Florida League Protests American Atheists Monument


SNN has a podcast about the Florida League’s protest in Bradford County this weekend. The Blaze also has some coverage of this.

“We reject outsiders coming to Florida—especially from outside what we refer to as the Bible Belt—and trying to remake us in their own image,” said Michael Tubbs, state chairman of the Florida League of the South. “We do feel like it’s a stick in the eye to the Christian people of Florida to have these outsiders come down here with their money and their leadership and promote their outside values here.”

Note: IMO, this has less to do with religion than culture. It would never occur to me to go to a place like Vermont and attempt to aggressively impose my own culture there. I don’t see my own culture as the measuring stick for the entire world.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Because of your culture everyone knows who he is and what God expects him to do.

    This is something plainly obvious, even to a Yankee that has only lived in Falls Church, and only spent significant time in Asheville/OBX…. Piggily Wiggily…. Food Lion…. Brew-thru…. Good times.

  2. Good view of the monument inscription here: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/06/29/atheists-unveil-monument-in-florida-and-promise-to-build-50-more/

    It IS about religion, Hunter, and Christianity is NOT a culture — although true, Biblical churches are local and ethnic, NOT national-political or global or “universal”. Christianity is the basis of a healthy culture. There is no other solid foundation, all other ground is shifting sand.

    “It would never occur to me to go to a place like Vermont and attempt to aggressively impose my own culture there. I don’t see my own culture as the measuring stick for the entire world.”

    That sounds very multiculturalist. Christianity really IS the measuring stick for the entire world. Going to Vermont to shine the light of the Gospel in the darkness would not be wrong at all.

  3. It is time for the church to become aggressive. We wrestle not against flesh and blood.

  4. I agree with HW. You won’t find Southerners going to the Northeast and trying to build Christian monuments there. But we do see Northeasterners coming to the South and forcing atheist monuments on us. It’s the same old sad story of the evil Union.

  5. Mosin, no, it really is about culture. Southerners are all about politeness and not sticking our noses into other people’s bidness.

    Maybe that’s why yankees will always be able to kick our asses around the block.

  6. Going to Vermont to shine the light of the Gospel in the darkness would not be wrong at all.

    Christ is “the unity of the universe” as Salvador Dali said. That’s true.

    Atheism could rightfully be seen as anti-culture, even cultural terrorism since all it does is prepare the soil for the false gods of strange creeds. We see the atheist-Islamic alliance in Sweden increase every day.

  7. OT

    Some say freedom is free,
    But I tend to disagree.
    Some say freedom is won,
    From the barrel of a gun
    Tell me why,? tell me why…
    Does a soldier have to die.

  8. “You won’t find Southerners going to the Northeast and trying to build Christian monuments there.”

    The mainstream media would have a tremendous time ridiculing and condemning that. But building monuments is not the right strategy.

    Take the war to the territory of the aggressors, instead of playing defense. It is a religious war, not cultural or ethnic conflict.

  9. “Atheists have nothing in common except for a rejection of the supernatural.”

    Whatever their ethnic or racial or cultural backround, they ALL have this in common, which is not insignificant: Anti-Christianity, explicit or “implicit”.

  10. Not particularly.

    There are atheists who were never raised in a religious household. There are atheists who are rebelling against their Christian upbringing. There are atheists who reject religion for lifestyle reasons. There are Jewish atheists who are motivated by ethnic and historical animus. There are atheists who believe religion is scientifically implausible.

    Atheism is defined negatively. That’s why atheists have so little in common. It is on the same level as opposition to Obama. All kinds of people have their own reasons to oppose the Obama administration.

  11. Even Locke was repulsed by atheists. Rightism without God is kitsch. It’s a blog, it’s a social club.

    Mosin is correct, a Christian isn’t a good Christian if he is content with someone going to Hell because he’d rather not “stick his nose” in things.

  12. So do you feel the current advance of atheism, evidenced by building the first monument on public land is not a problem? So what if they have little in common, like homosexuals have little in common, coming from all races and ethnicities, becoming sodomites for various reasons, even biologically, from birth, they say.

  13. I think it is absolutely typical of the sort of people who were behind the “Freedom Rides” in the 1960s. It reminds me of Henry Ward Beecher coming to Fort Sumter after the War Between the States to condemn the “traitors” who were behind the “rebellion.”

