About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yeah, she’s obviously some gruesomely sexual, bio-appliance intended for “gangsta”-type thugs to employ for dipping their respective wicks and creating new welfare caseloads…exactly the sort of person that a fine, upstanding young man like St. Trayvonn of Martin should not have been acquainted.

    But Trayvonn Martin the attempted murderer of George Zimmerman? Yeah, that thug would know a shegro like this.

    And he did.

    -Tranny Featherston

  2. Seeing people like her reminds me of the H P Lovecraft story “The Lurking Fear”. That story is about a family that degenerates into savage ape-like creatures. The family in the story is white, but we see the lurking fear in every major city with a large black population. Lovecraft written large.

  3. Even if Z gets off (I’d give him 50/50 at best) it won’t be over for him. DOJ will put him on trial for violating Skittles “civil rights”, numerous law suits from Skittles family and other offended diversities.

    In short, they won’t rest until he’s financially destitute, locked up for good or dead. If Skittles had shot him all of this would have been down the memory hole a long time ago.

  4. Drudge is stirring the pot, he is linking to obvious idiot anti-whites, that man might not be on Denise’s Xmas card list but he is useful.

    IMO the Center Left and the Neocons would love for us to finally cage the worst impulses of the BRA anti-whites while leaving them with clean hands and that very, very important to jews notion of moral superiority.

  5. The prosecution is getting destroyed on the facts. Their own witness just testified he saw Trayvon on top on wailing on GZ MMA style. This isn’t about facts and the merit of the case though. A perceived white shot a black. That’s all that matters.

  6. A perceived white shot a black. That’s all that matters.

    And that’s all that should matter to any of us who might be impaneled in the future: Innocent.

  7. Indeed; Blacks know the case is falling apart; Threats escalating; Chicago cop predicts massive rioting.

    “If you live in a large city be prepared to evacuate or put up a fight to win. You will need firearms, fire suppression equipment along with lots of food and water. Police resources will be slow and outgunned everywhere,” writes Huebl, adding, “America may see some combat related population control like we’ve not seen since the Civil War. Martial Law can’t be far behind complete with major efforts at gun grabbing.”


  8. “Seeing people like her reminds me of the H P Lovecraft story ‘The Lurking Fear’.”

    Seeing people like her reminds me of the H. P. Lovecraft poem:

    On the Creation of Niggers

    When, long ago, the gods created Earth;
    In Jove’s fair image Man was shaped at birth.
    The beasts for lesser parts were designed;
    Yet were too remote from humankind.
    To fill the gap, and join the rest of Man,
    Th’Olympian host conceiv’d a clever plan.
    A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
    Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

    H. P. Lovecraft [1912]

  9. I stand by my opinion that Zimmerman brought this on himself.

    I don’t like self-righteous people who play cop. It sorts of reminds me of people who out people on forums.

    I hope Zimmerman is executed, even though it probably was self-defense.

  10. “A perceived white shot a black. That’s all that matters.”

    He isn’t even perceived as white. It is the liberal msm pushing the meme and they, in their sanhedrinic editorial chambers, certainly know the difference. It is a form of being nasty is all. Oh, this will get the White goat really good! The pure demonic hatred of these people is something to behold. This demonic hatred coupled with their extraordinary political power will eventually come back and bite them in the ass.

  11. “I don’t like self-righteous people who play cop. It sorts of reminds me of people who out people on forums.”

    Gated communities don’t have the right to police themselves is what you are saying.

  12. “I stand by my opinion that Zimmerman brought this on himself.

    I don’t like self-righteous people who play cop. It sorts of reminds me of people who out people on forums.

    I hope Zimmerman is executed, even though it probably was self-defense.” – They aren’t going to execute him for 2nd degree murder(which is emphatically not self-defense and vice versa). I agree that he did correctly profile Martin, and put himself in this very bad situation.

  13. Zim did not “run after” Trayvon. He wanted to find out an address to give police when they came. He lost sight of Martin and then the savage came out and attacked him. But he attacked the wrong guy and paid the price.

    No, Zim is not white. But he did fight back when attacked by a Negro. A lot of whites would not have fought back.

  14. The first time I saw the picture of that Negress on the stand, I could not help but think how if I were the defense my first question to her would have been, ” would you care for a banana Miss.?

    Wow, welfare food, that would be white tax dollars, has sure fattened up them uppity Negresses.

    In any event, secession just may be the answer. Thank you.

  15. “Zimmerman ran after him. It’s his own fault.”

    That was his job.GZ was hired for as a scare crow….prevent home roberies etc.

  16. Told you the dumbass got his just desserts. No way Zimmerman is going to actually be found guilty without some type of corruption. If he does, he could repeal it and be free again.

