The Meaning of Independence Day

In Washington, DC, the U.S. celebrates the dependency of the states on the central government
In Washington, DC, the U.S. celebrates the dependency of the prostrate states on the central government


I hate July the 4th.

I consider it the single worst day in our entire history as a people. It was on this day in 1776 that the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. In revolting against the British Empire, our ancestors began the process of transferring their allegiance to the ideology and institutions that rule us today.

The original Southern Nationalists like Rhett and Yancey celebrated the memory of July the 4th as an act of secession. In a longer view of history, the American Revolution severed our ties to a more distant and less intrusive government, severed the Southern colonies from the British West Indies, undermined slavery and set the stage for abolition in North America and the Caribbean, and institutionalized Americanism as the reigning ideology in our national government.

If we had never revolted in 1776, we would have eventually gained our independence without a fight like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Alternatively, if the British had succeeded in defeating the Revolution in the Southern colonies, a small and impoverished American Republic might have emerged in New England, which would have been contained to the eastern seaboard by loyalist Canada, New York, and Dixie.*

In this scenario, the British Empire would have remained focused on North America and wouldn’t have shifted toward Asia and Africa in the 19th century. Instead of being divided by the American Revolution, Britain would have retained all of its plantation colonies in the Treaty of Paris, and the power of the slave interest in Britain would have been further magnified by the rise of the Cotton Kingdom and the seizure of the French West Indies and Spanish West Indies from New England’s allies.

Abolitionism in Britain would have been defeated. By extension, abolitionism would have been defeated in France, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands, as only Portuguese Brazil would have been left standing among non-British slave societies in the Golden Circle. The events of the French Revolution would not have devastated the Caribbean because Saint-Domingue would have become a British colony in 1783.

The United States (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine) would never have dominated the North American continent, the Western Hemisphere, and by extension, the rest of the Western world. Instead, Yankees would have been contained to New England where their “City on a Hill” would have become the Portugal of North America.

The Declaration of Independence with its famous claim about the equality of all men would have become a forgotten document after Jefferson’s execution for treason: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” 

The Federalist Papers with their lies about the distribution of power between the federal government and the state governments would have become forgotten U.S. propaganda after Madison’s execution for treason: “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.”

In the Southern colonies, the traditional view of things that it is self-evident that all men are not created equal, that all men do not have certain inalienable rights, and that important distinctions exist between races and classes of men which ought to be recognized and left undisturbed in law and custom would have remained the prevailing belief system under British monarchical institutions.

Were it not for July the 4th, we wouldn’t have had to fight and lose the bloodiest war in our history to reestablish this principle. A vast buffer state based on New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania would have emerged that would have separated us from Yankee influence and domination of our national government.

The South would be better off today if the American Revolution had been defeated here in 1783. Not only would there be more “liberty,” we could be celebrating our “independence” from the United States, its Jacobin ideology, and the negro president who presides over its failed institutions and vast centralized government.

* In light of all the trouble the United States would later cause for the British Empire, King George III and Britain would have been much better off just giving the Yankees their independence.

Update: Conrad Black has an interesting article on the American Revolution in National Review.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. … vacuum cleaners …

    So what?

    The culture has degenerated and we have less power over our own lives than we did two hundred years ago. Oh, but we have bacon cheeseburgers and the vacuum cleaner, and we landed on the moon, too.

  2. The declaration of independence by the thirteen sovereign states contained both good and bad. The worst of it was indeed the misguided political union with New England. Much has changed since then, and the early republics have about as much relevance for us as ancient Etruscan civilization. Too much water has gone under the bridge.

    “Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.”
    ? Franz Kafka

    Bestial negroes were ideally suited for and performed very well as a helot class. Indeed, this was the only contribution the negro has ever made to civilization of any sort, but one we should be grateful for. They are simply the best slaves ever.

    We stand at the dawning of a new day. As western civilization crumbles into dust, the negro may have an even far greater contribution to make. A role these animals are also ideally suited for and one that has become tragically necessary.

