About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s a clever idea, but it doesn’t really work, because Jews don’t intermarry, no matter by how many goy they are surrounded. If Israel were as “multicultural” (puke) as the U.S., they would still interbreed among themselves, as they do everywhere else in the world.

    But white women have been brainwashed (through Judaic media propaganda) into ardently embracing miscegenation.

    Still, I’d like to hope that the video might help some European-Americans awaken to the reality of white genocide, even if, at the level of its own narrative, it doesn’t work.

  2. Jews appear “racially healthy” precisely because they don’t try to organize along explicit racial lines, their ‘homoegeneity’ looks ‘effortless’ because they make no such efforts. The fact they focus on religious identity leaves non-religious people to project racialist cojcepts on them. Calling Jews “racist” is like calling Christendom “nazi” because it happened to be all Christian (ie white).

  3. “It’s a clever idea, but it doesn’t really work, because Jews don’t intermarry, no matter by how many goy they are surrounded. ”

    Ordinary Whites have no clue or interest in Jewish culture. This video was made for them.

    I liked the anti-White quote from Barbara Lerner Spectre, put in Hitler’s mouth. I’ll bet that is what got the SPLC’s ire up. I assume the BUGS higher ups knew a crack down would come, when they did that. Interesting times are coming for BUGS.

  4. “Jews don’t intermarry, no matter by how many goy they are surrounded.”

    That is not true everywhere. More than half of all Jewish people married in the United States since 1985 have taken non-Jewish spouses.

  5. “Jews appear racially healthy precisely because they don’t try to organize along explicit racial lines, their ‘homoegeneity’ looks ‘effortless’ because they make no such efforts (…) they focus on religious identity”

    …seems to support your apparent view that ethnicity is determined by culture and language, and religion, not by blood.

  6. The video is priceless pro-White propaganda and SPLC unwittingly putting up an advertisement for it is even more priceless.

    Any of you that think Whitaker’s approach is stupid or a waste of time better think again.

  7. More than half of all Jewish people married in the United States since 1985 have taken non-Jewish spouses.

    Yep. They’re actually doing a pretty fair job at exterminating themselves, believe it or not.

  8. Whitaker is not stupid; his approach is not stupid. Many of his pupils do waste people’s time. They do this by posting Whitaker’s ideas where they have no business being posted and by hectoring people with demands that people do nothing but apply Whitaker’s methods.

  9. Now here me you standard straight out of the box Hannitized conservatives, the SPLC is composed of pure genius and virtuous courage, you can’t win against them, you must all practice your “But I’m not a racist” grovel and you better do it quick.

    Damn them BUGs people all to hell and I mean it, next thing you know they will start to call the LoS an org dedicated to stopping the genocide of the South and its people, damn them BUGster bastards to hell. The LoS better get out ahead of this and make it clear that they are nothing but standard conservatives who want to preserve the paleocon judeo- Christian values of America.

  10. @Apuleius:


    “Guerrilla war”? When most “conservatives” won’t even cut their cable tv service even though they know it enables and subsidizes their oppressors – because they value football and sitcoms over liberty?

    I’ll believe it when I see it.

  11. Brandon says:
    July 3, 2013 at 2:51 pm
    “Hunter, I can tell you’ve been half asleep….that vid’s been around the horn many times since some month’s ago.”

    What is news is the SPLC are saying, an anti-Genocide group is a “Hate Group”. Do you understand the significance of that?

    I am wondering if the SPLC just made a huge mistake, in a grand game of chess. Only Bob Whitaker knows for sure.

  12. Joo Man – Jews are ANYTHING but “racially-healthy” They have a plethora of genetic diseases . 4X more than ANY other Race.

    Their entire “religion” is based on bloodlines, and self-worship.

    I’d go easy on the absinthe, dear….

  13. Scare quotes, Denise. Many envy Jew’s misperceived racialism.

    Their entire “religion” is based on bloodlines, and self-worship.

    Judaism and every other religion was fulfilled 2013 years ago, their religion is obsolete. Since they have organized themselves as a community around rejecting God they descended into self-worship like all other God-less people, just like the anti-Christians whether commie or pagan.

  14. Gayle = great article. I’m gonna post that on my blog. You will be H/Tipped.

    That said – Jews are NOT exterminating themselves. They are defiling the DNA of others.

  15. Racialism in a healthy Christian society is about hygiene, public safety and commonsense. It’s not a “movement” or “organizing principle”, that’s Jewish.

  16. “That said – Jews are NOT exterminating themselves. They are defiling the DNA of others.”

