The Scarlet Letter: Leftwing McCarthyism In Amurrica


Help me compile the black list:

Update: As I predicted on Facebook, the groveling has already begun: “Years ago, I was a radio host whose job was to provoke and inflame,” Hunter said. “I abhor racism and I have never advocated anything other than equal protection under the law for all people.”

– Jason Richwine (dropped by Heritage Foundation)
– Peter Brimelow (dropped by National Review)
– John Derbyshire (dropped by National Review for The Talk: Non-Black Version)
– Joe Sobran (dropped by National Review for naming the Jew)
– Revilo P. Oliver (dropped by National Review for naming the Jew)
– Glenn Beck (dropped by FOX News)
– Robert Weissberg (dropped by National Review for attending Amren conference)
– Paula Deen (dropped by Food Network for saying “nigger” in the 1980s during an armed robbery)
– Imus (dropped by MSNBC for “nappy-headed hos” comment)
– Lou Dobbs (dropped by CNN for anti-amnesty television show)
– Pat Buchanan (dropped by MSNBC for writing Suicide of a Superpower)
– Jared Taylor (non-person for innumerable thought crimes)
– Sam Francis (dropped by Washington Times)
– James Watson (most famous biologist in the world dropped from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for saying “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really.”)
– Rick Sanchez (dropped by CNN for naming the Jew)
– Mel Gibson (The Passion of the Christ and naming the Jew)
– Roan Garcia-Quintana (dropped by Nikki Haley campaign)
– Steve Sailer (too smart for National Review)
– John Stortstrom (associating with Amren and Commander Heimbach)

OD readers are filling in some blanks:

– M.J. Rosenberg (criticizing Israel too harshly)
– John Rocker (criticizing diversity)
– Dog The Bounty Hunter (racism)
– Michael Richards (racism)
– Sen. Trent Lott (said nice things about Strom Thurmond on his birthday)
– Dr. Laura Schlessinger (racism)
– Jimmy The Greek Snyder (dumped by CBS Sports)
– Frank Borzellieri (associating with Amren)
– Richard Spencer (dropped by The American Conservative?)
– Kevin Lamb (dropped by Human Events)
– Scott McConnell (dropped by New York Post)
– Mel Bradford (criticized Abraham Lincoln)
– Sen. George Allen (macaca moment)
– Ann Coulter (dropped by National Review)
– Hank Jr. (dropped by Monday Night Football)
– Helen Thomas (naming the Jew)
– Bobby Fischer (naming the Jew)
– Rush Limbaugh (dropped by some advertisers for calling Sandra Fluke a slut)
– Emma West (average woman arrested, prosecuted, and diagnosed as mentally ill for her tram experience)
– Paul Fromm (general thought crime)

Who am I missing?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Frank Borzellieri was fired by the Catholic Church, Archdiicese of New York. His position was a school principal. Frank wrote about race and immigration and was attacked by the New York Daily News and the Catholic Church caved.

  2. Paul Fromm. Just correcting the spelling of the last name (overriding that ever helpful “Spell check”! )

  3. Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder was fired by CBS sports in 1988 when he said

    “The black is a better athlete to begin with because he’s been bred to be that way, because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back, and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs and he’s bred to be the better athlete because this goes back all the way to the Civil War when during the slave trade … the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have a big black kid …[2] ”

  4. Baseball broadcaster Steve Lyons dropped for making a joke about fellow broadcaster/manager Lou Pinella who is hispanic.

    Jimmy The Greek Snyder said something about negros, then was canned.

    Al Campanis baseball general manager made a remark about negros and was canned.

    Marge Schott former owner of the Reds was ostracized and forced to sell her team for insensitive statements.

  5. Oh, the Catholic Church is no more in the physical world. It’s good that Frank Borzellieri of the New York Diocese was dispatched. Reason ! : He is not Catholic! He could be if he truly wanted to be a Catholic. Reason 2 : There are no Catholic Schools! This crap started back before the robbers council Vatican 2, to integrate what was left of the Church with evil scum sucking PIGS. Black thugs laying hands on nuns. I would have killed these reprobates, dead-bang!!!
    Best Regards

  6. Kevin lamb – human events.
    Richard Spencer – American conservative
    Pat Buchanan – msnbc.
    Scott mcconnell – ny post.

  7. Amidst the dining on toe brie, he said I abhor racism.

    Yes, all of polite society abhors racism…aside from principled exceptions for jews, blacks, mezos, subcons, slants, and rabs.