    Like carrion birds who devour the spent carcasses of animals, negroes and the other dark hordes will help accomplish the necessary culling of our herd through slaughter and genetic dilution of maladaptive whites, of which we have far too many to hope to preserve this dying civilization.

    This will ensure that those whites who survive are much stronger, less dysfunctional, and more adaptive to the demands of civilization. In turn, this development will eventually lead to the rebirth of a much better civilization than that which we have at present.

    Liberal delusions and false Enlightenment notions will die at the hands of these savages. This development should not trouble anyone who values the continuation of the white race. Let the dead bury the dead.

    The fourth of July is now simply the white version of Juneteenth.
    A mere historical footnote.

    Despite our present darkness, there remains much hope for the future.

    Deo Vindice

  3. “splitting the atom and landing men on the moon.”

    The germans tech the allies stole from made the moon landing possible. The americans inovation were of weaponry and automotive.

  4. From the anti-racist hitler thread (which seemed to rub a lot of people the wrong way. It would be an interesting experiment to try different kinds of post and see which made different posters the most antsy.)

    “If whites won’t go to the guerilla war, the guerilla war will nevertheless come to them. The Trayvons, under the aegis of government, will continue to escalate the violence until it becomes unbearable.

    Quite. This is what the media are doing with their constant incitement to anti-white violence and it will only get worse.

    RIP Mrs Hunnewell.


    “Yep. They’re [Jews] actually doing a pretty fair job at exterminating themselves, believe it or not.”

    They need to change their appearance before swarming to East (and to a lesser extent South) Asia. Their genetic history shows they did the same thing when they first arrived in Europe.

  5. I have to agree — I’m just depressed about the state of our country — but I’m happy I was born American rather than a Commonwealther. And no, they’re not as free. They don’t even understand the Right to keep and bear arms. We Americans have freedom in our DNA and we’re the last large population of people who understand real freedom and that’s why they’re going after us from every angle.

  6. This seems so……appropriate :

    Racial justice in America is disintegrating at warp speed. On matters of race, the ugly America of yesteryear — segregationist George Wallace’s America — is still with us. We must stanch its revival before it spreads and, like locusts, blankets our country with anti-black sentiments.
    The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder striking down what has been called “the heart” of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 made it painfully clear that being born white in America still confers certain inalienable rights that often elude African Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities.

    More of this ‘gold’ @ source; Happy 4th 🙂

  7. “We Americans have freedom in our DNA and we’re the last large population of people who understand real freedom and that’s why they’re going after us from every angle.”

    Don’t worry, we’ll get those terrorists! Seen any in your neighborhood lately? I hope you don’t mind if we search, because we are going to anyway…

    Deo Vindice

  8. Yeah, I’m bummed about the country. But I’m too old to move so as far as the Marxists are concerned, you can have it to yourself just as soon as you can pull it…



  9. TMT — Episode #181.5 — Happy Farce of jew-lie, Whigger — 4 July 13
    Time: July 4, 2013 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

    Throughout both the White Nationalist and especially the Christian Identity [bowel] Movements it has been understood full well that what is celebrated as “Independence Day” — the forth of jew-lie — is nothing other than a hollow sham and a pretense as this mighty Evil Empire works on destroying itz founding stock as has every other mighty Evil Empire on the way to the ass-heap of history.

    This mighty Evil Empire is no different than what happened with the Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greece and Roman empires, in which their [d]ruling classes were corrupted with the aid and assistance of jews and in which their [d]ruling classes purposely destroyed, after hollowing out, their middle and working classes by “electing a new people” and bringing in slaves while sending out their best to die as soldiers. The end result is that in an effort to forestall revolution from within their own nationality, they destroy their own nationality and find out that the barbarian ex-slaves are now their masters and vandals and destroyers of the power elite who neither represent amyone, certainly not the founding stock that they displaced and destroyed, nor the new barbarians, who have their own leadership.