  14. Regardless of whether its atheism or some other stalking horse issue, this is just another example of yankeeism. They will never leave us in peace. It is simply not in their nature.

    Deo Vindice

  15. Lest we forget, it’s American Christianity that has been the largest non-governmental organization that has openly sought out, recruited, and ultimately shipped-in uncounted numbers of Haitian, Jamaican, and African negroids, roach-like swarms of Mexican, Central American, and South American mestizos, along with boat-loads of Cambodian, Vietnamese, Chinese, and East Indians, all the while smiling like brain-dead retards at a Sunday picnic as they sing “Bringing In The Sheaves”.

    Christian churches will go to nauseating lengths in order to “bring in the sheaves”, as this disgusting video shows:

  16. No-man, that’s the sort of ‘do-gooder’ Christianity of the Puritans. The traditional Southern view has been far more focused on home, family, one’s own society, etc. rather than remaking the world.

  17. Still limping from a Yankee bullet, an old darkey, with a grizzled beard and an honest face, hobbled into the office of the World-News at a busy hour yesterday.

    “Kin you white folks gimme a little money fur my church?” he asked, doffing his tattered hat as he bowed.

    Typewriters tickled their hurried denial.

    The aged negro cocked his head on one side. “What, I ain’t gwine ter turn away Ole Marse Robert’s nigger is yer? You didn’t know dat I was Gen. Robert Lee’s cook all through de wah, did yer?” Every reporter in the office considered that introduction sufficient, and listened for half an hour to William Mack Lee, who followed General Robert E. Lee as body guard and cook throughout the Civil War. When the Negro lifted his bent and broken figure from a chair to take his leave every man in the office reached into his pocket, for a contribution.

    “The onliest time that Marse Robert ever scolded me,” said William Mack Lee, “in de whole fo’ years dat I followed him through the wah, was, down in de Wilderness–Seven Pines– near Richmond. I remembah dat day jes lak it was yestiday. Hit was July the third, 1863.

    “Whilst we was in Petersburg, Marse Robert had done got him a little black hen from a man and we named the little black hen Nellie. She was a good hen, and laid mighty nar every day. We kep’ her in de ambulants, whar she had her nest.

    Prepared Feast From Small Supply.
    “On dat day–July the third–we was all so hongry and I didn’t have nuffin in ter cook, dat I was jes’ plumb bumfuzzled. I didn’t know what to do. Marse Robert, he had gone and invited a crowd of ginerals to eat wid him, an’ I had ter git de vittles. Dar was Marse Stonewall Jackson, and Marse A. P. Hill, and Marse D. H. Hill, and Marse Wade Hampton, Gineral Longstreet, and Gineral Pickett and sum others.

    “I had done made some flanel cakes, a little tea, and some lemonade, but I ‘lowed as how dat would not be enuff fo’ dem gemm’n. So I had to go out to de ambulants and cotch de little black hen, Nellie.

    There was a tear in William Mack Lee’s voice, but in his eye I fancied that I saw the happy light that always dances in the eyes of his race at the thought of a fowl for cooking.

    “I jes’ had to go out and cotch little Nellie. I picked her good, and stuffed her with breod stuffin, mixed wid butter. Nellie had been gwine wid us two years, and I hated fer to lose her. We had been gettin’ all our eggs from Nellie.

    “Well, sir, when I brung Nellie inter de commissary tent and set her fo’ Marse Robert he turned to me right fo’ all dem gimmin and he says: ‘William, now you have killed Nellie. What are we going to do for eggs?”

    “‘I jes’ had ter do it, Marse Robert.’ says I.

    ‘No, you didn’t William; I’m going to write Miss Mary about you. I’m going to tell her you have killed Nellie.’

    “Marse Robert kep’ on scoldin’ me mout dat hen. He never scolded ’bout naything else. He tol’ me I was a fool to kill de her whut lay de golden egg. Hit made Marse Robert awful sad ter think of anything bein’ killed, whedder der ’twas one of his soljers, or his little black hen.”


  18. The typical Southerner doesn’t care what Northerners do in their own states. OTOH, there is a peculiar Northeastern mentality that sees their own culture as the measuring stick of the rest of the world.

    These obnoxious people see other cultures as an affront to their own universalist values. They have been coming here for generations to remake the South in their own image. It would never occur to Southerners to travel to Wisconsin to demand that state adopt segregation laws.

