
I hate July the 4th.
I consider it the single worst day in our entire history as a people. It was on this day in 1776 that the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. In revolting against the British Empire, our ancestors began the process of transferring their allegiance to the ideology and institutions that rule us today.
The original Southern Nationalists like Rhett and Yancey celebrated the memory of July the 4th as an act of secession. In a longer view of history, the American Revolution severed our ties to a more distant and less intrusive government, severed the Southern colonies from the British West Indies, undermined slavery and set the stage for abolition in North America and the Caribbean, and institutionalized Americanism as the reigning ideology in our national government.
If we had never revolted in 1776, we would have eventually gained our independence without a fight like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Alternatively, if the British had succeeded in defeating the Revolution in the Southern colonies, a small and impoverished American Republic might have emerged in New England, which would have been contained to the eastern seaboard by loyalist Canada, New York, and Dixie.*
In this scenario, the British Empire would have remained focused on North America and wouldn’t have shifted toward Asia and Africa in the 19th century. Instead of being divided by the American Revolution, Britain would have retained all of its plantation colonies in the Treaty of Paris, and the power of the slave interest in Britain would have been further magnified by the rise of the Cotton Kingdom and the seizure of the French West Indies and Spanish West Indies from New England’s allies.
Abolitionism in Britain would have been defeated. By extension, abolitionism would have been defeated in France, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands, as only Portuguese Brazil would have been left standing among non-British slave societies in the Golden Circle. The events of the French Revolution would not have devastated the Caribbean because Saint-Domingue would have become a British colony in 1783.
The United States (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine) would never have dominated the North American continent, the Western Hemisphere, and by extension, the rest of the Western world. Instead, Yankees would have been contained to New England where their “City on a Hill” would have become the Portugal of North America.
The Declaration of Independence with its famous claim about the equality of all men would have become a forgotten document after Jefferson’s execution for treason: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The Federalist Papers with their lies about the distribution of power between the federal government and the state governments would have become forgotten U.S. propaganda after Madison’s execution for treason: “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.”
In the Southern colonies, the traditional view of things that it is self-evident that all men are not created equal, that all men do not have certain inalienable rights, and that important distinctions exist between races and classes of men which ought to be recognized and left undisturbed in law and custom would have remained the prevailing belief system under British monarchical institutions.
Were it not for July the 4th, we wouldn’t have had to fight and lose the bloodiest war in our history to reestablish this principle. A vast buffer state based on New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania would have emerged that would have separated us from Yankee influence and domination of our national government.
The South would be better off today if the American Revolution had been defeated here in 1783. Not only would there be more “liberty,” we could be celebrating our “independence” from the United States, its Jacobin ideology, and the negro president who presides over its failed institutions and vast centralized government.
* In light of all the trouble the United States would later cause for the British Empire, King George III and Britain would have been much better off just giving the Yankees their independence.
Update: Conrad Black has an interesting article on the American Revolution in National Review.
I don’t know if I completely agree with this. Jeffersonian-ism was a great ideology. Jefferson actually was against centralization, industry and he even didn’t want the US to have cities. He wanted a rural agrarian United States. It’s just a shame that the Hamiltonian won out and that the south was defeated in 1865 (which was pro jeffersonian, anti-hamiltonian).
I think our southern ancestors fought for a good cause in 1776. The bad part now is that despite this country still having the name “United States” it’s a very different US than the one back when we delcared our Independence from Britain. The United States of the late 18th century stopped existing after the civil war.
My family basically both sides were colonists, paternal from Georgia, maternal were Tories from NY/NJ who fled to Ontario after the war, but then illegally crossed back into Wisconsin 100 years later. Mother’s side basically talk to god as equals, IMO the South would be dealing with same shitheads different year. And they are infectious, their patterns of thought were adopted by other Euro settlers, and I wouldn’t doubt that even the coloreds who can assimilate higher thought patterns will as well.
So I am not going to buy this at face value, sorry HW.
By creating the Union, we locked ourselves into an endless contest with the Northeast over whether the federal government should be consolidated or decentralized. The Federalists always wanted a consolidated government and lied in their propaganda to get the Constitution ratified.
In seceding from the British Empire, we fatally divided the South from the British West Indies, which weakened slavery in both the United States and Britain, which is what allowed abolition to break out of its cage.
Consider the fate of the British Empire: it grew more decentralized over time with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand maturing from colonies into sovereign nations whereas the U.S. federal government has only grown more centralized over time and the states have been reduced to counties.
