
I hate July the 4th.
I consider it the single worst day in our entire history as a people. It was on this day in 1776 that the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. In revolting against the British Empire, our ancestors began the process of transferring their allegiance to the ideology and institutions that rule us today.
The original Southern Nationalists like Rhett and Yancey celebrated the memory of July the 4th as an act of secession. In a longer view of history, the American Revolution severed our ties to a more distant and less intrusive government, severed the Southern colonies from the British West Indies, undermined slavery and set the stage for abolition in North America and the Caribbean, and institutionalized Americanism as the reigning ideology in our national government.
If we had never revolted in 1776, we would have eventually gained our independence without a fight like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Alternatively, if the British had succeeded in defeating the Revolution in the Southern colonies, a small and impoverished American Republic might have emerged in New England, which would have been contained to the eastern seaboard by loyalist Canada, New York, and Dixie.*
In this scenario, the British Empire would have remained focused on North America and wouldn’t have shifted toward Asia and Africa in the 19th century. Instead of being divided by the American Revolution, Britain would have retained all of its plantation colonies in the Treaty of Paris, and the power of the slave interest in Britain would have been further magnified by the rise of the Cotton Kingdom and the seizure of the French West Indies and Spanish West Indies from New England’s allies.
Abolitionism in Britain would have been defeated. By extension, abolitionism would have been defeated in France, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands, as only Portuguese Brazil would have been left standing among non-British slave societies in the Golden Circle. The events of the French Revolution would not have devastated the Caribbean because Saint-Domingue would have become a British colony in 1783.
The United States (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine) would never have dominated the North American continent, the Western Hemisphere, and by extension, the rest of the Western world. Instead, Yankees would have been contained to New England where their “City on a Hill” would have become the Portugal of North America.
The Declaration of Independence with its famous claim about the equality of all men would have become a forgotten document after Jefferson’s execution for treason: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The Federalist Papers with their lies about the distribution of power between the federal government and the state governments would have become forgotten U.S. propaganda after Madison’s execution for treason: “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.”
In the Southern colonies, the traditional view of things that it is self-evident that all men are not created equal, that all men do not have certain inalienable rights, and that important distinctions exist between races and classes of men which ought to be recognized and left undisturbed in law and custom would have remained the prevailing belief system under British monarchical institutions.
Were it not for July the 4th, we wouldn’t have had to fight and lose the bloodiest war in our history to reestablish this principle. A vast buffer state based on New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania would have emerged that would have separated us from Yankee influence and domination of our national government.
The South would be better off today if the American Revolution had been defeated here in 1783. Not only would there be more “liberty,” we could be celebrating our “independence” from the United States, its Jacobin ideology, and the negro president who presides over its failed institutions and vast centralized government.
* In light of all the trouble the United States would later cause for the British Empire, King George III and Britain would have been much better off just giving the Yankees their independence.
Update: Conrad Black has an interesting article on the American Revolution in National Review.
About not liking monarchies—- I get that. But at least they reference BLOOD. If you removed them from the earth, you would also be removing the IDEA of rulership by blood, and by extension kinship ties. In other words, societies based on extended kinship networks.
While America rejected the rulership by a particular person of the blood— it kept to those kinship networks for a long time, and only by infiltration from “ism” groups, did those laws become changed to make things such as “immigration” (like the 1960s immigrations act).
What separated (and still separates) the south—- is that they DO NOT HAVE “nuclear families)— which is really the idea of FAMILY as “labor unit.” Kids as fascist labor unit, militarist-corportist-socialist” statist labor unit.
In the south, the “family” was extended kinship groups of many intermarriages, who knew, and were expected to know their history, historical connections and so on.
Even the “lowborn” were allowed to know their familial ties (keep family bibles) and such—- like an aristocrat.
The ALTERNATIVE is what we have now—- the non-landed family, who is a statist-owned “nuclear family” unit of “laborers,” who has no history, is not expected to know their history, BUT WHO CAN FEEL MORAL, “because they are not a stupid aristocrat!!!”
