About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yeah, screw you not quite white enough people! You’re all a bunch of crypto-jews, homos, closet niggers, and jews!

    You bunch of jewy jews! You all suck! But us white folk, who are whiter than you, are awesome!

    For shits sake! You sound like my children. Except my children would catch a beating for acting like this.

  2. I won’t open that link, and if it is what you imply, it ought to be swiftly deleted by a Christian moderator, if there is one on this blog that claims to appeal to southern Christians.

    But the seductive negress link you posted was allowed to stand, and the comment recommending a “The Seductive Jewess” website also stood, to the consternation and repellance of any southern Christians who might happen to surf onto this blog.

  3. “Chris, and the rest of the trolls on here would be dealt swift justice in person if they acted they way they do on here.”

    – Yeah, I’m quite familiar with how brave you people are. Stonelifter, OD’s big bad war veteran/mercenary, threatened to kill me at least twice, demanded my home address which I readily gave him, and then he chickenshitted out. So spare me the chest-thumping, you little shit.

  4. @Apuleius

    “.. low trash like you.”

    – Shove it up your black ass, you anonymous guinea coward.

  5. how brave you people are

    You admit you’re not one of us, and all you do is troll and post nonsense. Why don’t you find a more productive use of your time, like being a crash test dummy.

  6. Chris, that commenter who claimed to be a country farmer boy rooted in Dixie says he moved now permanently to Eastern Europe and praises foreign city life.

  7. Chrissy is afraid to leave his house so his “courage” is never tested. A chronic bedwetter since early childhood, he is a “wetfront” as opposed to a “wetback.”

    We know the north will never rise. Unless you count when Sean takes his little blue pill and his wife has her mandingo over for some fun.

    Deo Vindice

  8. “Seductive Jewess is read by many people just for the articles.”

    I’ve heard that “the articles” are the main attraction of Playboy and Esquire.

  9. Good night, granny. Might want to have mummy check under the bed for Jews and leave the light on just in case.

    Deo Vindice

  10. The comments on this site have been deteriorating badly over the last few months. VNN isn’t as bad as it’s gotten here lately.

  11. Apuleius – seriously – every-one is in for a rough ride, over the next few years. EVERY-ONE.

    Chris is anything BUT a bed-wetter. He’ll do just fine.

    Sean and I have clashed – but I bear him no ill will. He referenced Vegas – if he’s is in NV -he’s got plenty of issues to deal with.

  12. threatened to kill me at least twice, demanded my home address which I readily gave him

    Considering that you constantly lie, I doubt the information you gave is real.

    If you’re antagonizing people to the point where they want to kill you, maybe you should rethink your behavior.

    If you’re giving your home address out to people who want to kill you then that just confirms you really are a moron and perhaps one of them will do us all a favor.

  13. Me – It’s the night before a holiday. I’m getting the grunt stuff done now. I’m freeing up my day tomorrow, and the weekend.

    How about you? Are you having fun?

  14. Apelius, go ahead with the personal insults, fine with me.
    Your problem is that what I write here is truth and you know it.
    Waste your time with the LoS. You and the south are done.
    Well, you are part nigger, so you will be right at home in the south after recolonization.

  15. Mosin Nagant says:
    July 4, 2013 at 3:35 am

    ‘Chris, that commenter who claimed to be a country farmer boy rooted in Dixie says he moved now permanently to Eastern Europe and praises foreign city life.’

    The King of the Southrons who spoke of blood, honor, kin and homeland ran off to Europe?

    How could that be?

    He had no use for Yankees or any Whites outside of his circle.

    Lucky for him the country welcoming him didn’t have the 3 generation residency rule that he espoused to keep his Southron nation pure.


  16. VNN isn’t as bad as it’s gotten here lately.

    VNN is worse, always has been, always will be, because of who runs it.

    Many of the people who troll here are from there.

  17. Damn it Denise! I was hoping to put some canned PUA shit on you so you would be insanely attracted to me so we could go make passionate love, and leave these homosexual, jew, nigger-lovers to fight it out amongst themselves. I guess there is no place on these internetz for a regular white dude to find like-minded people. Oh well.

  18. Stonelifter was ran out of the country/south by his ex wife. If he is in E. Europe, he won’t last long there. Even if he does, there is no way his new wife will, I’m sure he knows this inside.
    Keeping his dirty Yankee govt. money obviously meant more to him than blood and soil.

  19. “Apuleius – seriously – every-one is in for a rough ride, over the next few years. EVERY-ONE.”

    It is a matter of supreme indifference to me what happens to any “Amurrican” outside of Dixie. The continual display of malice by WN yankees here convinces me that they intend far more ill to Southrons than any other group. In that, they “out-Jew” even the Jews who intimidate and scare them so much.

    I wouldn’t piss on any of them if they were dying of thirst in the desert.

    Deo Vindice

  20. Awwww!!! That’s very enticing…..but I prefer classic Hugo Boss Pater garments.

    But it’s Summer….so I understand…

  21. I can easily disregard everything you say Denise, because you’re a pathological liar and a mental midget. You just repeat the same nonsense over and over like a child having a tantrum.

    What I say about you is all true, and thus it will stick in that little reptilian brain of yours for the rest of your miserable life.

    My condolences to your husband, may he not suffer long.

  22. I am not inclined to bail – but if I were – Stonelifter and his soon to be new Clan are in one of the places in the world I would go.

  23. Dang, Denise. I had you figured for a classic Hanes boxer-briefs kind of girl. I guess it wasn’t meant to be.

    Let that be a lesson to you, guys. Tighten up your game so you don’t start acting like a bunch of buddy-fucking douche bags when a girl shows up. Then again, Rules of the Internet #37.

  24. The continual display of malice by WN yankees here convinces me that they intend far more ill to Southrons than any other group. In that, they “out-Jew” even the Jews who intimidate and scare them so much.

    That’s correct, they’re no better than Jews. In fact they’re worse, they have the mentality of Jews but the IQ of niggers.

    This just goes back to previous points about how our greatest enemies exist within the White population. Some of them right here on this forum.

  25. Apuleius – I don’t care about Amurrica either.

    I wouldn’t TELL you to urinate on ’em , them thar Yanks. either. I know bad they are.

    The Yankees YOU despise worship Hebes.

  26. Thanks, Denise. I guess since none of these guys are serious about preserving the white race, the least we can do is have fun while they get caught up on dumb shit. Night.

  27. Apelius is a coward, Denise. He knows you run in the same circles with those in the LoS. He’s just being a nigger, he can’t help it.
    He will either hide under his bed and not attend any of the same conferences as you or he will simply weasel out and apologize.

  28. Sean – I’d love to meet Apuleius. He’s apparently met our Beloved Hunter – and so he does go out a visitin’

    He’s been super bitchy of late – but normally his posts are very intelligent and thoughtful.

    I fear he’d hate meeting me, and some of my cohorts, for he’d be forced to deal with the fact that not ALL Yankees are out to get Southerners, but appreciate and respect Southerners and he’d meet our actual genuine Southern pals, who know, and love us – who have deep Southern roots, far deeper than any criteria Stonelifter could ever imagine.

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