don’t want to make it sound like most non-Southron Whites in the United States are not worth saving, but a sizable chunk of them are indeed hopeless and should be forced to sink with the ship they created.

    “Americans are a new ethnicity forged in North America, and I can’t stand being told I, and my people, don’t exist or could change what we are somehow, hocus-pocus, if we just *decided* to.”

    Agreed. It’s just that we can’t describe all Whites living within the United States as Americans. Southrons are not Americans, and Americans are not Southrons. Northeasterners are Americans, but most of them are genocidal vermin.

    The United States needs to be busted up into the 5 different ethnostates I’ve mentioned before:

    1. Dixie (includes the conservative lower Midwest)

    2. Yankee Land (Northeast and Upper Midwest)

    3. Texas

    4. Middle America (the Plains States and Rocky Mountain States)

    5. West Coast (Washington, Oregon, and Northern California)

    The Southwest would be given back to mexico since they’ve recolonized it at this point anyway

    That’s my solution. Not one ethnostate. But multiple ones. A single white ethnostate is just another proposition nation. As RRS likes to say, any real nation must be based on blood, soil, and tradition.

  22. I notice the map shows a surprising band of sodomy support running through most of southern Appalachia including West Virginia, southwestern Virginia, western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee — whereas the homophilia of Northern Virginia, the Research Triangle, Asheville and Nashville are well known.

  23. “On what basis do you exclude them from being indigenous Americans? On average I suspect most Blacks have longer roots in America”

    Which is why we need an ethnostate in North America for us Americans (i.e., White folks born in America of White parents). *Blacks* will, THEMSELVES, tell you they are not “Americans”. They tell us every single day when they insist we call them “African-Americans.” African-Americans =/= Americans.

    Best place for an ethnostate for Americans (again, as defined the traditional and correct way, White people born in America of White parents): The contiguous states whose BOTH Senators (both of them — demonstrates that the folks who voted them in have White interests at heart) voted AGAINST amnesty. Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas. Few to no blacks or jews in WY, so no hard questions what to do with ’em — we can simply pay them to emigrate to the Northeast. Plus, we get all the energy resources (coal, nat gas, what oil’s left, uranium, thorium, wind) we could need for our country and a seaport.

    Also, Northern Colorado is chafing under the oppression of the jews in Denver and want their own state. We could take them, too.

  24. 3. Texas

    4. Middle America (the Plains States and Rocky Mountain States)

    You speak for us Rocky Mountain states? Nah. I’m the expert here on Wyomingites.
    We ARE the same people as the Texans and Oklahomans. Same culture: cowboy, independent, cussed, strong minded, TOUGH (our guys in Texas and Wyoming work the oil fields. Outdoors 12-14 hours a day in the heat and bitter cold in *dangerous* working conditions is TOUGH.) We have the same culture because we are the same people (a lot of us have g – g- g – grandaddies who, as displaced Confederate soldiers, went to Texas and Oklahoma and Wyoming to be cowboys.) Blood and soil, for sure.

    The Plains? Nah. North Dakota is as libtard as you can get — the farmers luuuuurrrrves them some D.C. sugar in the form of farm subsidies. ONLY because of the development of the Bakken are Wyomingite and Texas roughnecks beginning to populate western ND.
    My boundaries: Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, there’s a fine, big, wonderful chunk of real estate to be further filled with White Americans. You guys in Dixie, c’mon over. Dixie is overrun with blacks. We’ll make our stand here.

    Think it through: Will the libtards of Vermont bestir themselves to move in with us? Not gonna happen. They HATE our guts. So, we ask for a divorce from ’em.

    I say American. My ancestry goes back to Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, France. The Brits are, in reality, very close cousins to all of Northern Europeans. My dad, full-blooded Scandinavian, was as pro-White, pro-American a cowboy who rode and roped and mended fence and wrangled as you were ever likely to meet. Leave the libtards in the Northeast to their misery. Those of us with like minds (which implies genetic relatedness) make our ethnostate as I outlined.