Our lack of industry was a huge factor in our defeat.
@ Hunter
I’ve suggested this before. You should read any of Jefferson Davis speeches, he firmly roots the Confederacy as a natural outcome of the American Revolution and Independence from Britain. It was his stump speech.
As @DixieGirl and I have pointed out, our Confederate ancestors all had American Revolutionary ancestors! This wasn’t true in the North.
I even believe Robert Barnwell Rhett compared the Confederacy to the American Revolution.
Alt.history is snake oil. There are just too many factors to say for sure that this and this would have happened but for this or this. If you ever buy a book about about “What If” History, a new hypothetical timeline of events changing one or a few circumstances, you might as well put it into the same box where that doodad that gives you rock hard abs by using it five minutes a day three times a week gathers dust.
Had the American Revolution failed or never taken place how do you know you’d be better off now? The Enlightenment ideology had already permeated the Western World by 1776, the seeds of which grew into all the problems you speak of.
How do you know that Dixie, albeit resistant to Enlightenment ideas, would not have suffered the same fate as South Africa or Rhodesia or had forced non-White integration imposed on them like all of Europe today? How do you know that over time the British Empire and Her allies would not have become your worst enemies, just as bad or worse than Yankees?
Yes, in any case I agree the South would still be dealing with the same shit heads and only on a wider scale.
Re: more of the same
1.) As countenance said, no one can really *know* for sure, but we can make some reasonable extrapolations such as the impact of the American Revolution on the British anti-slavery movement.
2.) In 1776, the Enlightenment’s ideology had yet to triumph anywhere, particularly in France. The Revolution was a victory for France which took over several islands in the Caribbean from Britain. If Britain had defeated France and Spain in the Revolution, the British would have retained Florida and would have acquired the Spanish and French West Indies.
3.) If the American Revolution had been defeated, would the French Revolution have happened?
4.) The South never had the demographics of the West Indies much less the demographics of Rhodesia and South Africa. That was one reason why there were comparatively few slave rebellions in the Southern colonies.
5.) If the Revolution had failed, American hegemony would have never been established over Europe after 1945.
6.) The economy of Britain and the South grew more complementary in the early nineteenth century.
Hunter: one of the areas I can’t disagree with you on is your pro-slavery views. I don’t think even most hardcore right wing Southern Nationalist would be in favor of bring back slavery. In fact, I think promoting pro-slavery views would hurt the southern movement in today’s world.
Outside of that, which includes interracial marriage, abortion, amnesty, feminism, centralization/etc, I pretty much agree with your views. I’d say by and large many Southerners do as well.
Re: Eric
1.) To my knowledge, no one on this website advocates restoring slavery.
2.) The debate is over how slavery ended: in our case, slavery was destroyed by the Union Army in 1865, and the result was a descent into crushing poverty that lasted until the 1940s. When sharecropping began to end in the 1930s and 1940s, there were more White sharecroppers and tenant farmers picking cotton in the South than blacks.
3.) Slavery was the foundation of Southern civilization. It was the source of many other distinctive features of our civilization that have survived long after the demise of slavery.
This ran last year:
Pay close attention to the words they use when describing George Washington.
Hunter: I think that glorifying slavery even in the past viewpoint is going to push you into the fringes, even among the most right wing of Southerners.
It’s obvious that most Southerners today don’t want amnesty, even many Southern politicians have voted against it.
If we seceded from Hollywood, MTV, etc… I could also see the restoration of strong traditional family values in the South. Which would reject feminism, abortion, interracial marriage, amnesty/immigration etc.
But in terms of bringing back Old South slavery or glorifying it. I really don’t think most Southerners would accept that.
Re: Eric
1.) I’m not a politician running for a public office. If I cared what most people thought, I wouldn’t be running this website.
2.) As I have said a million times now, I think slavery would have died out naturally in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century due to the mechanization of agriculture, which is what ended sharecropping and tenant farming in the 1930s and 1940s.
I’m convinced that slavery would have died out much sooner than sharecropping because an independent Confederacy wouldn’t have been a capital scarce region with a massive labor surplus like the Jim Crow South. Agriculture in an independent Confederacy would have mechanized much sooner like the Midwest.
3.) What’s the difference between slavery and sharecropping? Most sharecroppers were White and slaves had a higher material standard of living. Otherwise, sharecroppers and slaves both picked cotton.
