About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Wayne, I love your posts as well. I always have!

    The animosity and division between men and women was fomented BY jews, of course. Look at the perpetrators of the ENTIRE “movement”.

    Men and women, in healthy societies, rightfully complement each other. But you know this already, dear fellow.

    In the coming White Imperium, good healthy White Women will have the vote. Aryan Goddess, Gayle, Amanda. Barb, the sublime Lily, Haughty Blonde and Yours Truly and Humbly will decide which women will be allowed to vote.

    ; }

  2. Sam and Wayne – you have the number of the Trolls.

    Gee Mark – I thought you were OK. What’s wrong? Sucking up to Joo Man speaks rather ill of you….

  3. “Sucking up”

    Because Mark really cares what I think of him? He’s a man with his own opinions, this site is a popularity contest for you, not everyone else.

  4. No one here is ever going to or likely even want to have sex with Denise so there is absolutely no reason why she belongs on a pedestal. She’s just text on a screen, stop letting her disrupt conversations, stop letting her divide rightwing men against eachother over the intrigue caused by her “personality”.

    Grow the fuck up gentlemen.

  5. Quite right, No Man.

    The idiotic namecalling and bombastic rants of an unhinged harridan are quite tiresome and repetitive. It’s an alternative to actual substantive thought, I suppose.

    Unless you want to play “pretend” and argue over who gets to be the “virago” in whatever the current Jew obsessed Walter Mitty daydream happens to be.

    Another gender confused WN. Big surprise there.

    Deo Vindice

  6. Gee Mark – I thought you were OK. What’s wrong? Sucking up to Joo Man speaks rather ill of you….

    What the fuck did you just say? What stupid shit just came out of your mouth?

    There is nothing I wrote that could even be remotely considered “sucking up.” Sucking up is you in every other post. I’ve cussed him out before for saying nonsense, just like I’m doing to you now, and from your history you deserve it every damn day.

    I normally just skip all of your rambling gibberish, Denise, and I’ve let a lot of your stupid shit go in the past, but a man can only take so much.

    If you have a man in your life he needs to jerk your leash a few times because your dumb-ass is out of control. He has my condolences and my advice to him and all other men dealing with you is to run as fast as they can away from you.

    You think just because you attack Jews and profess pro-White beliefs, might I add which are highly suspect to begin with considering your past statements about how much you love your non-White male friends, that you can just run your mouth any way you want? You need a big reality check, girlie.

    Now shut the fuck up and don’t say anything to me because you’re a waste of time.

    You can return to your drunken stupor now.

  7. We love to argue over lesser issues ad nauseum, but Denise takes a baseball bat to the jewhive which is the main source of our problems. For that reason judeophiles nip at her heels.

    It depends on who “our” is defined as. From a Southron perspective, our main problem is people like Denise – loudmouthed Yankees who like to tell Southrons how to live. I can only imagine the reaction she’ll get when she immigrates here and starts yapping away about women’s rights and her internationalist white imperium. Lol!

    Her obsessive focus on Jewry as the sole cause of the West’s problems is nothing more than a distraction from the role that her own tribe has played in such things. She is fundamentally of the same mindset as the worst of her tribe; the details are all that differ.

  8. Well Denise, you finally did it. You teeed off nearly every man on OD. My advice is quite sucking on the wormwood before you become skull, feet, and hands.

  9. It was encouraging for me to read that Horus The Avenger is from my homeland of Michigan, especially with all our problems with Yankee ethnomasochism up here.

    On that note, I’d like to ask a question to Long Live Dixie:

    Do you think all Yankees are the enemies of Southrons?

    I’m not trying to make an argument that Yankees like myself should be allowed to immigrate to Dixie. In Europe today, certain Northern and Western European nations are tired of immigration from Eastern European nations like Poland. But not wanting Whites of a different ethnicity to immigrate to your nation is different than viewing all Whites from that ethnic group as the enemy of your nation.

