Paula Deen’s Upcoming Book Nixed By Publisher


You know that you are living in Black Run America (BRA) when

Note: If you care about being “respectable” in this society, there is something wrong with you.

“Paula Deen’s upcoming cookbook, currently the No. 1 seller on, has been dropped by its publisher.

In a brief statement Friday, Ballantine Books announced it had canceled publication of “Paula Deen’s New Testament: 250 Favorite Recipes, All Lightened Up.” The book was scheduled for October….

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Soviet Union was brought down by words, not bullets and the USA is going the same way. The USA has too many contradictions to hold together, just like the idiotic Soviet Union did.

    You will know it is the beginning of the end, when sheriffs openly mock federal law and threaten to arrest federal agents, if they try to intervene in their state.

    You will know it is the beginning of the end, when states make laws that override federal law and openly mock Washington.

    Oh wait, that’s already happening isn’t it? lol

  2. “There is only one solution to absurdities like the Supreme Court upholding faggot marriage and giving Homeland Security the right to to act as the American NKVD. The solution is revolution. Revolution means deliberate, calculated killing. It means killing the Supreme Court and every federal judge in America; it means killing both bodies of Congress and draping their corpses in Israeli flags; it means killing blacks, Jews and Latrinos in the mega-millions. It means all out racial warfare to the finish. And it had better come soon or white America is finished.”

    From your mouth to God’s ears, as the Deicides say…
    (Of course, JR (JRyan) will say that’s inflammatory rhetoric, and ban it- surprisingly, it’s not banned… probably because I didn’t say it, first.)

    “The Soviet Union was brought down by words, not bullets and the USA is going the same way. The USA has too many contradictions to hold together, just like the idiotic Soviet Union did.”

    Ah, but, you forget. First you had seventy years of utter hell, and the ‘glories’ of the Party, and the turning of churches into stables, and open amorality, and abductions in the night, and guns to the back of the head. Now we have the internet, drones the size of mosquitoes, torture techniques that make the Nazis look like Mother Teresa, and the racial animus of billions of non-Whites directed at US (U.S.?).

    We’re not at the end of this battle, we are at the beginning. And the spawn of Antichrist is just beginning…. all of them, Jews, Blacks, Fags, the detritus of hominidity.

    Why does the term, ‘Apocalypse’ come to mind?


    Southerners have done to the Civil War what Jews have done with Auschwitz – they have turned it into a civic/historical religion. They snivel about it day and night. There is a difference between the two examples, of course – what happened to the Jews was largely fictional whereas what happened to the South was very real. But the bottom line is that neither group wishes to get over it and move on. The Jews want eternal reparations; the Southerners want their Cotton Reich back.

    Well, children, the world owes the Jews nothing – especially in view of their mistreatment of the Palestinians. The North owes the South even less. Slavery and slave states had to go. And a U.S. split between North and South would have been easy picken’s for European colonial empires. Sorry about all the state’s rights, strict constitutionality, right to secede horseshit boys, but that is the way it really was. Yes, you got raped and plundered. That is what happens when you lose a war. It is time to deal with it, crybabies.

    The United States as a white country are being destroyed. If you want to fight with your Northern brethren to save the country, well and good. But if you want to replay “Gone with the Wind” every morning, noon and night, forget it.

  4. Forget white nationalist wankery, nothing good will happen until men stop delighting in the misfortune slatterns visit upon their brothers. Stonelifter got out of Medusa’s Lair. Good on you and your waddling Andromeda, keep her pregnant until she has crow’s feet and you will have a happy wife.

  5. The “Civil War” is only the most spectacular example of how America was destroyed. It doesn’t get anymore vivid than arming 200,000 negroes to destroy the Confederacy and then making them citizens as a reward for the patriotic service to the Glorious Union.

  6. If our Northern friends would abandon their Jewish, Hispanic, and negro allies and stop voting with them on every major issue that affects the racial direction of America, it would be much easier to turn the country around.

  7. Thames is delusional. We don’t want slavery nor the primates that came with it. We want the same thing everyone else wants: The right to our culture and to live free and unmolested by exploiters and parasites. If it comes to yet another civil war, so be it. It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

  8. “No one here has advocated the restoration of slavery.”

    – No, you instead spent the better part of last year singing it’s praises as an economic engine, and a beneficial state of existence for the enslaved. You may not advocate the restoration of slavery explicitely, but you are certainly advocating the restoration of a failed nation & culture that just happened to be built upon, and defined by, the institution of slavery.

  9. Re: 313Chris

    1.) That’s true.

    Black slaves in the United States had a higher material standard of living than 1.) the White working class in Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, and London 2.) every other black population in the entire world, and 3.) most contemporary Europeans.

    2.) Slavery really was an economic engine. Just look at what happened first to Haiti and then to Jamaica and later to the Mississippi Delta and everywhere else freedom was tried. Abolition was a social and economic disaster.