Nor will bringing back monarchy to america fix it, however—– since the monarchs are now as multi-culti as anyone
The Civil War was ABOUT Jewish cotton profits. Lincoln – who’s racial heritage is highly dubious, was a huge fan of Karl Marx Jew.
Lincoln and Marx and Disreali are all pretty much on the same page. Grant was a General. He did what he was supposed to do.
Please state the source political correctness. Thanks.
Excellent points, Dixiegirl.
Many of the fields where I used to bail hay and spear tobacco as a teenager are all housing tracts or apartment complexes filled with deracinated, landless folks entirely dependent on militarist/corporatist/statist means of support. The small farmers and their families that I worked are gone from the land.
Maybe you are right and it’s “time to move on.” I think you realize the folly of casually discarding our conflicted and compromised agrarian past. The rejection of blood is tied to the rejection of soil that followed.
Critique of the present is easy. The direction we take from there and the vision it is based upon is the hard part. Our past should inform both.
“It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.”–Benjamin Disraeli
Deo Vindice
The pursuit of life, liberty and “property”<scratch happiness’
FDR and Teddy were Jews. The Rosenfeldts were Dutch Jews. FDR implemented Communism, filled government with more Jews than ever, and literally signed America OVER TO the Banksters. Conversion means NOTHING. Disraeli was a blood Jew,. Conversion means absolutely NOTHING.
It’s all about blood. Haven’t you noticed this YET? That the same patterns of behavior appear, all throughout time, no matter what?
For all your talk of history, many of you have learned NOTHING.
Lee Rigby, in the UK. David Cameron, Prime Minister, and Rothchild’s Jew – his FIRST PUBLIC statement about the beheading of White English soldier, on his native soil, was in DEFENSE OF ISLAM. The Government of England is the Knesset UK.
Benjamin Disraeli : “Yes, I am a Jew, and when the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon”
He’s denigrating the indigenous English.
“The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans.”
He’s referring to his Tribe.
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
Dixie – when “accused” any detractors, about “the horrors of slavery” ask them about the current, up to the minute slavery statutes IN Africa – and Israel. And then wait.
Stare. Have a blank expression. Just look at them. Lots of people are uncomfortable with just looking at some-one’s face, remaining silent, and holding a steady gaze. It’s easier o do than you can imagine, and only the most seasoned of political operatives will NOT melt into a pool of sputtering mush, in seconds. You can undo any accusers in less than a minute.
“You do not really have your “free thought”
Paula Deen and countless others who were ostracized for freedom of expression. Celebrating the Independence day BRA.
Denise says:
July 5, 2013 at 7:44 pm
‘For all your talk of history, many of you have learned NOTHING.’
Hush up Girl! You’re about to get yourself banned for being insolent.
Disraeli. “The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans.”
‘He’s referring to his Tribe.’
No, he is not! He was speaking of Yankees. Always was and always will be the freakin’ Yankees. Sure, there may have been an unethical, treacherous, lying, swindling, greedy jew or two throughout world history but you can bet your last buck they were first corrupted by Yankees.
You sound like an anti- semite.
Rudel’s grandson.
“Are you now saying that it is America’s fault that Canada, Australia and New Zealand are politically correct?”
You need to travel abroad to see how dominant the US MSM is throughout the western world (in direct proportion to how Anglophone those countries are).
Everyone in the world is influenced by Hollywood movies (again in proportion to how many speak English).
DixiGirl wrote: “What separated ‘Americans’ was truly (and no one discusses this nowadays) that more commoners COULD BE A LANDED PEOPLE. In other words, they really could live like aristocrats, and be left alone. They received the wisdoms and knowledges that come from growing things on LAND (…) the houses that are being built on Southern Tobacco lands for foreigners now—- are often big houses CLOSE TOGETHER (no land) and highly taxed. They only give the population THE ILLUSION OF LAND, of ‘home ownership,’ and therefore the people do not learn the wisdoms, knowledges, rights, etc, that come from LAND ownership.” And “This is what makes Ron Paul WRONG. What will HE DO about all the land that changed hands in the south due to the Tobacco Acts (bye bye to 500,000 southern farmers)? (…) harping on ‘private property’ NOW— When there already is none, when it’s already been put in the hands of a few, etc. RATHER THAN talking about the land appropriations that have occurred ALREADY.”
