
Concerned Conservatives in the South have noticed that Liberal elites in the North East are threatening to change the politics of the South by changing the population of the South through mass non White immigration. Leftist elites at the Washington Post, usual anti South, anti White elites in the a NorthEast are pushing for a second “Reconstruction” of the South.
“The Racist Red states in the South must change, Alabama must embrace BRA, gay marriage equality, LaRaza, even mass Muslim immigration – why?”
“the South is historically RACIST”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, same old, same old.
I would like to propose today that the South turns the tables and starts a new mass movement to:
Reconstruct the NorthEast, in particular Cambridge Mass, home of Harvard University and the place that spawned every single Lib Dem presidential candidate since ~ Harry Truman. All the lying Lib Supreme Court Justices are from Harvard, hell even pussy footing GOP presidential candidates George W Bush and Romney went to Harvard, it’s the place to be, if you want to be part of the elite that doesn’t have to work a real job. Harvard Liberal elites are famous for destroying other parts of America, ramming through forced busing for working class White areas, opening up the 3rd World immigration flood gates… Just not so much in their Cambridge Mass backyard or their Martha’s Vineyard summer homes.
Well, this summer the Cambridge Mass NIMBYs got their beautiful Liberal backyard messed up by Muslim terrorist immigrants planting bombs at their Boston Marathon.
To which we reply:
“Hey Cambridge Mass – have you had enough DIVERSITY yet?”
So since the Cambridge Mass, NorthEast Lib elites are hell bent and forcing through another killer mass illegal alien amnesty and drastically increased 3rd world legal immigration, we’re going to work to see that this 3rd world immigration transformation Reconstructs Cambridge Mass into something very different, something like the tribal border areas of Pakistan/Afghanistan, Algerian Muslim slums in France, or Oldham England.
Hey Lib Dems in Harvard, good luck having your gay pride parades, or “we stand with Israel” conferences when the Muslim Brotherhood controls your housing projects.
Keep telling yourself “Diversity is our strength” when the most intolerant religious cult in world history is taking over your backyard.
HIV + Somalian Bantus are another export Conservatives in the South will be sending your way.
Blacks on death row in Alabama? Well, Mike Dukakis once gave a weekend furlough to Willie Hortin who proceeded to brutally rape some Massachusetts women. Get ready for Alabama to set free all its Black Convicts on death row, pack them on “Freedom Ride” buses and do forced busing in to Lib areas around Boston.
Yeah, rich liberal elitist areas around Boston need to be Reconstructed.
Back at ya!
Jack, I’ll see if we can send some South-Side Peoria Blacks to add to your proposed mix! LOL!
By now, Cambridge, Massachusetts doesn’t stand with Israel anymore. They stand against Israel, mainly because of all the Muslims at Harvard.
Now as for your theory, I should say that the Great Migration was already Dixie’s revenge.
Ever since I read Dr. Hill’s demonization article on the LOS website – the same article that Hunter posted today – I’ve secretly wanted to see the Northeast stripped of its humanity in the same way the South was in the 1850s. Not to apologize for the Midwest or other Northern areas – as the voting on the 1957 Cibbil Rights Act shows, all Northerners have blood on their hands – but Jack is so right: The core of Evil resides in the Northeast, specifically in Massachusetts (and Vermont). All the anti-White, anti-Southern policies we abhor originated from there. It’s high time a spotlight is shined brightly on the Satanic depravity and hypocrisy of the Northeast. Jack is on to something here. Shining a light on the Northeast serves several pro-active purposes:
1. It puts us on the attack. I myself am guilty 10,000 times over of being a defensive reactionary. It’s ok to react to circumstances around you and defend the integrity of your people, but at some point you MUST go on the attack – and attack mercilessly, like the Vikings pillaging a village.
2. It facilitates the dissolution of the Union by creating intense polarization. Yes, polarization is a good thing when the goal is to destroy the modern incarnation of Sodom and Gomorrah – and secure the existence of your people in the process.
3. It isolates those who are singularly most responsible for everything we despise: Northeastern Yankees (again, I’m not trying to dismiss the sins of other Northerners, I’m just saying that Northeasterners have a unique position thanks to their putrid 400 year history).
4. It makes clear that it is not “libuuralism” that makes the Northeast so contemptible, but ethnomasochism. I could care less that Bernie Sanders wants a single payer healthcare system, or that everyone up there wants a 1 billion percent tax rate on “the 1 percent.” All of that and than some is perfectly tolerable – in many cases preferable – as long as they are pro-White and pro-Christian (I’m fully with Mosin Nangint there) on race, immigration, diversity, etc.
Verbally abuse the Northeast.
