Paula Deen’s Upcoming Book Nixed By Publisher


You know that you are living in Black Run America (BRA) when

Note: If you care about being “respectable” in this society, there is something wrong with you.

“Paula Deen’s upcoming cookbook, currently the No. 1 seller on, has been dropped by its publisher.

In a brief statement Friday, Ballantine Books announced it had canceled publication of “Paula Deen’s New Testament: 250 Favorite Recipes, All Lightened Up.” The book was scheduled for October….

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. BRA is a great term. If you don’t like it you must be a nigger.
    The jews are in total control of this country. The jews use the nigger like a shield to deflect the real evil and sinister workings behind the scenes of the jews and their machinations through their control of all the media. While all the jew controlled media lights up like a flare over Paula Deen calling a nigger a nigger thirty years ago when she worked as a bank teller and a nigger held the bank up and stuck a gun to her head. In her deposition to the police she called the black creep what he was. Meanwhile a home invasion by a nigger beating a woman in front of her three year old child gets no TV coverage except one local channel. Now that’s Black Run America.

  2. I’m not a fan of the term BRA to explain the cause of things, but it definitely explains the ends.

  3. Pennsylvania was built on the “sound foundation” of Quakerism. Before the American Revolution was even over, Pennsylvania had repealed its anti-miscegenation law, and blacks were citizens with voting rights there until the late 1830s.

  4. “If you want to be technical about it”: Hunter, why not be entirely accurate?

    “BRA is a great term. If you don’t like it you must be a nigger.” Nonsense.

    Fr John, thanks for the extended apologia or defense of the Faith.

    Re: Tamer’s new email address line: I suppose EVERY uncompromising, consistently Biblical preacher has been called a “Pharisee” by some libertine at some time.

    Finally, Stonelifter, in addition to the counsel: I am glad to hear you are safe and bear you and yours only good will in Christ. The state church, depending which it is, may not be heretical, and I hope it does really maintain the Biblical marriage standard and keep families intact.

  5. Great posts Brutus!

    BRA is a perfect term and I hope it gets more traction. Black Run America=America run by DWL’s for the benefit of society’s least common denominator. Brilliant!

    Stonelifter: Glad to hear you are happy Best wishes to you and yours.

  6. BRA stands on its own. It doesn’t even require defense as a term.

    Maybe Mosin would prefer Talmudist Indoctrinated Transnational Secularism, TITS. You like that don’t you, Mosin?

  7. BRA/Negrophilia is certainly a big part of post-modern, progressive America, however in the order of victimhood, Jews certainly hold the highest rank, and the most recent agenda is homosexuality. Homosexuals in many cases rank higher than blacks. Blacks may beat out Hispanics by a hair because of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

    This whole thing against Paula Deen isn’t even really about her, about her saying nigger so many years ago, she’s just a tool to use to further the anti-White agenda, to browbeat Whites into submission. As Rahm Emanuel says, “never let a crisis go to waste.” Without a doubt there are elements of anti-White Jewish thinking at play when someone like Paula Deen is nationally shamed, regardless of the significance or accuracy of the allegations.

    They’re still referring to Zimmerman as a White male to further the racist narrative.

  8. We’ll I for one am glad Stonelifter as gotten himself into a civilized nation under the German sphere of influence any Eastern or Central European nation outside of Russia is under German domination. The people in that part of the world are friendly but don’t be too obnoxious which American especially Southerners have a reputation of being.

  9. I wouldn’t fret too much about little miss Paula Deen, Forbes’ estimates her wealth at over 17 million, she’s living high on the hog as they say.

    She will continue to endure the shaming sessions and perhaps go on a few more talk shows to assure that she is playing on the right side and will comply with BRA/JRA. The narrative continues unchallenged, unabated, and her story will play into their hands, just how they allow former real racists to be spokesmen for how wicked they used to be and how racism is the ultimate evil.

    She’ll be back in business by next year.

