About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Maxfield Parrish – (is this Jim Giles? Giles had easily the best interview on the Net ever. I did a very successful interview with Jim once)

    Could I do a Skype interview (if it’s Jim) to discuss the Derek Black story.

    My take is that it is bad, but not life ending for anyone. White youth as they start college often rebel, that’s just the way it is.

    We get Whites from connected PC liberal homes who rebel, go for hard core WN and of course it goes the other way.

    Let’s get through this.

  2. To be honest, when sites like freep, Daily Caller, Takimag, etc. regularly discuss the valid topics that sites like Stormfront only used to, do sites like Stormfront serve any purpose other than being a bastion of crack-pottery for anti-whites to constantly drag out and prop up when they need an easy target?

  3. Jim,

    Honorable White men in the South or anywhere should not willing sell guns to (straw buyers) to Chicago Black gang members. Same goes for making small $ selling Black on White hard core porn.

    I don’t think these views are controversial.

  4. I’m on the road traveling to Missouri.

    My smart phone just died on me. I had to stop in Mississippi to get a new one. I haven’t read the discussion above. I will take a look at it when I get to Memphis.

  5. No one pays my bills but me. We all take care ours .Rely on someone else pocket for theirs. Is just disingenuous. Lead by example by explenfying self reliant; WORK. Darn shame greed trumps all.

  6. The moderation system is back on.

    We have one rule here. Don’t flame other commentators. I don’t care about people like Derek Black who don’t post here.

    • If Derek had just quit WN it wouldn’t be a big deal. I quit the WN movement myself because of types like Derek or Axis Sally who “detonate” on you.

      I just got tired of dealing with people like that all the first time.

  7. @Hunter

    Smart move turning the moderation system on.

    As I said earlier, the SPLC and the ADL only know what you feed them, and some people who comment here are determined to feed you to them.

  8. I hadn’t noticed Hunter’s link to the SPLC Gloat Piece.

    Sigh. If only Hitler had done what he’s been accused of.

    I was insulted on SF for stating that Derek’s punched himself a ticket for an Eternal berth in the 9th Circle of Hell – but I stand by my words.

  9. Jack Ryan: “Maxfield Parrish – (is this Jim Giles? Giles had easily the best interview on the Net ever. I did a very successful interview with Jim once) Could I do a Skype interview (if it’s Jim) to discuss the Derek Black story.”

    I’m not Jim Giles but if I were I’d give you a rippin’ good interview. I’ve only been interviewed once, and that was by Dr. Tom Sunic. All other interviews I’ve declined, from Counter-Currents to The White Voice.

    But thanks for the offer, Jack. Just so I know, where’s a link to your other interviews? I’d be interested in listening to them.

  10. “Derek Black has basically sh*it over everything they ever believed – and they just can’t handle it.”

    Derek probably has some books lined up and a movie;cashing in his notoriety on how he was subdued by white haters.

    quacks like a duck, walks like a duck….

  11. This thread is from Don Black in SM section, with links to SPLC.

    Derek Black succumbs

    I’m sure this will be all over the Net and our local media, so I’ll start here.

    Derek was here all weekend, helping us build and replace old windows. He’s made it annoyingly obvious over the past few months he was no longer interested in WN activism, but he always said he was still WN. I knew the Jews at the Poverty Palace were working hard, since he would be such a big prize for them. But he didn’t give us a clue as to what he had planned today.

    I found it Googling this afternoon. I don’t want to talk to him, but his big sister called him, and he confirmed he had written what the SPLC posted. He says he doesn’t understand why we’d feel betrayed just because he announced his “personal beliefs” to our worst enemies.

    Oh well. Just when I thought I couldn’t lose anything else…

    But…as my lawyer Yggdrasil once pointed out to me, “Nothing can be a pretty cool hand.”

  12. Don Black says:
    “He says he doesn’t understand why we’d feel betrayed just because he announced his “personal beliefs” to our worst enemies.”

    Another way of looking at it Don, he knew exactly who to go to, to make the bullying and harassment stop.

    Hunter Wallace says:
    July 19, 2013 at 9:29 pm

    “If Derek had just quit WN it wouldn’t be a big deal. I quit the WN movement myself because of types like Derek or Axis Sally who “detonate” on you.”

    Well you don’t have to worry about me “detonating” on you. I don’t consider myself WN or anything really. I am just for Whites, wherever they might be.

  13. Yes, I’m Ward Kendall.

    I planted enough clues and finally some of you figured it out – which was my intent.

