Paula Deen’s Upcoming Book Nixed By Publisher


You know that you are living in Black Run America (BRA) when

Note: If you care about being “respectable” in this society, there is something wrong with you.

“Paula Deen’s upcoming cookbook, currently the No. 1 seller on, has been dropped by its publisher.

In a brief statement Friday, Ballantine Books announced it had canceled publication of “Paula Deen’s New Testament: 250 Favorite Recipes, All Lightened Up.” The book was scheduled for October….

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That blows hell out of the Kwans “understanding” of this world we live in, i.e., that “it’s all about money.”

    No. Ideology and racial issues trump money each and every time. But like I stated in the other thread, someone will publish it.

  2. No, but it is run FOR them. The meaning of “BRA” has been elaborated on multiple times to explain that. It greatly annoys me when people continue to quibble about definitions and meanings that have been explained time and again.

    BRA is a very good nomenclature.

  3. I know “BRA” has often been explained otherwise, but it still stands for BLACK run America, and it is still misleading.

  4. We all know that Blacks don’t Amerika, or the world.

    Occidental Dissent also teaches that northern WHITES are the fundamental problem.

    Is the acronym (“BRA”) just too clever and fun to give up, even though it is inaccurate?

  5. She doesn’t need a publisher at all. She has the money to self publish and not merely in electronic versions. But besides that maybe Pelican Press could contact her.

  6. BRA is perfect.

    Its very ambiguity forces people to think about the situation and its cause.
    White people who run a nation that favors another race over their own.

    How tragically absurd.

    Deo Vindice

  7. I sometimes prefer to use the term “yankee empire” or “yankee BRA empire” as that is more descriptive of the actual situation, but I guess it alienates northern whites who are in deep denial regarding the “proposition nation,” which is another good term that refers to the primary antecedent for the current state of affairs.

    Deo Vindice

  8. I think her publishers are more likely to be Jewish than black. The only way to put an end to this sort of nonsense is to get rid of the Jews.

  9. White people who run a nation that favors another race over their own

    Actually the country is run by the Jews and they definitely run it for the benefit of the Jewish race. It is the Jews who are our enemies which is why we must get rid of them.

  10. It means an entire society run for the benefit of black people.

    The country isn’t run for the benefit of blacks. If you look at their economic situation, blacks are no better off now than when Obama was elected. The people who have benefited are the Jews.

  11. Yes, Joe. BRA is run by the Jews against the Whites; just as the Soviet was run by Jews against the Whites.

    David Duke’s new book “The Secret Behind Communism” spells this out for those who want to use words like ‘elites’.
    The intro to “The Secret Behind Communism”

  12. Amen to Joe Walker and Lynda!
    It is the Jews playing major roles in our destruction, including enabling the Negros to help create havoc. The Negros would be easily dealt with if it weren’t for their Jew masters running interference and rendering the Negros largely untouchable.

  13. “Everyone here knows the meaning of BRA. It means an entire society run for the benefit of black people.”

    What about those who are not among the “everyone here” — who don’t know the truth is otherwise. The acronym stands for BLACK run America, not America run for blacks — and even America run FOR blacks is inaccurate and misleading.

    “Northern Whites love them some niggas. No doubt about it.”

    That general disparagement of whites born north of the Line doesn’t answer the question about the truthfulness of “BRA”.

    “I didn’t come up with BRA.”

    Still missing the point. Who runs Amerika and who is it run for?

  14. Re: “BRA is run by the Jews against the Whites”:

    “Black-run is Jew-run” is contradictory, and so is “Black run is White run” (Occidental Dissent teaches that America is primarily “northern” or “Yankee” WHITE-run).

  15. “Northern Whites love them some niggas. No doubt about it.”

    It is indubitable that SOME Whites and Talmudists loved money and power so much that they imported and bred millions of them.

  16. Months and years are being wasted trying to defend the indefensible — African slavery and slave-based “culture”.

  17. If all of you guys spent half as much time doing something instead of fucking quibbling over each others every damn word, normal whites might get somewhere. But no one is really interested in that.

    Pro-white my ass. Most of you sound like the tedious 1960s “intellectuals” who promoted communism and socialism. “Now, it depends on what you mean by socialism. In 1623 France…Dialectical Materialism and…actually referred to…always meant…never conferred upon…”

    You’re just here to bitch and be disagreeable. Social misfits and curmudgeons. Going over every word someone writes to catch an I that is not dotted or a T that is not crossed. Endless bickering over semantics and minutia.

  18. You give the Bonobos too much credit. It takes legions of verbal jew-jitsu masters to convince civilized people to subjugate themselves to simians.

  19. Precious time and energy are wasted planning to build a white ethnic nation on the sand of “a slave-based culture” while the only solid foundation, ethnic Christianity, is ignored.

  20. Asking whether it is really BLACKS who Amerika is run by or for is not “bickering over semantics and minutia”.

  21. YES, your posts are bickering, Mosin, when you know full damn well what is meant by BRA. You know what is meant. You know it. Yet here you are, again, asking and commenting on a meaning that is not meant, and talking about how the country is not run by blacks when everyone knows that is not what BRA means.

  22. “is it the ethnic part or the Christian part that counts?”

    True Christianity isn’t universalist-supremacist.

    “you know full damn well what is meant by BRA. You know what is meant. You know it. Yet here you are, again, asking and commenting on a meaning that is not meant, and talking about how the country is not run by blacks when everyone knows that is not what BRA means.”

    I generally like your comments, ideas and positions, Brutus, but I truly think that “B.lack R.un A.merica” though very “catchy” is inaccurate and misleading. I don’t think everyone knows. I think it is selected to play to the popular “Southron” audience that is pro-Zionist and pro-global capitalist — to promote secession to create a new nation on the old multiracial caste-elite, slave-based culture, “Golden Circle” model. Of course it is inaccurate, but as long as it helps create secession….

