The South vs. America’s Immigration Disaster


Check out this article in VDARE by William L. Houston on how an independent South would have voted on immigration since the 1960s:

“Harold Meyerson [Email him] recently gloated that “the South may soon undergo an epochal political change” because of the Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill. In the meantime, Meyerson advocated building a border fence “in the right place” from Norfolk to Dallas which would keep America safe from “the all-round fruitcakery of the right-wing white South.” “Start the border fence in Norfolk, Va.” [Washington Post, June 25, 2013]

I would like readers to ponder the implications of Meyerson’s ingenious thought experiment on the last fifty years of U.S. immigration policy. In this thought experiment, 15 Southern states (Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia) seceded from the Union in the year 1965 and constructed a double-layered border fence along the Potomac and Ohio Rivers which wraps around Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas down to the Mexican border. …

In an independent South, the Immigration Act of 1965, the IRCA amnesty of 1986, the Immigration Act of 1990, the DREAM Act and all versions of “comprehensive immigration reform” would have been defeated, but the Secure Fence Act of 2006 and the Immigration Act of 1996 would have been passed.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The push for immigration then, and immigration reform now, doesn’t come from the White Protestant South, but comes from the Catholics & Jews of the North.

  2. Earl, your statement would have been more accurate if you said “the liberal Protestants, Catholics, And Jews of the North” are pushing ‘immigration reform’. Before the 1960’s, liberalism was a team up of liberal Jews and Protestants from about the mass wave of Askenazi migration in the 1880’s to about the 50’s when liberal Catholics came on board.

  3. Earl is right on the Catholics, they want to flood the usa with more of their co religionists and the Catholic church works hard to bring more mexicans and the like across the border. Check into how the Catholic church operates in NC if you doubt me.


  5. Two quick points:

    1.) I think you run into people kneejerking about their religion because you have to separate people that identify as a certain religion from the organizational body that controls the church. I live in a very VERY Catholic area, and none of the Catholics I know support illegal immigration. I would also suggest they don’t realize the church does.

    2.) The area in which I live has experienced a recent boom in illegal aliens here. I don’t know how it affects the Catholic churches here, but I was surprised to see the boom in Jehovah’s Witness churches with Spanish names. I would have expected that most of the illegals would be Catholic, but it seems a large number of them are JWs.

  6. @ Hunter

    It was one Methodist preacher in Alabama, who soon after murdered his wife, and his daughter for some inexplicable reason. Have you ever found out why. I’ve mentioned it before.

    Anyway the Methodists are not organized top down like the Roman Catholics. There’s nothing binding with what any preacher says, or doesn’t say.

  7. The continuing religious wars here are counterproductive and useless.

    Institutional Christianity has passed on leaving Liberalism in its wake as the dominant religion of the West. Despite bogus outdated rhetoric about religious plurality, we now live in a de facto confessional state.

    The state religion of Amurrica is Liberalism, or Secular Materialism. Immigration, which receives support from every major denomination in Amurrica, is only one manifestation of this reality.

    Arguing about which sect is “purer” on this issue is a waste of time. People may not support immigration, but most churches do. Either way, the issue is moot.

    Deo Vindice

  8. countenance says:
    July 8, 2013 at 6:24 pm
    When I first read William Houston’s article on V-Dare this morning, I thought he was Hunter Wallace.

    Jack replies:

    Internet twins.

  9. @ Stonelifter I’ve seen the changes in North Carolina over the last 40 plus years, and it’s a damn shame. It’s also scary if you are fishing in an isolated spot, and all of a sudden 3 or 4 Mexicans come walking down the beach. Many of the small farm market towns now look like they belong in Mexico—because there are so many Mexicans. Nice little places that I remember from years ago when they were pretty, clean, and White.

    The Catholics are in denial, but, we know the truth.

  10. As I was reading this article on Vdare, I was thinking of what you have been advocating here regarding seccession of the South. Maybe there is some hope, but what would we do with all the black folks? I suppose they would move of their own accord once we started cutting all the social programs they depend on.

    Speaking of churches, I was setting in church a few months ago when our preacher said, “one day I would like to look at in the congregation and see pews filled with people from all over the world.” That’s when I decided it was time for my money and I to find another church. This is a small community but large church and backed by a large denomination.