    That said, this latest situation with Don Black’s treacherous son is yet another reason why I have long despised most of the WN movement. Years ago, like many of you, I started out with a great deal of enthusiasm and idealism. Then I made the mistake of landing on Stormfront, believing I had found a mother lode of like-minded people, people who truly understood what was at stake. Instead, I found swarms of psychotic Neo-Nazis wherever I looked, just so many mindless thugs who were very often so red-frothed with rage over “Jews” that they were beyond all known boundaries of reason.

    Nevertheless, and believing that Stormfront adhered to a free speech policy, I tried to reason with the mindless-rage of Don Black’s Neo-Nazis, pulverizing their arguments again and again and again until they were battered and broken. In the process, I incurred the lustful wrath of one of the most crazed maniacs the WN movement has ever seen – an absolutely warped individual (and Stormfront moderator) who called himself “MuadDib”.

    Now, the “Dib” thought he was a master at debate – until he met me. He had never encountered someone with such lightning-fast mental reflexes, such razor-sharp veracity of knowledge, such brutally crushing intellect.

    He never knew what hit him.

    Beaten bloody in metaphorical combat, his neck snapped, his bones shattered, his very eyes gouged from their sockets, “MuadDib” dragged himself across the gladiatorial arena of Stormfront, whimpering in shame and defeat, a long film of slime trailing behind, and reached for the last weapon he had at his disposal: THE BAN BUTTON.

    It was the last action of a consummate coward – but that’s exactly what “MuadDib” always was – a lying, sniveling, disingenuous coward – exactly the kind of man Don Black wanted to represent white nationalism.

    The Dib is long gone, but the stain on WN remains; that stain is Stormfront. It was and remains a sham, an illusion, a frivolous “playground” where those who contribute nothing to the struggle of our Race go to pretend that they’re “involved”, that they’re “doing something worthwhile”, when they are but worthless, time-wasting dilettantes.

    And the biggest playground kid of all has always been Don Black, a greatly overrated individual in the WN movement who is responsible more than anyone else for cheapening the cause of white nationalism, until it has become a national joke. If that makes you angry, then blame Don Black – and his pencil-necked jerk of a son.

    Now, once again, thanks to Don Black & Company, the entire white nationalist movement has once again been subjected to derision and humilation. THIS is what I have long opposed. THIS is what must be rooted out of the WN movement once and for all, if we are to ever attain a status and a respect among the very people we wish to reach.

    Don Black is not the man who will do it. Quit giving him your support. Quit giving him your attention and admiration. And finally, quit giving him your money.

    For it is time for Don Black to leave us, to retire, to be shunned and forgotten. He is a man who was given all the power the WN movement could offer him, and yet he destroyed his only son. This was his test – and he failed it.

    Finally, a word to the discerning among you. Though Derek Black has proven himself an utterly despicable, irredeemable traitor who will not and must not ever be forgiven, let us never forget, as these events unfold in all their sickening truth, that Don Black’s failure as a father is the greater downfall.

  14. Be safe, Hunter! I hope you aren’t moderating on your phone while driving. We can wait for our comments to get moderated if need be!

  15. “Finally, a word to the discerning among you. Though Derek Black has proven himself an utterly despicable, irredeemable traitor who will not and must not ever be forgiven, let us never forget, as these events unfold in all their sickening truth, that Don Black’s failure as a father is the greater downfall.”

    Jack replies:

    A bit extreme. It’s bad real bad. But young people do hateful, stupid things to their parents, to their people, country etc.

    Let’s hope this blows over and in twenty years Derek Black is just a regular White man, married to a White woman, with a few kids and not involved in racial politics in any way, good or bad.

  16. Ward, MuadDib was rather serious and a bit over obsessed with….

    The Joooooooooooz

    I got on his bad side for trying to present the truth that White Nationalists should not make excuses for the Muslim aliens mass murdering our people on 9/11/01 or try to push wild CTs blaming 9/11 on….

    The Joooooooz.

    My reasoning was rather simple:

    Regular White people all over the remaining White world don’t much care for Islamic extremist immigrants that rape our girls and mass murder our people in our countries. Plus the anti White Jews support the Muslim immigration invasion.

    Maudib would have none of it.

    I didn’t get banned from Stormfront for opposing mass Muslim immigration, instead it was for confessing I like Motown music and think lots of Indo European women inSouth America are sexy and make good wives for White Anglos like me.

    I also got on the wrong side of the Ron Paul Libertarian cult.

    I did meet many nice, reasonable people on Stormfront. Don Black and David Duke liked a lot of my work.

    Well, time marches on. Let’s try to keep OD free of such negativity.