Excellent insight. This is how I look at the land, the promised land of the founders, which belongs to us alone, the settler population, in perpetuity — as the Bible says: “The land is the heritage of the Lord, and it shall not be sold forever”!
HA! Thanks for the good advice!
“Mosin, About not liking monarchies—- I get that. But at least they reference BLOOD. If you removed them from the earth, you would also be removing the IDEA of rulership by blood, and by extension kinship ties. In other words, societies based on extended kinship networks (…) What separated (and still separates) the south—- is that they DO NOT HAVE nuclear families (…) In the south, the family was extended kinship groups of many intermarriages, who knew, and were expected to know their history, historical connections and so on. Even the ‘lowborn’ were allowed to know their familial ties (keep family bibles) and such — like an aristocrat.”
Another excellent insight, and very good to hear. Many rural Christian whites NORTH of the Line still view “family” in much the same way. Family trees decorate kitchen walls. Young people tend to remain in their home communities (old Appalachian maxim: “Never settle farther from your parents’ home than you can still see the smoke from their chimney”) and churches, and maintain friendly relationships with their entire extended family of cousins and second cousins, getting together every year for family reunions. This behaviour declines or disappears with increasing proximity to New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia and other urban-cosmopolitan areas, and wherever the immigration invasion of city people and foreign peoples is diluting and breaking up our old agrarian communities.
Denise, how is “Hush up”, and “You sound like an anti-semite”, and “Disraeli…was speaking of the Yankees” to be construed as good advice? Only if it was meant ironically.
What we have learned in this thread is that the new Nation of Dixie needs a NEW BENJAMIN DISRAELI of the line of good, southern (Sephardic, not Ash-ke-Nazi!) Talmudists who always cohabited and collaborated with white Southron elites from the beginning of Golden Circle days.
Like D’Israeli the First, the second D’Israeli should also become an ANGLICAN, thus supporting the establishment of the state church of Dixie. A new but southern King George III will also be needed, first of the line of southern hereditary monarch-figureheads.
Correction: The new state church should be not Anglican, but something like: “The Judeochristian Church of Dixie, Pro-Zionist, Militarist, Universal-Imperialist” !
The Seven Castes of Multiracial Dixie:
Level 1: The Outcaste of “Damnyankee” invaders, Germans and Ash-ke-NAZIS
Level 2: The pure African and dark mulatto Golden Circle “slave-cultural Base”
Level 3: Southron white “trash”, light mulattoes and new Hispanic immigrants
Level 4: Lower class Southron whites, settled Latins (Hispanics) and mixes
Level 5: Middle class Southron whites, “white Latins” and mixtures thereof
Level 6: Upper class Southron whites, Latins and mixed Southron Talmudists
Level 7: The Upper upper class of Southron Talmudist and mixed white elites
In multiracial Quaker Pennsylvania, there is no racial hierarchy: White women and black men have been able to intermarry there since 1780.
“The Seven Castes”
Made me laugh but I agree more than disagree.
The kinist faux-Christian nonsense is patently offensive to any serious Christian or even student of religion. Christianity was from the beginning an urban movement that united people, at the time various ancient “minorities” that no longer exist today into CHRISTENDOM…later “whites”. It wasn’t about dividing humanity along arbitrary pseudo-ethnic lines…. especially by some middle-aged “Larry Crowne” in Penn’s Woods.