  10. No-man basing his email address on Mosin Nagant is disturbing to the point of being gay obsessive, No man must have been thrilled by this weeks Supreme Court decision.

  11. Stonelifter’s back? Lol, where did you end up moving to? My suspicion was either St. Petersburg, Russia or Kiev, Ukraine.

    So I guess this means our little get-together you once promised, is postponed indefinitely? Oh well. Maybe in another life, huh?

    Good luck with the new wife and child on the way.

  12. The people in that part of the world are friendly but don’t be too obnoxious which American especially Southerners have a reputation of being.


    Obnoxious Americans are typically those from big cities in the north and west.

    Southerners are typically known for being much more hospitable, down-to-earth and friendly than those big-city Jews and Yankees who on the streets walk past each other in a cold and distant manner, averting eyes and never saying hello.

    According to an international survey it’s not Americans who are the most obnoxious tourists, but the French! Americans aren’t even in the top 10, they’re 11th.

  13. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 29, 2013 at 2:29 pm

    “If you want to be technical about it, Jews and Yankees run America for the benefit of the negro which they call “social justice.”

    Not accurate my friend.

    Jews run America for the benefit of themselves.

  14. This country was founded by smart-alecs that believed Jews were just pre-Americans shuffling around in caftans. Jews require some degree of codified supervision commensurable to their presence, obviously.

  15. Stonelifter,
    Glad to hear that you are happy and in a good place.

    A confessional state is the best and does much to prevent the hostile elite problem we have in the states which can only thrive in a society committed to religious pluralism.

    May God bless and keep you and yours.

    Deo Vindice

  16. “big-city Jews and Yankees who on the streets walk past each other in a cold and distant manner, averting eyes and never saying hello.”

    The holocaust in concentration camps.

  17. “Paula Deen’s upcoming cookbook, currently the No. 1 seller on, has been dropped by its publisher”

    All because of the N-word. Whats next- firing squad.

  18. Now I know that Paula Deen is good.


    Because QVC has cut ties with her.

    QVC is an acronym that stands for “quality, value convenience.” I can think of at least three lies in that acronym.

    Paula Deen’s cookbook? “Add to cart.”

    You know, I didn’t know who she was or why she was and wouldn’t have been able to tell her from Eve before this whole non-troversy started.

  19. Does anybody know who came up with the acronym BRA?

    Probably a Jew or one of their gentile lackeys who use the acronym to downplay the might of Jewish power in America.

  20. BRA is one of the best social/political terms anyone has ever come up with. It’s short, easy to remember and the typical White and normal person has no problem relating to it.

    Unfortunately it is totally wrong.

  21. If you want to be technical about it, Jews and Yankees run America for the benefit of the negro which they call “social justice.”

    If you want to be accurate about it, Jews run America for the benefit of themselves.

  22. BRA is a perfect term and I hope it gets more traction

    It will only gain traction among those who can’t accept that America is run by and for the Jews.

  23. It will only gain traction among those who can’t accept that America is run by and for the Jews.

    A marriage between the Yankees and Jews is more accurate. BRA isn’t technically accurate, but it is symbolically powerful as a propaganda tool.

  24. A marriage between the Yankees and Jews is more accurate

    How so? Are you saying that all Northern white Christians are on the side of the Jews?

  25. “Jews and Yankees are on the same side in politics.”

    “A marriage between the Yankees and Jews is more accurate.”

    Neither statement is intended to be accurate, just rhetorical. Who cares about FACTS?!

    “Are you saying that all Northern white Christians are on the side of the Jews?”

    Of course they are saying that.

  26. North of the Line is evil, south is good.

    The worst of the Yankees are the ones “south of the Line”.

  27. How so? Are you saying that all Northern white Christians are on the side of the Jews?

    Not all, but enough. The collective interests of the two tribes mesh enough that they are able to work in tandem for the same goals, beneficial to both tribes.