4.) I love the Old South. The New South is the failure.
Unlike Canada or the UK, the USA today has free speech and gun rights thanks to the 1st and 2nd amendments to the constitution.
That alone is reason enough for me to celebrate Independance Day!
George III was a race traitor who armed the Indians to murder and horribly torture our people on the frontier, who prevented the colonies from outlawing the trans-Atlantic slave trade (and then turned around and encouraged the slaves to revolt!), and who conspired with Meyer Rothschild to finagle the Duke of Hesse-Cassel into sending his army against us.
The island colonies sympathized with America, but they dared not join our revolt because they were unable to defend themselves – because they had foolishly imported too many slaves.
For the most part, the English, the Lowland Scots and the Irish Protestants all sympathized with the American point of view. Unable to obtain sufficient recruits from the philo-American Whig core ethnic groups of his domains, George III turned to Highland Scots, Germany mercenaries, Indian savages and Black slaves to man his unjust army of conquest – just like today’s elites throughout the western world import ethnic outsiders to break the power of the White common man.
I’ll be flying the stars and stripes proudly today, and drinking a toast to Benjamin Franklin, Edmund Burke and all other men past present and future who understand the wisdom and justice of the American cause.
Re: Whites Unite
1.) The Bill of Rights, which is the only positive aspect of the U.S. Constitution, can be attributed to the Anti-Federalist opposition to ratification of the Constitution.
2.) There was little sympathy in the British West Indies for the American Revolution.
3.) The British had protected the colonists from the Indians on the frontier for generations (the expense of this prompted the Proclamation of 1763) and stationed troops in the Caribbean during the Revolution to protect the West Indies from slave rebellions and Carib attacks in Dominica and Tobago.
4.) The White common man was put down by the Federalists during the Whiskey Rebellion.
5.) Benjamin Franklin believed in negro equality.
This will be moderated.
But Hunter, I often wonder if you had any family in the what became the U.S. in the colonies, and you don’t seem to have any in the South or Confederacy.
In this way, I think you’d be better off just being a White Nationalist or something.
Speaking for others, and their families, and their motivations is bad form. You’ve got to speak for yourself.
Many documents of the time were pure propaganda, and trying to get money, you know that much. And the Constitution says “FOR US AND OUR POSTERITY,” which is really what you are helping to bury.
To say the Civil war was about wanting to own blacks, and that alone, and focusing on that, just creates a CARTOON WAR that looks like Hitler on the History Channel, where the sole focus is to demonize one figure (in a 70 plus COUNTRIES war) and make his whole deal about “race.”
Life is larger. Let’s see if the comment even gets through.
Like RobRoy, Earl and others—- we’ve been around awhile (centuries in what became the U.S.) This whole program of trying to demonize US FURTHER BY MAKING the American Revolution like some commie thing is total b.s.
Re: DixieGirl
1.) Of course.
I have lots of Confederate ancestors. My family has lived in Alabama since the nineteenth century and before that in Georgia and Virginia. Barbour County, AL was the most secessionist county in Alabama. It was one of the most secessionist counties in the entire South. The governor of Confederate Alabama – John Gill Shorter – was from Eufaula. My own family home used to be the residence of B.B. Comer who governor of Alabama from 1907 to 1911.
2.) Has the U.S. Constitution been an instrument for protecting or destroying posterity?
3.) Where do you live?
I live in Alabama. Multiple people on this website who know me in real life can confirm that. Does anyone know you?
4.) I haven’t said anywhere that the “Civil War” was about “wanting to own blacks, and that alone.”
5.) The American Revolution led to the creation of the Union. If we had lost the Revolution instead of the War Between the States, we would be better off. The Dominion of Canada was created in 1867 without a fight.
This is my vision as well, HW. I loath the Fourth of July and Union it brought about with New England.
HOW OR WHY do you “love the old south.” It seems that this “old south” that many love is the movie myth and so on. For people who had relatives in the old south, not like a joke, there was some to love and some to hate. It was a mixed bag, like any other thing on earth, and it “took all kinds.”
This “classic hierarchy” idea of owning slaves and etc—- DO YOU REALLY THINK in such a world that you would have a good position, lol. Well, everyone does think that (which is just to say it’s a bit arrogant.)
It’s the “NEW SOUTH” THAT is the hierarchical world— isn’t it? The fascism of an elite governance (a NEO FEUDALISM)— THAT we already have right now? A militarist corporatist welfare-warfare state (albeit underwritten by some communist think-tanked social controls)—
This IS neo-feudal. This IS it.