  8. Neocons derailed Mel Bradford’s nomination to be chairman of the NEH after they discovered he had said unkind things about Lincoln.

    Neocons declared Russell Kirk persona non grata after the latter noted the neocon tendency to mistake Tel Aviv for the capital of the U.S.

  9. David Frum’s infamous “Unpatriotic Conservatives” is a veritable cornucopia of this stuff.

  10. I think PJB was purged more than once.

    Hank Williams Jr., dropped from Monday Night Football theme

    I don’t know if I would include Glenn Beck in this list, because Fox News didn’t drop him for any real tangible easy to cite political reason. For one, his show devolved into silliness and borderline crackpottery, and for another, his ratings got so low that he only had twice that of a typical MSNBC host.

  11. I’ve also been collecting a list over the years:

    Jacqueline Woodhouse sentenced to prison May 29, 2012
    Miami-Dade Fire Captain Brian Beckmann: Tuesday, May 15, 2012
    John Derbyshire was fired from national review on the easter weekend of April 2012
    national review fired Robert Weissberg a few days later: April 10th 2012
    Pat Buchanan
    Emma west
    Juan Williams
    Rick Sanchez
    Mel Gibson
    Scientist of BP oil spill
    Norman Fincklestein
    Helen Thomas
    Charlie Sheen
    Alexandra Wallace
    Theo Van Goh
    André Forbes was expelled from the liberal party on April 6th 2011 for referring to indians as “featherheads”
    Sam Francis,
    Peter Brimelow,
    Joe Sobran
    M. J. Rosenberg was fired from Media Matters for criticizing Israel.
    Ann coulter
    2002, when Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn was assassinated for his views on Muslim immigration

  12. Mark Belling talk show host and fill in for Limbaugh called illegals wetbacks a few years ago. His station was picketed and he was sent on leave of absence for two weeks if I remember correctly.

    He returned, apologized for his insensitive remarks and since then has become a bowl of jelly on the subject of illegal invaders.

  13. Rush Limbaugh. Comments about media infatuation with black quarterbacks, to wit, Donavan McNabb as well as comments related to sexual morality of one Georgetown (?) law student (name eludes me). Michael Savage, gay/AIDS slur in response to live heckler.

  14. Afterthought:

    George Allen’s poll numbers were at their peak that season versus Jim Webb while the media was harping on the “macaca” NON-troversy. It’s only when they stopped it and moved on to other things did Allen’s lead evaporate then disappear. However, the conventional wisdom to this day is that Allen lost for saying “macaca.”

    It’s also a violation of common sense. Are we to think that there are enough Virginians who base their voting decisions based on who does and doesn’t say what might or might not be ethnic slurs relating to Dot Indians?

  15. We can all see this process occurring up close, and personal, in the rigidly-controlled local Tea Parties and Republican local committees. I am sure it is worst SOUTH OF THE LINE, where NO deviation from the ZOG DOGMA of Israel, Ayn Rand and Global Capitalism and “SUPPORTING THE TROOPS” (that support Israel and Global Capitalism) can be allowed.

  16. That fucking clown says he “abhors racism”. I’d like to see just one of these fuckers explain why they “abhor racism” beyond “because that’s what we’re supposed to say” or some other dumbfuck non-reason. None of the grovelers know why they’re against racism because there is no reason to be against it. Ask anyone you encounter why racism is “bad”. I guarantee they cannot offer a cogent reason.

  17. Some of those you listed deserve no sympathy, at least in my opinion. For instance, the day Pat Buchanan pondered ALL of the possible candidates he could select from to serve as his VP running mate – wanting, “of course”, to choose the very best, most qualified individual he could – then turned around and chose a niggur, that was the day he died and went straight to Hell for me.

    In a future WN state (and maybe a Southron one too) Buchanan would be hunted down by special state security agents, arrested, handcuffed (and roughed up with some brass knucks, too) and then put on board a C5A cargo plane bound for Africa, where he could then pick and choose from ten jillion other niggur “candidates” when he next runs for Head Tribal Chief of the local cannibal tribe.

  18. T.S. Eliot named Judeo-Masonry:

    “The rats (Masons) are in the piles and the Jews are under the piles”.

  19. Jewish American Prince and Chessmaster: Bobby (1.e4) Fischer named the Jew and fled to Iceland where he died a very strange death. R.I.P. Bobby – loved your chess and your righteous soul.

  20. You ‘re missing one key guy:

    Jack Ryan writer for Occidental Dissent.

    OK he’s not authentic Southron, but he tries real hard.

