Rand Paul: “I Think Lincoln Was One Of Our Greatest Presidents”

Rand Paul thinks Lincoln was one of our greatest presidents
Rand Paul thinks Lincoln was one of our greatest presidents

District of Corruption

Read all about it here and here.

“I’m not a fan of secession,” Paul said. “I think the things he said about John Wilkes Booth are absolutely stupid. I think Lincoln was one of our greatest presidents. Do I think Lincoln was wrong is taking away the freedom of the press and the right of habeas corpus? Yeah.”

“People are calling him a white supremacist,” Paul told me in his Senate office. “If I thought he was a white supremacist, he would be fired immediately. If I thought he would treat anybody on the color of their skin different than others, I’d fire him immediately.

“All I can say is, we have a zero tolerance policy for anybody who displays discriminatory behavior or belief in discriminating against people based on the color of their skin, their religion, their sexual orientation, anything like that,” Paul told me. “We won’t tolerate any of that, and I’ve seen no evidence of that.”

Note: Matt Parrott was clearly on to something in his article on Crank Cuckoldry.

Instead of influencing Rand Paul, Jack Hunter allowed Paul’s libertarian cause to cuckold his own cause, and he has now repudiated his former beliefs. Rand Paul hasn’t accomplished anything in the U.S. Senate either. The “welfare-warfare state” is stronger than it was before Rand Paul was elected and the civil liberties that libertarians claim to care so much have only been further eroded.

In 2016, Rand Paul will run for president as someone who thinks Lincoln “was one of our greatest presidents,” who is “not a fan of secession,” as someone who supports amnesty for illegal aliens, who has “zero tolerance policy” for “white supremacists,” and who believes that any attack on Israel is an attack on the United States.

The only difference between Rand Paul and Newt Gingrich is that Gingrich was never taken seriously on the Dissident Right. I would rather vote for an honest neocon who is transparently owned by Sheldon Adelson than a dissembling, flip flopping libertarian like Rand Paul who keeps “evolving” all over the place.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Rand Paul is such a perfect example of a GOP betrayer-puppet who fucked over his supporters it’s almost as if he’s a plant. Twin brother of that other fail lying scumbag pretend conservative Senator Rubio.

    Now, because of Rubio’s betrayal, his Florida senate seat will go to a Democrat next time around, making things even worse down here.

  2. As I have said numerous times here on OD, I was wrong about Rand. I wanted to believe in him. And he turned out to be an enemy of our people. I can admit when I am wrong and hopefully learn from it.

  3. Rand Paul: “I Think Lincoln Was One Of Our Greatest Presidents”
    Litmus test of anti-white. Nothing came of good of a genocide from the the civil war,ww1, ww2.

    The USA will not see the light of day in the 21th century.RIP.

  4. He has learned from his father what not to do and say. He will not get the black vote no matter how many black consultants he hires. I like his father book the revolution . I think he has voiced concerns about the patriot act

  5. David Fletcher says:

    ‘He has learned from his father what not to do and say. He will not get the black vote no matter how many black consultants he hires. ‘

    It’s all about sucking up to jews. Look at that picture! Every politician who wants to get somewhere KNOWS this.

  6. I have never understood the Paul clan. In some ways, I agree with them, but they get weird when forced to consider the logical end of Libertarianism might be secession.

  7. I am pretty convinced that Ron Paul was at least a closeted race realist, for example understanding that you can’t allow 100% open immigration (Which is the most insane plank of the libertarian platform) as long as the welfare state is in effect, and he used some “racist” code words in the past.

  8. “In 2016, Rand Paul will run for president as someone who thinks Lincoln “was one of our greatest presidents,” who is “not a fan of secession,” as someone who supports amnesty for illegal aliens…”

    And he will lose badly. He will go down as Romney did – taking the GOP-controlled house with him, if they don’t lose it in 2014.

    The key point here is that waves could be made if you were in a position to take advantage of the rage that will follow his (or Jeb Bush’s) loss. The Republican party and necon/libertarian principles will both be discredited by his loss.