Dissolve the Union
I was listening to a radio show up here about 10 months ago. The issue was the hispanization of Cape Cod. It seems the Yankees up here loved the cheap lawn services, but it was not long before the subservient, hardworking act was over and the Honda toy cars with cherry bombs, drunken loud obnoxious behavior and blaring Latino music came out.
We’ve been begging for years for Hyannisport, Mass. to become vibrant. Several years ago, I read a story from an area paper about several teenage Hispanic gangland murders in Hyannisport.
“I would like to propose today that the South turns the tables and starts a new mass movement to: Reconstruct the NorthEast”
Exactly, fight fire with fire.
1. Flood the North East with immigrants, legal and illegal. Make it a Southern national priority.
2. Reduce welfare benefits here for couples with more than two children, encouraging the worst diverse elements to move there. Provide state assistance and encouragement to for them to move to all-white New England areas.
3. Once we take the state legislature, use state agencies to help bus them to Vermont, New Hampshire, and the rest. (Fair is fair – Obama’s justice department helped the Trayvon protesters)
4. Begin suing Silicon Valley companies for racist and discriminatory hiring practices. They want to hire Indians? No, I’m sorry but that’s racist. Hire Africans and Hispanics to the same level as their population or face massive class-action lawsuits.
5. Offer clemency to inmates who agree to leave our country for white areas in New England: Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, etc.
Offense is what wins a war, not defense. Sadly, our people don’t yet understand this, so they try to “conserve” what they have – slowly losing it all when they should be fighting and taking from the oppressor.
Victory flows from power.
Dan Poole says:
‘ all Northerners have blood on their hands’
Can’t figure out if you are given to hyperbole or just plain stupid.
More on the Boston patsies.
In all fairness, the Northeast sometimes does try to do Reconstructions on itself; they call them “Urban Renewels.” Largely, b/c those have failed, they are trying now to “integrate” even more with real southerners, (mass influx of their populations and like-populations s/a south americans).
The secret hope is that they will be improved WHILE PRETENDING they are the ones doing the improving.
It really does seem that way.
Actually, the article in my last comment has some humor regarding “Miracle Man.”
When it actually sinks in, it is so far fetched the horror does hint of humor if only because so many “believe.”
If we are what we eat, what the hell are we when it comes to what we believe?
Snowhitey says:
July 13, 2013 at 4:14 pm (Edit)
Come on, Jack, even the folks…
Editor’s note:
This comment has been deleted for violating OD’s comment guidelines prohibiting wild, insane, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
Only cursed Liberals/libertarians make excuses for nasty NW Muslim immigrants raping and murdering our people.
Or, “The Northeast Liberal elite should be given a taste of the misery they inflict upon everyone else.”
In the context of the 1957 Civil Rights Act, it is a matter of fact that all Northerners have blood on their hands:
Even Kansas voted for it by 5-1 in the House, and Nebraska voted for it by 4-0.
There’s no whitewashing this. The 1957 Civil Rights Act helped give “voting rights” to the people who proceeded to utterly destroy Amuuricas urban cities, most notably Detroit and Birmingham.
The South deserved to be destroyed for its unwillingness to give up Negro slavery. Whether enslaved or free, Negroes are not to be among whites; whether white or black, slaves are not to be held by white men. Anyone who waves the Confederate flag does not see these things and is thus an enemy of whites.
See, I have said all along that blacks are less of a problem than Yankees.
Jack Ryan:
While you’re in the mood for de-crackpotizing OD, you can plonk those two stupid comments from “Robert in Arabia.”
Good caption photo. The women face with blood all around her…..indescribable. MSM sweeps it under the carpet like dust with no regard,just like Waco. The feds and their minions have in common?
Jack Ryan wrote:
Only cursed Liberals/libertarians make excuses for nasty NW Muslim immigrants raping and murdering our people.
I respond:
I have to disagree slightly. We both know about the throng of WNs who think the Muslims are as pure as the wind driven snow but it’s only “TEH JOOOOZ~!1″ working us up in a fit of rage and hate against them. So when NW Muslims set off pressure cookers at marathons, ram hijacked airplanes into skyscrapers, go on shoot-em-ups on Army bases, bomb subways, behead soldiers, etc., one of the major sources for nonsense conspiracy theories about how these things really weren’t these things are WNs, and the reason they believe and spout these theories is because they have an exculpatory verve toward NW Muslims and Islam, because they want to pin it all on…five, six, seven, eight…”TEH JOOOOOOOZ~!1”
Boston attack\- limbs blown off. Body parts scatter in the street.etc. The MSM says; disturbing scene and will not air it. Yet they air ww2 footage of supposedly Jews,dead bodies stacked up etc.
Wonder what makes “keith” an anti-white? Does it give him a false sense of moral superiority? Just curious if he has something beyond screeching “racist?”