    It doesn’t matter whether it was in their Christian phase or their atheist phase. Their attitude and behavior is the same it ever was.

  19. Lest we forget, it’s American Christianity that has been the largest non-governmental organization that has openly sought out, recruited, and ultimately shipped-in uncounted numbers of Haitian, Jamaican, and African negroids, roach-like swarms of Mexican, Central American, and South American mestizos, along with boat-loads of Cambodian, Vietnamese, Chinese, and East Indians, all the while smiling like brain-dead retards at a Sunday picnic as they sing “Bringing In The Sheaves”.

    Christian churches will go to nauseating lengths in order to “bring in the sheaves”, as this disgusting video shows:

  20. A monument to atheism? What in the word would that entail? The article shows that the monument is not pro-atheism or even anti-religion as such, but anti-Christian. This to me is typical.
    Atheists are never seen attacking Islam or Hinduism or Zoroastrianism or any other religion except Christianity. And note that the atheists’ leader or spokesman is named Silverman.
    By the way, if Judaism and Christianity are joined at the hip, as antis claim, why are Jews so often found opposing Christian freedom of speech (the ACLU, et al)?
    Most atheists in my experience tend to proselytize more aggressively than the most zealous Christian. Live and let-live is generally not their attitude.

  21. WHAT is absolutely typical? The Anti-Christian monument builders, you appear to mean.

    I suspect there are some native southern atheists as well, just as there are southern homosexuals.

    The weakness of apostasing Christians emboldens their enemies, attracts enemies from afar.

  22. Hunter, you’re using another straw man. Of course no ethnic culture is the measuring stick of the world, but the Word of God really is the measuring stick of the world. The Truth is the same everywhere and is coming to judge the world, not just one or more ethnies. On the other hand, true Biblical churches are always local and ethnic, never national-political, global or universal.

  23. What would R. B. Rhett have to say about this? He would be pretty forceful, I think. He believed that Christ is God and is risen and coming to judge the entire world, regardless of culture.

  24. Being rude, offensive, and obnoxious for the sake of doing so” is not a Christian trait. On the other hand, a “live and let live” attitude toward sin is not Christian either.

  25. American history explained:

    “All we wish is to be left alone.” — Jefferson Davis in his inaugural address.

    ” . . . and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword . . .” — Abraham Lincoln in his second inaugural address.

    It’s the same as it ever was.

  26. Actually, Southerners have in fact tried, and quite relentlessly at that, attempted to impose their will on the North and West, in the recent past and present — the opposition to Roe v Wade has roots and most impassioned activism in the South.

  27. “opposition to Roe v Wade has roots and most impassioned activism in the South.”

    Once again, you have it exactly backwards.
    And what was Roe v Wade other than the imposition of northern law upon Southerners?

    “It’s the same as it ever was.”

    The truth. The “disturbers of the peace” seek our annihilation under the cover of constant and continual lies. They cannot leave us alone and in peace. They will use any convenient issue they come upon as they relentlessly seek the destruction of our people.

    Deo Vindice

  28. “Actually, Southerners have in fact tried, and quite relentlessly at that, attempted to impose their will on the North and West, in the recent past and present — the opposition to Roe v Wade has roots and most impassioned activism in the South.”

    I wish that southern conservatives had tried even more, and been successful. Instead, southern voters advanced liberals such as Johnson, Carter, Gore, Clinton to lead all the states to their ruin.

  29. Hurrah for all southern, and nothern, opposition to Roe v Wade! “It is the part of freemen to despise and resist”!

  30. Maxwell, that video was a hoot! There’s nothing funnier (or sadder) than a white man trying to act like a black man.

  31. The subhuman filth only do it because we allow them to.

    That’s the takeaway here.

    More than anything else, it is our own complacency and unwillingness to confront the opposition that has brought about this situation, and it won’t take much for some organized group – whether it is the League or someone else – to start pushing back and making waves.

  32. Great point, Apuleius.

    I had forgotten about that: Jefferson Davis famously labeled them “the disturbers of the peace of the world.”


    “And it is with these people that our fathers formed a union and a solemn compact. There is indeed a difference between the two peoples. Let no man hug the delusion that there can be renewed association between them. Our enemies are a traditionless and a homeless race; from the time of Cromwell to the present moment they have been disturbers of the peace of the world.