    Oswald Spengler and Lothrup Stoddard commented upon this factor in the 1920s. Oswald Spengler in his “Decline of the West” and Lothrup Stoddard in “The Revolt Against Civilization”. Both understood that “civilizations” were mortal, indeed Spengler called a culture about to go defunct or now extinct a “civilization.” Lothrup Stoddard called for the establishment of a “Neo-Aristocracy” — the current one of 1922 being deemed corrupt and degenerate, out only for itsself and in the case of the foremost “menace of the undermen” being the very jews who were then running the former Czarist Russia into the ground.

    Such has been the case within the bowel Movement as well. Various patriots seen that the Farce of jew-lie was a dead letter with pretense of relevancy. Jim Floyd wrote back in July 1998 — 15 years ago — The Last Fourth of July?. And, back then as today, this whigger militia general named Oral Deckard of The Vigo Examiner /Greater Khazaristan Times and Tattler promptly published an article from that Great LibberToon Rabbleushun kosher-kunt Claire ‘the jewkal’ Wolfe as to whether there was any value in publishing racist articles. LibberToons actually haet free speech, especially White racist speech. LibberToons need to be put into a cage full of hungry horny big black bisexual bucks and have their pelts and bones sold on the black market by kikes. Anyway, Jim Floyd was replaced by the kosher kike Carl Worden /Khazarl Worden, a jew that run off with a hot tamale latrina after dumping his kikess wife Gretyl from the Shityl. Khazarl had a few years of shoveling out kosher kikeshit for the whigger militia mattoids to eat until Khazarl’s kikeatude and hatred for Christians and love of the IRS led to the jewboy getting the boot from the paytridiot ass-clown.

    Likewise with Luke LaVellian. The best article as to what is happening is his “Happy 4th of JewLie, Whitey!”. Back on jew-lie Forth of 2001 — before the ZOG False Flag action of 9-11 — Luke pointed out how all these [g]immigrunts were cum-cummin to AmurriKwa in order to steal from the White man and given incentives to do so by ZOG/Babylon, the alliance of jews and shabbes whiggers to destroy the ZOGland and ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final.

    Nothing has changed in the twenty years that I’ve been in the bowel Movement. Nothing but treasonous clowns galore.

    Speaking of which. The Obie-gender-bender and jewromy Da Sephardic Melungeon Pisser-Possum return to Talksjew seems to have run afoul of some shitstorm flooding Wednesday nite. But maybe the Pisser-Possum has cum on back. But then again, maybe Bridget Da Idjit run off again and is being humped by jewnstain, the Seattle jewboy.

    Carolyn ‘Yenta’ Yeager was going ass-to-mouth with TraitorGlenn Miller and WhiggerSwill Welass and Ron “Doggie” Doggett about how awful it is that Erich Gliebe is selling the Elohim City for CreaTards paid for from stolen Order loot now that William Pierce, ZOGbot, is still dead. WhiggerSwill and TraitorGlenn Miller want to go all Jim and Tammy Baker and set up a waycist theme park for anglo-mestizo mamzer ZOGbots pretending to be Aryan and shit. Carolyn Yenta did bitch about how Dr. Greg Johnson wrote something nice about homosexuals, which made her barren yenta-coosh quiver independent of ovulation whenever Rabbi Fincke-el-sheenie cums around.

    Now if you write something nice or balanced or even neutral about them faggots, why, that is an excuse to get your ass run over by whiggers and even gut-sick guido-kikenweasels bleeding out theyz’ ulcerated bunghole with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS. What neither the Southron whiggaz seem to understand, and that jewboy Alex Linder genetically discounts, is that anyone who supports secession must support the “right” for even the faggots to set up theyz’ own sovereign Sodomistans. Besides, while Greg Johnson, if bisexual, can quit engaging in behavior which might get him pokerized in 99.99% of the Ten Thousand Warlordistans, Rabbi Lender, jewboy with jew ass-GAIDS, will always be a kike. None of us care about why the jewboy is bleeding out the kike bunghole as to whether it be normal or AB_Normal for jewboys
    to do so.

    Everyone now wants to get out of ZOG. We should let everyone White choose theyz’ own form of [mis]government.

