About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, I am sorty, I can’t watch. I can’t bear to see a good Southern woman crawling before cockroaches. She should have never apologized. Let this be a lesson on apologies and their error.

  2. Pathetic, from start to finish.
    And that smug prick Lauer would’ve looked good with a nice slap from her. Too bad, what a wasted opportunity to say something sane, but instead she swallowed the whole libtard project, hook, line and sinker.

  3. And you know everyone of these leftist hypocrites have used the word nigger at some time or the other.

  4. Groveling will go on for sometime. fed is in a tightrope cause folks had enough of these creatures who were unleashed without consent.

  5. She isn’t sorry for saying Nigger, she is only worried about the collapse of her financial empire. Still, its beyond pathetic to see her plead for forgiveness from Amerrika.

  6. Whatever sympathy I felt for this woman began to disappear as soon as I learned she had contributed big bucks to Obama, the politician most representative of the forces that have been howling for her head this past week. My sympathy vanished completely when she issued her first craven apology. What is this now, her third, fourth mea culpa? Good riddance to her.

  7. Paula Deen should have said, “are you trying to pick a fight with me?”

    I noticed Paula has a Jewess publicist, that’s mistake number 1 on her part.

  8. Like Wayne, self-abasement exercises like this are simply beyond my capacity to tolerate.

    What’s most galling though, beside the well-documented futility of going supine, is that Deen should have the insolence of wealth. She could arrive for the interview with Lauer in a Klan outfit with a flaming cross in one hand and a .44 peacemaker in the other. She could then alternate between laughter and flatulence at his sententious questioning and peremptorily end the interview at her whim with a parting “Y’all sure are some nigger-whipped pussies.”

    And the next day she’d still be drinking Cristal on her yacht.

  9. Savages only see apologies as a sign of weakness. Once she began to show the first hint of shame at her comments it was like blood in the water. She would have been better off had she said, “Hell yes I said “nigger” and I don’t care if you are offended.”

    This is the real world equivalent of the South Park scene of Randy Marsh kissing Jesse Jackson’s ass.

  10. The Trayvon trial was good today : the prosecution’s “star witness” turned out to be an extremely low-IQ negress with boot lips and a Michelin tire of fat around its neck.

    It’s name was Rachel (WTF?!) Jeantel.

    I swear to God people, when I first started watching this creature’s testimony, I was sad sad sad, I felt so sorry for it. Because it – Rachel – was so obviously out of its league intellectually, it had trouble comprehending the most basic of questions from Zimmerman’s lawyers.

    The poor thing, I thought.

    But then, as it eye-rolled and talked back and showed incredibly inappropriate defiance towards the older white man questioning it – a man who in better more reasonable days would have been permitted by law to sanction its insolence – my pity for Jeantel turned to rage.

    Rage not so much at her, but at the social experiment that resulted in this creature being so crammed full with self-esteem and outright (racist) hatred for her betters : namely, practically every racial group on earth, besides hers.

    The Trayvon Circus trial today was extremely important from a WN point of view, think of it as O.J.2.O: Ordinary whites for the first time were able to watch and listen on national TV to an extremely unintelligent (though average) ghetto Negro, who made no attempt to conceal her contempt for non-whites and society at large.

    I was shocked by watching this creature on the stand: I swear I pitied her, it felt almost cruel, like the defense found a way to put a super-intelligent ape-who-could-talk (but barely) on the stand.

    Meanwhile Nancy Grace and other repulsive white females are taking Trayvon’s side all over cable; it is a sickening spectacle, as emblematic of the MSM-supported lies beneath the racial fault line, as was the OJ trial.

    This time though, there’s this pesky little thing called the Internet.

    Let’s just hope that the average white people who voted for Obama (65% in Vermont, the nation’s least-black state!) will be curious enough to go on line and research it for themselves.


    – Arturo

  11. Ostracism is worse than death for women, especially the ladies who lunch that have major reputations to lose. It’s not Paula Deen’s fault that negro love has become a high society’s strictures for denoting in-group status, she is just holding herself to the popular standards for her class.

    Suggesting she should have behaved like a political soldier or lottery winner misses the mark completely. She is a victim of BRA’s negro victimology. Stop devouring your own.

  12. This grovelling behavior should be openly mocked by proud Whites, until it is no longer acceptable.

  13. I would rather eat a steaming pile of dog shit than beg for forgivenes from the U.S. media and Jesse Jackson. I don’t want to be “respectable” in the eyes of those degenerates.

  14. No-Man is right though. For God’s sake, are we to the point of expecting women to get us out of this?

  15. She is not just any woman, she is a very rich woman who could have responded in a far less ‘grovelly’ way than she did. And it didn’t even help her case!! Apparently even WALMART dropped her like a rock the minute that nauseating grilling was over.
    She is now branded a ‘racist’ foreverrrrrrrrr, the only real ‘sin’ of our time it seems.

    This grovelling behavior should be openly mocked …yes, even when it’s done by women.