    3.) I also spent the better part of last year explaining to you how slavery would have died out naturally due to the mechanization of agriculture in the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries. Instead, the war created a vast sea of poverty and a labor surplus, which combined with an absence of credit and the fragmentation of the plantations into inefficient small plots, delayed mechanization until the Great Depression.

    4.) The Confederacy wasn’t a failed nation. It was violently destroyed by a hostile invasion. The failed nation and the failed culture belongs to the North which is dragging the rest of us down through the existence of the Union. Insofar as there as any resistance to this at all, it is centered in the Deep South.

  10. There is no real resistance in the south, just a lot of talk without any action.

    The South voted against amnesty in the Senate. The Northeast voted 21-1 in favor of amnesty. It was a powerful illustration of how the existence of the Union drags down the rest of America.

  11. The North owes the South even less.

    Another common straw man from the Yankees is this one. Dixie expects nothing and demands nothing in terms of compensation from the Yankees. We only demand your absence.

    The United States as a white country are being destroyed. If you want to fight with your Northern brethren to save the country, well and good.

    Now that the Yankee homeland itself is threatened they come to us for help – in their typically snotty manner. Pathetic.

    To Hell with the USA as any sort of country, white or otherwise. Its collapse will greatly benefit whites from civilised lands, Dixie most especially.

  12. Hunter Wallace says:
    July 1, 2013 at 12:12 am

    ‘If our Northern friends would abandon their Jewish, Hispanic, and negro allies and stop voting with them on every major issue that affects the racial direction of America, it would be much easier to turn the country around.’

    Can’t argue with that.

  13. If our Northern friends would abandon their Jewish, Hispanic, and negro allies and stop voting with them on every major issue that affects the racial direction of America, it would be much easier to turn the country around.

    Would you favour independence if the Yankees were as traditional and conservative as Southrons are?

  14. If it comes to yet another civil war, so be it.

    A war with a foreign invader is not a civil war by any standard.

    A civil war is a war fought between people of the same tribe who are usually contesting the same ground.

  15. 1.) Slaves have NEVER had the highest but always the LOWEST standard of living in the world. It is always better to be poor and free than a pampered slave. Freedom is worth more than health and all the wealth in the world.

    2.) The slaves were not “economic engines” but flesh and blood creatures taken from their environment and trained and used, and bred, here like horses or mules.

    3.) With the advent of mechanisation of agriculture, slavery might not have died out, but simply shifted to manufacturing, household maintenance, garden and lawn care and other routine labour. Besides, even today many high value crops still require hand weeding and pruning, hand harvest, sorting, etc. — and slaves can also be kept as pets, furniture or status symbols by the wealthiest. Slave ownership and social status seem to have been directly related. “The love of money is the root of all this evil.”

    4.) The southern republic never had TIME to prove itself a non-failure, because Lincoln’s invasion (which was unconstitutionally treasonous, and unjust, to put it mildly) commenced immediately at the founding.

  16. If Hunter Wallace really believes that slavery was so enormously beneficial, why don’t we go back to it and the enormously higher standard of living it created? What silly horseshit! I note that my point about dividing the country so that the European powers could play one side off the other is being deliberately ignored. Southern boys want their eternal fantasy world, don’t they?

    As for pro-white Joe, yes, the U.S. may indeed break up without a shot being fired. But just how do you think you will put it back together again? Both political parties are utterly corrupt, in the pay of the Zionists, and non-reformable. More and more non-whites are in the country and any third party nonsense will be voted down. So how do you think we will rebuild without an all out race war to drive them out?

    I hear no logical answers to any of these questions. All I read is a bunch of nonsense about me being an agent provocateur – and constant appeals to a glorious Cotton Reich and its glorious happy nigger-in-the-fields slave economy. It would be refreshing if some of these die hard Dixie assholes could get a little reality in their numbskulls. I have no problem with secession if it is a necessary preliminary to an all out racial war to save the country. But until that happens – because every white in the U.S. realizes there is no other way – then blogs like this one have less relevance than Scarlett O’Hara shaking her fist and proclaiming: “As God is my witness!”

  17. “Freedom is worth more than health and all the wealth in the world.”

    A rather bold assertion when you consider the “freedom” of negroes who have demonstrated time and again that their incapacity for the freedom that you as a white man so rightly revere. Anyone with two eyes in his head can see freedom for the negro means eternal government dependency whilst indulging his most hateful and violent tendencies. Some freedom…

    Slavery was ended without bloodshed everywhere in the Western Hemisphere with two exceptions: Haiti and the united States. In both cases, white genocide was the intended outcome. Fortunately, the attempted genocide in the South was thwarted by our ancestors. Nevertheless, the smug, righteous northerners today pursue soft genocide through immigration and unrelenting cultural war.

