About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So, what’s new?


    Docs: Justice Department facilitated anti-Zimmerman protests

    A division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) was deployed to Sanford, Florida in 2012 to provide assistance for anti-George Zimmerman protests, including a rally headlined by activist Al Sharpton, according to newly released documents.

    The Community Relations Service (CRS), a unit of DOJ, reported expenses related to its deployment in Sanford to help manage protests between March and April 2012, according to documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

    CRS spent $674.14 between March 25-27 related to having been “deployed to Sanford, FL, to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.” CRS spent another $1,142.84 for the same purpose between March 25-28.

    CRS spent $892.55 “to provide support for protest deployment in Florida” between March 30-April 1, and $751.60 “to provide technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31.”

    Sharpton, who promoted the Tawana Brawley hoax in the 1980s and in 1995 led a protest against the “white interloper” owner of a Harlem clothing store that ended in a deadly shooting rampage at the store, was a featured speaker at the March 31 rally, called “The March for Trayvon Martin,” where he advocated for Zimmerman’s prosecution. (snip)

  2. In a reasonable world there would not be a chance in a million of Zimmerman being convicted. Never should have been brought to trial. The prosecution’s flimsy case has unraveled at the seams despite the efforts of the shyster judge to railroad the mestizo otherwise known as da creepy-azz crackuh.

    The question is the jury. How will they respond? Will they feel the pressure from the niggers and the pro-Skittle boy media?

  3. He will be found not guilty for the most serious charges, but the jury, in order to placate the media, will find him guilty on some lesser charge where he could be released on time served.

  4. Trayvon will walk. Use of lethal force for self-defense during an attack causing serious physical injury is a complete defense against both manslaughter and murder.

  5. “Southern media needs to run by Southerners.”

    One of the many benefits of forming a third political party (unlike the suggestion of simply opening up another LOS chapter) is the ability to use the political apparatus to enforce our goals.

    LOS chapters can be demonized. They have little cache and inspire few to risk their livelihoods when the perceived gains are so minimal. Their enemies also know they have little to risk in attacking them. In fact, they actually gain something in the never-ending human quest for social advancement by attacking them: they make themselves look morally superior to others.

    Political parties, on the other hand, can do much more. They can strike fear into the hearts of our oppressors: oppose us and we will retaliate with government force when we control things. With this perceived umbrella of protection*, others may be inspired to join, to fight for secession. Enemies who attack the party – one that fights for the freedom of the Southern people in its mission statement – will incite hatred in the Southern people. The party is somewhat impervious to left-wing attack. By attacking the party, you are attacking the Southern people, not just some group. When the SPLC does attack, it will drive more enraged Southerners into the party and away from a feckless neocon-controlled GOP.

    A political party will allow us to mold the political process in our favor in a way that the LOS or CofCC never can. For example, a third party aptly named the “Independence Party” captures a majority of both houses in a Southern state. They then pass a law making out-of-state purchases of newspapers, television stations, etc. taxable at a much higher rate, discouraging certain undesirable elements from buying our media. Of course, there are many other legal maneuvers that would accomplish the same, but the point remains.

    Victory flows from power. Capture the political process and use it to your advantage. That is how the enemy won: there’s not a single Southerner on the Supreme Court. Do the same. There should not be a single American-owned newspaper or television station in our homeland.

    *I may be mistaken, but I believe that there may actually be legal protections for a political party as well. For example, 501-3c non-taxable groups (liberal fronts) are not allowed to make political statements. Make it clear that if the SPLC criticizes the party (an expressly political group) or facilitates others in doing so, you will sue them in federal court. It may not be so hard to find lawyers that would be willing to do so in such a case. Even if you lose, it will be clear that you should have one. This will further encourage our people to being nullifying their laws and ignoring the orders of federal, foreign-appointed, kangaroo courts.