    Gathered together by Cromwell from the bogs and fens of the North of Ireland and of England, they commenced by disturbing the peace of their own country; they disturbed Holland, to which they fled, and they disturbed England on their return. They persecuted Catholics in England, and they hung Quakers and witches in America.”

    That was back in their Christian phase. As you can see, their theology and ethnic composition has changed, but their mindset is unchanged.

  33. Actually, Southerners have in fact tried, and quite relentlessly at that, attempted to impose their will on the North and West, in the recent past and present — the opposition to Roe v Wade has roots and most impassioned activism in the South.

    My, my how disingenuous. Roe v Wade was an egregious overreach of the federal judiciary. It should have been remanded back to the states for the citizens’ legislatures to decide. Even Ginsburg has now conceded this.

    The entity “imposing their will” has been the overweening, grasping, ever-hungry centralized state instituted by St. Lincoln, and carried on through our increasingly-unconstitutional federal court system.

    The Left loves to pretend that it’s on the side of “freedom fighters” – until said fighters tread on what is sacred to them: state-mandated imposition of their progressive tenets.

  34. “Our enemies are a traditionless and a homeless race (…) disturbers of the peace of the world.”

    Occidental Dissent promotes the same false notions: that it is WHITE people north of the Line who are the true enemies of white people south of the Line — and that whites north of the Line are globalist-imperialists who disturb the entire world, and rootless cosmopolitans without traditions, not belonging to any homeland.

  35. whites north of the Line are globalist-imperialists who disturb the entire world

    If the idea of the South is predicated upon a retreat from the awesome responsibility that is empire in this sick world then death to you, southron. Your freedom is part of bolstering North American (western) culture, not an end in itself.

  36. Final comment for tonight, and tomorrow, regarding: “the awesome responsibility that is empire in this sick world”:

    I believe it is the sinful global empire itself that is making the world sick. But someday this Babylon that nearly the whole world worships will fall.

  37. Occidental Dissent promotes the same false notions: that it is WHITE people north of the Line who are the true enemies of white people south of the Line — and that whites north of the Line are globalist-imperialists who disturb the entire world, and rootless cosmopolitans without traditions, not belonging to any homeland.

    WNs come here and peddle the same ridiculous story that “the Jews” are responsible for their anti-White behavior:

    1.) First, the North had developed a reputation for insane utopian causes by the 1840s and 1850s.

    2.) Second, Northerners were already implementing these insane ideas in their own states before the War Between the States: slavery had already been abolished in the North for liberal-humanitarian reasons, and Pennsylvania and Massachusetts had already repealed their anti-miscegenation laws.

    3.) Third, the North’s commitment to these insane utopian causes – best illustrated by the John Brown raid on Harper’s Ferry in 1859 – inspired such fear and loathing in the South that it destroyed the Union.

    4.) Fourth, the North armed 200,000 negroes to wage war against the Confederacy, abolished slavery, and then made blacks into citizens and passed sweeping federal civil rights laws and rewrote the Constitution to overturn the Dred Scott decision.

    5.) Fifth, every Northern state was integrated and had banned segregation and repealed their anti-miscegenation laws by the late 1880s. It was around that time that Jews had just started immigrating in large numbers to the North.

  38. Well, my family were some of the first settlers in Wisconsin. This is my dirt. Blacks were given the vote in Wisconsin by judicial fiat. The initial charter for the state spelled out any increases in suffrage had to be put to a referendum. After two failed referendums, guess where the negrophiles went? That’s right, the courts. An what did the courts do? That’s right, impose unpopular liberal policy on the native population. Yep. Same as it ever was.

  39. HW is right. It’s the religious zeal with with a certain segment of the white northern population pursues and embraces insane liberal utopian ideology that is the source of all of the strife in this country. They are the source of the strife in their own states. If they’ll shit in their own nest, what’s to keep them from doing the same to Dixie?

  40. They’ll shiv their neighbor if it means more brownie points in the First Church of Luciferian Liberalism.

  41. Don’t forget, ideology is what compelled the Aztec ruling class to sacrifice millions of their own in giant bloody heaps. Ideology, especially when those imposing it exempt themselves from the negative results, can destroy a nation in no time flat. Look at what happened to Imperial Russia.

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