About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ve been watching the trial and my prediction is acquital here, but a civil rights violations trial later. The prosecution is just bumbling left and right while the defense is running circles around them.

  2. My prediction is a hung jury. I think there is such a tangible element of threat in the air that a couple of these jurors will be swayed by it enough to vote guilty of at least the lesser charge. With the jury hopelessly dead-locked, the judge will have to declare a mistrial.

    However, I do not believe the justice department will drop the matter. I do not believe that Zimmerman will be allowed to walk out of the courtroom a free man. I think he will continue to be held for his new trial which will drag on for another year or so.

    The charges will probably be reduced to involuntary manslaughter and, depending on how fresh this case is in everyone’s mind by then, he will be released with time already served. Hopefully by then, the Martins will realize that there is more to be gained from suing Zimmerman in civil court for wrongful death after he sues the crap out of the different networks for railroading him into prison. If that is not the case, I can see the judge tacking on a few more years.

  3. I think at this point, the worst Zim will see from this trial is a hung jury. There’s probably at least one woman in there with the spine to refuse to go along. The request to have manslaughter rules sent in could be interpreted as bad news for Zim, but it could just as easily be a majority of the jurors trying to explain why they can’t “split the difference” to a single moron juror.

    That’s what I think is going on right now – the jurors with the modicum of character and intellect required to see that the defense has created an order of magnitude beyond reasonable doubt are trying to fight this thing out with the idiots who want to hang the jury.

    Or maybe there’s a poison pill in the jury, a lib wench who had her mind made up beforehand and no amount of logic or facts will persuade her.

    I just don’t see how there could be 5 white Florida women on that jury so stupid as to not understand the state has no case, or low of character to not care, or both. There will be at least one woman on that jury who says “I’m not hanging an innocent man. Go fuck yourselves, niggers.”

  4. Hopefully by then, the Martins will realize that there is more to be gained from suing Zimmerman in civil court for wrongful death after he sues the crap out of the different networks for railroading him into prison. If that is not the case, I can see the judge tacking on a few more years.

    The civil trial will make mincemeat of Trademark. Rules of evidence are far more permissive, as I understand it. All of Trayboon’s antics will be admissible.

    His family will get bumpkiss. If mommy was so worried about lil Tray-tray, she should’ve kept him at home. If daddy was so concerned, he would’ve been there the night St. Skittles went out for purple drank, and not bounced out for dinner with his gal, leaving the Troubled Yoof alone.

    The real threat is the possible federal civil rights prosecution. That stuff’s so opaque, they can probably convict anyone for anything, if they want. But I’m beginning to doubt if D’Wan wants to throw a bunch of good political money after bad, given the obvious farce and travesty of justice, that this “trial” has been.

  5. Oh, lil’ secret about civil trials; live cripples are a much better bet than dead bodies. Any ambulance-chaser will tell you that. A dead guy’s just a dead guy. A cripple can play the ruined gimp for the jury, his wife can whine about all the time it takes to care for him, etc. In short, a crippled guy can legitimately gripe about the burdens imposed upon him, and those they impose upon others. The dead are not a burden, and have none.

  6. The members on the jury:
    1. Feel terrible about slavery and injustice.
    2. Don’t like guns, especially in the hands of white, or in this case half-white men.
    3. Are mothers and worry about their families.

    1. They’re southerners. They’re used to boons, and know their antics much better than, say, LA swipples. They’re approaching negro fatigue on the slavery and injustice question.

    2. Second-hand from comments at legalinsurrection:

    I think not guilty verdicts probably come from B-37 (used to have a concealed carry permit), E-6 (husband has guns) and E-40 (safety officer who’s been a victim of crime). So I think they are hung right now with an edge to acquittal.

    3. White mothers generally have husbands to worry about, too. And ex-husbands who aren’t pieces of shit 80% of the time, like black baby daddies are. They know their husbands, sons, daughters, or selves might have to plant a boon at some point, to stay alive.

  7. Zim walks. Some broken windows downtown and caterwauling in the press. Nothing major.

    The jury should release its verdict around 7am Sunday morning, when the boons are all sleeping it off.

    The big problem for Zimmerman is not what happens in the courtroom, it is what happens outside the courtroom if he walks.

    If he is acquitted, any homie who wants to make a name can do it just by shooting him.

    Makes a body nervous.

    Life in the BRA. Better to be judged by six, acquitted, and protected by nine. He can buy a better one if he’s acquitted, keep the other one for backup.

  8. Not guilty. I knew it as soon as Drudge headline said “verdict reached.” If they were going to find him guilty, they’d still be deliberating. Two days of deliberation isn’t enough to hang a jury.

  9. I’m surprised the negro juror let Zimmmerman get off. The whole case was really about letting gangbanging negros have the run of our communities, and thankfully the jury said no.

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