    Which is why so many allegedly “pro-white” northerners chortle gleefully about our being eventually swamped by NAMs and the degradation and humiliation of the lowliest of our people.

    You may kill our bodies, you may cause the weakest among us to fall away, but the spirit of our people, at least in part if not in whole, remains unvanquished.

    Deo Vindice

  18. If Hunter Wallace really believes that slavery was so enormously beneficial, why don’t we go back to it and the enormously higher standard of living it created?

    Should we go back to the horse and buggy?

    From the 1930s to the 1970s, the mechanization of agriculture in cotton, sugar, rice and tobacco eliminated any rationale for slavery for in the South. If there had never been a war, the South would have mechanized sooner like the Midwest where there was a similar shift to mechanization and capital intensive agriculture in Northern crops like wheat and corn.

    Few Americans work in agriculture in the 21st century.

    I note that my point about dividing the country so that the European powers could play one side off the other is being deliberately ignored.

    That’s because it is ridiculous.

    If the South had remained a British colony like Canada or Australia, we would have secured our independence without a war.

    All I read is a bunch of nonsense about me being an agent provocateur – and constant appeals to a glorious Cotton Reich and its glorious happy nigger-in-the-fields slave economy.

    The antebellum South is only one chapter in our history. If we had won our independence in the 1860s, the Confederacy would have developed a more diversified industrial economy (see Richmond, Augusta, and Birmingham) and slavery would have eventually been eliminated due to the mechanization of agriculture.

    But until that happens – because every white in the U.S. realizes there is no other way – then blogs like this one have less relevance than Scarlett O’Hara shaking her fist and proclaiming: “As God is my witness!”

    If that were true, then we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place. It is only because so many White people in the Northern states support the status quo that we are facing imminent doom with the present push for amnesty in Congress.

  19. “many allegedly pro-white northerners chortle gleefully about our being eventually swamped by NAMs and the degradation and humiliation of the lowliest of our people”

    I for one have always been regretful, never gleeful, about damage done to southern communities by foreign non-white and liberal northern white immigration, although I DID mention once that when wealthy northern liberals transplant themselves into the south, thus turning their evil attention and influence to the south, it takes some pressure off and makes life easier for northern conservatives.

    ” ‘Freedom is worth more than health and all the wealth in the world.’ A rather bold assertion when you consider the ‘freedom’ of negroes who have demonstrated time and again that their incapacity for the freedom that you as a white man so rightly revere. Anyone with two eyes in his head can see freedom for the negro means eternal government dependency whilst indulging his most hateful and violent tendencies.”

    I wrote: Slavery, not AFRICAN slavery. Slavery is inferior to freedom. Freedom is better than confinement for most natural, un-domesticated beasts, but domesticated don’t usually flourish when set free, though survivors devolve to wild ancestral traits.

    In any case, the Africans should never have been brought here.

  20. Sean says:
    July 1, 2013 at 12:47 am

    “There is no real resistance in the south, just a lot of talk without any action.”

    Meanwhile back in the real world, the anti-White left hate Southerners with a passion. If they did not consider Southerners a threat, they would have no thoughts about them at all.

  21. Consider the huge numbers of people that don’t bother voting. They don’t vote, because they know there isn’t anyone decent to vote for, so there isn’t any point. These people are just waiting for leadership and the anti-White left are terrified of them.

  22. “If they did not consider Southerners a threat, they would have no thoughts about them at all.”

    They don’t really consider them a threat, but use them as an example of evil to distract the masses. They have great CONFIDENCE in southerners, who fill the ranks of their global armies and always support the endless war.

  23. They should have great confidence, because southerners are consistently the most pro-Zionist, the most pro-Banker, the most pro-War, and being already “a slave-based culture” are the most prepared to accept full “caste elitism”.

  24. “I wrote: Slavery, not AFRICAN slavery. Slavery is inferior to freedom. Freedom is better than confinement for most natural, un-domesticated beasts, but domesticated don’t usually flourish when set free, though survivors devolve to wild ancestral traits.”

    Bless your heart, Mosin. You almost turned a corner before “snapback” got you in the end. You just can’t bring yourself to admit what an egregious mistake it was to unchain Django, can you? Now you have to resort to your human pretzel imitation.

    Better for whom? The groids now kill each other in record numbers. Not to mention the countless tragedies they inflict upon whites. As you gaze into the empty, soulless eyes of Rachel Jeantel, try to convince yourself that she entertains any real appreciation for freedom as you know it.

    This is the true face of negro “freedom” right here:

    If you want to claim kinship with such as these, that is your business.
    I will have none of it.

    Deo Vindice

  25. Rachel Jentrel or Trayvon Martin would never even have been in this nation had it not been for southron love of niggers and laziness to not tend their own cash crops.