  17. “Zimmerman ran after him. It’s his own fault.”

    Reiterate:gated communities put scare crow in kkk outfit in their property. Certainly spook the aa.

  18. It’s about race but I’m not sure even race (or the denial thereof) could get so many white people to act so stupid about such a horrible set of facts in front of so many people.

    So it’s also about the race-denial infrastructure and all the money that gets pumped through school districts and police departments to make sure all the little astronauts get their thousand chances to make it to the stars. It doesn’t look good when one ends up on someone’s lawn.

  19. Yeah, I watched a few minutes of CNN Wednesday. One got the impression from them that Martin was crying out for help. That is what CNN was trying to imply some “neighbors” were testifying to at the trial. It is a matter of course that CNN will be bending and twisting everything as much as possible. It is no wonder that many people who only watch or read liberal outlets think the way they do and are so damn authoritative in their pronouncements and righteousness. Some of them probably really don’t know how bad they are being misinformed.

    Typical psychology.

  20. The post-acquittal rioting ought to be interesting, since whites will have been given approval to defend themselves. Anyone heading to Sanford for the festivities?

  21. Long past time for Southern patriots to run CNN -Communist News Network out of Georgia.

    Southern media needs to run by Southerners.

    Same plies for a governor , US Senator from South Carolina.

  22. RRS -I actually like Drudge. He’s a decent fellow. There is a subset of Jews who seem to appreciate the fact that offing their best host ever, in no the smartest thing the tribe has ever done. Drudge is on of those Jooz.

    Hell yes I’d send him a Mass of The Christ card! With sparkles on it!

  23. “That sheboon is one of the most REPULSIVE boils defacing the topsoil of the Good Earth.”

    nothing repulsive about creatures on earth. her instinct is her indentity.

  24. The Trayvon Martin trial is another assault on the White people by the Jewish power now firmly entrenched in all branches of government. They are setting up another Bolshevik Revolution for North America.

    People should read about the Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. David Duke’s new book on this subject documents this history thoroughly.

    “The Secret Behind Communism” by David Duke

  25. “Also: Witness testifies the dark-skinned man was on top giving the beat down. CNN reports the opposite; the light-skinned man was on top.”

    This stuff is the key – getting White people to no longer trust the media.

  26. PWJ,

    Fuck off troll. He didn’t say that.


    Your defense of the allies is tiresome and makes no sense except maybe to you due to your German-phobia. The allies, the “victors,” have imposed liberalism at every turn. You know this. Death to the allied leadership if anyone ever invents a time machine!

  27. Test, how many White people do you think trust the media now? Especially Communist News Network?

  28. “how many White people do you think trust the media now? Especially Communist News Network?”

    Watching the military channel. Andy Rooney stated- the Germans had nothing to do with the pearl harbor atttack. It was a mistake for u.s. to get involved in euro affairs.

  29. Bill Maher says that shegro is ipso facto proof “racism still exists.” He’s my go-to vein for the pulse of the cubicle sophisticates that I guess are my “countrymen”, try saying that word with a straight face.

  30. “Test, how many White people do you think trust the media now? Especially Communist News Network?”

    Less than there used to be but still too many.

  31. Lew – the Jewdge, who just ordered the policeman Serino’s testimony be stricken – it’s full name is Debra Steinberg Nelson

    Debra Steinberg is a Seminole County judge of the 18th Judicial Circuit Court in Florida. She was appointed by then-Governor Jeb Bush in May of 1999 (effective in June). Her current term expires in January of 2019

    Steinberg received a B.A. degree (Psychology) from the University of South Florida in 1975 and her J.D. degree from the South Texas College of Law in 1979.

  32. I saw that. That kike bitch judge made GZs lawyer respond on the spot to a motion the prosecution worked on all night. Then, she struck the cop’s statement that implied self-defense. In the tank for Trayvon.

    I think Jews win either way here. Either GZ goes down, or he goes free. If he goes down, it’s open season on whites. If he doesn’t, we’re looking at a coast-to-coast chimpout in which whites will be the target.

  33. Lew – a massive chimp out NOW would be an utter blessing, The best thing that could happen, vs getting picked off bit by bit.

  34. Most whites aren’t prepared for a Planet of the Apes scale chimpout. Many will get hurt or killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The media is not reporting any facts from the proceedings. I think they want one.

  35. The media is getting raped in the global chimpout. A 22 y.o. Dutch reporter was just dragged out of Tahrir Square after being gangraped.

  36. The JEWudge was in rare form today. Anybody watching? She isn’t even faking it. The prosecution’s case is a joke. Holder has to be pulling strings from DC.

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