  10. Mary – thanks for that post. The whining tone is a screech! HA!!! That’s the sound of a loser realizing exactly what they are losing.

    Rudel= thanks for your general cheeriness!

  11. “negroes were ideally suited for and performed very well as a helot class. Indeed, this was the only contribution the negro has ever made to civilization of any sort, but one we should be grateful for. They are simply the best slaves ever”

    This is yet another expression of Southronism by a leading Southronist commenter on this blog confirming my understanding of Southronism as an essentially multiracial, caste elitist culture and political movement.

  12. Why can’t whites south of the line return to original Christian white culture instead of conserving slave-based Antebellum or Golden Circle culture? But I realise you don’t intend to reinstitute SLAVERY AS SUCH, relying on industrial machinery instead of manual labour, to create wealth.

  13. The meaning of Independence Day, hmmmm. An interesting topic. Mixed feelings on this one for me. On the one hand, the United States of America is on the fast track to ruin, and there is nothing I would rather see than a dissolution of the Union. On the other hand, England does not look that appealing to me. It seems they are on the same track as the USA, but they are maybe a stop or two ahead of us. I don’t know if England or the South would be better off had we not joined the rest of the revolutionaries, and there is no way to know.

    Since we have to play the hand we are dealt, I’m going to drink adult beverages while I amaze my beautiful children with the wonder and awe that is the sparkler-bomb, while simultaneously talking with neighbors about secession, and Southern Nationalism.

  14. “On matters of race, the ugly America of yesteryear — segregationist George Wallace’s America — is still with us.”

    Especially in New York where they’ve been using zero tolerance and stop and frisk to push the black population out of Manhattan while the New York media turn a blind eye. New York – sundowner city.

    (Plus i feel she has had a nose job so a bit of a hypocrite there too.)

  15. I just finished the comment thread, and found the comments of Whites Unite, DixieGirl and Maxfield Parrish most agreeable.

    I support southern secession fully, as well as northern secession, all secession, and all nullifications south or north of the Line — and above all, and first of all, I am in favour of true, Biblical Christian revival.

    I am deadly opposed to revival of monarchism and of any form of slavery, and multiracial caste elitism. I think MANY good southern whites believe just as I do.

  16. Hunter – the Alternative history thing is interesting. I think that you are forgetting certain critical elements, and “pivot moments”.

    The Rothschilds/Mayer Banking Tribe had already been established in England. The claws had begun to sink in deep. The European Ruling classes had already begun separating from their own subjects – their own people – and the rot was setting in. The English – who are NOT English anymore – were particularly odious.

    Princess Charlotte of Wales died in Nov, 1817. She was the Hope of England. She died in childbirth, at age 21. Her husband was Prince Leopold of Belgium, a spectacularly handsome, intelligent, capable, and loyal White aristocrat. He returned to Belgium remarried, and ran his little Nation flawlessly.

    His rule was the REAL loss.

    Charlotte’s death triggered a crisis in succession. This is a looong story, but there was a rush by the errant, middle-aged royal males, to produce a legitimate heir.

    England wound up with teenaged Victoria, who grew up penniless, when her middle-aged father died when she was 3. She wasn’t terribly bright, to say the least. All she really cared about was stuffing her face. Disraeli, the Rothschilds and the Sassoons took over. Umm…do I need to state their ethny?

    The Sassoons ran heroin into China.

    The Civil War was about the fact that the Southern cotton production was cutting into the Rothschild’s Egyptian profits.

    Southerners assert that they are different from Yankees. Fair enough. Well – Americans knew that they were different from the English, at the time of the Revolution. And the Revolution happened. Had we stayed “English”, in many ways, we could be a lot worse off than we are now.

  17. I’m pleased with the Moderation. I really liked Dixie’s posts on this thread. She’s a thoughtful woman. The gals that post here are very bright and interesting. It will be wonderful for women, as well as men, to be able to contribute on the merit of the content of their posts.

  18. In revolting against the British Empire, our ancestors began the process of transferring their allegiance to the ideology and institutions that rule us today.

