About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. 313Chris says:
    July 18, 2013 at 5:26 pm

    ‘I’m pretty sure this “Maxfield Parrish” is really Jim Giles.’

    Quite possible. Did he write anything about football coaches or Bluetick coon hounds?

  2. Pro White Joe says:

    Hunter Wallace says:
    July 18, 2013 at 5:24 pm

    “It’s over a woman.”

    ‘The oldest sting in the book – the honeytrap.’

    Don’t tell me Potok recruited that beautiful seductress Heidi Beinrich to bedazzle him.

  3. He did all that over a piece of ass? Disappointing, but maybe he’ll grow out of it in a few years and backtrack a bit.

  4. Re: Denise

    It’s over a woman.

    Jezebel: “Prove to me your not a racist! Reject everything you have been taught. Reject all of it, even turn against your own father! Prove to me you’ll do anything for me and you get some of this!”

    Derek: “Oh yea anything for that! Let me get on the hotline to ole’ Marky boy and sign up against my father and the people who paid for my education and financially supported our family thought the years. Anything for the golden pussy!”

    What a chump. Actually doing it for the money would be better.

  5. The kid is clearly thinking with his little head, not the big one. Its a shame because even if he comes to his senses, he will be forever seen as weak and unreliable.

  6. “Sam says:

    July 18, 2013 at 5:48 pm

    Pro White Joe says:

    Hunter Wallace says:
    July 18, 2013 at 5:24 pm

    “It’s over a woman.”

    ‘The oldest sting in the book – the honeytrap.’ ”

    There’s a bit more to it than that. What caused Lucifer to defy God, and be cast from Heaven? What was the CAUSE?

    “Don’t tell me Potok recruited that beautiful seductress Heidi Beinrich to bedazzle him.”

    Nearly spits coffee, while laughing and groaning, over that image, all over new laptop…

  7. Agreed, its likely a bit of both Denise.

    Either way, the kid is not WN leadership material and he will never live this down. Before this I naively assumed WN kids could be trusted, because they were brought up the right way, but now I know better.

  8. Maxfield Parrish
    “And Derek, secretly, guiltily, starts off on a newfound sexual odyssey exploring endless nights of dark flesh , sinking ever deeper into the dark swamps of race mixing.”

    Sounds just like a Hollywood script.

  9. An example of divorce and “remarriage” in his family upbringing would make him more susceptible to the “allure” of evil women. The effects of such “dysfunctional relationships” carry on “to the third and fourth generation”, according to Scripture. Kingdoms have been lost and peoples become extinct because of the acceptance of adultery.

  10. I honestly don’t understand what all the hugger-muggery is about concerning a child of Don Black. Stormfront is and always has been a profit making concern and what some kid with no achievements worth mentioning in his own name thinks of daddies business is of absolutely no interest whatsoever.

  11. Rudel, I think it matters a little because he handed the other side a propaganda victory. Also, there is the issue of what he knows, what kind of private information he might able to air if he wants to get vindictive. Finally, issues of child rearing are raised. How does a parent get the right ideas to “stick” with their children growing up submerged in a culture that treats those ideas as vile and evil? Personally, I’d rather discuss this than the gossipy stuff.

  12. @Hunter

    I have a hunch that the Blacks’, father & son, are hoaxing the SPLC and ADL for whatever reason. Let’s see how this plays out… #LOL.

    The SPLC & ADL only know what they are fed.

  13. “Not at all surprising. Militant, hardline WN, with the kooky beliefs it requires you to accept without question about the value or nature of other races was always a natural born loser. Not only do many eventually quit in disgust, their disgust drives them to (at least momentarily) repudiate even the more sensible WN views. ”

    Yeah, I investigated WN, but it never really added up. To much white knightery and blubbering fools to take it all seriously.

  14. I applaud Derek Black for his courage to say no to the white racist BS. I have been criticized for changing my views and now a former racist. I hope he exposes the entire movement for the frauds and money grabbers they are.