  28. Stonelifter, who is a well travelled man, decided to skip town on Dixieland. Can’t say I blame him, he probably sees the future of the south and decided he wants nothing to do with it. The south will be colonized by Mexican nationals within ten years.
    They have the wind at their back and they are being subsidized to begin race replacement within the southern states.
    With new northern arrivals flooding in, with the massive nigger population already in place and with millions of wetbacks on their way, the south, as you know it, is on its last leg.
    Enjoy the few years that remain.

  29. When the native southerners are out numbered, liberal and Hispanics will be voted into office. Native southerners will be the object of scorn in their own lands.
    Parks will be renamed, statues will be torn down and I can even envision a day when the bars and stars will be outlawed, similar to the swastika in Germany.

  30. The South is doomed, not because of niggers or spics but because of the yankee transplants. Texas kept its spics in line for generations ( many of whom where White an didn’t need keeping in line) & the rest of the South always kept its niggers in line. It’s you worthless nigger/ spic loving jew clock sucking yankee bastards that has made the South untenable. You or your ancestors did that on purpose, may the Almighty have no mercy on any one of you.

    But the real reason I had to leave is divorce law, which was also forced on us by you worthless yankee fuckers and your centralised federal government. If you are going to try an use me as an example, you could at least get the facts correct. Otherwise I would have sent ny children abroad and stayed put. But my wealth being stolen will not help ensure the survival of my generations.

    yankees are jews, jews are yankees. The yankees started on this path before jews showed up in any numbers. One reason why yankees will never fix their shit is they refuse to take responsibility for their actions going back more then a 150 years.

    Thanks Apuleius, hope things are better for you and yours. I left enough clues a smart man like you can find my house without much trouble. The door is open. Literally.

  31. Looked at some of his other articles, one where he gushes that LA has its first Jewish mayor, and that this Jewish-castizo swarthoid Garcetti is just the perfect fit for post-racial LA.

  32. re: Paula Dean

    1) Groveling if front of one’s enemies only begets more abuse. Sister you are going down so you should have fought back.

    2) She said she voted twice for Obama. See what it got her.

    Dan Kurt

  33. “If you want to be technical about it, Jews and Yankees run America for the benefit of the negro which they call social justice.'”

    Actually, I’ll have to disagree with that. Africans are simply weapons used against those that might challenge Yankee and Jewish power. In the South, natives must get permission from Withholder to change their voting laws. In NYC, Bloomberg and company surreptitiously chase Africans out of the city for their own benefit.

    BRA: America run for the benefit of the ruling class by using Africans as tools.

  34. “When the native southerners are out numbered, liberal and Hispanics will be voted into office. Native southerners will be the object of scorn in their own lands.
    Parks will be renamed, statues will be torn down and I can even envision a day when the bars and stars will be outlawed, similar to the swastika in Germany.”

    That is exactly the type of observation that may lead to our awakening.

  35. @Stonelifter

    Fine then — you beat up your first wife, she divorced you and took you to the cleaners, so you fled the country like a sissy. Clarification noted.

    I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict that this new wife leaves you after the third or fourth beating you put on her, and that you’ll find yourself skipping whatever country you reside in now, and end up living out the rest of your life in some Sandniggerstan with an Indian breeding sow.

  36. Stonelifter, your ex wife made you leave the country?
    That’s hilarious, all those years of killing for the Yankee government and a woman gets the last laugh on you.
    Becareful, your new wife may end up fleecing you as well.

  37. Yankee is as good a term as any for a white Jew.

    I’m sure there are native Southern Yankees as well, plenty of them.

    Connie Chastain?

  38. “all those years of killing for the Yankee government and a woman gets the last laugh on you”

    The ZOG employment dollars are paying for the exile in the unidentified foreign country.

  39. And for all you unregenerate southerners singing “Dixie” – this country will not be saved by bringing back your stinking Cotton Reich and its obsolete slave economy. It will only be saved by shooting the enemy. And I do not care whether you shoot them in the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest and Robert E. Lee or whether you shoot them in the name of Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman.

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