About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Kosher” eh…
    Mentions Jewish control of media, banks, and pushing miscegenation http://www.tradyouth.org/2013/07/mix-it-up/

    Mentioning Jewish elite and push to destroy tradition

    Calling Tim Wise out on being Jewish and that Jews are like copperheads in a wood pile, they look like us but they aren’t us

    My thoughts on the Jewish Question

  2. Rodney Martin says:

    ‘Mr. Heimbach, when you listen to his very cleverly crafted public speeches NEVER names the Jew in public’

    Well, on the tape you brought to our attention beginning at the 291/2 minute mark Matthew specifically names secular jews, the Rothchilds, and their roles in Communism, international banking, and political influence in the mass media.

    The quality of the tape is not good. I think he calls them the stir point of the NWO.

  3. Ok Matt, if you are here and answering questions, please comment on this:

    “I have more in common with a Black Christian than a white pagan”
    Along with the other Rainbow Confederate remarks you made in that interview?

    Also, I am sorry that my original remark at the beginning of this thread was hostile, but I am sure a lot of people want to hear your reasoning.

  4. Mr. Heimbach, I greatly respected your efforts with The Towson White Student Union. But to use an analogy here, it’s like you were the star of a hit TV series, only to move on to a new series called “Traditional Youth Network” — wherein you play the lead role in trying to make alliances with “homos, Jews, negroes, dykes, and other human crud” in some warped attempt to “reach out”, essentially betraying what we all thought you stood for: white folks and only white folks.

    As such, you’re in danger of losing some of your supporters. You should also understand that just because someone invites you to speak doesn’t mean that you should. Yes, it’s glamorous to heed the call of all your admirers, especially if they’re well-known in the WN movement. But just who are those asking you to speak? People like Mr. Johnson of The American Freedom Party? Because if you see yourself more as a WN than a Republican, then you should turn down offers to speak with Mr. Johnson’s outfit, as they are neither supporters of WN nor of any other coherent objectives for that matter. They can’t even decide what’s best to call themselves. So when you allow yourself to appear in their videos, what are we who have supported your prior efforts to make of it?

    We certainly have pause to wonder…

    • Bill Johnson’s “American Freedom Party” was the “American Third Position,” right? Kevin MacDonald’s group?

      If so, how is the American Freedom Party not a WN group?

  5. Calling Tim Wise out on being Jewish and that Jews are like copperheads in a wood pile, they look like us but they aren’t us

    You look like mud yourself, so I don’t think you are in a position to categorize the races.

  6. Guys I am definitely not a Republican Establishment type. Also American Freedom Party is not a moderate group. My speech was about secession, tearing down the Federal flag, and white ethno-states and I got a standing ovation, I am pretty sure that is right on our wavelength.
    I am more than willing to go to Republican events or any place in which I can discuss Southern nationalism, white identity, and a defense of our kith and kin. People are hungry for the Truth and they are hungry for our message, why would we ever pass up an opportunity to get to stand up and tell folks about Southern nationalism, secession, white identity, and the genocide of our race? Our message is contagious and as I said in my speech, we all must be Evangelists for our cause. In every bar, restaurant, your bowling league, wherever, preach our message to whoever will listen.
    On the black Christian vs white pagan comment I simply say this, of course I have a connection with a black Christian that I do not have with a white pagan, however that doesn’t make me disloyal to the folk. As an Orthodox Christian I believe in the separation of races into ethnically based Church’s. That is why even in Orthodoxy there is for instance a Greek, Russian, Romanian, Serbian, etc Orthodox Church. Regional and racial identity is a fundamental principle of Christianity, must to the dismay of Leftists. I believe black Christians should be in their black Church’s, with black priests, having black kids, going to black Christian schools, etc. My biggest issue with folk religionists is the blatant hatred that some within that movement treat Christians with. It is beyond infuriating when my faith is attacked and I am told that I worship a “dead Jew on a stick.” I am more than willing to respect and work with non-Christians as long as I get respect in return. Just as Codreanu and Franco were motivated by their Faith, so I am. The reason I am a Southern white nationalist is because I am a Christian, the two cannot be separated. Stonewall Jackson taught blacks about the Bible and brought them into the Faith, but he sure as heck didn’t believe in a Leftist egalitarian society.