    I’ll grant you that many Yankees, including a majority of them in the Northeast, are fundamentally depraved people: Ethnomasochists, equality zealots, Jacobins, all around fanatical nut jobs. But I can’t help but wonder if you think we Yankees are one and the same, for all intents and purposes.

  10. I wouldn’t even consider moving to the American South. Their nigger population makes Detroit’s look minor, and Mexicans are flooding that region like a busted water main. Pretty soon, these Southron jackasses on here will be absolutely begging for anyone with a white face to come there offset the great black re-migration and Mexican invasion.

    Dan, Michigan just doesn’t have a problem with “Yankee ethomasochism”. I don’t know where you’re getting this. Maybe it’s because you’re younger or maybe it’s because the Ann Arbor area is a SPWL haven, but here in Detroit and the surrounding area, our racial attitudes make white Southerners look like tolerant liberals by comparison.

  11. Feck off Jew. I didn’t upset ANY men on this forum – I set off a passel of retarded homos and Joo Trolls.

    Joo Man and his little Twink Mark are particularly unhinged. Long Live Dixie is a useless eunich, and Apuleius should be ashamed of himself. Joo Rabbi Dick Sucker is calling women “gashes” elsewhere – and you other are bitching about me? ALL Joo man does is insult other posters, and make contradictory assertions, and post repetitive, creepy, and bizaarr sexual fethis stuff. IF that doesn’t indicate Joo Troll – nothing does.

    Of course – your DNA must cause you to perceive such lunacy as “normal”.

    Take you little Hymie Butt Buddies down to your local sin-a-gogue. and spend your time in a great big Circle Jerk.

  12. Chris – the “mainstream” news sites are all aflutter with a potential Grand Mal Chimp Out, over the coming Zimmerman Verdict. The KIKE Jew “Judge” Deborah STEINBERG (ahhh….”Southern” Kikes aren’t a problem at all!) is doing EVERYTHING it can to throw the trial – but it’s not working too well.

    I welcome a National Grand Mal Chimp Out. Let’s see where things happen, and WHAT happens.

  13. Denise, you’re a stupid, irrational cunt. Everything you say is meaningless noise. You’re a disgrace to White nationalism. People like you should be sterilized for the betterment of our race.

  14. From a Southron perspective, our main problem is people like Denise – loudmouthed Yankees who like to tell Southrons how to live. I can only imagine the reaction she’ll get when she immigrates here and starts yapping away about women’s rights and her internationalist white imperium.

    It’s clear that this despicable creature is severely mentally ill.

    She attempted to write something for OD once, and like her comments, it was just a rambling mess of misspellings, bad grammar and hysterical drivel. There was a collective protest that she never be allowed to write again, LOL.

    A normal rational person with a soul might have taken that as a hint to fuck off, but this dumb bitch is too stupid to even know she’s stupid. The nonsense never ends with her. She’s a mental patient, she needs restraints and heavy medication.

  15. this dumb bitch is too stupid to even know she’s stupid.

    We need to get in touch with her husband at this point and politely inform him of his wife’s activities.


    Please reset my password to your forum. We have a white nationalist to track down.

  16. By the way, Markie- Hunter likes my post. Who are YOU, Markie? You showed up here, and proceeded to post nothing but irrelevant, hostile tripe. Are you going to sin-a-gogue w/ Abbie Foxman tonight?

  17. You can add pathological liar to the long list of character defects for Denise.

    I recall you recently agreeing with more than one of my comments, Denise.

    Did it ever occur to you, Denise, that maybe you shouldn’t unjustly provoke others and make up lies about them? Did that thought ever enter your warped little mind?

  18. “Their nigger population makes Detroit’s look minor, and Mexicans are flooding that region like a busted water main.”

    Not a bad simile but considering that a “water main” carries something cool, clear, and healthful, might I suggest substituting: “sewer main” instead, since what it carries is putridly warm, brown, and unhealthful.