  25. Thing about Colorado: There was a time, it was all about the cowboys (i.e., displaced Confederate soldiers who came here after the war was over to work on the cattle ranches). Denver was founded as a place to have the stockyards to sell the cows. There was a time Colorado was staunchly Republican (used as a proxy for pro-White) Now it’s libtard. Why? Because the jews moved in and commenced tootsweet to overthrow all us White folks had built and import anti-Whites as usual. (mestizos in this case).
    Population replacement reached critical in the late ’90s as the rich CA libtards who’d ridden the first real estate boom sold out and moved to Colorado to buy cheap houses and commence recreating the multicult they’d just escaped from.
    So, what’s to stop the libtards from moving into our ethnostate? Seriously? You have to ask? Dude, Wyoming and Oklahoma are unfashionable. At least, until we Americans living happily in our little ethnostate create so much wealth and wonderfulness the jews swallow their revulsion and try to sneak in, because a parasite must have a host, after all.

  26. Barb,

    I’ve got no issues with the ethnostate you outlined. Was just explaining that not all Whites in the United States are, in fact, ethnic Americans, and that some of those who are (like Yankees in the Northeast and Upper Midwest) are not worth saving anyway. I wasn’t claiming to be an expert on the Rocky Mountain States or Plains States. I was just offering suggestions based on what I know about each geographical region of the United States and their corresponding ethnicity, culture, history, and philosophy.

    Also, don’t underestimate North Dakota.

    I honestly don’t care if they like farm subsidies. They’re a conservative, 89% non-Hispanic White state that has by far away the best economy in the country thanks to all the oil drilling. Subsidies aren’t wrong in and of themselves.

  27. Dan:

    Thanks for the thoughtful comments. Emotionally I like your three alternatives, of course.

    Liberia was a genius idea, that was realized and goddamn our forefathers for not sending every freed slave they could lay hands on back there when they had the chance. Marcus Garvey was left raising money to fund steamship tickets!

    But that was then and this is now. Liberia is a total sewer and I don’t think too many blacks still believe in repatriation to the homeland. Forced expulsion seems completely impractical to me. It’s impossible to imagine a people who can’t vote down the absurd immigration bill expelling millions of 10th generation citizens because of the color of their skin.

    A homeland in America, especially in a break-up scenario makes a lot more sense. Giving them Vermont is, again, emotionally appealing but not likely. I would say give them Georgia. (And perhaps Maryland and DC as a Bonus!). Atlanta is already the home of most of the biggest Black businesses in the USA, and often referred to as the Black capital of America. (No one wants to claim Detroit!).

    As for Aparteid, it failed. Even with their rules it was a huge resource sink to manage that element, it drained South Africa of energy that could have been spent on positive things. You really don’t want to live in a nation that has to deploy it’s own Army every Friday and Saturday to put down insurrection in the ghetto.

    Something milder but still not as friendly as the North might succeed in bringing on a second “great migration” though, where Blacks voluntarily relocate to more hospitable locations like New York and Boston. Hunter often suggests this.

    I like your answer on why Black’s aren’t Americans, though Barb’s answers are also excellent. “Because two races can’t be the same ethnic tribe. You know this. And besides, our White European ancestors came here out of their own free will. Blacks, well, didn’t. What we took we are allowed to give back. We have no moral obligation to live among blacks just because of the history of slavery, and anyone who says we do is either an anti-White lunatic or an equality-obsessed ethnomasochist.”

    We’re not the same tribe. I guess it’s semantics, but I’m not sure we should go for such a grand title as “Americans”, let the multicult have that. Southron for Dixie, Whites or European-Americans for the rest?

    As for my comment about how long blacks have been here, you note “That’s the same kind of argument the antis make about the Amerindians. “Well, uh, the Indians were here long b’fore the Whites were! The land belongs to them! Herp derp!” C’mon Jackson, you know better than that.

    I’m the friendly devil’s advocate here, just doing my job. But because of their extensive tenancy here I do think we need a realistic and compassionate plan to deal with them. Encouraging out migration combined with a small internal homeland (the American Indian model) is probably the best that can be done.

  28. As Hunter has pointed out, and I can attest to from living here, the boundary between the Far West and Ecotopia is not the Washington, Oregon and California state borders. It’s the Cascade range. East of the Cascades is indistinguishable from Montana and Idaho. Some part of Oregon is actually in the Idaho time zone. This is true all the way down the West Coast states. Even some of the coastal counties outside of the big cities and resort cities are pretty red. Coos Bay, Oregon and Redwood, California area for instance.

    Also, the Michigan Upper Peninsula doesn’t fit in with the surrounding area’s at all. It’s way more White than Southern Michigan, and has little in common with the rest of Michigan. It’s also way more conservative than even the adjacent parts of Wisconson and Minnesota.