    Chicago ,northern big city women treat him mean.

    Still he soldiers on.

    14 words …. With a distinct Southern accent.

  21. Here’s Bobby Fishcher on his flight to Iceland – drinking with his pals and running his mouth on Factor-J. Unless you like hearing schmaltzy songs, pick it up where he names the Jew at 6.21.

  22. Savour this goyim -great tirade by a psycho-Jewess spewing her Jew on the bus. Quotes from the King’s Torah and all. She’s a treasure. Deserves an exhibit all the her little self at the ho-lo-caust museum. Better than a Chuck E Cheese chimpout.

  23. Great video of a young American Jew confronting a Jewish demonstration celebrating the seizure of the East Bank of Jerusalem. The courage and fortitude of this young young man undergoing a brutal arrest by Israeli police for the free exercise of his right to speak.

  24. Jack, God bless you.

    I hope some day, in a seedy bar somewhere in the new Dixie, that you and I will enjoy a sazerac or two and talk bad about those mean northern big city women.

    The ghosts of Paul Morphy and Bobby Fischer will also be in attendance and we will watch them play a game. My money is on Morphy, in case you wondered.

    Deo Vindice

  25. He’s doing a Paula Deen. It won’t work. That is like throwing chum into the ocean.

    There is only one defense and that is to attack. You call them anti-White.

    Ramzpaul Demonstrates:

    Video Paula Deen should have made

  26. A bright spot? Michael Berry of Houston, whose radio show has just been picked up by Birmingham’s 105.5 as the the Rush follow-up.

    Listening to it intermittently at work this afternoon, I heard him say, “There’s a new civil rights movement starting to happen. It’s civil rights for whites. Yep. We’re getting tired of being pushed around.” The man is totally unafraid and unashamed, and pushes hard.

    So there’s that.

  27. “I hope some day, in a seedy bar somewhere in the new Dixie, that you and I will enjoy a sazerac or two and talk bad about those mean northern big city women.”

    Will the divorce rate in “The New Dixie” be lower instead of higher (as it is now) than the divorce rate in the rest of the states?

    Aren’t the northern white women who have invaded the South responsible for the South’s present highest-of-all divorce rate? White women of north of the Line are main carriers of the evil, world-destroying Yankee genes and culture, including the predominant divorce tendency, aren’t they? Yankee white women of north of the Line need to be deported or avoided and prevented from miscegenating with white southerners, correct?

  28. Note: I think it is normal and natural, and Biblical, for people to marry within their own community and kinfolk, though not to first cousins.

  29. Max, I think you’re being a bit too rough on Buchanan. Yes, I agree she wasn’t a good choice but I suspect he was doing it to “prove” he wasn’t a “racist”. These “conservatives” know nothing about the BUGS approach or eschew it if they do know. Buchanan could not have known at the time.

    Nevertheless, Buchanan’s writings served as my “gateway” into the pro-White movement.

  30. Charlie Daniels asked to clarify his words in his song regarding the flag and the fact that it is not a rag like those worn on Arab heads. He explained he was not racist nor did he hate all Muslims.

  31. I really wish “our” side would stop using the lib/lefty/prog/commie term “McCarthyism”. The fact is McCarthy was correct in most of what he said regarding the commies in government positions. That anyone on our side uses the term McCarthyism in the way the commies did and still do allows them to get5 away with redefining another word(can you say “gay”) as they have done with so much of the English language over the past 50 years or so.


  33. Satoshi Kanazawa, dropped from Psychology Today blog, this year from the Big Think blog and academically prohibited by the LSE of publishing in non-peer reviewed media for a year. His hate crime were comments concerning the perceived average physical attractiveness of Black women in comparison to women of other racial groups.

  34. emdfl says:

    ‘I really wish “our” side would stop using the lib/lefty/prog/commie term “McCarthyism”. The fact is McCarthy was correct in most of what he said regarding the commies in government positions.’

    True. Pretty much a jew club.

  35. Did anyone mention Don Imus (and his “nappy-headed-ho” comment)?

    If so, I apologize for bringing it up again.

  36. President Nixon and his personal staff talk about the Jewish Problem

    Nixon Tapes.

    Nixon: I hope to God – he’s not Jewish is he?

    Ziegler: [Laughing] I’m sure he is – Ellsberg?

    Nixon: I hope not, I hope not.

    Haldeman: [unclear] is Jewish. Why the hell wouldn’t he be?