  6. Zimmerman wil be found completely innocent. Before he can even step out of the courtroom, in a VERY public way on all media channels, Guys in black suits sweep in, make an arrest on camera, and Zim will be swept away ASAP to FED prison for a civil rights violation. He will be held out of public view awaiting trial #2, which will be a completely fixed Fed civil rights trial which will be impossible to win.

    If you haven’t noticed the trend, BRA (ZOG whatever you call it) has been rubbing our faces in it lately, almost daring us to do something about it.

  7. Hu tee Wallace writes:

    “Guilty of manslaughter. My prediction.”

    Jack replies:

    Agreed. He serves 3 years and then gets to start a new life in Peru. Better than being tried and retried for Federal civil rights violations.

  8. Guilty of a lesser charge, most probably manslaughter.
    The negro gods of BRA demand a human sacrifice.

    The members on the jury:
    1. Feel terrible about slavery and injustice.
    2. Don’t like guns, especially in the hands of white, or in this case half-white men.
    3. Are mothers and worry about their families.

    Case closed.
    Facts and existing laws are a formalities that can easily be dispensed with in BRA. Findings are based on feeling good about redressing the evils created by white man.

    Niggers may riot anyway. Shitavious has his eye on a new plasma and some Nikes.
    Hopefully the decision comes just before the tropical storm hits. That might stop it.

    Deo Vindice

  9. I have no idea what will happen. Juries under intense media pressure are fickle, especially all female juries. One thing I do know: the media is inciting violence and will probably have blood on its hands in the case of an acquittal.

  10. It’s pretty obvious that the Judge is trying to steer the Jury towards a manslaughter charge, but, the Jury may acquit.

  11. Zimmerman’s case has national implications. If he is convicted, it de facto nullifies self-defense and concealed carry laws coast-to-coast inviting open season on whites and their families.


    You said that very well. As far I’m concerned, it’s a Jewish Run America, but there just a quibble.

  12. The big problem for Zimmerman is not what happens in the courtroom, it is what happens outside the courtroom if he walks.

    If he is acquitted, any homie who wants to make a name can do it just by shooting him.

    Makes a body nervous.

  13. A political party will allow us to mold the political process in our favor in a way that the LOS or CofCC never can.

    I don’t know why Southron nationalists even bother with the CofCC. Conservatism has never gotten us anywhere and the CofCC is not even a Southron nationalist organisation.

    For example, a third party aptly named the “Independence Party” captures a majority of both houses in a Southern state.

    We’re a long way off from that. But, I think a nationalist party is something to consider in the future. The primary benefit from it in the early years would be in publicity more than in political power. Potential dangers are that people might start to see the party as the end, rather than the means, and it might end up taking too many resources from other projects.

  14. No idea what will happen other than that whatever it is a lot of white people will be attacked as a result of the media’s reporting.

  15. He will be found not guilty and Trayvon’s parents will call the prosecution and the jury racists.

  16. Let’s forget about the absurdity that, ” a brown-skinned white racist mentor to black kids stood trial for shooting a helpless, innocent, violent, thieving tiny six-foot adult child in self defense and cold blood. Or something like that. (radishmag’s words)”

    As others have mentioned, the real scary part is the DOJ funding and fomenting dissent in Florida to be televised live to the nation.(Eerily reminiscent of Civil Rights Movement tactics.) At the time GZ was not even charged with anything and the full attention of Eric Holder was on his ass like a negro Sauron.

  17. Guilty. The trial was always for show. Even if the jurors aquit, the judge will overrule and find him guilty. Obama’s tax payer funded protestors would agitate until the city burned and many white people across the US would be put into serious danger with an acquittal. This situation could possibly result in even more trails of white people who had to exercise the right of self defense.

    There is only one slightly redeeming value of this trial. It is showing the public (at least those who can see) what America is like under black rule. It is exposing the hypocrisy, lies, and hatred like never before.

  18. One thing for sure. Martin is dead. That prosecuting incubus judge can’t do nothing about that. Some damn nigger beats a hispanic’s head into the concrete and she seems upset that the nigger wasn’t able to get very far with that.