    I’m sure there are other little anomalies like this. I’m not sure five nations would cover it. The classic 1980’s book on regions of the USA was called “The Nine Nations of North America” if I remember correctly. The more recent book on the same topic that Hunter reviewed had 12, if memory serves.

  29. “I don’t think too many blacks still believe in repatriation to the homeland.”

    Why should they when it’s “bottom rail on top” all over Amurrica today?

    “And besides, our White European ancestors came here out of their own free will. Blacks, well, didn’t.”

    Balderdash. The very first slaveowner was a “free person of color.”

    Deo Vindice

  30. “Update: If it were not already obvious from the thousands of other ways in which Christianity has been undermined, you can’t be an American and a Christian. You are going to have to choose at some point.”

    HW- you hit a nerve there. And rightly so. America, it now is clear, has ALWAYS been a ‘proposition nation’ – the proposition is: ‘the Fallacy of Egalitarianism.’

    “All hominids are created equal.”

    That is the lie of Satan from the pit of hell. For Satan himself desired to be God’s EQUAL, and that is why we have sin- both in the universe, as well as among men.

    We are soon to be going into a state of persecution, much as sodo-friendly Greco-Rome indulged in, during the first centuries. Putin’s boast, that he would defend the ‘Christians of the world,’ may just become a truism.

    Obama is the Antichrist. The Supremes are the Sannhedrin. The Jews are the enemy. The Homoheresy is merely miscegenation, writ large.

    Anathema sit, America.
    Anathema, anathema, anathema.

  31. Mosin, the areas of NC you are referring to are easy to explain. They are Left-wing pockets of non-Southerners in places such as Ashville and the Reasearch Triangle. As far as the Upper South areas you mention, I don’t really understand that one.

  32. 1. Dixie (includes the conservative lower Midwest)

    What portion of the lower Midwest are you including?

    3. Texas

    Texas is an integral part of Dixie.

  33. Apuleius,

    Chill out. I said that in the context of explaining why Whites in the United States (Southrons such as yourself excepted) are ethnic Americans and blacks are not. I don’t know what you were trying to prove with that WND article, but I wasn’t attacking my fellow Whites or Southrons with that comment.


    Long Live Dixie,

    The portion of the lower Midwest I’m including was Southern Illinois, Southern Indiana, and Southern Ohio. Also West Virginia. If you Southrons don’t want them, fair enough. I’m open to negotiation on the exact geographical boundaries. My first concern is dissolving this abominable Union into multiple ethnostates. The boundaries of those ethnostates is a secondary concern to me.

    As for Texas, yes, it could just as easily be part of Dixie. But much more so than the 47 other contiguous states, Texas has a quasi-national identity. In other words, it seems like Texas likes to fancy itself a nation within a nation (or a country within a country if you prefer). If I’m not mistaken, Texas garnered more secession signatures than any other state after Obama was reelected. Texans, of course, can make their own call as to whether they’ll join Dixie or become independent themselves. It just seems like they’re a candidate to create their own independent nation-state.

  34. Jackson,

    You’re welcome. I suspected you were playing devils advocate, but since I’m a newbie here I didn’t know for sure. (:

    My comment about Vermont was intended to be snarky. I hate Vermont so much that I’d love to see it flooded with blacks and all the other colored pets that the white trash in Vermont adore. In all seriousness though, its possible blacks would have no where else to go other than the Northeast, especially if the Southrons kick them out of Georgia. As we saw with Boston in the 1970s when forced busing happened, the blacks wouldn’t be welcomed in the Northeast either. That’s the thing that’s so maddening about Yankees in the Northeast: They all live in homogeneous white enclaves, many of them in gated communities, and they preach the glories of diversity and multiculturalism for everyone BUT themselves. They’re lunatic Puritans.

    Then again, Maryland is a perfectly logical option. It’s only 74% non-Hispanic white and decreasing fast, unlike the Northeast. And according to Hunter, Baltimore is completely unrecognizable from a traditional Southern city. I like your idea there Jackson.

    Good points on apartheid. I don’t think it’s the ideal system either. I was just throwing it out there as an option. It’s expensive, yes. But technically it failed because of international pressure and a lack of will power among the “leaders” to uphold the system (on wikipedia you can find four apartheid leaders who apologized Paula Deen style after the ANC took over in 94). It didn’t collapse under its own weight. It was a sustainable, albeit imperfect, system, IMO.