    Thirdly as to the role of outreach to different groups, I see no problem with that. I am a proud Southerner, a dedicated white activist, and a secessionists. I will never promote homosexuality, Leftist ideas, miscegenation, etc. I see no problem talking to black nationalists who stand for secession, stopping miscegenation, and opposing the globalists who push the attack upon Tradition. Commander George Lincoln Rockwell spoke at a Nation of Islam event and recognized that white advocates and black advocates have a great deal in common. Being respectful and willing to talk with other groups is not weakness or for political expediency, it is about trying to find the way to be the best advocates for our people.

    If we can advocate for self determination and separation between the races then why not do it? If we can bring the message to the uncoverted, why not do it? If we can get secessionist movements underway for whites in other regions of the United States, then why not do it? I am simply trying to help our cause, organize our folk, and stand for our traditions. And that is the path to victory.

  7. HW: “Bill Johnson’s “American Freedom Party” was the “American Third Position,” right? Kevin MacDonald’s group? If so, how is the American Freedom Party not a WN group?”

    Yes, the AFP was not that long ago known as the A3P. And yes, Dr. MacDonald is on the board of directors, as I understand it. As for it being a “WN group” I suppose it depends on just how lenient one is with that terminology. For one thing, any negro can join the AFP. Any Jew can join it. Any “mystery meat” individual can as well. Faggots, dykes, and transgender freaks are also welcome. Pretty broad parameters for a “WN group”, at least in some people’s opinion.

    But is the AFP really a “WN group”? Is so, why did its first ever presidential candidate – Merlin Miller – state on a podcast interview that he was NOT a white nationalist, that he didn’t support an all-white America, and that a multi-racial USA was just fine with him, provided the Jews got their asses kicked. Nutty? You would not be alone in thinking that, once Miller dropped his bomb on his supporters.

    The fact is, the American Freedom Party has no idea whatever just what it really is all about. It has tinges of racism, big dollops of Republican Party symbolism, shades of antisemitism, while proclaiming it “accepts” the concept of a “rainbow nation” provided certain rules and regulations are adopted by the country as a whole. How’s that for goulash of nonsense?

    But a “WN group”?

    Not in the universe I live in.

  8. Which is why I told the party in my speech to call for white separatism and to totally dismiss working within the system. The membership agreed with me, I would say the Party has been in the wilderness for awhile but may yet be emerging to be staunch white advocates on a united front

  9. Re: Maxfield

    I remember when it was founded with great fanfare as the American Third Position (it was going to be the WN alternative to the Republicans), but I lost track of the group when I drifted out of WN several years ago.

  10. Merlin Miller – state on a podcast interview that he was NOT a white nationalist, that he didn’t support an all-white America, and that a multi-racial USA was just fine with him, provided the Jews got their asses kicked.

    I guess Merlin Miller is a lot like Paul Craig Roberts who said he would bring every mestizo in Mexico into America if we could just get rid of the “neocons.”

  11. The muddled direction of that party is coming from the top leadership. For various reasons, my sentiment is the leaders are wasting their rank-and-file members’ time, energy and money if there is a money requirement for participation in the party. The leadership in the party brought in Miller (anti-WNist looking to “cuckold” WNists). You don’t blame Miller for that; you blame those who brought him into the fold and thereby facilitated his cuckolding. I have no idea why Professor MacDonald lends his weight to that party assuming he still does. He did at one time. I don’t know of he still does.

  12. “You look like mud yourself, so I don’t think you are in a position to categorize the races.”

    Priceless remark. Shows why WN is and always will be stillborn.

    Deo Vindice

  13. MH: “Which is why I told the party in my speech to call for white separatism and to totally dismiss working within the system.”

    I want to be certain that I understand you correctly: in your speech, you told the founders of the American Freedom Party — William Johnson, Kevin MacDonald, Tom Sunic, Virginia Abernethy, et al to kiss off all their investment of time, money, and hard work because you believe they should unhesitatingly dismantle their entire political organization?

    Because telling them to “dismiss working within the system” means exactly that, Mr. Heimbach. It means telling them not to run political candidates ever again, not to formulate election strategies, not to campaign for new members, or monetary donations, or groom new political candidates. In short, you told them (implicitly) to shut down their website and turn the lights out.


    Were you serious? Were you REALLY telling them that? Oh, I’m sure you didn’t put it in quite so brutal a fashion, but by telling them to “dismiss working within the system” that’s EXACTLY what, in effect, you were saying. Are you done with them, then? Or (as I suspect) are you going to go on working with them, since you know full well that Johnson, MacDonald, and the rest are going to totally ignore what you said and write it off to youthful over-enthusiasm?