    You mean that you would rather have stayed loyal to a nation that eventually made Benjamin Disraeli its prime minister?

  19. If we had never revolted in 1776, we would have eventually gained our independence without a fight like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

    Have you noticed that all three of those countries are even more politically correct than the United States?

  20. Much of it can be attributed to America’s negative influence over the rest of the West since 1945

    So like the Jews, you blame everything on America. Interesting.

    • Who were the Jews behind abolitionism who forced the Union to arm 200,000 negroes to invade the Confederacy, rewrite the Constitution to make them American citizens, forced the Northern states to repeal all their anti-miscegenation laws and outlaw segregation, and who put negroes and carpetbaggers in charge of four Southern states?

    • Tell us specifically when Canada, Australia and New Zealand, not to mention Britain, France, and Germany became “politically correct.” Did this happen in the 19th century? Did it happen in the early 20th century? At what point and for what reason did the entire Western world become politically correct?

    • Oh, I see.

      Disraeli was a Jew whereas Lincoln and Grant only killed hundreds of thousands of White Southerners, destroyed the Confederacy, and rewrote the Constitution to make blacks American citizens. Because they were “White,” they were on our side, right?

  21. Who were the Jews behind abolitionism who forced the Union to arm 200,000 negroes to invade the Confederacy, rewrite the Constitution to make them American citizens, forced the Northern states to repeal all their anti-miscegenation laws and outlaw segregation, and who put negroes and carpetbaggers in charge of four Southern states?

    Why are you always defending the Jews? Do you have Jewish ancestry? Is this the real reason why you hate white nationalists so much?

    • 1.) I’m not always “defending Jews.”

      I agree that Jewish influence has a negative impact on our society. I don’t buy into the absurd theory though that Jews are responsible for all our problems. Jews, for example, did not force Yankees to arm hundreds of thousands of negroes to destroy the Confederacy. They did not force Yankees to rewrite the Constitution to make blacks American citizens. They did not force Yankees to repeal their own black codes, repeal their own anti-miscegenation laws, and outlaw segregation in their own states.

      Jews had nothing to do with Yankees installing negro/carpetbagger governments in four Southern states. History shows that the Northern states have been integrated since the 1880s and that Yankees invented “civil rights” in the 1860s and tried, unsuccessfully, to repress the Klan and integrate the South over a hundred years ago, and it took us almost forty years to undo the damage.

      2.) No, I have no Jewish ancestry.

      I’m a White Southerner from East Alabama. This area is filled with historical markers about the time that Yankees used their military to impose negro equality on the defeated South during Reconstruction.

      3.) I disagree with the idea that “White = good” because Vermont shows otherwise. I’m far too well versed in the damage that other White people have inflicted on the South in the name of silly ideologies to buy into that theory. The Jews here in Alabama didn’t integrate this state in the 1960s. On the contrary, it was Yankees who voted overwhelmingly in Congress for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  22. Disraeli was a Jew whereas Lincoln and Grant only killed hundreds of thousands of White Southerners, destroyed the Confederacy, and rewrote the Constitution to make blacks American citizens. Because they were “White,” they were on our side, right?

    Do you think your beloved Disraeli would have refrained from destroying every white gentile in the Americas if he thought that he and his kind would have benefited from such destruction?

    • Let me think … it was Lincoln and Grant and the Union Army, not Benjamin Disraeli, who destroyed the Confederacy and killed 1 out of every 5 White Southern men of military age, burned our cities to the ground, destroyed our economy, and made the negro our equal and our ruler in South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida.

      Benjamin Disraeli was prime minister of the UK at a time when White racial consciousness was on the ascent in Britain after a low point earlier in the century under Pitt the Younger and his friend William Wilberforce.

  23. Tell us specifically when Canada, Australia and New Zealand, not to mention Britain, France, and Germany became “politically correct.” Did this happen in the 19th century? Did it happen in the early 20th century? At what point and for what reason did the entire Western world become politically correct?

    Are you blaming all this on America?