  15. TMT — Episode #183.5 — Black Whigglet Spawn Gone Whiggeroid — 18 July 13
    Time: July 18, 2013 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST


    The biggest news in the bowel Movement was about Derek Black, whigglet spawn of Don ‘Milton Munster’ Black, operator of $permFart, going off to kollidge and telling the jewboy Mark Potok of the $outhern Poverty Law Center that it went all whiggroid metrosexual and shit and no longer supported Whigger Nutsionalism. Derek would rather play video games and go ass-to-mouth with niggers and jews rather than work for ensuring the Future of ZOGling whigger ass-clowns and a future for younger whiggerlets.

    The bowel Movement is yapping about the news. The $permFartians are whining and sticking with their supplier of Whigger Nutsionalism lest they should get banned. Over on the gut-sick guido kikenweasel with Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, ie VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF the sundry ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clowns were gloating about the matter as well. Over on Hunter Wallace’s Occidental Dissent, where most of the critters there weren’t aggrieved former $permFartians banned for pissing on the floors of the Walmart of Waycism, there was the understanding that it isn’t smart for Milton Munster’s little Crash Bandicoot to piss on the tards who paid for the Black whiggerlet’s kollidge edjewmacation.

    I think that the best critique of the Don Black money-making machine was a post made by a disillusioned $permFartian:

    Tiny Tom in “Stooged” or “A $permFart Carol”

    Wherein Tiny Tom sees the Ghosts of $permFartians Present:
    “Have you seen enough?” Madam Mihai almost purred.

    “Nnnnooo,” Tiny Tom stuttered, “They can’t all be that bad. I must see more. Show me Don Black.”

    “As you wish,” Madam Mihai replied. At that the crystal ball smoked and Tiny Tom found himself in a lavishly decorated lounge room. The floor was covered by a rich and deep cream carpet. The curtains, covering floor to ceiling windows, were a bright gold. Behind a massive oak table was a tall but tremendously decrepit man. He was dressed in a red silk robe, his face was gaunt, cheeks sunken, eyes bloodshot and watery. His wrists were so slim they looked more like fingers. What was left of his thin grey hair was dull and lifeless. Tiny Tom realized that this living mummy was none other than the mighty Don Black.

    “Derek, get your ass down here now, boy,” Don bellowed in a surprisingly strong voice.

    “Aww, but daddy, I am winning on crash bandicoot,” came a nasally response from somewhere upstairs.

    “Now, boy!” Thundered Don who didn’t seem like he had any interest in taking no for an answer.

    A few seconds later Derek made his way downstairs. He was dressed in a one piece pair of baby blue pajamas that even had cute little booties. On top of his long red mane he wore his trademark cowboy hat that he had worn ever since he first saw Brokeback Mountain.

    “Do you realize the time Derek? It is past ten, you know your bedtime is nine thirty. Just because your mother is holidaying in Monaco doesn’t mean you can stay up till all hours,” Don chided.

    “But daddy, I was doing so well on my games. It is just a little past my bedtime. It isn’t like I snuck out or anything,” pleaded Derek.

    “I could not care less. Rules are rules. I make them, you and everybody else follows them. Plus we have a radio show to do in the morning. Even Al Kelz is getting sick of your tardiness.”

    “Al Kelz,” Derek scoffed, “He worships the ground we walk on. He won’t say boo, and you know it.”

    “That is not the point, wiseguy. You seriously have to make more of an effort,” admonished Don.

    “But daddy, you know I hate doing the radio show. All that boring old pro-White shit. What a fucking waste of time. I could be out skateboarding or partying with Manuel, Paco and Jesus,” moaned Derek.

    “My son the moron,” snapped an irate Don, “You need a reality check. That show costs us $350 a month. For that $350 we charge the plebes on Stormfront $2500. That means we make a little over $500 a week for that show. You’re my son and are as interested in getting a job as I am. Unless you want to hand your empty resume into McDonald’s you are going to have to pull your soft little finger out of your ass. Now get upstairs, brush your teeth and go to bed. And no more of this coming onto the show late business. You will be back down here bright and early! No later than eight thirty. One minute late and I am seizing your X Box for a whole week!”