  26. @Mosin Nagant

    You should see the impassioned cries of anti-White activists on YT. They hate Southerners and blame them for derailing all their programs. They really believe it would be heaven on earth if Southerners were not constantly thwarting their plans. I have seen them say this. It is too funny.

  27. Apuleius, importing the Africans opened a Pandora’s box. Like releasing plutonium that will continue to disperse over thousands of years.

  28. “Rachel Jeantel is a recent immigrant from Haiti”

    Golden Circle, all part of the Golden Circle.

  29. “just like Nkosi Thandwi”

    I don’t “think” like that at all.

    If my people will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, seek His face, then He will hear us and heal our land.

  30. Sean, Mosin, and Nkosi all have this point of view in common:

    “I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today,” he said. “In terms of slavery, it was something that needed to be answered for. I was trying to spread the message of making white people mend.”

    Thanks for the “nigga point of view” from you “mended” white people.
    Btw, which one of you is it in this video?

    Deo Vindice

  31. “Rachel Jeantel is a recent immigrant from Haiti.”

    – And Haiti, which was part of that same stupid “Golden Circle” civilization which you and Hunter and Palmetto Patriot are so quick to point out that Dixie was a part, imported and bred nigger slaves just like lazy American Southerners did. So yeah, Jeantel’s presence here, like that of dearly departed Trayvon, is on you people.

  32. NEWS FLASH! White people did not create negroes. God did.

    Childishly blaming our ancestors for the problems created by egalitarian delusions that released bestial negroes from the only productive period in their entire existence is both disingenuous and idiotic. In the case of snapping turtles, it is also evidence of deep seated misanthropy and other antisocial tendencies cultivated from misidentification with negroes.

    You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. Wishin’ ain’t gettin’.
    Your lack of any constructive solution other than time travel betrays your antipathy toward your own kind.

    You all ought to really just come clean and admit that you don’t like white people. You are all just self-loathing whites who project your self-loathing onto other whites. Not really any different from the yankee liberals you claim to dislike.

    Deo Vindice

  33. How would Rachel Jeantel (sp?) be handled in the old south?

    Serious question.

    She seems like a creature that would require daily beatings.

  34. Mr. Wallace, assertion is not proof. You live in a fantasy world where facts of the real world are ignored. I believe you must be aware that the British Empire was seriously considering intervening on the side of the South. It was only the threat of the Russian Czar to intervene on the side of the North that forced them to reconsider. The splitting of the united States into two separate countries would have given the European powers ample opportunity to play one side off the other. Just to take one obvious example, the French under Maximillian were under French occupation until 1867. The French and their English cousins could have made great hay out of a divided United States. All the previous conflicts over free or slave states would have reemerged with the obvious dangers of foreign intervention. The North might have made the purchase of Alaska from Russia or the South might have objected. Who knows?

    The war could have reignited at any time with one European power or the other jumping in on one or both sides. As William Tecumseh Sherman correctly noted, the United Stares could have become another Mexico where precisely these things had already happened. Or have you forgotten? The position of Texas, in particular, which had only recently won independence from Mexico, would have been particularly tenuous.

    So what do I read from die hard, billious Southern idiots on this site? The glorious, eternal South and its not so invincible general, Robert E. Lee, would have solved the problems by routing them all, in between failing at Gettysburg and surrendering at Appamatox. Right. I make no pretense of knowing what would have happened. What I do know is that the unification of the United States from coast to coast would have been fraught with peril. Now, rather than deal with real world, you glorious exponents of old Dixie would rather believe that the noble, self-righteous South would have conquered all these problems by, well, ignoring them.

    I really think you should blow the cotton out your ass.

  35. It’s too bad that Britain and France didn’t intervene in the war.

    The South would have been infinitely better off as a British dominion like Canada or Australia than being a colony of the Northeastern United States. Nothing could have been worse than the despotism that was imposed on us after the war.

    The “unification” of the United States is a terrible idea. It allows Jews and Yankees to dominate the North American continent and by extension the rest of the world. That would be impossible if the United States fragmented into two or more nations.

  36. Sorry, but you’re the only who believes that, Hunter. There are millions of white Southerners who would call you a traitor for those statements.

  37. Haiti hasn’t been part of the Golden Circle since around 1794. As our friend E C has pointed out, Yankees passed the Naturalization Act of 1870, which allowed black Haitians to come here and become U.S. citizens.

  38. That’s fine with me.

    Why do you think I would stand on the steps of the Alabama state capitol – in the exact spot where Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as president of the CSA – and hold the Confederate third national flag?

    That flag, spot, and building all symbolize the dissolution of the Union and the Lower South as an independent nation-state.

    • If it were not for the existence of the Union, there would be no Mexican colonization. I’m not sure when that article will be published, but it is coming soon.

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