  16. I don’t want to be “respectable” in the eyes of those degenerates.

    Once this attitude reaches a consensus among our best and brightest then things will change.

    Paula Deen is an example of what you must become in order to do “business” in America. A groveling crying loser begging Juden and their race huckster pets for forgiveness for the most nothing of “crimes.”

    All her sponsers are dropping her in the usual order per Juden’s demand. The more she apologizes, the more her empire crumbles. Deen is done. She should have never apologized and show weakness and then she should have refused to put herself in a situation like she did by subjecting herself to some sort of judge, jury, and executioner type of panels on the lineup of Juden’s networks. Now the vermin smell weakness and are going right after her jugular

    I remember Deen use to say that the Food Network was her “family.” Yet the Jew Tuschman was the first to slice her throat when the time came. Some “family.”

  17. I noticed Paula has a Jewess publicist, that’s mistake number 1 on her part.

    Yep, I’m sure she was the one who advised Deen to get on the rollercoaster ride of the Soviet-style show trials among Juden’s daytime networks.

    I’m sure the Jewess will be rewarded well.

  18. Paula Deen says the South is never gonna rise again. The women ain’t gonna have it. Too much at odds with the fashion set. They cain’t keep being ostracized from the sophisticated people. This cain’t go on any longer. The Confederacy legacy has got to end. Racism is just too damn detrimental to their social status.

  19. Perhaps a Mantra response , if not now it will happen someday someone will break the taboo and use the phrase “anti-white” and begin the process of stripping moral legitimacy from evil people like Lauer

  20. No-Man is right though. For God’s sake, are we to the point of expecting women to get us out of this?

    Well, I for one do not have an empire pushing a once upon a time net worth of 100 million. She had a lot of power. So I guess it is reasonable to expect that some Whites would expect a little more out of her then this pathetic display.

  21. LOL Brutus. I’m sure she will spend the rest of her life vowing to G-D that she will spend every waking moment til the day she dies speaking ill of the South and its racist culture and stamping out racism wherever it’s ugly head shows up. By G-D she is going to prove to Juden that she is not a racist and will redeem herself to BRA!

    That is probably the take home message Deen will get out of this.

  22. He immediately went on Larry King and literally cried and begged forgiveness to the nigger bitch, who he had got caught referring to as a nigger, who was live on the phone on the air.

  23. – Hunter, if it’s alright, I’m going to steal this epic quote from you,fans use it for a discussion that some of my Facebook friends are having about this subject right now:

    “I can’t believe anyone would want to be ‘respectable’ in the eyes of this filthy, disgusting, degenerate society which is fit only to be destroyed.”

  24. Hah, yeah. That Dog fellow has more of a sack hanging between his legs than most guys these days. That’s why.

    And, I suspect that Paula Deen will end up coming out of this as good as ever. She’s got a lot of fans. Most of them probably are normal white women who are not overly queer over liberal bullshit. I bet she is picked up by somebody and is back on the air before long. Somebody who is less a hothouse flower than the creeps who run most of “mainstream” media. Moreover, Deen is obviously a BIG moneymaker. That and her popularity are going to talk. Count on it. Too much money to leave on the table.

  25. It’s interesting to contrast her crucifixion with the absolute non-story of Conan O’Brien’s making a joke about the fact that white deaths allegedly exceeded white births and his scumbag audience of white-hating genocidal liberals breaking into cheers. He is in no danger of losing his job.

  26. Yep. Apologizing to these haters only encourages them. Paula looks so confused. It’s almost like she’s just realizing everything she has learned about America (really BRA) is wrong, and she’s stunned. One question though, why are they nailing her to the cross? Plenty of rich famous people have said far worse by PC standards. Is it because they want someone who will blubber and wail? Seriously, someone close to Paula needs to tell her to just shut up.

  27. How often does one have to say this. Nigger worship is the NEW STATE RELIGION.

    Cambria said it best:

    “This is why it is imperative the European hero should present a different Europe to the lost and discarded white males. It is like unto the old stories when the old man of the woods calls the two young princes from their chores, bids them sit down, and then tells them of their royal past and their future: “Though I have raised you as my sons and loved you as my own, I am not your true father. Your father was King of the European people. When Mordred the liberal treacherously killed your father and took control of the kingdom, he wanted the blood not only of your father but also of your father’s heirs. So I took you from the palace that very night to these woods where I have raised you as my own. But the time has come for you to fulfill your royal destiny. Your blood speaks to you, your father calls out to you from the grave. Go and wrest the kingdom from Mordred and his heathen armies. Go amongst them in disguise at first, but when you have gathered other strong arms and stout hearts to your cause, strike with all your might and fulfill your destiny.”

    That is the crux of the matter. The liberals in church and state stand in defiance of God’s will. He did not ordain that the Christ-bearing people should abdicate their responsibility and seek to replace Christ with the negro and the other tribes of color. The work of the European hero is the work of internal defiance. He must do the work and become a man of old Europe so that he can enkindle a flame in the hearts of the seemingly dead-to-life European grazers, for once a man sees and feels the love that once was there he will never again belong to the liberals nor seek oblivion in the dark caverns of Babylon. To fight for that dear land in which that charity of honor, the honor of Christ, was a living reality is the way of salvation for the white man and his people. Once united to that Europe and those people, a man need never fear the terror of the liberal storm troopers in church and state, nor the arrows of the colored barbarians.”