    A look of pure terror crossed Derek’s face. His X Box was his prized possession, second only to an autographed poster of Elton John that he had picked up three years ago in London during one of the many holidays the Black family took. “Alright daddy, I’ll go to bed and be up for the show. I’ll try my hardest,” Derek practically wept. Derek turned around, shoulders slouched and made his way up the stairs, sucking his thumb the whole way. Don leaned back into his supremely comfortable couch (should be comfortable Don thought, it cost $8,000) and smiled merrily as he flicked through cable in search of a basketball game. “He’s a fine boy,” Don commented to himself as he found a ball game just in time to watch Malik Jenkins score a mighty slam dunk.

    Tiny Tom blinked and found himself back in the tent. “Dammmit, I knew something was fishy, but I didn’t know it was that bad.”

    Madam Mihai smirked as she said, “Shall we visit someone else?”


    Makes me idly wonder how Milton Munster is gonna keep lil’ Crash Bandicoot home on the West Palm Springs $permFartian sheep farm now that the lil’ all-hat-and-no-cattle gaywad Bandicoot has seen Gay Sarasota’s New Kollidge?

    OK, let’s understand something. The bowel Movement is usually nothing but ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clowns. So why should we expect their spawn to be any better than theyz’ progenitards?

    Rather, what any real racial activist should do is to act as if it is on himself whether or not we survive as a distinct race or class of people in a mighty Evil Empire of mud going down the crapper. Stop worrying about what your Fearless Leaders are doing and start worrying about yourself and your status in the overall nature of things.

    You are responsible only for yourselves and your friends and family you wish to save. You can do nothing much more.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri


    Call in to (724) 444-7444, Show # 111132, extension 1# if you have no Talksjew account to comment or listen, Hunter, others.


  16. Interesting photo.

    Don: Son, must you always wear that silly hat and stupid looking coat? You’re an embarrassment to the cause. And when are you going to cut that hair? You look like a girly man.

    Derek: Father, you have humiliated me for the last time. After I send this e-mail to my new soul mate Mark – it is you who will be humiliated!

    Don: Rolls eyes.

  17. Someone said: “I’m pretty sure this “Maxfield Parrish” is really Jim Giles.”

    I think the real Jim Giles would be rippin’ mad if he got wind of this accusation, since he’s a proud Southern man that tenders no foolishness. Besides, most of us know how he threatened to reach through the microphone and “whop Martin Lindstedt’s ass” a while back and I – I on the other hand think Mr. Lindstedt is a national treasure of sharp wit, incisive humor, and occasionally brilliant insight. Would Giles, even disguised under a famous painter’s name, even be able to stomach writing that?

    Nor am I Mr. Wallace’s arch enemy, the nefarious “Guido Weasel”. If I were, you would now be smelling the stench from my colostomy bag even here in cyber-space, interspersed with the occasional sound of a ‘spermfart’ from my overloaded colon.

    Speaking of ‘spermfart’ I must ask Mr. Lindstedt: is ‘Spermfartians’ pronounced:




  18. Don: “Son, must you always wear that silly hat and stupid looking coat? You’re an embarrassment to the cause. And when are you going to cut that hair? You look like a girly man.”

    Derek: “Father, you have humiliated me for the last time. After I send this e-mail to my new soul mate Mark – it is you who will be humiliated!”

    Short Order Cook: “Second stroke comin’ right up!”

    A few days later, Stormfront shuts down for good…

  19. 313Chris says:
    July 19, 2013 at 1:04 am
    “I’ve lost interest.”

    Let’s stop before we lose principal.

  20. Pastor – I love your posts – but………:

    1) Kelz really isn’t on the scene anymore. He has his own issues, to deal with….

    2) Don Black does NOT make money with Stormfront.
    Don Black does NOT make money with Stormfront.
    Don Black does NOT make money with Stormfront.

    The costs of maintaining the site are over the Moon.