    Because, you see, the WN movement very rarely holds itself to its own proclamations, due to an unfortunate lack of integrity on the part of its leadership. I doubt it will be any different in this case.

  14. And what part of being an active and vocal Southern white nationalist is kosher?

    Matthew, I think your heart is in the right place, but I think your focus on white nationalism doesn’t make any sense (and I admit I used to call myself a white nationalist, also).

    White nationalism has no roots in Dixie. It is totally at odds with Southern nationalism. It is an abstract, made-up ideology that seeks an internationalist white utopia.

    Southern nationalism, on the other hand, is a movement that naturally comes from our people who have developed together as a people and have been rooted in this land for many generations. Southern nationalism has the romantic appeal to the people of folk and of place. Of blood and of soil.

    What are the people of white nationalism? What is their land? What is their flag? Their religion? Their customs? They have none of those things because their ideology is a make-believe product of intellectuals.

    And, don’t misunderstand my comments to be a denunciation of racialism. Southrons have a long understanding of racialism; we have never needed white nationalists to tell us how to handle the non-whites in our midst.

  15. As an Orthodox Christian I believe in the separation of races into ethnically based Church’s.

    Orthodoxy is an interesting choice for someone who identifies as a Southerner. I assume you’re a convert since Orthodoxy has essentially no history in Dixie and you don’t have an eastern European last name.

    If you don’t mind me asking, why did you choose Orthodoxy over something more rooted in Dixie like High Church Anglicanism?

    By the way, I have nothing but respect for Orthodoxy from what little I know of it, so don’t take this as a demeaning post.

  16. Matt Heimbach wrote: “As an Orthodox Christian I believe in the separation of races into ethnically based Church’s. That is why even in Orthodoxy there is for instance a Greek, Russian, Romanian, Serbian, etc Orthodox Church. Regional and racial identity is a fundamental principle of Christianity, much to the dismay of Leftists. I believe black Christians should be in their black Church’s, with black priests, having black kids, going to black Christian schools, etc. My biggest issue with folk religionists is the blatant hatred that some within that movement treat Christians with. It is beyond infuriating when my faith is attacked and I am told that I worship a “dead Jew on a stick.”

    Matt, this is the best comment on the relationship of Christianity to race and ethnicity that I’ve read here for a long while. I am sure YOU don’t think, as so many other OD commenters do, that my position of “Ethnic Christianity” is nonsense? I hope you will also set them straight on the basic VIRTUE (NOT “insanity”) of the Protestant northern colonists, such as the Pilgrims.

    I’m also orthodox, in a sense, Matt, but not EASTERN Orthodox. You would consider us Protestants, though we do not identify with any of the apostate, universalist Protestant denominations.

  17. “White nationalism (…) is an abstract, made-up ideology that seeks an internationalist white utopia”.

    That is not merely nonsense, but a rote repetition of a clever internationalist, globalist, obfuscation of White NATIONAL-(NOT inter-national)ISM designed to divide (and conquer) all White NATIONAL-(NOT inter-national)ISTS of all Nations (Peoples) ! White nationalism is NOT internationalist, and the true Internationalism opposes ALL white nationalisms.

  18. “Regional and racial identity is a fundamental principle of Christianity”

    Universalism is always heretical.

  19. heretical…as well as unnatural, and ultimately nonpractical, failing. The Tower of Babel can never be finished.

    White nationalism that is properly so called is also regional and racial, and ethnic — national, NOT international!

  20. I converted to the Orthodox Church because it theologically in my opinion is the superior Church. Through apostolic succession the Church has remained true to the principles of the disciples and the founding of our Faith. White nationalism can be labeled in British nationalism, French nationalism, Russian nationalism, etc. Southern nationalism is simple an extension of an overall umbrella that respects our regional and ethnic heritage.

    Maxfield I think that AFP and all pro self identity organizations must realize that the end goal is not in this system. I see using Federal law to run advertisements that advocate for our views or even run candidates to get our message out there is a good thing, but our end goal must not be having a table in this system. Our goal must be secession, pure and simple. The Fire eaters still ran for office and gave political speeches, but they knew their goal was a separate Southern nation. I simply say that white nationalists and Southern nationalists must work within the system to benefit the folk, but our goals must never be to remain here. Just as a prisoner in chains, our people are in bondage and must free themselves from the Empire and the globalist and Jewish overlords who currently control our destiny.