    For those like me who attend church, have you ever asked yourselves why churches rave about sending money to every third world hole they can find? They always speak of going to some far off land and all the good they do. If they are looking for third world situations, why not look in their own backyard like Birmingham? I guess it just wouldn’t be as glamorous as jet setting to some far off land, and quite honestly, it may be more dangerous. Does the fact that I am jaded in regards to church of late show?

  11. Earl Butz says:
    July 8, 2013 at 1:08 pm

    ‘The push for immigration then, and immigration reform now, doesn’t come from the White Protestant South, but comes from the Catholics & Jews of the North.’

    In my state the Catholic churches loaded with Mexicans are always clamoring for amnesty and so forth.

    The Protestants are focused mainly on fundraising for Haitians and importing all sorts of Africans to our communities. The White So. Africans they don’t give a rip about.

  12. Jack Ryan:

    OTOH, I’ll never think you’re the internet twin of that other more famous Jack Ryan from Chicago, the one that would have ended Barack Obama’s political career.

    Nobody will ever want to be my internet twin, mainly because nobody can possibly be or ever wants to be that snarky.

  13. I’ll keep it short and sweet:

    There are many up-North Yankees such as myself who sympathize with your cause. Right now, Northern cities are undergoing “The Revenge of the South.” For fighting WWII (see “Hitler’s Revenge”), Northern Cities had to bring in many armament manufacturing workers, which were the the poor Black sharecroppers from the South. Southern states were often more than happy to assist in this “Great” Migration. Now the jewels of the North, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Rochester and more, are in a state of siege (see Philadelphia) from the uncivilizable. The Blacks caused the need for massive suburban expansion, which the corporatist “Coca-Cola” type Republicans got on board with, because they knew the devil would be to hard to resist without penalty.

    I can only imagine the horror of the “HBD-conscious” (how trendy!), race realist South upon looking at the “Urban Planning” and “Integration”. The horror of what was done to the South can never be fully atoned for. Call it the new “White Guilt” of the future. I have it.

    The book which educated this repentant Northerner on this issue is “The Slaughter of Cities”, a 500-page tome by E. Micheal Jones. It is a good read for seeing exactly the hubris of nation-destroyers (WASPS, status-seeking assimilated Jews, and Quakers).

  14. Including the Peripheral South – Missouri, Oklahoma, and West Virginia – weakens the overall picture. The relationship between the South and immigration is even sharper when you subtract the black hole and brown hole districts in the House.

  15. When I first read William Houston’s article on V-Dare this morning, I thought he was Hunter Wallace.

    You thought right. Check out the tell-tale signs: “William Houston” = WH, Hunter Wallace = HW. Get it?

    “William Houston” uses the same gerrymandered definition of the South as Hunter does: it includes Missouri but not Maryland or Delaware. Who else does that?

    “William Houston” calls a theoretical restored Confederacy the Republic of Dixie, just like Hunter does. When I typed “Republic of Dixie” into the Bing search bar, an OD article came up in fourth place.

    “William Houston” goes through not only all the major immigration bills since the 1960s, but also the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts, just like Hunter does.

    “William Houston” notes one of Hunter’s favourite pet peeves, that every single representative from New England voted for the DREAM Act in 2010.

    “William Houston” writes: But, because of the existence of the Union with the Northeast, West Coast, and Upper Midwest, we have gotten illegal alien amnesty, Open Borders, and Third World immigration—among a laundry list of other undesirable things that could never pass an all-Southern Congress. Ha ha, if that’s not vintage Hunter Wallace I don’t know what is.

    “William Houston” quotes a passage from Brimelow’s book ‘Alien Nation’ about possible secession, Hunter’s ideological raison d’être.

    “William Houston” quotes Robert Barnwell Rhett at length about the oppression of the minority South by the majority North in the 19th century. Coincidentally (or not) a single quote graces OD’s homepage: “Let slaves adore and love a despotism. It is the part of freemen to detest and to resist it.”, by Rhett, Hunter’s avowed political hero.

    “William Houston” is apparently a graduate of the U of Alabama (is that Hunter’s alma mater?) and his email address is I believe 1980 is the year of Hunter’s birth.

    Anyway, congratulations on the article Hunter–er, I mean “William”. It’s about time your writings started reaching a wider audience. 🙂

  16. @ Hunter Look at what you have in West Virginia, a old school Yankee Billionaire in Jay Rockefeller, and a say anything, do anything to get elected Roman Catholic liar in Joe Manchin.