    3) Mr. Black did not terrorize Derek. Quite the opposite…

  21. I mean, this is becoming another waste of time, like the Martin and Zimmerman story. I’m also tired of the endless “northern” white bashing. I would rather learn about and discuss Edward Snowden and “national (global) security”, and what’s leaking at Fukushima.

  22. I’m hearing it is bad.

    It’s the same situation any of us would be in if we had a son and we were in Don Black’s place and my son or your son did some shit like that.

  23. Secession from the evil global Empire is a necessity, not only for whites in southern states, but for all white peoples everywhere to separate themselves. It is natural and logical. Denise put it so well on the other thread http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2013/07/15/knights-of-the-golden-circle-and-northern-mexico/comment-page-2/#comment-1804992: “I am all for Nationalism. I believe in the right of a People to BE a distinct People. If enough White Southerners SAY and BELIEVE and ACT, to be White Southerners – then White Southerners they ARE.”

  24. “It’s the same situation any of us would be in if we had a son and we were in Don Black’s place”

    Yes, it is very sad and tragic, Hunter. I don’t make light of it, and I remember the family and all concerned at the throne of grace today.

  25. My apology for posting that Jan Boshoff video, above. I do not agree with his charismatic “continuing revelation”, “vision-receiving” false teaching as well as the denigration of Bible study and church attendance.

  26. Thanks for trying to call in Hunter

    Had Talksjew and TOR browser issues tonight. Which means that since I had to use a TOR browser which is set to pretend to be in Europe seven hours earlier that rescheduling it means for tomorrow sometime. Running “pirate” shows on ‘free’ hosting where you have already been banned several times before for Terms of Service violations means that shit is often iffy. Nor can I call into their ‘Customer Service” and bitch when I am supposed to be banned for life several times over and instead I’m sneaking on back. Some of them Talksjew kikes really don’t like me. They say that every time I open my mouth it is a Talksjew Terms of Service violation.

    Now when you are engaged in bowel Movement activism, you can do things cheap, which means often difficulties — Jeromy Visser got me IP-banned on Talksjew. Or you can do things middling on shared hosting as long as you don’t get targetted by the likes of ARA mamzers like Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren, the jewnibrowed Mamzer from Mentor. Of course the fourth or fifth time he took down one of my web pages — this one hosted on the same place as SolarGeneral and WN-tube and told that my pathetic little web page had to die that SolarGeneral might live — I figured out that Bryan Reo/SwordBrethren/SoredMamzer had an awful lot of ZOG help.

    Let’s understand something. In the case of Don Black or Alex Lender or Hal Turner you got ZOG footing the bill of the expenses and everything you take in past the fixed salary for ZOGbotting and the rest of the ZOGbux put in is gravy. Hal Turner got $100,000 for basic ratting, paid some unknown figure per pelt, and then got whatever the tards brought in as gravy. Which is why tards got to listen to the Mischling Halster tell them about how he started an earthquake or that D-g was gonna call him home if he didn’t get either a couple thousand more in ZOGbux within a day or so or a blowjewb — or both.

    The Hal-ster was the Bernie Madoff of White Nationalist bowel Movement cod-casting.

    Alex Linder, for example, had itz bills paid for by Pierce and the National Alliance until Pierce croaked off. Then Billy Roper and his White Revolution was paying for the v-bulletin license and this guy named Tom from West Virginia offered the server space and tech support. But when Billy Roper — who bought the David Lane line from Katya Lane in 2003 and was sponsoring Pastor Butler as well — got flack from both the Order and Aryan Nations for sponsoring Alex Linder sponsoring TraitorGlenn Miller the end result was the Christmas Coup of 2004. Linder is now financed out of the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland InSecurity, TraitorGlenn Miller paymaster. Colostomy bags are gratis.

    Everyone thinks that Don Black is paid for by ZOG as well. His unruly little whigger Derek is pissing all over his daddy’s trademark, along with the rest of the tired ‘Establishment White Nationalist” ZOGbots from before Waco, which tells everyone that Milton Munster can’t really control anything. The jape about the worthless two-hour codcast on the Haitian muzak-radio costing $2500 extra per week reflects pretty much anyone in the White Nationalist movement knowing the price of that which they dream about getting if “they make it big.”