“Christianity revitalized life in GrecoRoman cities by providing new norms and new kinds of social relationships able to cope with many urgent urban problems. To cities filled with the homeless and impoverished, Christianity offered charity as well as hope. To cities filled with newcomers and strangers, Christianity offered an immediate basis for attachments. To cities filled with orphans and widows, Christianity provided a new and expanded sense of family. To cities torn by violent ethnic strife, Christianity offered a new basis for social solidarity. And to cities faced with epidemics, fires, and earthquakes, Christianity offered effective nursing services.” [Stark, The Rise of Christianity (Princeton):161]
Caste #1 will be encouraged to leave, or be driven out, and abortion will be legal for them. Caste #2 will be required to work or encouraged to leave, abortion will be legal, and “family planning” will be required. Caste #3 will be required to work and fight in the endless wars and be taxed, abortion is prohibitied but some sterilisations will be required. They can move up a caste level or two by display of merit, marriage or other connections. Caste #4 will also work and fight in the endless wars and be taxed, and abortion will not be legal for them, and they can also move up a caste level or two by display of merit, marriage or other connections, or they can fall one caste level. Caste #5 also works and fights, and is taxed but not as heavily as the lower castes, and abortion is prohibited for them. They can move up or down. Caste #6 will manage or supervise the work and fighting of the lower Castes, and be taxed nominally, and abortion is still illegal. They could move down, but seldom move up. They can afford million dollar houses. Caste #7 are the brains that guide the system and are rewarded for it with “immense wealth”. Abortion is nominally illegal but they do whatever they want.
Mosin is simply making things up at this point.
The existence of the Union is a disaster for the South.
I consider this self evident after abolition, the 14th Amendment, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act, the Immigration Act of 1965, the Brown decision, the Loving decision, two terms of Obama, and ten years of fighting off amnesty for illegal aliens.
It is obvious that it is impossible to “Take Back America.” Federal judges will just strike down anything we do at the state level like SB 1070, Prop 187, HB 56, and Prop 8. The Northeast will continue to push for a more consolidated government and a more generous welfare state for non-Whites.
A Southern Republic is the answer. Without the Union, we could secure the border and change our immigration laws. We could dismantle BRA and drive out negroes into the arms of the Yankees who love them so much.
I forgot to add: The Royal Caste, assuming that Dixie will become a monarchy. The Royals, who will be pure Southron white or Southron white mixed with Southron Talmudic, and eventually just Talmudic, will COOPERATE with the Seventh Caste.
“Christianity was from the beginning an urban movement that united people”
No, rather it began in the Galilean countryside, and it was opposed and persecuted in the cities of Jerusalem and Rome, and ridiculed in the intellectual capital of Athens. True Christianity is not concerned with “uniting people” — and it is not and does not support a UNIVERSAL EMPIRE!
“At this point” makes it sound like something new.
Mosin is perhaps unintentionally confusing the “Nazarene sect” with “Christians”, a term not used until the formation of The Church in an urban environment.
Acts 11.26.
A more accurate description of the caste system in Amurrica:
Deo Vindice
Hunter, when you keep repeating “the existence of the Union, the existence of the Union..”, it just starts to sound like a crazy person’s chanting.
And sorry, but as we’ve been over many times before, Northerners simply do not “love niggers”, at all (despite how desperately your fragile worldview needs it to be so). And, tragically for your homeland, you guys aren’t ever going to “drive out the niggers” into anyone’s arms — if anything, they’re coming back to yours in droves.
Re: 313Chris
1.) The purpose of the repetition is to make the point sink in that the Union has to be dissolved.
2.) You’re in denial of reality.
Northern Whites sunk Mitt Romney who won every county in West Virginia while losing every county in Massachusetts.
3.) Even if Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan had won, the latter is campaigning for amnesty for illegal aliens on Rush Limbaugh’s show, and Mitt Romney regrets taking such a “tough” stance on immigration in the GOP primary.
Either way, the South loses because Northern Whites support anti-White Democrats who want to turn America into a Third World country. Being tied to Northern Whites in the Union is a disaster for the South and Obama and Holder are the most obvious example of it.