    If those people had some viable alternative, such as a political party, we could be it.

  9. “I can admit when I am wrong and hopefully learn from it.’

    We’ve all been taken at one time or another. The true mark of a superior mind is being able to realize it.

  10. I can see why some would have believed in him at one time, but I never did. I have been wrong on some others in the past like his Dad Ron Paul, but I believe both are phonies. Libertarianism doesn’t go with Southern Nationalism because ultimately libertarianism is about personal freedom to do whatever and is based partially on certain economics. Southern Nationalism starts and ends with blood and soil or Kith and Kin. It’s about our people and our land first and foremost. It is about survival.

  11. as someone who thinks Lincoln “was one of our greatest presidents,” who is “not a fan of secession,” as someone who supports amnesty for illegal aliens, who has “zero tolerance policy” for “white supremacists,” and who believes that any attack on Israel is an attack on the United States.

    That means Jeb Bush is running for President in 2016.

    And you wonder why I say his Presidential campaign is going nowhere. Fundamentally he’s too absorbed into the Republican establishment and and too much given to metooism. You put Rand Paul and Jeb Bush on the same ballot, and what’s supposed to be the compelling reason to vote for Rand Paul? That unlike Jeb Bush, Rand Paul doesn’t want to use armed drones on American territory? (Which is already illegal because of the Posse Comitatus Act.) That unlike Jeb Bush, Rand Paul doesn’t want to ban high wattage incandescent light bulbs? (Sure, because light bulbs is an inspiring campaign issue that really drives voter interest and passion.) That unlike Jeb Bush, Rand Paul doesn’t want to throw the pot users that aren’t going to Federal prison for 20 year bids into Federal prison for 20 year bids?

    Why would the monied neo-con establishment give money to Rand Paul instead of Jeb Bush when Jeb Bush is a more reliable and more marketable neo-con than Rand Paul? Sure, Jeb has the thorny issues of his brother in terms of his marketability, but the neos will never forgive Rand Paul for being his father’s son.

    If you want truly different, then you’ll vote for the 45th President of the United States, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.

  12. Well said Hunter.

    Have I ever mentioned any opposition to race denying, open borders immigration, Libertaian cult?

    Some pagan/heathen Gods need some libertarian human sacrifices – I’ll invite Rand Paul and his idiot father to give a “Martin Luther King Jr. was a Libertarian hero” Spech to my Black neighbors in Englewood.

  13. @ Hunter

    Good picture of Rand Paul standing, near or on, where the Jews stoned Stephen the first Christian martyr to death.

  14. PalmettoPatriot says:
    July 11, 2013 at 11:21 pm
    As I have said numerous times here on OD, I was wrong about Rand. I wanted to believe in him. And he turned out to be an enemy of our people. I can admit when I am wrong and hopefully learn from it.

    Jack replies:

    You are forgiven. How about plastering queer RINO Neo Con Linsey Graham with bong water.

  15. Jack Ryan writes:

    Have I ever mentioned any opposition to race denying, open borders immigration, Libertaian cult?

    I respond:

    Actually you haven’t. Tell us more. And don’t hold back — Tell us how you really feel. 🙂

    I’ll invite Rand Paul and his idiot father to give a “Martin Luther King Jr. was a Libertarian hero” Speech to my Black neighbors in Englewood.

    You may think you’re joking, and you might now actually be saying this tongue-in-cheek, but I don’t think that kind of thing happening is that far off. We already hear the “Martin Luther King was a conservative Republican” malarkey twenty times a day from lamer cons and neo-cons. Some beltway pseudo-libertarian outfits have already dropped hints that MLK’s policies and wishes were “genuinely libertarian, properly understood.”

  16. As I have said numerous times here on OD, I was wrong about Rand. I wanted to believe in him. And he turned out to be an enemy of our people. I can admit when I am wrong and hopefully learn from it.

    I think all of us can learn from this. Let’s never put our trust in a Yankee.

    Living in Kentucky doesn’t make Paul any less of a Yankee. It just makes him a Carpetbagger.