    So how to do things? I do things on a shoestring but with infinite patience and much time to speak a message of impending doom in which nothing much beyond personal survival can be hoped for. With Alex Linder and Don Black and Hal Turner the misbegotten and fraudulent can send in theyz “whigger-mites” and “geezergelt” and pretend that they are somehow saving the Whigger Rayce and getting entertained while doing nothing much other than enjoying the warm wet feeling of micturating (i.e. pissing) in their pants and persuading theysselfs that they helped it start raining.

    I think them $permFartians (however pronounced) would do better going down to the feed store and buying grain in bulk and storing it in five-gallon Walmart pails topped off with dry ice and buying a grain mill and learning how to sieve the flour using a window screen as opposed to sending five ZOGbux per month as a Sustaining Member. But maybe because I’m banned for life by Klunt Downey because Don Black thinks that the “No Devil” Doctrine of the Gerda Kochites is better or simply because Klunt used to be quite the whore and with really big tits then my observations are the disgruntled japes of a malcontent.

    Maybe I need to forgive and D-g dammit, forget, and try to find me some “gruntlement” where-ever such is to be found.

    Well, as my [de]generation used-to-could said, “Naaaaaaaaah !!!”

    Oh well. Such a deal.

    Hail Victory!!!
    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt,
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  27. ButzHead said @Hunter: “I have a hunch that the Blacks’, father & son, are hoaxing the SPLC and ADL for whatever reason.”

    And I have a hunch that you’re a complete focktard for thinking this is a “hoax”. Are you really that stoopid?

    Yeah, I think you are.

  28. Pastor – I know where the money for SF comes from. The Blacks do NOT make money from SF.

    You’ve been in this milieu far, far longer than I. I’ve met an interesting collection of folks along the way. I don’t know ANY-ONE who thinks they will Save the Whigger Race. Most of us spend 99.9% of the time trying to save ourselves, or our families. I’m very grateful for Stormfront. I’ve learned a lot. I’m met wonderful folks, and some major A-holes. Just as I have, in other realms. Half the time I wonder why I even bother. Life would be so much easier is I just went along with the prevailing social memes. I can understand why any-one would want to leave Racialism – it’s just EASIER. It would be so much easier to just sink into the Multi Cult. I wouldn’t have to be careful about phrase things, around the UnAwakened. I wouldn’t make people wince when I offer real explanations for “What’s going wrong”. I’m lucky, in one sense – I live around a lot of people, affluent, to busted broke, who are very “grounded”. The males in the region have no problem with my Racialism – but I make a lot of women “uncomfortable” since being a racist is “not nice”. I’d still have a much wider social circle if I wasn’t a Racist. A lot of my pals. from my old life, dropped me cold when I “came out” as a Racist. Even though they’d conceded that I’m right about a lot of things. Ahhhhh well….vindication is imminent. I just miss the parties…..

    I ask myself why I stick around this scene – and it comes down to something posted on the Derek Black Betrays EVERY-ONE thread – I’m White, and I like White People BEST. (Even if so many Whites are infuriating whigger retards). I have friends that I care about deeply. I think, in the end, it’s about the people you love.

    The other thing is – NO ONE is perfect. We White Racialists eviscerate each other, for every false step, or stupid human slip-up. No one is perfect. We need to learn to forgive, and care for each other. I think s many have ben so beaten up by life, and – and we trying to tell the truth, that we absorb all the social acid rain, rained on us, and we forget that WE are the Good Guys. Even if we don’t behave that way at all times.

    I thin kthe Blacks are wonderful. You’ve obviously had an interesting experience with them, in other days. I like them a lot. I really respect what they’ve done with their lives, however imperfectly they’ve behaved, in the past. I feel the same way about David Duke , and Pierce, and David Lane, and many others. I know plenty of “respectable” people who have behaved far, far worse than the things you are referencing.