The South deserved to be destroyed for its unwillingness to give up Negro slavery. Whether enslaved or free, Negroes are not to be among whites; whether white or black, slaves are not to be held by white men. Anyone who waves the Confederate flag does not see these things and is thus an enemy of whites.
So what did the North do after the civil War! They made the N-word equals at gunpoint.
As a side note, Cambridge was the site of the original Saint Benedict Center led by Fr. Leonard Feeney. I consider their late 40s-50s crusade to have been the only serious challenge to the Ivy League establishment’s liberalism.
Reporting from WMass, the population is already vastly darker than it was even 10 years ago, yet no sign so far of Yankees waking up to the reality of race.
Does anyone have any info on the advantages Blacks, Mexicans and the other demographics who are more likely to be on public assistance or to be more criminally inclined than Whites would have in moving to the North or West Coast?
The per capita increase in public benefits per individual programme and in the aggregate would be helpful as would the length of prison sentences and the number of priors before serving time would as well.
If such numbers could be publicized then some would certainly self deport since it would be in their interest.
“Only cursed Liberals/libertarians make excuses for nasty NW Muslim immigrants raping and murdering our people.”
I’m sick and tired of the conflating of eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles such as:
1) the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults,
2) sound hard money principles instead of fractional reserve banking, and
3) freedom of association (which was severely damaged by the 1964 Civil Rights Act),
with wild statements about unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense espoused by certain “libertarians” over the years.
Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.
I highly doubt the publication Veterans Today is not respectable. Are you sure you’re not a Fed?
I am not a fan of Muslims, in general, because their culture conflicts with Western culture. However, I understand recent history for these people. I knew you’d delete my link, if only because you steer (control) the thought process of the comments to your post. I call that nothing short of censoring.
“In the context of the 1957 Civil Rights Act, it is a matter of fact that all Northerners have blood on their hands”
Most of us were children or not even yet born when the Civil Rights Act was made the law of the land. Yet we still “all” have blood on our hands? Of course, if you are of that peculiar religious mindset that subscribes to the miserable creed of inherited sin (the sins of the fathers are visited on the children), then there is no reasoning with you in any case.
John Bonnacorsi, they remain noncognitive of the plain common sense you continue to write.
“Only cursed Liberals/libertarians make excuses for nasty NW Muslim immigrants raping and murdering our people.”
Well, I agree that Muslim immigrants have no reason or excuse to kill us in our country, or even settle here, Jack, but the millions of Muslim Syrians, Iraqis, Libyans, etc. who are constantly being disturbed, even killed, decade after decade by invading Americans and American-funded proxies, and mostly American armaments and foreign policies etc. tend not to love Amerika quite as much as they SHOULD. I for one would like to know what Snowhitey wrote.
“I have said all along that blacks are less of a problem than Yankees.”
Similar to: “Yankees are worse than Jews.” Yankee whites are the great satan.
Well, I don’t know which of OD’s comment guidelines that my comment could have violated, but unexplained censorship of this type is indicative of a small mind and inflated sense of self-importance.
Ooops! What the hell? Now I see my comment is back up, well I apologize for for my very last comment- I took it that my comment had been deleted.
The information is a few years old but only one Southern state is in the top 15 in welfare outlays in the US.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Nothing good ever came from Massachusetts. Yankees invented the anti-white ideology that is destroying civilization around the world.
By yankee logic, John B., Mosin, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, and Denise are responsible for the MOVE organization and the Philadelphia flash mobs because they are from Pennsylvania. Anyone from Pennsylvania is the enemy of white people.
Deo Vindice
Not to change subject but Z found not guilty. Half expected hung jury or manslaughter.
Probably old news by the time anyone reads this.
Breaking news: Zimmerman is not guilty, of course. There goes another OD prediction.
I just heard it second hand, from a news watcher. I’m not especially interested, don’t follow this kind of story. It’s NOT a “victory for Whites” (not because according to OD “there is no such thing as ‘white people’ “) but just a draw really, since “They” got away completely with putting on such a travesty of a trial, and Zimmerman is not even white. Boring topic. I leave the boring study of the phenomena of “popular culture” to others.
“the reason they believe and spout these theories is because they have an exculpatory verve toward NW Muslims and Islam, because they want to pin it all on…five, six, seven, eight…’TEH JOOOOOOOZ~!1?
But the REAL reason they believe and spout these theories is because they have an exculpatory verve toward Southron Jews and African slaves, because they want to pin it all on…five, six, seven, eight…’TEH D—- YAAAAANKEE W H I T E S ~!1”
“Most of us were children or not even yet born when the Civil Rights Act was made the law of the land.”