Re: DixieGirl
1.) SNN has written at length about the rise of the seigneurial civilisation in the Old South.
2.) OD and SNN have written at length about the spread of seigneurial civilisation across South Carolina and the Lower South.
3.) There’s actually a book about what life was like under slavery where I am from:
Sold Down the River: Slavery in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley of Alabama and Georgia
4.) The Old South was a hierarchical society. There have been several incarnations of the “New South,” but the Jim Crow South was also very much a rural, agrarian, hierarchical society, albeit a vastly poorer society due to the existence of the Union and the abolition of slavery.
5.) The militarist-corporatist-welfare-warfare state dates back to the Cold War. There is nothing “neo-feudal” about the modern South. Just look at places like Norfolk and Charleston.
To play the Devil’s advocate: would Dixie have developed a Southron identity if we had stayed in the British Empire?
1. Yes, the anti-Federalists deserve credit for the Bill of Rights. The anti-Federalists had, by and large, been the strongest supporters of independence.
2. Bermuda, for instance, clandestinely sent gunpowder to America. Hamilton and other islanders living on the mainland tended to be just as patriotic as men born on the mainland.
3. William, Anne, George I and George II acted as monarchs should and defended their American subjects. George III, by arming the Indians against our frontiersmen, acted in a hellish and unforgiveable manner. Say what you will about Lincoln, at least he didn’t arm and incite the Comanche to murder Texas frontiersmen.
4. Putting down the Whiskey Rebellion gave Washington a plausible excuse to mobilize a large army in the Pittsburg area. This put him in a position to support Anthony Wayne against the Indians or, if necessary, the British. Furthermore, the revenue from the whiskey tax helped pay for Wayne’s ongoing campaign in the northwest. In other words, Washington’s actions were part of his administration’s good faith effort to defend America from a very real and ongoing foreign threat, in accordance with the provisions of a constitution agreed to by Pennsylvania. This is entirely different from George III’s intolerable acts, attempted disarming of Massachusetts, and the remorseless war waged for over a year, despite repeated olive branch petitions from America, which finally forced America to declare independence.
5. “believed in negro equality” is a loaded phrase in our PC / cultural Marxist era, and the connotations evoked do not accurately describe Franklin’s views. The leftists describe Franklin as “racist”. Andrew Hamilton at Counter Currents does a good job describing Franklin’s actual views.
Happy Independence Day!
As an aside, 4 July is also the anniversary of one of Dixie’s worst military defeats.
I disagree with your alternate timeline, especially that abolitionism wouldn’t have existed and we’d all be one big happy, pro-White, pro-slavery society. That’s some fanciful speculation.
We’d be pretty much where we are today with some exceptions.
The South itself might not have even existed.
The Civil War wouldn’t have happened.
We wouldn’t have had the extreme segregation and opposition to miscegenation that we had in the South’s history. Integration and miscegenation would have been much more accelerated by now.
We’d be more like Canada or Britain, even more liberal and with more restrictions on free speech and gun ownership.
3.) Slavery was the foundation of Southern civilization.
The economy yes, but what defined our civilization more was the caste system, the separation of the races, not slavery itself. In much of slavery’s history slaves could win their freedom and were then assimilated into society, but not with Southern slavery, blacks were always kept separate. Look at the very different outcomes of post-slavery with Arabs and Latin Americans vs the South.
No, and that’s a big lapse on Hunter’s part for missing that. He’s basically advocating for our racial and cultural destruction and not realizing it.
Abolition started in England. Not New England, England. This means the South would have had abolition BEFORE the Civil War.
If anything, July 4th is merely a reminder to me of how far we’ve gotten away from what this country was supposed to be a shelter for White Christians to escape oppression, a higher standard of living for working-class whites, land — lots of land so that the white working-class could survive living off the land, rural people having a vote so that big business and their slaves in the urban ghettos don’t control us, no “entangling alliances” which definitely meant with the filth known as Western Europeans, especially the British Commonwealthers who have done nothing in our history but spew negative propaganda about Americans working up to the present where they are intensely trying to disarm us.
There’s nothing to celebrate. I don’t celebrate a country that forced White Christians Boers to take down their wall that kept the murderous African creatures at bay and instigated the silent genocide that is now closing in on 5,000 Boers tortured and murdered.