    That one way to look at it. Another is that they are assimilating themselves out of existence. All things must pass.

    The wheels are coming off the ZOG “love train.”

    Deo Vindice

  17. The dumb bitch says this

    “Their [jewish] entire “religion” is based on bloodlines, and self-worship.”

    Then disagrees with this

    “Racialism in a healthy Christian society is about hygiene, public safety and commonsense. It’s not a “movement” or “organizing principle”, that’s Jewish.”

  18. Is it to much to ask for a rightwing sanctuary online from stupid women that want to make friends and bring potato salad to annual conferences?


    Let’s start that blog and make it males only.

  19. Contrary to your Judeo-feminist programming, most white men are not Homer Simpson.

    Where did I limit my commentary to men? I stuck sitcoms in there for a reason. I would have said “soap operas” or Oprah, but I don’t even know if either of them exist anymore as television entities.

    And I’ve come to the conclusions I have because of real-life experiences, Apuleius. Some of us don’t spend all of our time on the interwebs 😉

    My gosh, feel the rush of woman-hate. Good luck with that all-white boys club, y’all.

  20. There’s nothing stopping women from taking a male/gender neutral screen-name and participating in discussion, unless they’re here for the wrong reasons and want to chitchat, or worse, assert some dressed-up TomBoy schtick as a womanly ideal.

    I’d hold a door for you in real life, Gayle. But don’t come here and wince at men.

  21. “My gosh, feel the rush of woman-hate. Good luck with that all-white boys club, y’all.”

    Doubling down, I see. What’s the matter, Gayle? Did your expression of grrlpower blow up in your face? Terms like “football and sitcoms,” and “all-white boys club” are quite revealing.

    Most white men are really tired of the emasculating critiques and feminist harangues that overprotected “empowered” white women constantly offer, let alone their obsession with “safety” and “security” at the expense of everything else that makes life worth living.

    Not to mention the bar crawling skanks that think they are worthy of marriage after years of defiling themselves with any random stranger, or divorced women who use the courts and their children as weapons to ensure maximum personal destruction of their feckless former husbands.

    But let’s not be too hasty. Let’s see what wisdom and justice the six white women on the show trial jury in Florida can offer. Probably just as much as the three wimmin on the Supreme Court is my guess. Paging Phyllis Schafly…

    Deo Vindice

  22. Tell us why female suffrage was a good idea, Denise. Tell us why women deserve a vote.

    Or would you rather we post one-liners about Jews?

  23. Mary and Lily Della Valle are excluded from criticism since they seem demure.

    Then again so did Clytemnestra before she demanded we submit to Islam.

  24. Women have no need to vote, as they vote in allegiance to their husband or the head of their family. The man may take counsel with his wife or the women of his family, but he has the final say.

    It presumes that women should be against men, and this is the actual attitude we see advocated in today’s society. That if a woman isn’t being loud-mouthed, obnoxious and obstinate, then she isn’t being an “empowered woman.”

  25. That if a woman isn’t being loud-mouthed, obnoxious and obstinate, then she isn’t being an “empowered woman.”

    That reminds me of the oft-seen bumper sticker that is popular with the Amazonian Yankees in this part of North Carolina: “Well-behaved women rarely make history.”

  26. Wayne,

    Since you decided to transplant yourself to the South have you found the locals receptive to your white-nationalist ideology?

  27. “Well behaved women rarely make history”. Eve and Jezebel come to mind as two badly behaved women who made history. Next!

  28. I was just talking to this old White man at the grocery store who just started going off on Paula Deen’s persecutors and saying just wait until the race war starts. I don’t even know the man, never even said anything racial to him. You see, White Southerners, especially the older generation, have an unspoken understanding. You think you could have a conversation like that in New York or California with strangers? Not a chance.

  29. “Well behaved women rarely make history”. Eve and Jezebel come to mind as two badly behaved women who made history. Next!

    Indeed, those are their role models. It’s not about the merit of the word or action, just that it is rebellious. The modern woman is a soulless, spoiled attention-whore, see SlutWalk.

  30. Wayne says:
    July 3, 2013 at 5:45 pm

    ‘Great posts as always Denise!’

    We love to argue over lesser issues ad nauseum, but Denise takes a baseball bat to the jewhive which is the main source of our problems. For that reason judeophiles nip at her heels.

  31. Who is a judeophile here?


    The women here are out of control. They use flattery and insult to stifle discussion, pitting the less intelligent like Wayne against the men that would put them in their place.

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