  17. Rand Paul is entirely worthless. I think his dad had some value purely because of his obsessiveness over the Federal Reserve – which is the heart of darkness in all this – but the son is utterly worthless.

  18. test wrote:

    I think his dad had some value purely because of his obsessiveness over the Federal Reserve

    In 2011 and 2012, Ron Paul was the chairman of a House subcommittee that oversaw the Fed. Instead of mucking around with his quixotic Presidential campaign, he should have spent more time at that job. Maybe what he could have dug up doing the job he was given and was supposed to do instead of chasing pies in the sky relating to a job he never was going to be able to get would have meant that by now the political cause of Ending the Fed would be far further along than it actually is.

  19. Both Pauls said that the drug war and death penalty are “racist” against blacks.

    Even someone like Mayor Bloomberg – who defends racial profiling and “stop and frisk” – is superior to the Pauls, Gingrich, Rubio, McCainiac, Bush, Graham …etc. Bloomberg even noted that whites are stopped too much under this policy!

  20. I am pretty convinced that Ron Paul was at least a closeted race realist, for example understanding that you can’t allow 100% open immigration (Which is the most insane plank of the libertarian platform) as long as the welfare state is in effect, and he used some “racist” code words in the past.

    No. Murray Rothbard and Ron Paul clearly admitted to modeling David Duke’s electoral success in Louisiana. The racist newsletters and endless dog whistling have always been part of an effective strategy to cuckold paleocon populist sentiment. Rand Paul’s control of the GOP and his lieutenant’s betrayal of us is the culmination of a brilliant decades-long strategy of redirecting energy that rightfully belongs to Southern Nationalists and/or White Nationalists into libertarian ideological zealotry.

  21. “I would rather vote for an honest neocon”

    Is there such a thing? Neo-conservative is a FALSE conservative.

  22. “I think his dad had some value”

    I agree, test. This offspring is a politician impure and simple.

  23. It amazes me how delusional PWs were about Ron Paul. Ron Paul would repeatedly say, “racism” is bad, we are all the same, the borders to America should be wide open.

    They’d say he’s playing the game! DUH! That’s what conservatives have been saying, since the borders to White countries were opened without a vote or discussion allowed. “We’re playing the game!” The anti-White left are too clever and impossible to beat. So how’s game playing been working for White interests so far? Awful, right?

    If they’re sending a consistent message, that is the message they are sending! Take them at their word! Ron Paul is an anti-White and so is his son. All libertarians are anti-Whites.

  24. Rand Paul has been chosen to lose to Hillary so that the Imperium can continue and the Tea Party mortally wounded in one fell swoop.

  25. “I think all of us can learn from this. Let’s never put our trust in a Yankee.”

    Let’s never forget that. NEVER trust a Yankee. If any white man originates north of the Line, he is necessarily satanic. Northern whites are the true enemy of all other whites, and the main disturbers of peace around the globe. When northern whites are exterminated or controlled, not if but when, the earth can be re-made a slave-based cultural, Golden Circle Paradise.

  26. I’m curious, are there any worthwhile politicians out there? I was raised to believe voting was a duty etc. but there just doesn’t seem to be any point to voting in national elections these days.

  27. Rand is so obviously playing political games at this point. He’s running for president in 2016 and is trying to keep his hodge-podge libertarian coalition together before it crumbles.

    Somebody needs to put him on the spot and try to have him condemn the “South was Right” speech his own father gave a few years back.

  28. “I’m curious, are there any worthwhile politicians out there?”

    There’ll be some at local and state level. To get above that level they will have been filtered by campaign donors. Anyone good – who wasn’t extremely good at hiding it – would be filtered out.

  29. @countenance

    “In 2011 and 2012, Ron Paul was the chairman of a House subcommittee that oversaw the Fed….the political cause of Ending the Fed would be far further along than it actually is.”

    Fair point.