    Read Ann Coulter’s article at VDARE. She writes about a very similar case in NY where a black shoots a White boy in the face and kills him and it’s a whole different story. How many here know about that case? Zero would be my guess.

  19. Must read here. Information has come to light about an obscure, secret division inside Holder’s Justice Department. Euphemistically called “Community Services,” it’s role is to support anti-white agitation and incitement with money and legal support straight from the federal government and our tax dollars. They’ve been working with the media, black activists, prosecution and JEWudge in the TM case from the beginning.


  20. “Some damn nigger beats a hispanic’s head into the concrete and she seems upset that the nigger wasn’t able to get very far with that. ”

    Travon would have gotten away G.Z. dead. We would not have heard of it. Local paper as robbery etc.

  21. It doesn’t matter whether he’s guilty or not.

    The real subtext of the trial will be accomplished either way: 1) Latin peoples are REDEFINED as “white” for the whole country 2) Another greasy “Show Trial” du jour indoctrinates the masses into the Court TV or Court dictatorships (rulership by men in dresses w/ the “high level” being “supreme” court).

    That’s the only real point of the trial.

  22. The other thing is that many Americans who reference (in their real-life histories) a much less tawdry country, (ie, the “old guard” middle class fallen off the map) will never watch TV show trials. And the culture that produces all the streety “citizens” who cling on to shows like OJ, or Trayvon, or court t.v., or whatever, will continue to be kind of strange and repulsive to them.

    But slowly, they will become more aware of “the other”—- the huge mob whose reality is informed by “weighing in” on the endless trayvon stories.

    And the u.s. will seem increasingly scary and alien (due to this kind of White person, and their life issues).

  23. Here is a simple formula to help make short term predictions; Are blacks good for the jews? My WAG is that blacks peaked from 1995-2008 as a ‘Murikan racial group, but since then their fat, ignorant asses have become quite a drag on the elite and quite threatening to the sunk costs in real estate in Chicago, NYC and DC, places that count (not every jew can shoe horn into Tel Aviv) So now between episodes of MSNBC playing “sic the nigger on ya” the publicity for blacks tends slightly to the unflattering.

    In short the anti-white left’s ploy of “sic the nigger on ya” is paying off less and less. Also since I’m a bad ‘Murikan I double dog dare the anti-white left to “sic the nigger on ‘Murika”, go ahead.

  24. Travon would have gotten away G.Z. dead. We would not have heard of it. Local paper as robbery etc.

    The police description now is, “it was a robbery gone bad.” As compared to a robbery gone good.

  25. I hope you’re right RRS. If successful the anti-White pot stirring may backfire on them this time and that’s fine with me.

  26. The violence threatening to come out of the ‘hood’ is the same violence that Trayvon brought with him.

  27. I’m thinking a hung jury on all counts. My take is that if the jurors were fair it would be a complete acquittal but at least one of the ladies will feel that something must be done to show sadness for little Skittles death. But at least one will be smart enough to refuse to go along with that – so, no decision.

    But then again, woman like to prove they can compromise, so maybe guilty of manslaughter.

    I can’t see him walking. I don’t understand the defense agreeing to an all-woman jury. Huge mistake.

  28. @Lew No mainstream source wants to confirm that Judge Debra “Steinberg” Nelson is a Jew. But, my hunch is that you got it right.

  29. Once in a while a thug gets snuffed out of 1000 roaming the streets of America terrorizing. aa goes up in arm. Fact is they need us. We don’t need them. Worthless eaters breeding on our dime.

  30. Cable news coverage of G.Z.trial. commercials break of viagra. testosterone jells. nutrisystem.zollof.

  31. I pray to God and all that’s san and Holy that he’s aquitted. I fear, because Evil Rules, that he will be convicted, and offered as a Sacrifice to the Dark Gods of the BRA. Speaking as a woman – women are CRAZY.