    • The South and Germany are also politically correct in the 21st century in the wake of Adolf Hitler and Theodore Bilbo and Eugene Talmadge. How did that happen? Did it have something to do with America’s role as “leader of the free world” after 1945?

  24. Benjamin Disraeli was prime minister of the UK at a time when White racial consciousness was on the ascent in Britain after a low point earlier in the century under Pitt the Younger and his friend William Wilberforce.

    How could white racial consciousness have been on the rise when they had a Jew for prime minister?

    • There is a simple answer.

      It was the rise of evangelical Christianity in the UK in the early nineteenth century that coincided with the decline of White racial consciousness and the triumph of abolitionism in Britain. Later in the 19th century, Britain became more racially consciousness after the Sepoy Rebellion, after the perceived failure of abolition in the British West Indies, and especially after the rise of Darwinism.

      See Thomas Carlyle’s Occasional Discourse on the Nigger Question. It is an example of racial attitudes in Britain hardened around 1850.

    • Obviously false.

      Name the state which is more pro-White than any other state. It is Mississippi. Name the state which is more anti-White than any other state. It is Vermont.

  25. The South and Germany are also politically correct in the 21st century in the wake of Adolf Hitler and Theodore Bilbo and Eugene Talmadge. How did that happen? Did it have something to do with America’s role as “leader of the free world” after 1945?

    So everything is America’s fault?

    • American hegemony over the “free world” after 1945 was disastrous for racialists in every Western country including this one. Look no further than Eisenhower and JFK who used the U.S. military to integrate Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama.

  26. I don’t buy into the absurd theory though that Jews are responsible for all our problems

    No, you would rather blame white Christians from the northern part of the United States.

    • No, you would rather blame white Christians from the northern part of the United States.

      If by that you mean the people who are responsible for destroying the Confederacy and rewriting the Constitution to overturn the Dred Scott decision to establish negro citizenship and equality, then yes.

  27. it was Lincoln and Grant and the Union Army, not Benjamin Disraeli, who destroyed the Confederacy and killed 1 out of every 5 White Southern men of military age, burned our cities to the ground, destroyed our economy, and made the negro our equal and our ruler in South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida.

    What do you think would have happened to the South if we had had a Jew like Disraeli in the White House during the civil war?

  28. Jews had nothing to do with Yankees installing negro/carpetbagger governments in four Southern states

    That is only because the Jews were much less powerful in 19th century America.

    • Jews weren’t necessary to create “civil rights,” to suppress the Klan, or to create a fanatical movement for negro equality, the result of which was the integration of the Northern states by the late 1880s. When Jews began to arrive in the North in large numbers in the 1880s and 1890s, it had already been integrated by Yankees.

  29. “Benjamin Disraeli was prime minister of the UK at a time when White racial consciousness was on the ascent in Britain”

    As was imperialism. It was Disraeli who had the Queen declared Empress and he oversaw the pursuit of military campaigns in Africa and Afghanistan; plus he was instrumental in British purchase of a substantial portion of the Suez Canal Company.

  30. “This is yet another expression of Southronism by a leading Southronist commenter on this blog confirming my understanding of Southronism as an essentially multiracial, caste elitist culture and political movement.”

    “I am deadly opposed to revival of monarchism and of any form of slavery, and multiracial caste elitism. I think MANY good southern whites believe just as I do.”

    Having a hard time making up your mind?

    How do you feel about evil Jews like this one?

    Be careful how you answer. Somebody might call you a bad name if you answer wrong.
    Don’t worry, though, it won’t be me. As a Southerner, I believe in freedom of thought and despise centralized police states like the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and BRA.

    Deo Vindice

  31. “If Britain had won the American Revolution, the Spanish and French would have lost their Caribbean colonies, and the Southern colonies would not have been lost to the United States.

    Abolition would have been strangled in its cradle in Britain.”

    That’s a big if buddy.

    Do you really think England was going to leave all of Asia and Africa to the Dutch and French, even WITH the Colonies here secure? Remember, the land we now call USA was FAR less lucrative in 1776 than it was in 1876. Abolition was already gaining steam when John Hancock mad his John Hancock. Johnny Reb would have been strangled in his cradle.