    Jayboy did the same thing his Uncle did in Arkansas, bought high political office in a poor & exploited Southern state. Manchin exists because Byrd never groomed anyone, and Wise & Caperton who he did groom to some extent, turned out to be duds. Also a few of my friends died young, and that left a real hole in WV political leadership too!

    West Virginia should at least have one guy like Sessions in the Senate.

  17. I’m not willing to cede West Virginia or Missouri to the North … no one in the South considers Delaware a Southern state, and Maryland is quasi-Southern, but we couldn’t secede with Maryland without taking DC with us and creating a West Berlin situation.

  18. Re: hbdusa

    I’m reading the latest Paul Kersey book on Chicago right now. If I had been a contributor to this book, I would have included the quotes from Stephen Douglas on the menace of “Black Republicanism” and what would happen to Illinois if Lincoln and the Republican Party were to triumph.

  19. That’s exactly what happened too:

    “Douglas hammered on the Lincoln-as-radical theme. Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech provided fodder for Douglas’s charge that Republicans and Lincoln would sacrifice the Union to destroy slavery. Once emancipation occurred, Douglas asserted, freed slaves would flood Illinois to “cover your prairies with black settlements” and “turn this beautiful state into a free negro colony.” He was not above more primitive race baiting. Warming up the crowd at the debate in Freeport, Douglas related that he had spotted Frederick Douglass a while earlier on the edge of the gathering in a “carriage – and a magnificent one it was … a beautiful young lady was sitting on the box-seat, whilst Fred Douglass and her mother reclined inside, and the owner of the carriage acted as a driver.” While laughter rippled through the crowd, a Lincoln that the backer yelled out, “What of it!” Douglas replied, “All I have to say is if you, Black Republicans, think that the negro ought to ride in a carriage with your wife, whilst you drive the team, you have a perfect right to do so.”

  20. If William Miller hadn’t received the Republican Vice-Presidential nomination in 1964 he would have still been the Representative for New York’s 40th congressional district in 1965, and he certainly would have voted against Hart/Celler.

  21. “The push for immigration then, and immigration reform now, doesn’t come from the White Protestant South, but comes from the Catholics & Jews of the North.”

    “Reads like the Roman Catholics are having a meeting tonight to get their immigration reform & amnesty push back on track:

    Reading this loon’s postings one is reminded of the truth of Winston Churchill’s observation: “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”

  22. more of the same says:
    Catholics and Jews? I thought it was Yankees. Or all they one and the same?…”

    The Same. In NYC, the White Protestants are only FOUR PERCENT. In all those northeast “power cities” the Children of the Founders DO NOT EXIST. They have been moving and moving, trying to stay ahead of the tidal wave.

    The majority in the cities in question are catholics. (White catholics are about 30% in nyc, far outnumbering the handful of protestants and, for that matter, jews.)

    The catholics and jews sort of trade the mayor seat— koch, guilliani, bloomberg… and so on, back and forth. Many intermarriages among them, among the common folk.

    That’s the demographic reality, but OD readers cannot look at it.

    Needless to say, I feel I understand Earl and Stonelifter very well.

    A reality, also (one which many catholics were simply never taught) is that many Generational Americans CHOSE to live in majority black environments INSTEAD OF WITH the catholics who were Genociding them in Europe. (The German-Swiss-French border brought many to what became the u.s. when catholic Louis was attacking them; also the “scotch-irish” —ulsterman, and french huegenots and many more).

    Because catholics never provide freedom for thought and creativity, the Americans fled and lived with blacks and indians, just to get away.

    That’s how much they hated it. And that’s a matter of historical fact. Now, they are feeling under the boot again.

  23. @ Jayboy did the same thing his Uncle did in Arkansas, bought high political office in a poor & exploited Southern state. …

    They buy babies there, too. Had a friend who had a holier-than-thou BARREN catholic boss, who was a real missionary type. The south (that others had IMPOVERISHED, btw) just so happened to have tons of blue-blonde boys (what she wanted to adopt), and women (the real mothers) poor and guilted enough that they might just give up their babies for women like her.