    Nixon: Oh yeah, I know, I know, I know, but it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a bad thing for us. It’s a bad thing for us. It’s a bad thing. Maybe we’ll be lucky for once. Many Jews in the Communist conspiracy. . . . Chambers and Hiss were the only non-Jews. . . . Many thought that Hiss was. He could have been a half. . . . Every other one was a Jew – and it raised hell for us. But in this case, I hope to God he’s not a Jew.

    Haldeman: [Laughing] Well, I suspect he is.

    Nixon: You can’t tell by the name.

    Haldeman: Or Halperin. . . . Gelb is –

    Nixon: Gelb’s a Jew.

    July 2, 1971: Nixon, Haldeman, and Rose Mary Woods, 12:25 P.M., Oval Office Conversation #535-23; cassette #867

    Nixon: Halperin was a genius. And so is this son-of-a-bitch who stole the documents – a genius. Everybody says that Ellsberg. . . very bright. Woods: That might be, but I mean, I think, part of it – Hitler was a genius.

    Nixon: Undoubtedly.

    Haldeman: Sure was.

    Nixon: So was Judas. Woods: Sure.

    Nixon: That’s right. Woods: But that doesn’t make what they do right. . . .

    July 3, 1971: Nixon and Haldeman, 10:41 A.M., Oval Office Conversation #536-16; cassette #871

    Nixon: Colson, he’s a clever bastard. He had his office call the Bureau of Labor Statistics. . . . Goldstein. . . . I said, “Were they all Jews?” He said, “Yes. Every one of them was a Jew.” Malek’s not Jewish is he?

    Haldeman: No.

    Nixon: I want to look at any sensitive areas around, where Jews are involved, Bob. See, the Jews are all through the government. And we have got to get in those areas, we’ve got to get the man in charge, who is not Jewish, to patrol the Jewish –

    Haldeman: [unclear]

    Nixon: . . . full of Jews. Second, most Jews are [unclear]. You know what I mean? You have Garment and Kissinger.

    Haldeman: And thankfully Safire.

    Nixon: But by God, they’re exceptions. But Bob, generally speaking, you can’t trust the bastards. They turn on us.

    Haldeman: And their whole orientation is against this administration anyway. . . . And they’re smart. They have the ability to do what they want to do. Which is, to hurt us. . . .
    Nixon: Henry doesn’t have many Jews. Got this one. . . . . . . .

    Haldeman: He’s got quite a few. . . . He had Halperin.

    Nixon: Yeah, I know. But, you know. . . he’s got Haig, his secretary is not Jewish. . . . .

    Haldeman: None of his aides have ever been Jewish, even Tony Lake who turned on us. . . .

    Nixon: That’s right.

    Haldeman: But his. . . the young guys, that he’s always had. . . .

    Nixon: Well Tony Lake always seemed Jewish.

    Haldeman: I don’t think so. I wondered about that.

    Nixon: He looked it.

    Haldeman: I know.

    July 5, 1971: Nixon, Haldeman, and Ziegler, 4:03 P.M., Oval Office Conversation #537-4; cassette #876

    Nixon: Jewish families are close, but there’s this strange malignancy that seems to creep among them – radicalism. I can imagine how the fact that Ellsberg is in this must really tear a fella like Henry to pieces – or Garment. Just like the Rosenbergs and all that. It just has to kill them. I feel horrible about it.

    Ziegler: Could make up an English name.

    Haldeman: . . . Rosenstein could change his name. . . . [general laughter]

    Ziegler: It is right. It’s always an Ellsberg.

    Nixon: Every one’s a Jew. Ellsberg’s a Jew. Halperin’s a Jew.

    Haldeman: Gelb’s a Jew.

    Nixon: But there are [unclear] – Hiss was not a Jew. Very interesting thing. So few of those who engage in espionage – are Negroes. . . . In fact, very few of them become Communists. If they do, they like, they get into Angela Davis – they’re more the capitalist type. And they throw bombs and this and that. But the Negroes. – have you ever noticed? . . . . Any Negro spies?

    Haldeman: Not intellectual enough, not smart enough. . . not smart enough to be spies.

    Nixon: The Jews – the Jews are, are born spies. You notice how many of them are just in up to their necks?

    Haldeman: A basic deviousness.
    + + +
    Nixon: You can never put, John, any person who is a Jew on a civil rights kind of case, or freedom of the press kind of case, and get even a ten percent chance. . . . Basically, who the hell are these people that stole the papers? It’s too bad. I’m sorry. I was hoping one of them would be a gentile. [laughter] [unclear] The three Jews – Gelb – the three suspects. . . . All Jews.”

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