“Mosin is simply making things up at this point.”
Why NOT imagine ALL possible courses of development from secession?
Or would you rather “Secede now, analyse LATER!” ?
Secede into WHAT?
I think I described the main tendencies of Golden Circle Southronism accurately in those comments — but I did fail to mention one more caste: the “Un-caste” remnant of Christian southern “freemen” who will always “detest and resist” the despotism. Their minds are “set in stone” (as another commenter put it) forever. They will die for the true Faith, and rather die than surrender their rights. If someone thinks this is “making things up”, we shall see.
NoMan notes that the label “Christianoi” (“Christ ones”) was first applied to believers by Gentile critics in the city of Antioch, a generation later. This does not prove that the Faith is originally or essentially urban-cosmopolitan.
If the Elites are only less than 1% of the total population, do they still outnumber “the Uncaste”? Some think so. Others do not believe in the existence of either elites or freemen.
“And sorry, but as we’ve been over many times before, Northerners simply do not “love niggers”, at all (despite how desperately your fragile worldview needs it to be so). And, tragically for your homeland, you guys aren’t ever going to “drive out the niggers” into anyone’s arms — if anything, they’re coming back to yours in droves.”
Oh no! A negro invasion!
The underground railroad and the great migration ran only one way.
The dream of northern freedom is too strong among the coloreds to be dismayed by your silly predictions. I had to pull off the side of the road and cry when I realized how wonderful that is. Please don’t ever stop gibbin’ the social justice gibs, marse yankee.
We lubs you, too. We show you our lub with flash mobs and “beat whitey” nights.
Amurrican history, such as it is, is the story of the repeated efforts of yankee white knights defending the poor colored savages against the trepidations of the wicked rule of white Southerners. This is and will continue to be the dominant narrative of the dominant yankee culture of BRA.
Northern solicitude (love) for negroes has created the current situation across Amurrica, most conspicuously in the homeland of the snapping turtle king of Detroilet.
From the war to free the niggers to the cibbil rights movement, to the current yankee apotheosis of electing a mulatto messiah, the song remains the same.
The Loving v. Virginia anti-miscegenation decision came from the supreme court back when it was dominated by northern white liberal Protestants.
Maybe northern white men don’t love niggers (highly doubtful), but their daughters sure do. Got’s to have me some of dat, sho nuff. You go girl!
I’m sure Stanley Dunham would agree.
Deo Vindice
It’s quite obvious some deracinated Americans are fascinated with “Orthodoxy” only so far as they envy the phyletist heresy that has crippled the eastern church.
This does not prove that the Faith is originally or essentially urban-cosmopolitan.
It proves that an ethno-regional term like “Nazarene” made no sense for the early Church since Christianity has always been multicultural, multiracial because it is the universal religion for all people. If this is a problem for anyone then I suggest they try to overcome it since the choice is between shaping the world to the Truth and the phyletist heresy of shaping the Truth to the world.
Relying on bad theology to advance racialism hurts real Christians and the racialist cause.
Ideas have consequences.
Yankees are doomed by their inability to admit that unchaining Django was a mistake of epic proportions. Nevertheless, they continue to double down on this atrocious error.
Contact between these savages and civilization was bound to happen sooner or later. What use could be made of such contact remains the issue. Governance of those who cannot govern themselves should remain in the hands of those who can govern themselves. This is necessary, just, and good.
In an age of technology, the usefulness of these creatures has abated, but that same technology will ensure that their numbers will swell and their movement into whitopias will continue. A deadly combination of socially engineered idleness combined with their violent appetites gives an indicator of the eventually destiny of the northern dream of freedom for all.
Mother Nature is to be trifled with at a cost. Noble savages simply do not exist.
Sense will be pounded into recalcitrant heads, one way or another.
Groggy with the effects of their benevolence, a repeated curb-stomping, yankees begin to awaken but confuse their situation, which any white Southerner could easily point out to them.