  23. At first, I thought the term BRA was idiotic as well until I understood what it really meant and considering where I live and what is going on around me, BRA sums it up very well.

  24. Another one.

    He claims I attack “people making internet posts.” I thought I was attacking something a little more specific, and not “internet posts” in general.

    Notice how many “pro-whites” are as skilled as any liberal journalist in spinning and putting words in people’s mouths?

  25. “At first, I thought the term BRA was idiotic as well until I understood what it really meant and considering where I live and what is going on around me, BRA sums it up very well.”

    Exactly, Ulfric. I don’t understand why some people insist on giving BRA the kind of treatment Hadding Scott gives Whitaker’s Mantra.

  26. “He claims I attack people making internet posts.”

    I don’t claim, I point to fact. Read your own post, Brutus:

    “If all of you guys spent half as much time doing something instead of fucking quibbling over each others every damn word, normal whites might get somewhere.”

    – I’ll try to keep that in mind while I’m working either of the two jobs I currently hold down.

    “You’re just here to bitch and be disagreeable. Social misfits and curmudgeons.”

    – As are you, by the reading of it.

  27. “At first, I thought the term BRA was idiotic as well until I understood what it really meant and considering where I live and what is going on around me”

    But consider that many OTHERS live in 90+ % white areas with nearly all white and Talmudic representatives, bureaucrats, law enforcement personnel, etc. — and others live in majority Hispanic areas — and still others, like you, in areas with many black politicians, etc.

    Re: “putting words in people’s mouths”:

    Not at all. I simply spelled out the meaning of the acronym that appears on this blog constantly: “Black Run America” — and noted that the blog also teaches that America ISN’T REALLY run by blacks, but PRIMARILY by (northern) WHITES.

  28. Pro-white my ass.

    Surely not all of these posters that are here 24/7 are pro-white. A couple of them are clearly Jews.

  29. To me, it’s ‘black-centric America’. Though it’s obviously not run by blacks everything appears to center on them, judging by the media and the government. Speaking ill of them brings serious consequences down on any public figure’s head, as we see with the Paula Deen case, and the Zimmerman trial is all about poor victimized blacks. If Zimmerman had shot some White assailant he would not be in the situation he’s in.

    We could also say this is media-run America but then who controls or manages the media? Jews along with renegade Whites of various backgrounds — not just WASPs or New Englanders. The latter are hardly Anglo-Saxon these days; most Anglos are in the South (though it’s not popular to be Anglo-Saxon there anymore) and New England has more Italians, French-Canadians, Irish and various immigrants than old-line Yankees nowadays. By far.

    I am not a fan of cutesy acronyms generally; it took me a while to get used to the acronym ‘NAMs’, which is misleading. I never cottoned to the BRA coinage though everybody seemed to take it up enthusiastically. Blacks don’t run America but somehow they seem to be placed on a pedestal, front and center in the media and in the eyes of government, etc.

  30. “I am not a fan of cutesy acronyms generally (…) I never cottoned to the BRA coinage though everybody seemed to take it up enthusiastically”

    I also used the silly, inaccurate, misleading “undergarment acronym” for months in my comments here, just to relate, but I’m through with it now.

  31. BRA is one of the best social/political terms anyone has ever come up with. It’s short, easy to remember and the typical White and normal person has no problem relating to it. He sees examples of it everyday, like what this article is about.

  32. BRA is really ran by yankees and/ or enthic Whites who have no claim in blood and soil of what use to be America… oh well. Not my problem.

    Back in the jewusa and shit seems to have gotten worse, mean while my family is at peace in a White nation, happy and growing, with an official State Church which keeps women in line and families intact. No niggers and the like here. I hadn’t seen a non White until I changed planes in Germany. My plans for the future no longer include things like race war and fiscal collapse. My son’s are overwhelmed by the beauty and femininity of the local women. My property is secure. My pregnant wife is safe to waddle down to the market, as is my son. I have a concealed carry permit, but no longer carry. My neighbours are jew-wise, I see White babies everywhere. Every weekend there are street festivals celebrating traditional, local White culture, food, music, art, dancing etc.

    You cannot understand the difference of living in a real nation, united in kinship and common folk ways vs america until you experience it 1st hand.

    Y’all need to stop wasting words on the internet and prepare for war or get the fuck out. Unless you’re a yankee. In which case you should go on a decade long hunger strike

    May the Almighty God bless and keep all Southron Whites

  33. Your wealth might be secure now, but your new church may not teach salvation, and serial marriage while the previous spouse is living is adultery (and sets an evil example for your children) — and the foreign soil and blood can never be yours.

    If you had been brought up as a farmer or rural tradesman instead of a globe-trotting mercenary mass murderer in the employ of what you call “BRA”, then you would truly understand what it means to be bound to the soil and blood of a homeland.

  34. “Yes, Joe. BRA is run by the Jews against the Whites; just as the Soviet was run by Jews against the Whites.”

    -Lynda, concise and to the point, as always. Thank you.

    Brutus- it’s minutaE.


  35. minutiae. (Latin, pl. with an ‘e’)

    Stupid keyboard! (I’ve worn off the letters on the vowel keys- time for a new one, it would appear.)

    no-man, your email address is as insulting as it is misinformative.

  36. “mean while my family is at peace in a White nation, happy and growing, with an official State Church which keeps women in line and families intact. No niggers and the like here. I hadn’t seen a non White until I changed planes in Germany.”

    – Stone, didn’t know you had made the leap; wondered why I had not seen your comments in a coon’s age. Where are you located now (clearly not Germany-lol) and have you been given asylum, unlike Mr. Snowden? (state Church, huh? Rather Monarchist of you, yes?)

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