It’s like Memorial Day or Veteran’s Day. I don’t celebrate a country that killed its own in massive amounts (fuck Lincoln) rather than let people rule themselves if they want. I don’t celebrate all the dead white boys who have fought in the Jew’s wars. I don’t celebrate the country who killed the Nazis (brutally killed civilians purposely) who were fighting the very same thing that’s killing us today. I don’t celebrate government-indoctrinated hired killers who say they “don’t think, they take orders” — and then go massacre the White Christians in Bosnia for the filthy Muslims who are still destroying their churches and beheading them. I don’t celebrate a country that’s military would plan a “Fallujah” and allow the murder of its own people.
I don’t celebrate “Black Friday” and the monstrosity that Christmas has become. I don’t celebrate Martin Luther King day.
It’s just not my country anymore.
Well said, DixieGirl, well said:
Although, I will say this, the British, and their Jew & Catholic allies have been able to manipulate American foreign policy since before WWI.
The Declaration of Independence with its famous claim about the equality of all men would have become a forgotten document after Jefferson’s execution for treason: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Jack Ryan replies:
Agreed. Utter nonsense. This Masonic ” equality” propaganda has spread terrible violence throughout the world. Sorry to have to present the facts that Southern slave holders in 1976 were spreading this poison.
I sympathize with the angst many are feeling on this 4th of July. This country, today, is not the country of the founders. Not even close. What people feel is the sentimentality of that time. It’s well and good to get emotional and believe that what came about then exists today but, in Will Roger-speak, it just ain’t so.
The original concept was put paid to in 1861-1865. Steve Sailer wrote an article today talking about Lincoln’s folly – what could he have done to stop the war. It was simple, he could’ve left the South leave and coexist in peace with the remnant of the Union.
Since then, there have been many nails in the coffin – the New Deal, Income Tax, the Federal Reserve, Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action, multiple wars, and unbridled, illegal immigration – to name a few. It’s over.
Although everyone gets all weepy and sentimental on the 4th, nobody was, or is, prepared to preserve the original concept – individual liberty and independence, the rule of law, equality before the law but not in means and outcomes. So, unless you are prepared to lose the medicare, the unemployment insurance, the EBT benefits, the endless wars, etc., etc. forget it, leave the past behind, and live up to what this country really is – an authoritarian, police state/collective.
4th of July grand stand national holiday. As if the colonists were oppressed by the red coats. King George raised some taxes.all hell broke lose. Only 10% of the colonists were involved in the so called Revolution. The continental congress took advantage of the britts who were over stretched and wary of France, Germany unification. Independence Day from the brits is a carte blank. Continental congress set upon the course of imperial conquest.
The malcontents on here can take a hike if they don’t like this country. Happy Birthday, America:
Chris313 writes: ‘The malcontents on here can take a hike if they don’t like this country. Happy Birthday, America’
You like this country? You like Progressive USA? What is there to like about it?
America was not ready for independence. 200+ years is still an infant.the american colonist remained a commonwealth of England. i think the world today might not be up side down.
Well I have no idea where or what Progressive USA is, but the answer to your question is simple — Americans are free men and women, through to our very souls. And I’m forever thankful that I was born American.
“What is there to like about it?”
R&B sax on a rock’n’roll record!
1956&7 ‘vettes:
Ma Deuce:
Whites Unite: “I’ll be flying the stars and stripes proudly today, and drinking a toast to Benjamin Franklin, Edmund Burke and all other men past present and future who understand the wisdom and justice of the American cause.”
I agree with this. A great deal of good came from the American Revolution, for both the North and the South. Even today, despite the ever-tightening vice of cultural marxism, the US has more freedoms than every other British Colony that never fought for their independence. We can thank our superior gun rights to men like Tom Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and the exceedingly underestimated battlefield courage and military skill of George Washington, who pulled off one of the greatest military feats in world history. And lest we forget, George was a native of Virginia, just like that other famous battlefield commander: Robert E. Lee. When we celebrate the 4th of July, we are celebrating more than any other the heroic exploits of one man – and that man was one of our own.
We can also thank our superior freedom of speech rights to those same men, whom I’m sure would not hesitate to take up the sword against those who are today destroying our country from within, were they alive today. Many of those other great men were also born and bred in the South – long before it ever became the CSA. They don’t deserve to be vilified by any of us – for in spirit, as well as in flesh, they were of our blood. And in case any of you didn’t know, George Washington hated the idea of allowing negroes to be used as soldiers against the British and fought against it, and only grudgingly allowed some of them to serve during the last desperate years of struggle. Even so, can you imagine what he would say today if he were alive and told that a negro was occupying the White House?