    They don’t deserve to be treated the way Derek’s treated them. Alas – they aren’t the first parents that have had their hearts broken by the bite of a Serpent’s Tooth – and they won’t be the last.

    The ZOGbux to SF, vs. saving grain – ya can do both.

    Me – I’ll stick around ’til the end of the road. Whatever that means.


  29. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t981157-25/#post11389786

    Yeah the thing for everyone to remember is that my girls and Derek have been targeted and criticized so harshly by those on both sides of the issues that no one can really understand what they have been through. These kids had no choice in the matter and they have had to pay a high price for the open political activities of their parents.

    If Don Black and I were politicians or movie stars our kids would have also been in the spotlight and got undue scrutiny ( Palin’s kids for instance) as well but that would have been cushioned by a bunch of people supporting them in the media and a ton of money. Derek and my girls didnt get that protection and though they got support from part of the WN community they probably got as much hate from the movement as from anti racists.

    I am sure that Derek was targeted and harassed by teachers and employers just like my girls. I am sure that he has also felt that he needed to “set the record straight” like they did.

    Don and I love our kids. We certainly did what we felt was best at the time we were raising them, maybe naively. Don and I were raised and grew up in the age before cell phones and the internet and though we use the medium daily now I dont think either of us fully understood the negative effects so much publicity would have on our kids.

    Now it is impossible to just slip away to go to school or get a job. Unless you change your name anything any dip stick writes about you on the internet will pop up with a google search. I think that probably Derek felt backed into a corner.

    April Gaede

  30. “Don Black does NOT make money with Stormfront.”

    Two ways to look at this statement:

    1 – IF Don Black was actually getting $7,500 per month in donations as his forum frequently claimed, then yes, HE WAS INDEED MAKING A LOT OF MONEY.

    2 – IF Don Black was NOT making money with Stormfront, then that dirty sonovabitch was a liar every time he posted a “donation meter” on his front page crowing about reaching his $7,500 donation goal.

    Because there is no way in hell that he was raking in $7,500 per month and NOT making a huge profit.

    So take your pick: Denise is gullible for believing Don Black “was not making money” with Stormfront when he actually was, or Don Black himself was just a boastful scumball lying about how much money he was taking in so he could impressed all the yokels on his website.

    Time for Don Black to get that second and final stroke, methinks. It’s clear his “Use By” date passed a long, long time ago. Too bad he can’t take his faggot son with him.

  31. “Don Black does NOT make money with Stormfront.”

    Two ways to look at this statement:

    1 – IF Don Black was actually getting $7,500 per month in donations as his forum frequently claimed, then yes, HE WAS INDEED MAKING A LOT OF MONEY.

    2 – IF Don Black was NOT making money with Stormfront, then that dirty sonovabitch was a liar every time he posted a “donation meter” on his front page crowing about reaching his $7,500 donation goal.

    Because there is no way in hell that he was raking in $7,500 per month and NOT making a huge profit.

    So take your pick: Denise is gullible for believing Don Black “was not making money” with Stormfront when he actually was, or Don Black himself was just a boastful scumball lying about how much money he was taking in so he could impressed all the yokels on his website.

    Time for Don Black to get that second and final stroke, methinks, because it’s clear his “Use By” date passed a long time ago.

  32. Two very good comments on this post. The hilarious one that PigRot is a Christian (what sect, PGRT? RC! UMC?)

    And Denise’s link to the UC article.

    As for SF, I’ve never liked it- too much anger, and name calling of those who have no legitimacy for a white man with the older Eurocentric Weltanschuung.

  33. $7500 a month is peanuts compared to the crap they put up with and the risks they take being out. The people working at the Poverty Palace get twice as much and they have the entire anti-White system supporting them and state of the art security.

    If he gets that much, which is peanuts, then good luck to him. Wouldn’t bother me if he was paid a million bucks. I would love to see Pro White and Pro Southern leaders get the mega bucks. That way I’d know we’d truly arrived as a movement.

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