    This next point of yours was really interesting:

    “I guess it’s semantics, but I’m not sure we should go for such a grand title as “Americans”, let the multicult have that. Southron for Dixie, Whites or European-Americans for the rest?”

    I’m slowly but surely developing a liking for the European-American title. It reminds us of our roots while simultaneously undercutting this horrendous, artificial, ideological, fabricated dichotomy between Amurricans and Europeans. You know how conservatards and patriotards love to bitch about how “Obama is trying to turn us into Europe”? That’s the false dichotomy I’m talking about. We ARE Europeans. Most Whites in this country are the physical descendants of European immigrants from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Yet, listening to what passes for conservatism in this country, you’d think Europeans are just as different from us as blacks and Asians.

    In a manner of speaking, non-Southron Whites like me, Barb, and many others in this movement are ethnic Americans, and that’s where the ethnostate of Middle America comes into play. For Whites like me who are non-Southron, a product of the melting pot, and who reject everything about Yankee culture, Middle America is perfect for us. That said, I think Richard Spencer is onto something when he said at the Amren conference that we can no longer THINK of ourselves as “Americans” per say. European-American is fine because it asserts our European/White identity. But the term “American” itself has probably become bastardized beyond repair, much like the Swastika and the Roman Salute. And although I propose Middle America (The Rocky Mountains and Plains States) as one of the ethnostates, it’s not like Yankees in the Northeast and Upper Midwest will stop thinking of themselves as Amurricans. As our good friend Honest Abe (wink wink) once said, a house divided against itself cannot stand. :S

    I’ll admit it: It’s not cool being the mongrelized descendant of a proposition state where sheeple exist to make money and nothing else. Dean Malik was right when he argued to Jared Taylor that Whites in the United States are nothing more than a reconstituted, mongrelized tribe of Europe. But it’s our moral duty to make the best out of a rotten situation by dissolving the Union and forging separate ethnostates out of it. We are who we are, and we shouldn’t hate ourselves for it.

  35. I’m not giving up the name ‘American’, or the region of the Upper Midwest, to anyone. This is my home and MY rightful home and MY rightful identity.

  36. 313Chris,

    You think there’s a chance we could get enough racially conscious White folks up here to kick out the ethnomasochists? 4000 people in the 11th Congressional district voted for Bill Johnson. Kerry Bentivolio won with 183,000 votes. That means 4000 White people were impressed enough by Bill’s “white supremacist” robo calls to vote for him over the establishment hack with his $100,000 war chest.

    Sometimes I’m too much of a pragmatist for my own good. Reacting instead of asserting will power. I don’t want to give up my home anymore than you do, but at the same time, we’ve got serious problems up here with all the ethnomasochists.

  37. Dan,

    Most white people up here aren’t hardcore ethnomasochists, and don’t need to be kicked out. Some, yes, but not all. Someone who votes Democrat isn’t necessarily an ethnomasochist, especially considering how Republicans are equally traitorous on the issue of race.

    In any case, I’m not concerned with ethnomasochists. They only wield power over rational white people because our country’s now-thoroughly dysfunctional electoral system facilitates it, and our unnatural, degenerate, Judaized, highjacked culture encourages and rewards them. In the absence of a Union with the rest of the country, or more specifically Washington DC, these people would quickly find themselves outnumbered and shouted down by a silent, long-suffering majority.

    The strategy I advocate is to hold your ground and firmly maintain ownership of what is rightfully yours — regional homeland, personal property, ethno-national identity — until this system inevitably destroys itself. What comes in the aftermath, whether it’s a series of ethnostates or a second America, is for then and there. In the here and now, we can’t be arbitrarily discarding the places we call home, or the identity our forebears won for us.

  38. The portion of the lower Midwest I’m including was Southern Illinois, Southern Indiana, and Southern Ohio. Also West Virginia. If you Southrons don’t want them, fair enough. I’m open to negotiation on the exact geographical boundaries.

    I think the descendants of Southrons who settled the lower areas of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio should return home as long as they are still Southron. The Ohio River makes an ideal border, and I have no interest in Dixie’s borders expanding north of it.

    “West” Virginia is part of Virginia.

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