The 4th of July should not be a celebration of the America of today, I agree. But we can use this day to celebrate the America that was, the America that DID engender much of the good that we who stand as the last patriots – both Southern and Northern – are yet trying to preserve.
This is a recent development.
Much of it can be attributed to America’s negative influence over the rest of the West since 1945.
Kim Basinger (Georgia peach!):
Abolition started in England. Not New England, England. This means the South would have had abolition BEFORE the Civil War.
That’s right. Abolitionism’s roots are Christian. The Great Awakening and Somersett’s Case precede The Declaration of Independence. Somerset v Stewart found there was no legal justification in English law for slavery.
“Americans are free men and women, through to our very souls. And I’m forever thankful that I was born American.”
Canada, Australia,New Zealand. Commonwealth of England is just as free. Not burden with taxes and discrimination.
The Chrysler building!
White flash mobs:
313Chris, My ancestors were much more free than I am. Every year I am less free in Progressive USA. As HW has noted, freedom has failed here. It’s in dramatic decline. We are progressing towards oblivion. I don’t see what’s very good about this society. When I travel abroad, even to places that are going through many of the same problems we are, I generally see more healthy societies. The Spanish, for all their economic troubles, have real communities. The people are not isolated from one another. In the evenings people go out on the streets and stroll through their neighbourhoods and talk to one another. Meanwhile in your average US town or city there is a commercial district with no housing and a housing district with no shops and people are extremely isolated from one another. Add all the ‘diversity’ of the USA in and the onslaught of commercialism that dominates here, plus the awful democratic spectacle of US politics… and what do you have? Something that is not very decent, in my opinion.
Speaking of ‘Progress,’ this painting sums up the US spirit pretty well, I think. It’s essentially the opposite of any traditional spirit or worldview.
Happy 4th of July!
Eat, drink and enjoy the day!
What have you been smokin’? Politically correct multi-cult is rampant everywhere in the Anglosphere.
No, it doesn’t.
The American Revolution divided the British West Indies from the Southern colonies. More than half of the slaves in the British Empire were removed from Britain’s jurisdiction as a result of the war.
Britain also lost control of Florida to Spain and several Caribbean islands to France. The British West Indies were cut off from the mainland colonies and their economic position and strategic importance within the Empire was weakened relative to Spanish Cuba and India in the 19th century.
British war propaganda had emphasized the hypocrisy of the American cause in revolting in the name of liberty while defending negro slavery. The American Revolution was a huge boost to the anti-slavery cause in Britain.
If Britain had won the American Revolution, the Spanish and French would have lost their Caribbean colonies, and the Southern colonies would not have been lost to the United States.
Abolition would have been strangled in its cradle in Britain.
“Politically correct multi-cult is rampant everywhere in the Anglosphere.”
At least those countries don’t have an Obama as their leader.
Few Colonials committed treason against their King. Thus America was founded on treason.
You like this country? You like Progressive USA? What is there to like about it?
Well, you guys did invent airplanes, polygraphs, automatic transmissions, air conditioning, the internet, GPS, lasers, industrial robots, mobile phones, smoke detectors, hearing aids, sunglasses, electric guitars, the assembly line, nylon, Teflon, ATMs, deodorant, microwave ovens, suspension bridges, fire hydrants, vulcanized rubber, escalators, vacuum cleaners, breakfast cereal, skyscrapers, ballpoint pens and, my fave, bacon double cheeseburgers. So there’s that.
Also, thanks for curing polio, splitting the atom and landing men on the moon. That was really cool.
Even today, amidst all the doom and gloom, the US ranks third out of close to 200 nations in the Human Development Index rankings:
Not too shabby. Not too shabby at all. You guys have 364 days to bitch about the glass being half empty, today you should appreciate the glass being half full.
Happy Fourth, Americans.
The 4th of July means biking across the Delaware (Washington’s Crossing) with my sister and her hot friends, then getting Mexican food and doing our best impressions of “Precious” from the Zimmerman trial. Good times!
“Canada, Australia,New Zealand. Commonwealth of England is just as free.”
If only this were true, but this once greatest nation on earth is now a land shackled with mind-control, all-pervasive government surveillance, and an unending sewage flow of non-whites into that land where once rosy-cheeked English children frolicked in play.
For whatever else England is today, it is not free…