  17. Good points, Jack. Hopefully this is my final post on the matter, because it obviously touches a nerve with people. The bottom line is that there is a segment of this movement that is very obnoxious about “Jooooooz”. I don’t mind having discussions like adults in regards to how much “Joooooz” have impacted liberalism etc….

    The problem is that the people in the movement who always scream “Jooooz” are extremely unreasonable, they never admit they are wrong, they never compromise, they are obnoxious, they insist that “Jooooooz” are behind everything evil in the world, and in the process, they make the entire movement look bad.

    And it isn’t just Stormfront. There are some more “mainstream” websites in the movement who don’t budge on the topic either. I won’t mention their names, but it is certain websites that I once thought were more aligned with the Amren mentality. I have given up presenting my views on those websites. The leadership of those websites always gets offended. How dare anybody in the movement disagree with them. They insist on keeping the topic one-sided, and they are close minded to any input. It is absurd.

    Some people in the movement need to learn to start budging and compromising on certain issues. I don’t mean compromising with liberals. I mean compromising with what is rational. Insisting that “Jooooooos” are behind everything bad in the world is irrational, and it makes this movement a continuous laughing stock.

  18. Interesting read, Hunter. I am getting more and more disgusted with this “the Joooooz have caused everything” mentality. If that is the case, should we view our white ancestors going all the way back to the Middle Ages and before, as little incapable children at the mercy of “Joooooz”? I don’t get it. We pride ourselves as being the race that put a man on the moon, and that crossed the Atlantic to settle a new continent, but we can’t take responsibility for our own demise as a race?

  19. Insisting that “Jooooooos” are behind everything bad in the world is irrational, and it makes this movement a continuous laughing stock.

    A laughing stock? That’s Amren who allows their leader to appear on stage and have eggs thrown at him, who allows their conferences to be canceled and humiliated over and over again.

    What has compromising ever brought Jared Taylor except another shit burger? His org hasn’t grown or done anything in 25 years. He is no more effective than the skinheads.

    Without a street movement, you have nothing, I don’t care how many formal suit and tie conferences you hold. Look at Golden Dawn for examples.

  20. The demographic, technological and social structure is vastly different now, in the 20th century, than the reality on the ground, in the Middle Ages.

    Who prints the money?

  21. Passerby says:
    July 20, 2013 at 1:12 am

    Agree with you on Jared Taylor. He is an ineffective tailgater.

    “Without a street movement, you have nothing, I don’t care how many formal suit and tie conferences you hold. Look at Golden Dawn for examples.”

    I have seen such groups come and go. They hit around 20% of votes and they quickly fade back to nothing. They are fueled only by their anger, which exhausts their followers eventually.

    I expect if by some miracle they do win power, NATO or similar will bomb Greece into the stone age. They are like a hunter in the woods that screams and shouts, whenever he sees his prey. You aren’t going to catch anything that way.

  22. Here is my $.002 worth, if indeed, it is worth even that much.

    The best analogy I would make to Gaede’s girls and Derek Black is to the preacher’s kids. It is an old cliché how the biggest hell-raiser in any small town is the preacher’s kids. Well, White Nationalism is an ideology much as a religion is and if a child is raised by a strong ideologue or even a fanatic of that ideology, then s/he is likely to rebel. I think that the more famous or infamous that ideologue or fanatic, depending on your viewpoint would be, the more likely that child would be to dig in their heels and be contrary about it, especially if s/he is trying to establish their own separate identity.

    We are also forgetting what a relatively new ideology that White Nationalism is. “Racism” is a new term that Leon Trotsky conjured up when the vast majority of Europe was filled with indigenous Europeans. The “White” race is a relatively new concept that came out of America, not only because we had Amerinds, Orientals Negros and Mestizos, but Europeans had to redefine themselves thanks to tribes of Teutons mixing with tribes of Celts mixing with tribes of Slavs mixing with tribes of Anglo Saxons. As a “religion”, White Nationalism is a relatively new cult and cultists tend to be shunned by the orthodoxy, so the kids in that cult are going to have a rough time.

    I remember reading an interview with Grace Slick (who had married Paul Kantner) of Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship. She mentioned that she had adolescent children now and the interviewer assumed that her children must have thought that it was pretty cool to have rock stars as parents. Slick laughed about how their children lamented that she and Kantner were not “like the other parents” and insisted that they be dropped off a couple of blocks from school so that the other kids could not see their freak show family!

    We adults tend to forget what social animals we used to be as children and how desperately we wanted to fit in with our peer group and how much we really, truly ended up conforming to the norms of our peer group at the time.