    “Even someone like Mayor Bloomberg – who defends racial profiling and “stop and frisk” – is superior to the Pauls, Gingrich, Rubio, McCainiac, Bush, Graham …etc. ”

    Bloomberg can get away with it because the New York media supports the ethnic cleansing of black people from Manhattan. Any White Mayor who said the same thing would be destroyed by the New York media.



    “It amazes me how delusional PWs were about Ron Paul….Ron Paul is an anti-White and so is his son. All libertarians are anti-Whites.”

    All national level politicans are anti-White (even if they don’t want to be because the national balance of power is anti-White). Ron Paul’s obsession with the Fed was a small damaging (to them) exception to this general rule.

  30. Matt Parrot wrote:

    The racist newsletters and endless dog whistling have always been part of an effective strategy to cuckold paleocon populist sentiment.

    I respond:

    My interpretation of the 1989-97 putsch was that Rockwell, Rothbard, Paul, et al. were trying to market standard right-libertarianism to racially aware white people. The only thing I’ll give it is that RRR is where I first heard of Sam Francis.

  31. I remember a few years back I use to listen to Jamie Kelso’s show over on the once voice of reason. I remember him always talking about this strategy of joining up with the “patriot movement” in order for us to influence them to our way of thinking. I remember people refuting the idea saying it would lead to utter failure but Kelso kept insisting it was working.

    Kelso was dead wrong and this incident with Jack Hunter proves it. The only people who get influenced are those on the dissident right. No good will ever come from us sending our guys to DC. They will be corrupted everytime.

  32. Ulfric:

    I actually arrived at WN-EN-RR-HBD from the general direction of the “patriot” (more like patriotard) movement. There is no working with them on race, because for the most part, patriotards are black-lovers and diversity-lovers all the way. To the extent you’ll find people there who are racially aware, yeah, they might be, but they’re more concerned with other things first, which is why they hang around with a bunch of n-lovers.

    It’s like the AR article a couple of months ago about Lindsay Grahmnesty: It interviewed a husband and wife pair from South Carolina who didn’t like what he was doing on immigration, but were going to vote for him anyway because “he’s a good Republican” (even though he isn’t) and they liked what he did trying to impeach Bill Clinton. So because of YAY RED TEAM juvenile histrionics and something to do with a President who was President 15 years and three Presidents ago, (and that “something” was something that most people didn’t want to happen), they were going to sell their own race down the river. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks — We can get people on our side on race and immigration, but that’s only half the battle. It’s all for naught if we don’t also convince them that race and immigration are everything, and not just another issue you can wheel and deal on and go “feh wth lol tee hee we’ll get em next time” if we don’t win on.

    That’s what I think about racially aware whites who are in the patriotard movement: They might superficially be with us, but as long they care more about guns than race, or as long as they don’t care more about race than anything, their racial awareness is wasted.

  33. Tea Partiers have been convinced that Ron Paul is “racist”, “too radical”, “for the Muslims” and “against Israel”. But Amnesty Rand is an official Tea Party hero.

  34. Rand Paul: “I Think Lincoln Was One Of Our Greatest Presidents”
    Litmus test of anti-white.

    Thank you. My sentiments exactly.

    I don’t comment a lot on this board, because I come from “Damn Yankee” stock. I was born in a Confederate state, if that is a mitigating factor, LOL. In any case, my ancestor fought for (was drafted by) the Union.

    AFAIC, Lincoln was the worst American president ever. He could have recognized the CSA, negotiated trade agreements, and mutual defense pacts (if he was THAT worried about a divided country ultimately being invaded by European powers). Instead he opted to butcher and kill almost a million White Americans on either side of the Mason-Dixon line to destroy the Southern economy and ultimately unleash urban blight on industrialized cities in the North.

    FYI, my opinion is that the attack on Fort Sumter was a false flag set up by Lincoln’s operatives, because the overall sentiment of the North was that the South had a right to secede.

    I don’t qualify as a Southern Nationalist, but every time I find out that Congress has managed to come up with something that is so Anti-White on both an incredibly stupid and evil level “in the spirit of bipartisanship,” I find myself thinking, “Aha, the Party of Lincoln has struck again!”