    Regardless – Hell’s breaking loose in general. Black crime is beginning to be openly discussed.

  32. The state didn’t prove murder 2 or manslaughter (I’m glad the 11th hour attempt to stick in 3rd degree felony murder w/ child abuse enhancement was spike by the judge), but I tend to think that the jury (comprised solely of 6 women) will find him guilty of the latter charge. Given Florida law on mandatory minimums in gun crimes, he will do 25 years if convicted of manslaughter. He won’t be in Peru in two years, Jack Ryan.

    This is a terrible precedent and I really hope he’s acquitted. In the event he is, an epic chimp out is possible but not probable; it’s more likely that small scale local rioting in “urban areas” will ensue.

  33. Steinberg’s a Yid. RRS – Jews HATE Whites far far more than they care about anything else. Steinberg is an archetypal evil, noxious Jew.

  34. TMT — Episode #182.5 — ZOG going through the motions — 11 July 13
    Time: July 11, 2013 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

    Nothing much going on within the bowel Movement. We still got jews like Alex Lender/Linder, Eli James / jewseph Stalin Kutz-November, MildSwill Finckelsheenie, and Jeromy Visser pretending to be White and non-ZOGbots.

    Now it is sorta hard to believe that anyone that looks like this could ever last very long pretending to be both an Aryan and Dual-Seedline Christian Identity:

    , , , ,

    What is going on is the larger shitstorms outside the bowel Movement.

    For example the Jorge Zimmer-mamzer trial is cummin to an end. ZOG/Babylon thinks that dangerous nigger thugs have a ‘right’ to be dangerous nigger thugs and run wild assaulting beaner jews who happen to have cooncealed guns. Why, no whigger or even beaner-kike has any right to follow skulking nigger thugs and when said nigger attacks the whigger, why persecute the whigger or other temporarily-protected minority.

    I have a better idea. Take the prostitutor’s family, children, grandchildren, parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, and set a 200-lb nigger to straddling their family members and beating their children’s heads into the pavement. Make sure that the prostitutors can at any time can yell, “bang” which means that the nigger is “dead” and the head-beating ceases. Of course, asking for the assault to cease is automatically a plea of “exterminatory treason” with the Dzerzhinsky Protocols to be applied ruthlessly. The regime criminal’s entire family is skinned, cruciified, drawn and quartered, with a DNA test applied to their children. If Aryan and salvageable, the children then torture to death their parents and grandparents with the males gelded and the females spayed but reduced to helotry. And the niggers need a Ft. Pillow pogrom. Any ‘progressives are to be crucified in the central portion of the place of texecution, and we shall see if these pretend messiahs of progressivism will cum back from the dead in three daze.

    There is absolutely no political problem which cannot be solved by simply exterminating without mercy anyone who starts shit or enforces ZOG/Babylon. Civil War II is inevitable. Might as well let those responsible for starting it, then losing it in the rush for collapse and extermination to the bottom, to ZOGling Zombie whigger Apocalycrapse to understand that there is no way that they will survive to see the end of it, but they will be held responsible for the absolute destruction which neither they nor their decendents will survive to see.

    It cannot be expected that us “winners/survivors” of the Great Tribulation, the Ten Thousand Warlords and their subjects, the Ten Million ex-whigger survivors, are going to take an ounce of blame for the necessary extermination of 120 million whiggers, 180 million muds and 6.66 million jews. Nor should we in doing what we must to survive.


    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  35. “In the event he is, an epic chimp out is possible but not probable”

    This will be an interesting test of the effect of social media. Although it can make *sudden* chimpouts more likely and/or bigger than they might have been i wonder if in court cases like this which go on for a long time if all the twitter vengeance in advance drains the swamp a bit.

    Either way, i think there’ll be a lot more individual anti-white attacks for “revenge.” I just hope the media get a taste of them – journos going into the hood to ask people how they feel about the verdict and getting bricks thrown at them. I’d like that.

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