Dixie vs. America: Civil Rights Act of 1957


Here’s a regional breakdown of the vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1957:

United States: 71-18-4
The South: 12-17-1

The South provided 17 of the 18 votes against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 which was the first federal civil rights law passed by the U.S. Congress since Reconstruction. Sen. Strom Thurmond sustained the longest one-person filibuster in American history – 24 hours and 18 minutes – in an attempt to stop the bill in the Senate. In an all-Southern Senate, the Civil Rights Act of 1957 would have been defeated, 17 to 12.

In case you are wondering, the only non-Southerner who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 was Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon. Every U.S. senator from the Northeast and Midwest voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

United States: 285-126-9
The South: 20-112-1

Nine members of the U.S. House voted “present.”

Every member of the U.S. House from the Lower South – with one exception, Rep. Samuel Rayburn of Texas who voted present – voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1957. In the Upper South, every member of the U.S. House from Virginia, North Carolina, and Arkansas voted against the bill, and 6 out of 7 representatives from Tennessee voted against the bill.

In the Border South, the vote was 5/0 in West Virginia, 2/3 in Oklahoma, 3/5 in Kentucky, 9/2 in Missouri, and 7/0 in Maryland in favor of the bill, which illustrates that support for the Civil Rights Act of 1957 increased as the relative strength of Southern identity decreased.

Of the 126 nays, 112 of the nays were from the South, which voted 112 to 20 against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and which passed solely because of the existence of the Union.

In the Northeast, the vote was 118-3-3 with every single member of the U.S. House from New England voting for the Civil Rights Act of 1957 along with every representative from Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey. In Pennsylvania, there were 30 ayes and 2 presents. In New York, there were 38 ayes, 3 nays, and 1 present.

In the Midwest, the vote in the U.S. House was 98-10-3: 8/1 in Minnesota, 2/0 in North Dakota, 1/0 in South Dakota, 5/1 in Kansas, 4/0 in Nebraska, 6/1 in Iowa, 9/1 in Wisconsin, 21-1-1 in Ohio, 10/0 in Indiana, 11-3-1 in Michigan, and 21-2-2 in Illinois. If Missouri were included, the vote in the Midwest would have been 107-12-3.

Note: Dixie is again defined here as 15 states: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In John Boyd’s work on strategy considerations he composed a battle matrix consisting of an X and Y axis which rated considerations and the box of the intersection of strategy and MORAL factors was rated the highest value.

    Blah, blah on my part over. The South lost that box badly. Technically they were correct, nearly beyond our calculations but by the 50s it was, ist kaput .

    The MORAL component must be captured, without it no weaker opponent can win.

  2. Re: RobRoySimmons

    I disagree.

    In the 1950s, the overwhelmingly majority of White Southerners thought segregation was morally right and miscegenation was morally wrong. They also thought that adultery, sexual promiscuity, and abortion were morally wrong.

    Ultimately, it didn’t matter what the White South thought on these issues – see also the vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – because the South was less than 1/3 of third of the country and could be outvoted by the rest of the country due to the existence of the Union.

    In the case of segregation and miscegenation, public opinion in the South only changed after the South was defeated politically. The same thing is happened again with gay marriage. It is banned in the constitutions of every Southern state because the majority of White Southerners think it is morally wrong.

    The South will eventually get both gun control and gay marriage in spite of the moral beliefs of White Southerners. The problem here is squarely the existence of the Union with a people who have radically different beliefs on all kinds of issues and their ability to force their opinions on us through the federal government.

  3. Re: Iceman

    If you wondering why almost the entire North was so supportive of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, it is because most of the North had been integrated since the 1880s and couldn’t see anything wrong with the negro voter.

  4. Metal Gear / Iceman says:
    July 9, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    “Kevin Macdonald and David Duke are a joke with their attempt to lead everyone into the single Jewish cause.”

    I know too many Whites who know White countries are being flooded, they know about der Jude, they know about violence against Whites, they know the White race is losing its countries, they know Whites will be blended out of existence. About all of these things they don’t give a damn, as long as they get to make money out of it, right now.

    WN must surround themselves only with WN, because about ordinary Whites they clearly have no clue.

  5. There is no such nation named, “Dixie”

    That is a myth. The southern region is part of the United States of America.

  6. It’s odd that the “organizer” of the Virginia-West Virginia KKK would vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1957. LOL. Byrd wouldn’t have been too distant from the KKK in 1957. I don’t know about this one? It must have been a procedural vote of some sort to carry the WV Congressional Delegation in 1957.

    I’ve always been somewhat critical of Byrd, and once reduced one of his young relatives to tears, this was many years ago, and I was young too.

  7. If Missouri were included, the vote in the Midwest would have been 107-12-3.

    We shouldn’t even entertain for one moment the idea that Missouri is part of the USA’s Midwest.

    . . . by the rest of the country . . .

    I notice this “rest of the country” theme quite often in your comments. Isn’t that the exact opposite of a nationalist message? We should define our country by our standards, and by our standards, Dixie is our country. What you call the “rest of the country” is a foreign occupier. It is no more our country than China would be if China had conquered us. If we allow our occupier to define for us what our country is then we have already lost the first battle; Dixie becomes merely a region, Southron nationalists become traitors to their country, and Southron radicalisation becomes less likely.

  8. Senators from Tennessee (Gore, Kefauver), whose system was “owned” by Armand Hammer, the Communist financer; Texas – Lyndon Johnson, Ralph Yarborough; Missouri – Hennings & Symington; KY- Cooper, Morton all voted for the CR Act of 1957. Tennessee particularly has been owned by Leftist interest for the longest and its political leadership rolled over without a murmur when the Supreme Court integration edict came down. It was an outsider from New York, a John Kasper, who rallied the citizens of Clinton TN (along with local Klan and White Citizens Council members) for serious opposition to forced integration of the high school. In my opinion it is a bigger story than Little Rock – there was much physical opposition to integration of the high school with it ultimately being dynamited and several citizens of Clinton being convicted by the Feds of rioting. No State official lifted a hand to assist the people at any level, even as forced integration was spread to other cities in TN . Kasper’s story is interesting, to say the least, but Little Rock got more attention since Governor Faubus actively opposed integration.

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