    She had big city money and two homes, etc, the promise of private schools— to dangle in front of the faces of the REDNECK MOMS, and they felt so guilty and bad about how little they were told they had to offer…

    Long story short, she wrenched a couple babies away in that manner. One mom bravely caved at the last minute and snatched her baby back (thank GOD).

    Last report, the two blonde-blues were being raised in catholic big city life, far from their rural southern roots— and were starting to develop behavioral problems, seemingly due to the raving loud type atmosphere of their fake parents.

    True story. People should not be able to pressure people to get their babies away from them!

  24. 313Chris:

    As an “actual Missourian,” my advice to you is to speak for yourself.

    That image you provide was from the very first parade in the country for vets of Iraq II, in St. Louis. Many mayors of many northeastern cities, including Bloomberg, actively rejected having similar parades.

  25. @ ….The book which educated this repentant Northerner on this issue is “The Slaughter of Cities”, a 500-page tome by E. Micheal Jones. It is a good read for seeing exactly the hubris of nation-destroyers (WASPS, status-seeking assimilated Jews, and Quakers)….

    Again, though—- I actually have some sympathy with the WASPS being blamed for the miserable state of affairs (AGAIN).

    THESE cities mentioned in that work HAVE NO WASPS. The WASPS were losing a country (they now have no place to live). They were reasonable to react to the influx and MASSIVE IMMIGRATION of foreigners (white foreigners).

    They had left europe to LIVE ELSEWHERE. When MASS IMMIGRATION of europeans came, they reacted. Who wouldn’t?

  26. @ ….I live in a very VERY Catholic area, and none of the Catholics I know support illegal immigration. I would also suggest they don’t realize the church does….

    Many catholics SAY THAT but they have been the recipient of policies that have nearly made them the majority and majority in places of power, and so they just act that way (even as they benefit).

    They know they can say that b/c the majority supreme court will keep voting for their people. They know they can act as if they are bothered, but that the wasps (who actually founded the country) have no places to go where they feel comfortable, or where they can expect their CHILDREN to be comfortable or have a life.

    They know they can say that and the Warfare-Welfare Statist neo-fuedalism that benefits their people, and mostly THEIR people, will continue going on and on, with any white people having to work extra jobs, for extra taxes— and all to pay for their co-religionists and to have that siphoned to their church. Even the preists can say it.

    They all know what they are going to DO.

    And that border stays open year after year, ever since 1965.

    Oh… they’re “against it.” LOL

  27. The whole thing is just a joke—- like Hannity saying he’s anti-abortion. Mr. Cognitive Dissonance is also PRO WAR. LOL. Why doesn’t he talk about how convenient it is that the “elite” folks that plan the silly four-point-party platforms (pro gay! anti-racist! pro war! pro abortions!) chose to play with the extreme dichotomy of “pro-war” and “anti-abortion.” So both the “left’ and right can demonstrate their freaky Cognitive dissonance—- saying they want life! but hate life!

    A bad joke.

  28. Here’s a factoid Hunter Wallace and Earl Butz will both love:

    Joe Arpaio, America’s greatest sheriff, is a Roman Catholic and he was born in Massachusetts.

  29. I’ll say from my own experiences that if the fantasy of “southern secession ” ever materializes, Maryland and Delaware are two states that most southerners wouldn’t want to be affiliated with in any way whatsoever.


    Pope Francis condemns “globalisation of indifference” as he comforts refugees on Italian island
    Pope Francis has prayed for the estimated 20,000 migrants and asylum seekers who have drowned trying to reach Italy in the last 20 years during a historic visit to the tiny island of Lampedusa.

    Tens of thousands of migrants, mostly from Africa, have reached Lampedusa in recent years in search of a better life in Europe.

    The Pope remembered those who did not make it after drowning in the Mediterranean when their boats sank far from help.

    “We ask forgiveness for the indifference towards so many brothers and sisters,” he said at the Mass, held near the port where the migrants are brought ashore after their boats are intercepted by the Italian navy and coast guard.

    “The culture of well-being makes us think about ourselves, renders us insensitive to the cries of others,” he said, urging “brotherly responsibility” towards refugees.

    Check out the photos.

  31. Name the Catholic, name the Jew, and hold all Founding Stock, except Yankees, harmless. Divide, divide what little there is to divide some more. A sure fire way to victory and a glorious restored Dixie Republic.