What they incorrectly see through their bleary eyes as a Jewish boot stomping their face is actually a negro fist pummeling it into a gelatinous goo.
The beating will continue until the lesson is learned. Nature is a cruel teacher.
Deo Vindice
The Whitest areas of the country are still New England and the Upper Midwest in other words Yankeeland. Fifty years after the Civil War the black percentage of the population of the North and West remained the same no great love of the negro then and when blacks started to move up North afterWW I it was for economic reasons and they were given a very hostile greeting from Northern Whites. MLK said he never saw hate until he saw White people in Chicago protesting his integration marches.
The reason blacks are up north is because the USA has an African nation within its borders, black Southerners, that’s the real reason the South should have been let go so we wouldn’t have to deal with your slaves. A 95% White USA minus the South seems close to paradise even if we have to deal with annoying Yankee school marm types.
I do not rely on Phyletist (also called “ecclesiastical racism”) theology in the sense that was condemned by the Orthodox synod of Istanbul, but churches ARE normally local and ethnic.
It is normal, and right, for human beings to have ethnic identity, and to be “local” in the sense of belonging to a certain place, to certain SOIL, rather than be rootless urban-cosmopolitan citisens of the world and members of a “global” church, such as your beloved heretical universal PAPACY, which you have yet to actually join.
“Relying on bad theology to advance racialism hurts real Christians and the racialist cause.” This is especially true of reliance on Babylon (Rome) to advance “the racialist cause” — and I am surprised that you now consider yourself belonging to the racialist cause. You had opposed “WN”. Where is the vaunted consistency?
“The Declaration bought the South time. Without it, we’d be worse off. I am certain of this.”
How much worse off would have been then as it is now WITH Obama as Commander Chief. The negro question was and never an issue in their drafted Constitution.The Flounders were masons, landonwrs and slave owners their own utopia of
“The Declaration bought the South time. Without it, we’d be worse off. I am certain of this.”
How much worse off would have been then as it is now WITH Obama as Commander Chief. The negro question was and never an issue in their drafted Constitution.The Flounders were masons, landowner and slave owners securing their own utopia from the commonwealth .
Prussiancroat says:
July 6, 2013 at 6:35 pm
‘The reason blacks are up north is because the USA has an African nation within its borders, black Southerners, that’s the real reason the South should have been let go so we wouldn’t have to deal with your slaves.’
Absolutely! Negroes should not have been brought to this continent. The long term certain disasters far outweighed short term (so-called) benefits.
Thanks to the efforts in large part to jew slavers and short-sighted Whites interested only in sitting on their broad bottoms watching niggers sweat while sucking whiskey from jugs.
Sooner or later the virus or more aptly described black plague was bound to break loose from it’s confines one way or another.
It was only a matter of time.
Now we have -hell- to pay and PROBABLY will be bred out of existence.
Not in this land alone, no, every European country allowing those bastids in will suffer the same fate.
France, England, Sweden, the list goes on and on.
Instead of waxing eloquently on the good ol’ days of plantation life y’all should be slapping your heads and shrieking to the heavens,
“How could we have been so damn stupid?!”
One needn’t be a racialist to recognize entrusting any advocacy for anything to religious cranks sidelined by society onto the internet is bad strategy. If being a racialist means acknowledging inborn differences between Negroes and civilized races then I’ll cop to it and reiterate my opposition to letting strange backward cranks drive it into the ground.
“I do not rely on Phyletist…… BUT….”
Running with the foxes and the hounds does lend itself to the net. You’ve definitely found your niche.
Echoes of Hagee(sp?).
“Now we have -hell- to pay ”
Prolific figure of the 20th century that shook the elites narrow minded.AD remains is unknown. Just goes to show he foresaw this day.
“Religious crank sidelined to the internet”, “echoes of Hagee”, etc. As usual your blind stabs all missed by a mile.