    This dreadful remnant of the genocidal War Between The States which was the first step in creating BRA needs to die, pure and simple. For those of you that are worried about one-party rule, I suggest that you look at Texas when every office holder was a Democrat. The conservative Democrats had no problem about engaging in bare-knuckles brawls with liberal Democrats. The worst thing that ever happened to the country was when the Boll-Weevil Democrats fell for Nixon’s Southern Strategy and were absorbed into the checked-pants Northeast Yankee corporate country club conservative Republiscam.

    My understanding is that Anti-Amnesty Part One Thousand and Duh sentiment was putting the phone lines of the Senators in melt-down, but the media merely ignored it and they voted for it anyway. Kievsky at Mindweapons has made references to “Paycheck Liberals” and “Paycheck Conservatives.” IMO, there are a lot of “Paycheck Libertarians” out there.

    IOW, how can the States expect full, honest, and independent representation from their elected officials in Washington if these same elected officials draw their very wherewithal from FEDGOV; salary, medical benefits, and retirement?! Do you think that would stop if each state was responsible for paying those things for their elected officials?

  35. Rick Perry announces future trip to Israel. He will bow before the wall wearing a silly little doily on his head to show his obeisance to the jews


    Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Thursday that he will visit Israel in October, a move that signals to the political world that he is seriously considering making another presidential run in 2016.

    “We will be going to Israel to bring together Arabs, Christian and Jews in an educational forum,” Mr. Perry told The Washington Times in an interview just three days after he announced he would not seek an unprecedented fourth term as Texas governor.

    Many analysts interpreted that decision as evidence that he is setting the table for a White House campaign.

  36. I take some personal pride in being the driving force exposing the immigration treason, race denying cult of Ron Paul, Rand Paul and Libertarians in general.

    I had to do some digging to find this smoking gun evidence that Ron Paul really was insane, a total immigration traitor way back in 1988 when Ron Paul ran for President of the United States on the Libertarian party ticket – RP won zero percent.

    Check out this short audio recording of Ron Paul on C-Span trying to convince some regular White guy from California that unrestricted 3rd world immigration was really GOOD for America.


  37. I will repeat what I said before the revelations of complete NSA ease dropping of all communications. Rand Paul is being blackmailed. The dysfunction in Washington is much deeper than Republicans switching views after election. They are being forced too. They’re blackmailed. He probably got caught with some girl. So easy. How many of us Men can reject sexy Women? Women who say they just want a little fun. No serious relationship. Very attractive Women. Tough to say no.

    They also purposely give money to politicians who have known weaknesses BEFORE they run. Easier to control.

    As for Lincoln. We don’t know what Lincoln would have done. A Jew killed him. His pronouncements were that of a White nationalist. He put into place a system to repatriate the slaves back to Africa. He founded a currency system based on Ben Franklin’s free money system. What if he lived? What if he repatriated the slaves to Africa and did his best to mend the separation of the North and South? What if we had a currency system not based on debt? Lincoln was never a friend of Blacks. I believe he meant what he said and fought the war for union. Looking at the wars between the States of Europe which ultimately led to the two World Wars his notions were not necessarily bizarre. I read a set of sci-fi books that were based on the South fighting the North to a draw in the first war. The other books were about the progressive slaughter of the wars that followed.

    Maybe we’re better off we lost. It is possible that the overreach of the Omnipotent Evil Empire will eventually trigger a counter current. I hope so but it doesn’t look good at this point in time.

  38. Mosin Nagant raises another good point about why Rand Paul’s Presidential campaign is going nowhere. He’s moved too far away from his father on a number of issues (except for immigration, where he’s even more open borders than his father), such that his father’s loyalists and money men want really nothing to do with Rand.

    So what is Rand going to do for money in 2016? His father’s people won’t give to him, the neo-con monied establishment already have Jeb Bush.

  39. Libertarianism is an exceptional philosophy, that fits our people when placed in an ethnic context. That was what the founders did, and it worked until 1861. I would like to have that back. We don’t need police or standing armies because we can take care of ourselves.

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