That wasn’t my point. Perhaps I should have used different terminology, but the fact is that Yankees and Yankees alone are responsible for the existence of the 1957 Civil Rights Act. We can split hairs by saying “only Yankees from 1957 are responsible,” but this willfully ignores the self-evident history of Yankee leveling.
“Of course, if you are of that peculiar religious mindset that subscribes to the miserable creed of inherited sin (the sins of the fathers are visited on the children)”
Then consider me unreasonable. As a Christian, I do indeed believe in a certain degree of inherited sin (see Exodus 20:5-6). I don’t think inherited sin is absolute like, say, the blacks do in regards to slavery. But to deny inherited sin altogether is feel-good individualistic bullshit. Individuals are not atoms. They carry the genes and the legacy of their ancestors whether they like that legacy or not.
Please adhere to OD’s comment guidelines prohibiting wild conspiracy theories.
In particular, I deplore CT’s that make excuses for the worst low caste, non White Muslims raping our women and murdering our people in once nice, safe White communities, White nations.
The South deserved to be destroyed for its unwillingness to give up Negro slavery. Whether enslaved or free, Negroes are not to be among whites; whether white or black, slaves are not to be held by white men. Anyone who waves the Confederate flag does not see these things and is thus an enemy of whites.
I have long maintained that Yankee racialists hate Dixie even more than Yankee anti-racialists do. I think the Pennsylvanian’s comments above are an excellent example of that.
“In particular, I deplore CT’s that make excuses for the worst low caste, non White Muslims raping our women and murdering our people in once nice, safe White communities, White nations.”
In case this comment refers to me:
First of all, we no longer live in a white nation. And, Muslims had nothing to do with it.
Also, I never said anything directly about the Boston bombing. I posted a link to a highly-respected military journal “Veterans Today.” Something tells me you’ve never served.
I am not a conspiracy theorist, a term you throw around quite frequently almost to the point of making it benign. I adhere to the facts and wherever they take me. I think for myself and do not automatically buy the ‘official’ story for anything. Nor, do I automatically dismiss it. Although I do admit it oftens takes a strong mind and a strong stomach to look at the facts of terrorism, foreign and domestic.
I hate to break it to you, Jack, but Muslims don’t run Washington. That is headquarters (well, Wall Street is, too!) for all the anti-white policy that has ruined this nation over many, many decades or – to many citizens – even before then. Are Muslims letting the Muslims into this country? I don’t think so. Perhaps the enemy you see – although quite alien to our culture and whom I don’t want here either – is a distraction. You are so damn close-minded that you dismiss anything that doesn’t meld with your narrow beliefs. Remember the oath “enemies both foreign and domestic.” Or, were our Founding Fathers just CT’s?
The three most overused, misused words in the English language: racist, anti-semite, and conspiracy theorist. And, they are all equally effective in stopping the debate.
Whether or not Whites survive is not determined by whether or not a small ethnostate (more like a private property ranch) is set up by marginal WNs, but the birthrate of Whites. Even with integration, miscegenation is not frequent enough to be a serious threat.
This was a response to “John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia” who argues that Whites need to live separately from Blacks and that Southerners violated that principle.
Whites don’t need to live separately from American Blacks to survive. They just need to not have a high rate of miscegenation.
“Whites don’t need to live separately from American blacks to survive.”
– Then come to Detroit and move yourself into one of the vacant houses that line the stretch of Hoover Road between State Fair and 7 mile. Scary cheap, and you can have your pick. And lemme tell ya — that’s some straightup West Africa shit over there. So when can I expect to see you?
I want to live with like-minded whites and no one else. That’s where we’ll find harmony.
Good comments, Snowhitey.
I’m not interested in moving to the midwest
The best revenge Southern whites can get is not reconstructing the northeast. It would be burning it down and leaving the suriving liberals nothing but ashes.
I believe 19 unaided Arabs overcame the the FBI, the CIA, NSA and Department of Defense with deadly boxcutters and made three big buildings fall down while only hitting two.
Robert in Arabia says:
July 15, 2013 at 4:44 pm
‘I believe 19 unaided Arabs overcame the the FBI, the CIA, NSA and Department of Defense with deadly boxcutters and made three big buildings fall down while only hitting two.’
Without a doubt. Yes, and I also believe the ‘Dancing Israeli Jews’ caught video taping the event, who fled to Israel and admitted on one of their National TV programs that they were there to ‘document the event’ were in fact very clever Aye-Rabs pulling the wool over our eyes.
IDF, Israel Defense Force. They work closely with the CIA and FBI. On that day of 911. Idf suspected something big was going to happen. IDF just did not warned CIA, FBI. Fault here lies with the 1965 immigration act. None of this would have happened.