Some think this would make a good wall decoration: http://www.census.gov/population/cen2000/atlas/censr01-106.pdf
Re: wall decoration:
I intended to link directly to Map 7, but this link is similar: http://www.censusscope.org/us/map_nhblack.html
“Who’s got the Segregation” wall decoration map: http://www.censusscope.org/us/map_segregation_black.html
Good find, Mosin.
I wonder what Hunter has to say about that map? What with his insistence, despite having never once having even set foot in Yankeeland, that whites in the North “love niggers” and all…
According to that map, the most racially segregated parts are the Northeast and the Upper Midwest, and the LEAST segregated is “Dixie”! lol
Whites in the North don’t love Nogs. They just don’t feel kinship with eachother.
Whiteness is primarily a negative identity, an example could be the self-described feminist I spent time with on the 4th. She complained about Muslims in the city, she ragged on Negroes, she even described a woman on the radio as “nasally Jewish”…. that same girl would never in 100 years self-ID as “[white] christian” or “proud white” or anything of the sort. I’m personally ‘OK’ with this fact of the North, anyone that says there is a future for white ethnoism up here is simply isolated from their peers. Again, that doesn’t mean we love Nogs up here.
There doesn’t need to be white ethnoism up here. White ethnoism is just a natural reaction to the unwanted presence of non-whites. Northerners never had any use for white ethnoism until the South started throwing it’s dog feces over the fence.
These Southerners on here claim that they aren’t “white nationalists”, but all they actually did was take pretty much the whole of what WN advocates — that is, ethnic identity over national identity, cohesion along the racial line, a return to patriarchy, etc. — and just threw a glossy coat of Rebel Grey #10 on it, and now pretend that their somehow healthlier and uniquely different, than the rest of the racially-aware white population.
“This behaviour declines or disappears with increasing proximity to … Philadelphia”
You have obviously never spent any time on the Main Line or in Chestnut Hill.
As the old joke goes: “In New York it’s how much you have, in Boston it is who you know, and in Philadelphia it is who your grandparents were.”
“Rudel’s grandson.”
Wow! Spot on in the looks department but my sister is the one who can really sing and dance at the same time.
“You have obviously never spent any time on the Main Line or in Chestnut Hill. As the old joke goes: ‘In New York it’s how much you have, in Boston it is who you know, and in Philadelphia it is who your grandparents were.’ ”
Good to hear that, Rudel. Yes, I’ve visited or passed through Philadelphia only three times in my entire life, and I don’t know it.
“These Southerners on here claim that they aren’t “white nationalists”, but all they actually did was take pretty much the whole of what WN advocates — that is, ethnic identity over national identity, cohesion along the racial line, a return to patriarchy, etc. — and just threw a glossy coat of Rebel Grey #10 on it, and now pretend that their somehow healthlier and uniquely different, than the rest of the racially-aware white population.”
Well, you do have a knack for getting things backwards, don’t you?
Southern nationalism existed long before the fantasy known as WN.
What’s the dominant culture of your white nation and where did it originate?
What does the flag of your white nation look like? What’s the cusine like?
Exactly where is your white nation located?
I can’t seem to find it on the map anywhere.
I can find Dixie easy enough.
I did find the national anthem of your white nation, so it must exist somewhere…
Who knew there were negroes in your white nation?
Deo Vindice
Hymn for Sunday morning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yHJMPw8RHU
( “Who would true Valour see, Let him come hither; One here will Constant be, Come Wind, come Weather. There’s no Discouragement, Shall make him once Relent, His first avow’d Intent, To be a Pilgrim. Who so beset him round, With dismal Stories, Do but themselves Confound; His Strength the more is. No Lion can him fright, He’ll with a Giant Fight, But he will have a right, To be a Pilgrim. No Hobgoblin, nor foul Fiend, Can daunt his Spirit: He knows he at the end, Shall Life Inherit. Then Fancies fly away, He’ll fear not what men say, He’ll labour Night and Day, To be a Pilgrim.” )
Home again. Another song, a cry of a heart (against the worldly system) that still knows the soil to which it belongs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT3A-MazRqY