    Oh, and it stinks too…

  19. Mark,

    Did it EVER occur to you that when amoron like No Balls insults other posters, repeatedly, and especially women, in the most vile terms (which I’ve ONLY ever heard the sickest of homos deploy) that he/it is inviting return volleys?

    You reveal no hestitation on resorting to foul language, and utter hostility, for NO reason. DON’T DISH IT OUT if you can’t take it.

    I KNOW all the Pro White activists in the region personally – as well as knowing, personally, many of the folks all over, you ASSHAT – and I’ve never met JooBoi anywhere. So shove your BS, and his/it’s RIGHT up your anal tract, or down your throat – if you can figure out which is which. If JooBoi WANTS to take it 3D – keep it up.

  20. Turning to other matters: Though I’m relatively new here, I’m by no means new to WN. That said, one thing I’ve noticed here a lot is “Denise this” and “Denise that” until my ears are red. I even learned a new word: “nulliparous” in connection with her. All that aside, I think the only crucial question in regard to this “Denise” is this:

    Is she hot?

  21. @Parrish

    Water mains are under higher pressure than sewer mains, so they flood faster when they break. Although beaners and niggers are indeed brown and awful smelling just as sewage is, the speed and force with which the two groups are colonizing and returning to the South, is more like that of the flow from a water main than a sewer.

  22. I wouldn’t even consider moving to the American South. Their nigger population makes Detroit’s look minor

    No it doesn’t, you worthless moron. Detroit is over 84% black, it has the highest percentage of blacks for any US city. That’s not even close to the percentage of blacks in the South. Despite your exaggerated trolling, blacks are actually a minority of the Southern population overall. The black population is concentrated in the Black Belt, and there are plenty of White enclaves.

  23. Mosin – at least Parrish thinks like MAN.

    Others, who frequent GAY BARS, and want to track down people, are the ones that need to apologize.

  24. I’m just reading up the thread now. Yes, it’s full of vileness, just what Hunter needs to attract southern Christians to his blog.

  25. How about we all give it a rest? This is silly.

    Denise, you are getting off track. Save your invective for the kikenvermin.
    I’m not an expert, but trading insults with others here isn’t very good “Jew naming,” if you ask me.

    Let’s agree to play nice now, gentlemen.
    Remember what Mammy used to say about ganging up on others:

    Deo Vindice

  26. Apparently the objection to Denise concerns her understanding of Talmudism, which several commenters don’t want to hear, and a Mossad- or NSA-employed full-time blog watcher can never agree with.

  27. @Mark

    “No it doesn’t, you worthless moron.”

    – Yes it DOES, you little piss-ant: http://analepsis.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/1990cencus_black.jpg

    “Detroit is over 84% black, it has the highest percentage of blacks for any US city.”

    – We realistically have less than 700,000 people, and the niggers have been leaving in droves. And their coming home to Dixie.

    “The black population is concentrated in the Black Belt..”

    – Which is basically the entire South.

    “..and there are plenty of white enclaves.”

    – Not for long — those white enclaves will soon be Mexican enclaves. Have fun, Johnny Reb!

  28. Let’s agree to play nice now, gentlemen.

    You don’t play nice with mentally ill subhumans.

    Denise, you are getting off track.

    She’s never been on track, you’re not paying attention.

    Yes, it’s full of vileness, just what Hunter needs to attract southern Christians to his blog.

    If Hunter cared about civility and standards he would ban all of the trolls that repeatedly lie and provoke others, that would remove at least half of the people who comment.

  29. SeAN – I KNOW real world Southerners. I genuinely LIKE the people I’ve met. Do you understand this?

    No Balls is not a Southerner. God only know what Mark is.

  30. Hunter – genuinely Pro White people, no matter the specific tack, want to “track some-one down”.

    You have a serious infestation of 24/7 Anti Fa infestation.

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