  21. Sorry, Mr. Heimbach, AmRen has a specific announced policy of NOT taking up the Jewish Question. Jared Taylor confirmed this in London in reply to a question from Martin Webster, Martin Webster’s question starts at 0:51:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNQuicZTwxI. Your recent soft statements Re: Jews came ONLY after you announced on “The Chad”, ” Jews are my brothers in Christ” AND “you preferred a black over a White Pagan”. This means you place your religion over our Race and puts you on par with the modern Christian Church that has lead to our Racial destruction. http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-113475/TS-724928.mp3 (Heimbach talks about 25 minutes into the show).
    Your FIRST rather soft Ant-Jew Statement came in late June, AFTER you proclaimed Jews your brother in Christ.

    Also, at ALSO at 19:59 here: http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2013/07/13/matthew-heimbach-at-american-freedom-conference/comment-page-1/#comments
    You say “White people see an inter-racial couple and attack them or throw bricks through a Synagogue window”. You used this statement to describe “White Nationalists”, but provided NO specific examples. Interestingly, there have BEEN NO recent incidents of White Nationalists attacking an “inter-racial” couple, the last such case, was in Oakland and the suspects were Black. The most recent Synagogue vandalism was proved to be a hoax.
    You also seem to be repeating Glenn Beck Talking Points
    You made statements regarding “ Saul Alinsky” and his “Rules for Radicles” being dedicated to Lucifer and “Obama being a Community Organizer”, etc., etc. All of this sounded very familiar, well it was— Heimbach’s comments, or Talking Points, were nearly identical to those of Zionist Glenn Beck.
    Listen closely to you at 19:07 here: http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2013/07/13/matthew-heimbach-at-american-freedom-conference/comment-page-1/#comments
    LISTEN/WATCH Glenn Beck in these videos here, the message, the Talking Points are NEARLY identical. You seem to be a student of Glenn Beck, is this where you get your anti-National Socialist perspective?

    Below are some examples of Glenn Beck and his views on National Socialism. I have yet to find you making any complimentary statements regarding National Socialism, the first fighters against Jewish Communism?— You have made many statements negative of White Nationalists and National Socialists.which are baseless.
    Mr. Heimbach, you can’t be the Bill Clinton of the Movement and have a different position for each audience.

  22. Iceman,

    “Mass multi-cuturalism isn’t the problem, the necessity of moving around the world to find adequate employment is the prole.”

    I said mass multiracialism, not multiculturalism. Multiculturalism wouldn’t be anywhere near the problem it is if it weren’t an adjunct of multiracialism.

    There isn’t any “necessity” to move around the world to find “adequate” employment. There is the desire to find better employment than one could find in one’s own country. And thanks to shitsucker commie scum like that desire is today coupled with the ability to realize it.

    Right, so if 200 white nationalists buy a private property (because that is all the support you would have) in Montana or Georgia, then the white race will survive.

    Right Silver.

    What in the world are you talking about? I’ve never suggested anything so simplistic. No wonder people used to mock you mercilessly at the phora. What a nitwit.

    Look, I am talking about a mass cultural turn towards “racial values” (people valuing racial existence and being willing to take steps necessary to secure that existence), not a insignificant handful of idealists trying to wall themselves off (fat chance).

  23. “Priceless remark. Shows why WN is and always will be stillborn.”

    Iceman isn’t a WN. Of course, you don’t have to poke around very long before you find WNs who do talk in that way.

    How’s SN any different though? If anything, SN has even stricter racial requirements than generic WN – requirements you know full well you don’t strictly satisfy, hence your insecurity. Should have thought about that before recklessly throwing in your lot with SNs, shouldn’t you Mr. Deo Vindice?

    Lastly, Iceman’s comment was precisely the kind of mindless stupidity that people long ago came to expect from him. Even if Heimbach did “look mud,” that would in no way impact his ability to draw racial distinctions. What a waste of space this Iceman is. It goes back to Hunter though. He’s the fool with total inability to just say to Iceman, “Look, your posts do nothing but sidetrack discussions into your narrow obsessions and insecurities. You’re not welcome to post here anymore. Any posts you do make will be summarily deleted, as will posts from any identities you create.”

  24. “How’s SN any different though? If anything, SN has even stricter racial requirements than generic WN – requirements you know full well you don’t strictly satisfy, hence your insecurity. Should have thought about that before recklessly throwing in your lot with SNs, shouldn’t you Mr. Deo Vindice?”

    Patently silly and just another example of how non-Southerners imagine the South to be a blank slate upon which they can project their ill-conceived notions of what the South really is or should be.