    America was an afterthought in the eighteenth. I have a couple of English history books written in the 1830s I could loan you.

  32. Even when we eat shit, America will be right up there with the Greeks and Romans.

    Not too shabby.

  33. Joe Walker says:
    July 5, 2013 at 6:38 am

    “Are you now saying that it is America’s fault that Canada, Australia and New Zealand are politically correct?”


    The USA was first to do it and like they always do, they imposed their morality on everyone else.

    They dismantled every White outpost in Africa, using their economic power. And the British colonies followed suit despite no one wanting it, because they knew what would happen if they refused.

    No popular vote or discussion on this issue was allowed in any White country and it still isn’t allowed.

    There is only one super power with influence over all the countries you mention and it is the anti-White USA.

  34. To celebrate the meaning/meaninglessness of Independence Day on the day after, I think I’ll have a big old cup of cognitive dissonance with a couple of lumps of Jewish CT for good measure.

    Just like Maxwell House, it’s “good to the last drop,” as Teddy Roosevelt used to say. Maxwell House was where the KKK had its first national meeting.

    I don’t think Teddy was at the meeting, though. Neither was Nathan Bedford Forrest.

    The famous actress Sarah Bernhardt once stayed at Maxwell House. She was born a Jew, but was baptised Catholic at 12, became an atheist, and then received last rites as a Catholic just before her death.

    Disraeli was baptised Anglican at 12. Unlike Sarah, he remained an observant Anglican for the rest of his life. Baptism is often unsuccessful at removing “Jew taint.” Perhaps that sacrament lacks efficacy when it comes to Jews?

    Teddy Roosevelt was Dutch Reformed, but his cousin Franklin was really a Jew according to inerrant Nazi propaganda. No “big lie” there, I guess.

    “The great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.”
    I wonder who said that? Probably a Jew. You know how they are.

    Deo Vindice

  35. How could white racial consciousness have been on the rise when they had a Jew for prime minister?

    There’s no contradiction there. It was rising; it’s wasn’t “perfected.”

    Race is a numbers game. Some require extensive contact with large numbers of racial others before developing a racial worldview, and even then it’s slow in forming and only lukewarm and tentative. Other people racialize intensely at the sight – or even just the concept (in their mind’s eye) – of racial others. Some people never develop a racial outlook at all.

  36. I’ve always felt that Jew baiting gentiles is a very enjoyable and profoundly intellectual pastime. It has such a winsome quality and attracts people to the cause like honey attracts bees.

    Deo Vindice

  37. Thank you for answering those things, Hunter.

    But am also glad Earl gets what I’m trying to say. (And I, too, have some real southern ancestry and live in the south).

    Now that certain things were knocked down, it is ONTO DEMONIZING the founders. It’s like harping on “private property” NOW— When there already is none, when it’s already been put in the hands of a few, etc. RATHER THAN talking about the land appropriations that have occured ALREADY.

    This is what makes Ron Paul WRONG. What will HE DO about all the land that changed hands in the south due to the “Tobacco Acts” (bye bye to 500,000 southern farmers).

    So now… the new tract homes for foreigners built on that land will… be able to be kept and not taxed, right?

    A new surge in a love for private property would work out nicely—- but not for southerners NOW.

    IDK— the demonizing of the founders at this point is questionable in the same way.

    Nothing like that would work in our favor NOW.

    It is just further dispossession, imo. (Earl will see that, probably)

  38. 313Chris says:
    Well I have no idea where or what Progressive USA is, but the answer to your question is simple — Americans are free men and women, through to our very souls. And I’m forever thankful that I was born American….

    Chris, you don’t have your own labor (you are taxed for the creativity God gave you), you don’t have your own property (you pay what amounts to a low rent for it), you don’t even have your own car (some states even tax your personal property), and with controlled inflation, you are taxed again.

    You do not really have your “free thought” as literally BILLIONS have gone into educating, propagandizing, televising, your thoughts and feelings to ensure that you do think and feel in certain ways, not others. You are exposed to this for HOURS every day.