    I despise these Moloch worshipers, whose hatred of the Chosen Race of Christendom, will only be satisfied if we ‘bow down’ before the Negro Phallus, and their Jewish mamzerim pseudo-Priesthood.

    Anathema sit.

  28. High profile individuals falling from grace. The MSM persuade sponsor corporations to pull the plug.

    MSM is a power tool. I don’t think folks quite understand the consequences of it; censure of the majority opinion-minorities get a free hand.

  29. “I despise these Moloch worshipers, whose hatred of the Chosen Race of Christendom, will only be satisfied if we ‘bow down’ before the Negro Phallus, and their Jewish mamzerim pseudo-Priesthood.”

    And that, only temporarily. You guys just GOTTA get that Southron Independence thing up and running.

    DOMA was defeated?!


    The only thing we can due, is curse; curse, and pray not!

    God DAMN these United Snakes.
    Death to the Sodomites. That’s God’s word.
    That’s the witness of Christendom, AND Islam.
    Dare you call this ‘inflammatory language’ folks- any longer?

  30. Plump she-boon Jeantel was quite a spectacle at the Z trial. Who let her out of her cage? LOL I think her IQ is around 70, but her arrogance has no limits. And we have to respect that? Uh, no we don’t. They need to cut back her EBT allowance because she is eating way too many Skittles.

  31. It’s all the nigger’s fault. If that nigger had not of held a gun to Deen’s head when he was robbing the bank that she was a teller at this unforgivable sin would have never happened. So it’s the nigger’s fault.

    Blacks are the most despicable race on the face of the earth. Whites get what they deserve for worshiping them.

  32. OT:

    Get up to speed on Tray Tray. Prosecution’s case blowing up in their faces today. The black “Star witness” and black Martin family lawyer caught in multiple lies.

  33. This country has become so degenerate that I will no longer pledge allegence to the flag, stand during the national anthem, nor even raise the flag at my house. Only the Southern Battle Flag will be at my house.

  34. Some people here are far too critical of Paula Deen. The poor woman was dumped upon by the mass media, and her world fell apart overnight. How many of you combox warriors would be able to stand up to what Deen went through? Not very many, because it’s real easy to talk a good fight, but in real life, it’s very hard to stand up to that kind of pressure. I know from personal experience how hard it is to stand up to mass intimidation.

    Many years ago, I was a member of a cult called the Worldwide Church Of God. I fully excepted what that group taught. Then, I started to have trouble in my first marriage, and discovered there was none. The group, including the minister, didn’t want to hear about it. They threw me out. I wanted back in, because it was my whole world. I did get back in, because I submitted to them. However, two years later, I left, because I leaned how to start thinking for myself by reading books like Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer” that taught me the difference between a fanatical mind and a rational mind. The fanatical mind is one that wants to lose itself in group rather than to think for itself. What Paula Deen encountered was the group mind in action. She gave in because she, like me many years ago, was unprepared to deal with mass pressure coming on her like a flood. Hopefully, she will have an awakening like I had and fight back. I hope all the support and encouragement she’s getting from her fans will embolden her to give her enemies a great big “Hell yeah!” in the near future.

  35. “Only the Southern Battle Flag will be at my house.”

    I’m seen fewer and fewer confederate flags up north since Obama became the first prez.

  36. Arturo de Gheaube said “The Trayvon Circus trial today was extremely important from a WN point of view, think of it as O.J.2.O: Ordinary whites for the first time were able to watch and listen on national TV to an extremely unintelligent (though average) ghetto Negro, who made no attempt to conceal her contempt for non-whites and society at large.”

    Hmm, well, since she’s non-white, are you saying that she made no attempt to conceal her contempt for herself? Or, perhaps, are you in fact too stupid to keep your biases straight?

  37. Dalton, what exactly would be so hard about saying, “Okay, fine, I apologize. But Matt (Laurer) are you sure you’ve never said the n-word before? Never ever? Ever, ever, ever? Matt, come on now….Matt….” and see how long the little faggot can keep a straight face, and nod and grin knowingly whether he keeps a straight face or not?

  38. Deen is left with only her millions, health, freedom, family, friends, and legions of still adoring fans. Men and women both have at times persevered stoically with even less.

    Her disorientation at being attacked by the media tiger, whose tail she believed firmly in grasp, is understandable. Though her behavior is unforgivable. For her to respond as would a Denise would be more than could be asked–though not more than could be done. Yet there was a third option: quiet dignity.

    She could have simply said “I respect the network’s decision and won’t be discussing the matter further. For those of you who have enjoyed my work through the years, I hope to see you in another venue soon. And if not, thank you so much for our time together. God bless.”

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