    That’s the drift I get from reading some of these comments. Good luck Hunter with the crew you have.

  32. I must applaud Ann Coulter for here recent contributions.

    One Evangelical after another told the Times that they no longer believe Americans should have control over who immigrates here on the basis of having met illegal aliens in their pews. The millions harmed by illegal immigration are left out of the equation. They don’t go to church here.

    The Rev. David Uth, head pastor of First Baptist Orlando, said that based on “the stories out there in the pews” from illegals who “have made friends and who have become close with people here,” there was momentum in his church to “do something to address their needs.”

    Mr. Uth and his parishioners will never hear stories from the thousands of Americans killed every year by illegal aliens. They won’t be sitting in the pews with those murdered and maimed in Boston last month by a conspiracy of immigrants.

    They won’t hear from hospitals and school systems in border states forced into bankruptcy because they have to provide free services to illegals. They won’t chat with farmers and ranchers whose livestock and property are stolen or destroyed by illegal aliens.

    Jay Crenshaw, a parishioner at First Baptist Orlando, told the Times that he was a conservative Christian, but his views had changed “as a result of personal encounters with immigrants in church.” After a fellow parishioner was arrested for driving illegally, “Mr. Crenshaw said he realized that his friend, an active church member who was supporting his mother and a brother” — by the way, so are you, readers! — “could be deported.”

    (You know who else’s views changed as a result of a personal encounter with an illegal alien? The 31-year-old mother allegedly shot to death by illegal immigrant Jose Zarate in Arizona earlier this year because she wouldn’t allow the 25-year-old to date her 13-year-old daughter.)

    This new Christian ethic of compassion-by-personal-encounter is also bad news for the millions of American blue-collar workers unable to find work because of the massive influx of unskilled immigrants.

    And there will be no compassion for the tens of millions of Americans who will never see a dime of their promised Social Security payments, even as their taxes go through the roof, because Mr. Crenshaw’s compassion requires that this country turn itself into the welfare ward of the world.

    Another Christian interviewed by the Times, Stewart Hall, also restricts his Christian compassion to those he can see. “It occurs to me,” Hall said of the illegal immigrants in his church, “that if Jesus was sitting next to me, he would not care whether they were illegal or legal.”

    Adopting a classic liberal trait, these Christians incapable of abstract thinking seem to believe that true compassion consists of giving away something that isn’t theirs. They repeatedly cite the biblical passage about treating the stranger as you would yourself. But I note that they don’t invite strangers to move into their houses, sleep in their beds, eat their food and have sex with their wives.

    No, they demand that we transform our country into a bankrupt, Third World hellhole so that they can feel good about themselves. But every American has an interest in what kind of country this is. America isn’t theirs to give away out of phony “Christian” compassion.

  33. @countenance

    I’m not a Missourian, I just happen to live in reality — unlike the majority who post here.

  34. Well then I certainly wish you luck in the attempt — yourself, Heimbach, PalmettoPatriot… and the dozen or so octogenarians with prostates the size of grapefruit, who togethor account for 99% of the Southern Independence movement. Just don’t expect me to bet money on you pulling it off 🙂

  35. “Pope Francis has prayed for the estimated 20,000 migrants and asylum seekers who have drowned trying to reach Italy in the last 20 years during a historic visit to the tiny island of Lampedusa. ”

    Jesus walks on water.

  36. Sam says:

    ‘I must applaud Ann Coulter for here recent contributions.’

    I know she is a neo-con and I’ve been critical of her in the past BUT today I called Paul Ryan’s office in Janesville and told the receptionist I was fed up with turncoat, treacherous, backstabbing Republicans and said Ryan should pay attention to what Coulter has been writing on immigration and Hispanic pandering.

    Asked why Ryan is so concerned about so-called exploited Mexicans but NEVER says a damn thing about the incredible amounts of crimes illegals commit.

    Told her the reason he and Romney lost was that millions of Whites were not inspired to vote for the lesser of two evils that always cave and cater to minorities and dump on us.

    Most of the wetbacks and blacks will still vote for Demoncrats and the remaining Whites will just give up and fall the wayside.

    They wanted to know which city I live in, street address and phone number before I was allowed to express my views.

    I’m sure that must intimidate many people already leery of government power fearing they would be placed on a list of possible subversives.

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