    I really am interested in the Americans who feel they are “free.”

    One thing I thought: being more recently from europe and having been kept under catholicism, communisms, socialisms, czarisms, and nazi-isms—- all one-worlder-isms, that RELATIVELY SPEAKING it feels somehow “free” here.

    If you were “free” in this land space before mass communications and taxes—- Well, that would be a little different.

    Perhaps you can clarify what feels “free”. I’m not joking. I’m curious.

  39. PalmettoPatriot says:
    313Chris, My ancestors were much more free than I am. Every year I am less free in Progressive USA….

    Exactly, PP. You have much tension in your writings between your libertarian leanings and the “classical” heirarchical vision. A “hierarchy” that is at all foreign WILL NEVER let you be “free” in the way you used to be.

    That’s the danger in jumping on the hierarchy bandwagon at this point in time, imo.

  40. G Prune says:
    Few Colonials committed treason against their King. Thus America was founded on treason….

    when it’s said that only a small percentage fought the revolution—– that’s not due to lack of support, per se— it is TRUE IN EVERY CONFLICT. Most people “go along to get along.” They are NOT ever politically active. Many are just selfish and never think about anything beyond themselves, lol.

    It’s not anything to be proud of, imo.

    The opposition was small, too—– only small segments of populations are usually engaged politically ALWAYS. Mass communication made it easier to politisize/ radicalize people—– t.v. and vietnam, for example, where “average” people were told to “be involved.”

  41. An aside—

    Many white southerners have slave ownership in their backgrounds, or in part of their backgrounds. It’s a weird thing to have, in the current rhetoric of the u.s. (As from birth, there is a vulnerability where many would like to instill guilt, IN ORDER TO MAKE you feel it’s normal for the person to PAY OUT MONIES in the PRESENT, and other things.

    During the course of one lifetime, many southerners shift their positions on this issue.

    Like, you might become a Rabid “Anti-Racist”—- and vow to sacrifice yourself completely forever due to the horrid sins of your past!!!

    Or you might do the “reactionary” move—- and say “Slaves are great! Wish we still had them!”

    And then there are all the positions in between.

    But at some point, they must say, “TIME TO MOVE ON.”

    It’s a “been there-done that” for them. They received (in reality) many WISDOMS from this experience. They know things about mankind (if I can use that word), about nature, about life, for good and ill, from it.

    And this includes not just the t.v. version of slaves (beating and impregnanting them against their will, 24-7)—- but ideas of “stewardship,” heightened responsibility and other things, that came with real slavery.

    Moving on from having owned slaves—- to now demonizing the founders (and making REVISIONIST HISTORIES of them as jewish communists) will not help us at all, imo.

    Key is the slavery ownership—- and the conditioning of guilt that informs all southern minds (even when they think it does not)

  42. a final something else—

    it seems the real problem with Libertarianism is that only a smaller section of populations would rather die than be taken care of (whether by government, or their corporations or whatever).

    This is very hard for the Pioneering stock, the old south, etc— who ran their own business and who (even unconsciously) are always striving to be LEFT ALONE.

    What separated “Americans” was truly (and no one discusses this nowadays) that more commoners COULD BE A LANDED PEOPLE. In other words, they really could live like aristocrats, and be left alone.

    They received the wisdoms and knowledges that come from growing things on LAND.

    This is the ideal that is being removed from the people, imo.

    The housing tracts built on the Southern Tobacco lands for foreigners now—- are often big houses CLOSE TOGETHER (no land) and highly taxed.

    They only give the population THE ILLUSION OF LAND, of “home ownership,” and therefore the people do not learn the wisdoms, knowledges, rights, etc, that come from LAND ownership.

    —This is just to repeat the insights from people like the Southern Agrarians.

    Under the guise of ending slavery, Land was taken away from commoners. People bitch about taxation on labor, but in a way, tax on LAND was worse. Real property, non-taxed, and a gun, and a limited government, are as close to free as any common man can ever get to being as free as an aristocrat.

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