    At least Dixiegirl’s myopia is genuine. Which is why despite her frequent outbreaks of stupidity, I still harbor more respect for her point of view than I ever will for yours.

    As for “recklessly throwing in your lot with SNs,” your logic is somewhat hampered by the fact that the Lord God, in his infinite wisdom, choose the Southland for my nativity. I could no more be against SN than I could be against my mother.

    Southrons are my people, for better or worse. To put it another way, which the wannabe brownshirts will immediately understand, “Mein Ehre heisst Treu.”

    Do go on with your “intellectual” pretentions and cavils. Perhaps you may eventually slam into the wall of transcendent truth and thereby gain some degree of wisdom and understanding.

    Deo Vindice

  25. Below is an excerpt taken from the American Freedom Party official platform, wherein it is made perfectly clear that the United States is to be – and remain – a multiracial nation:

    “Freedom of association means that all races, ethnic groups and religions may openly celebrate their heritage and beliefs without interference or harassment from government and from media outlets and privately financed organizations.”

    The term “all races” would not have been used, if the AFP’s political goal was an all-white nation, or even a 90% white nation. So, are there now any doubts that the AFP is NOT a white nationalist group? To the contrary, it is fully on board with the concept of a multiracial America, with not a peep from any of the party’s founders about reversing, deporting, or repatriating the tens of millions of brown-skinned invaders now wrecking our country. Clearly, then, the American Freedom Party offers absolutely no freedom whatsoever from the non-white hordes that have ruined the quality of life in this country.

    Matt Heimbach: “I simply say that white nationalists and Southern nationalists must work within the system to benefit the folk, but our goals must never be to remain here.”

    Wait a minute. You’re saying WN’s and SN’s should work “within the system” and then in the same breath you say they shouldn’t remain there. No offense, Mr. Heimbach, but that’s beginning to sound an awful lot like Republican double-talk – wherein you you first calmly assure one of your constituents that you’re against something – even while you tell them you’re going to continue to do it!

    So now you’re saying it’s “ok” for the American Freedom Party to go on working within the system for however long they want to – ten years, forty years, another century – possibly two or three centuries, even? And of course you’ll let THEM decide when to withdraw from the system, but in the meantime you’ll still attend their functions, soak up the glamour of hobnobbing with the WN bigshots, even while deep in your heart you know they’re wasting their time while still aiding and abetting their wasteful and destructive course of action.

    THIS, Mr. Heimbach, is why we whites are losing. We are losing because we continue to aid and abet plans, ideas, tactics, and strategies that may very well serve to suck donation money out of people’s pockets, but does not make one whit of difference in stopping the sinking of this nation into the blackish-brown cesspool that has been created.

    My god, another promising start goes down in flames…

  26. And then we have this, from no less than Dr. Tom Sunic himself, declaring in this statement from the American Freedom Party that it is fully on-board with every dyke, faggot, negro, Mexican, mystery-meater, Jew, and other assorted freakazoid to embark, “arm-in-arm” in working to create a multicultural society.

    AFP: “We believe that European-Americans have just as much right to identify as European-Americans and pursue our interests in the American multicultural landscape as do Jews or other groups such as African-Americans and Latino-Americans. One cannot create a multicultural society without legitimizing the identifications and interests of all groups in the society, including European Americans.”

    In short, provided whites are accepted and recognized as “European-Americans, then the AFP will work to “create a multicultural society”.

    Lovely, isn’t it?

    Or, does this sound like something that should be ruthlessly crushed – like a fat, ugly insect that you suddenly find crawling across your dinner table?

    Do you support this hideous, traitorous statement, Mr. Heimbach? Because if you continue to turn up at AFP functions, then it is a de facto acknowledgement that you do. Know this: the individuals behind the AFP are nothing more than power-hungry, greedy opportunists. There first presidential candidate opted to run primarily because he hoped to wangle financial backing for a movie script of his out of no less than the leader of Iran – Ahmadinejad. Merlin Miller is so “okay” with negroes that he went out of his way to cast one in one of his films, even though the part did not specifically call for a black man.

    Really, are these the kinds of individuals you want to ally yourself with, Mr. Heimbach?

  27. Maxfield Parrish says:

    ‘And then we have this, from no less than Dr. Tom Sunic himself, declaring in this statement from the American Freedom Party that it is fully on-board with every dyke, faggot, negro, Mexican, mystery-meater, Jew, and other assorted freakazoid to embark, “arm-in-arm” in working to create a multicultural society.’