    So what if any lesson can any White activist learn from Gaede’s twins and Derek Black? They can take a page out of the Leftist Playbook. The Clintons and the Obamas both made it clear that their children were off-limits to the press as they were not politically active. Don’t draft underage children as combatants in the struggle. The adults need to man the ramparts by themselves rather than dragging their children onto those ramparts with them. They need to make it clear to the public that your children are non-combatants and will not be allowed any involvement in your activities until they are old enough to understand and voluntarily embrace the consequences and repercussions.

    I am NOT saying that Gaede and Black should not influence their children at all or encourage them to be race mixers. But a more subtle approach should be used as it is probably more effective. I mean, think about it. This past year we have seen the children of two “conservative” Republiscum (Boehner and McCain) marry out so that their “proud” papas can grin and bear it as their offspring snuff out their genetic heritage into the black undertow. But how many children of DWLs have we seen marry out? I can’t think of a single one.

    One major problem of our folk is we pay more attention to what is said than what is done. We despise Whites who dissemble in the face of enemy threat. Why? Do we owe an enemy that has duplicitously stabbed us in the back time and time again any forthright behavior from us? We should be honest with ourselves, but do we owe the enemy honesty? Is my enemy entitled to my opinion? I don’t think so!

    There is a lot to be said for “talking the talk,” but walking your own walk. DWLs have learned how to dissemble by outwardly parroting the PC (Prescribed Canard) but they live in the Whitest neighborhoods, send their kids to the Whitest schools and make sure they have the Whitest grandchildren by being implicitly White.

    I don’t GAD what Prescribed Canard Gaede’s Girls and Black’s Boy feel they have to spew to make their way free of harassment in a virulently Anti-White World. WTH cares what they have to say if, in the end, they end up with White spouses and have White children?

  23. @Passerby
    Without a street movement, you have nothing, I don’t care how many formal suit and tie conferences you hold. Look at Golden Dawn for examples.

    Imagine a pro-white version of Hezbollah. This is what Golden Dawn and some of the bonnes gens in Génération Identitaire are mulling over how to build in their nations. Hezbollah turned the Lebanese Civil War from having the Shi’ites as a marginal group to being the only people who have ever gone up against the only true power in the region, Israel, and walked away even stronger.

    They showed the world just how strong identity politics and movements to protect one’s identity can be, especially in the utter chaos of clashing tribes that was Lebanon in the ’80s. Of course, it helped that Tehran was writing the checks.

  24. Maxfield Parrish says:

    ‘as these events unfold in all their sickening truth, that Don Black’s failure as a father is the greater downfall.’

    Sorry, but that is a cheap shot. I know many fine people who sacrificed for their children only to see them corrupted by the incessant societal pressure which comes at them from all angles.

    Our culture has been polluted for many decades. The music industry, movies, television, magazines, books and social media have an almost irresistible power over people.

    News alert! It -ain’- the Arabs in charge of Hollywood and mass entertainment as Alex Jones claims.

    One of my nieces who was always a lovely, sweet, girl went off to college and in 2 short years has changed beyond belief.

    She now listens to hip-hop, has a tramp stamp, pins in her face and navel and dresses like a whore.

    My wife showed me her face book page and I was floored. What the heck happened to her? Pictures of her and and her drunken female friends partying with dope smoking niggers hanging on them and making comments that would most people blush.

    I hope to heaven she doesn’t get knocked up.

  25. I wonder if the $PLC is going to pick up the tab for Derek’s senior year at New College.
    I don’t think Don Black or Stormfront members are inclined to do so after this.

  26. “Honorable White men in the South or anywhere should not willing sell guns to (straw buyers) to Chicago Black gang members. Same goes for making small $ selling Black on White hard core porn.”

    That is an incorrect analogy. Selling guns is not immoral. Selling pornography of any kind is distasteful at best. Comparing gun ownership to pornography is shameful. And if you are in business anywhere in America, you have to sell to all comers who abide by the letter of the law. Don’t like forcing gun shops to do business with blacks? Fine, then do away with unconstitutional Civil Rights laws. Don’t single out gun shops for something every business is forced to do. You know how BRA works. I would rather have guns be legal to law abiding whites than go down the road of restriction which leaves the same law abiding whites helpless in the face of black criminality.

  27. It’s a given that we need a street movement. The ongoing successes of nationalist parties in Europe prove it. Also, in real life, the cranks, misfits, and psychos would never be tolerated.

  28. The joke is on the wn movement, although some people here aren’t able to pick up on that socially. They think Derick doesn’t understand things, he’s naïve, etc. I disagree. I’m sure Derick knows the shit he’s stirring and is doing it on purpose.

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