    He said nothing of the sort. You are interjecting all that faggot, negro, dyke and other stuff into his comments.

    AFP: “We believe that European-Americans have just as much right to identify as European-Americans and pursue our interests in the American multicultural landscape as do Jews or other groups such as African-Americans and Latino-Americans.”

    They are simply saying European-Americans also have the same rights in this multi-cultural landscape as do other groups.

    AFP: One cannot create a multicultural society without legitimizing the identifications and interests of all groups in the society, including European Americans.”

    This is true and a very good talking point. This is meant for those who have created and are advocating multi-cult societies while at the same time vilifying and denying rights to Whites.

    Maxfield Parrish says: ‘In short, provided whites are accepted and recognized as “European-Americans, then the AFP will work to “create a multicultural society”.’
    ‘Lovely, isn’t it?’

    Another distortion. The AFP are not saying they are working to create a multi-cultural society. That is your spin.

  28. “RodneyMartin” attacking Matt sounds like an ‘Agent Provocateur’. Just think of his name RodneyMartin: Rodney King + Trayvon Martin? Besides he just comes off as an idiot sowing strife and division. <- Avoid those. Matthew is an inspiring voice and very eloquent.

  29. Matt Heimback wrote: “As an Orthodox Christian I believe in the separation of races into ethnically based Church’s. That is why even in Orthodoxy there is for instance a Greek, Russian, Romanian, Serbian, etc Orthodox Church. Regional and racial identity is a fundamental principle of Christianity, must to the dismay of Leftists.”

    Matt, this is just wrong. The Orthodox separate their Churches based on jurisdiction, not race! Notice how there is no “Slavic Orthodox Church”, or no “Semitic Orthodox Church”? If the churches were organized according to race, then how come one can join any Orthodox Patriarchate regardless of their race?

    Even in the New Testament, one can see that the churches given were comprised of various races and ethnicities. There were Jews, Greeks, Romans, Ethiopians, etc. all working together. Racial identity has never been of great importance to Orthodoxy. All that is important is that one follows Christ. How you could misread this is incredible.

  30. Try to be productive, attempt realistic things.

    Running for Preisdent of the United Staes on some obscure third party, that’s not being realistic.

    Who cares what Merlin Miller says on his Presidential campaign?

    Run for County Sherrif or something.

  31. Silver,

    Iceman is a troll. He hates whites and always has. I dunno why he’s allowed to post here since Hunter knows his character.

    The argument against white nationalism has long been that it’s too large and diverse.

    Europeans clearly have common interests regardless of how they organise or see themselves. European numbers are collapsing. It doesn’t matter whether there’s a conspiracy.

    We have common interest with Asian nations too. Any group that wishes to resist the Borg we have common interest with. All who oppose Iceman have common interest.

    Matt Heimbach,

    I’ve also been told Orthodox split along ethnicity and take a more group approach to salvation.

    Whatever the history, I’m sick of churches caving to globalisation. It’s amazing that our recent ancestors were quite racial for hundreds of years, yet today we’re told Christianity isn’t like that. How can it change? Why is Soros’s money needed to change so many if such is already the teaching?

    I don’t think it matters what churches say on this. We know where globalisation leads. Nothing in the Bible says we mayn’t refuse to intermarry. Let the Babelists march to Hell with their blinders on.

  32. Jack Ryan,

    at least Merlin Miller is doing something. We’ll never know how successful he is at influencing others.

    It’s good that people act on what they believe will make a difference.

    If we each fill the roles we believe we can best fill, in theory we can make progress on many fronts all at once.

  33. “Weaver says:
    February 14, 2015 at 12:33 am
    Jack Ryan,

    at least Merlin Miller is doing something. We’ll never know how successful he is at influencing others.

    It’s good that people act on what they believe will make a difference.”

    Jack replies:


    Doing the same old, same old, pathetic embracing losing things is not productive.

    Merlin Miller might as well have tried to win the NBA slam dunk competition or compete in the Miss Teen America beauty contest. If you are not competitive at something, don’t do it. You make yourself and us look like a fool.

    When someone on our side is competitive and actually competes to win like David Duke did in the early 1990s or the French National Front is now, these eternally losers get really angry, they say and think:

    “This guy, that national party is selling out, compromising with THE SYSTEM, I’ve been doing this for 40 YEARS, I should be getting all the fame and fortune that Duke is getting.”

    Screw these losers. Only support competitive winners at something, anything.

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