About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We should be honored that the great April Gaede has posted here.

    I love this gal!

    Somehow I was smeared and purged from Stormfront over some trivial BS, gossip, back stabbing, so I couldn’t correspond anymore with April. Something similar happened at White News Now when I got on the wrong side of the Libertarian Ron Paul/Rand Paul cult. This negativity, gossip is just a terrible part of our “movement”.

    The SPLC, ADL, antis promote this negativity.

    I just wanted to tell you April how much I appreciate what you and your daughters have done for our people.

    Hey April, do you remember my call in to Allen Colmes radio show about your pro White dating service?

    I also made the music video featuring photos of L & L with the Go Gos song “Stop Telling Lies”.

    Luv ya April.

  2. The SPLC quotations from OD included this excellent selection:

    ” ‘Pro White Joe,’ on Occidental Dissent, said the problem with the white nationalist movement was its ‘overwhelming Negativity.’ ‘The problem I see with WN and Nationalist websites in general, is you go to them expecting WN to be about identity, preservation and self determination for Whites — Yet almost all of the discussion is rants about niggers, jews and nazis and everyone is angry and paranoid.’ ”

    I second Pro White Joe’s comment, and extend its application to OD which does NOT consider itself a WN group or website: Practical, serious comments that differ or seem to differ from the party line are generally mistaken as personal “attacks” or attacks on OD or “SN”, and attacked accordingly — including comments about the need of Christian revival, doctrine and morality, and quotations of Scripture.

    Fortunately, while quoting OD on Derek Black they didn’t also re-publish recent commendations of southern white colonization of Africa, northern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, and suggestions for abortion for blacks only and “moving them north” by various means, etc.

    “You go to them expecting” the content “to be about identity, preservation and self determination for Whites”. Instead, it is about constantly proving that whites north of the Line are the main source of evil in America and in the world and that there is no such thing as “white people” and that “white nationalism is a fantasy” — and that whites DON’T really need to be separate, because they maintain their identity through contact with other races in a supremacist relationship in a multiracial society — and that the goal of liberty, equality and fraternity of a constitutional, democratic-republican mixed polity is wrong, and must be replaced by the goal of freedom for southern whites and especially for a southern white elite (including also southern, good, Talmudists?) to live as they wish, creating immense wealth for themselves under the form of a constitutional republic or even a limited southern monarchy.

  3. Pro White Joe says:
    July 19, 2013 at 7:46 am
    $7500 a month is peanuts compared to the crap they put up with and the risks they take being out. The people working at the Poverty Palace get twice as much and they have the entire anti-White system supporting them and state of the art security.

    If he gets that much, which is peanuts, then good luck to him. Wouldn’t bother me if he was paid a million bucks. I would love to see Pro White and Pro Southern leaders get the mega bucks. That way I’d know we’d truly arrived as a movement.”

    Jack replies:

    Well said.

    The SPLC is paying young college White guys $1,500 in my urban/university neighborhood ~ $1,500 a month to combat “Hate” and teach “tolerance”, I ‘m sure they have the $s to hire young women to do the things young women do to push the Anti White agenda.

  4. April – Derek was not “backed into a corner”. I think he was targeted for seduction. Study his school.

    He did this of his own volition. There are NO need to go to the SPLC. Zippo.

  5. “Metal Gear / Iceman says:

    July 19, 2013 at 5:06 am

    A decent parent wouldn’t be angry with someone leaving the white nationalists movement but joining it in the first place.”

    Thus spake the Marxist Jew.

  6. @Jack Ryan

    April Gaede didn’t post here, you leg-humping moron. If you had actually read it, instead of immediately breaking out the Viagra and masturbating in a desperate middle-aged white-nationalist fury, you would have noticed that Pro White Joe had simply re-posted a recent comment that Gaede left at Stormfront. No wonder you’re roundly mocked on so many sites.

  7. “I hope Don lives for EVER”

    Flesh is mortal, but we hope he continues long and productive. Thanks for all, Don!

  8. I am joining this discussion late, and I think a lot of good points are being made. First of all, when you raise teenagers in the movement the way he was, they may or may not stray from the flock once they reach their 20’s. If they do, then let them go on their own and do it. It is part of life. I had the luxury of finding this movement on my own as an adult. I have no I idea how I would view the movement today, had I been raised in a white nationalist household. I just hope Don Black isn’t hurt, and he has no reason to be ashamed of this.

    Second, I fully agree with some of the people who commented on how “toxic” the comment sections of this movement get, and how they are streaming with negativity, as well as stubborn people who never admit they are wrong. I hate to say it, but that sort of an environment is a huge turn off to people.

    The two topics that seem to have a large fan club of critical and stubborn followers, are the topics of Jews and white women. It is okay to talk about how Jews are behind certain elements of liberalism, but when half the comment section under an article about George Bush, spends most of the discussion trying to figure out how George Bush might have a Jewish ancestor, which explains his traitor behavior……that is when it becomes toxic and a huge turn off. Is that the only reason George Bush could possibly be a traitor? Does every white traitor have to have Jewish ancestory? Are Jews the only group responsible for our race’s downfall?

    Same with the topic of white women. A lot of posters don’t know when to quit on this topic either. If a lot of commenters would just attack feminists and mudsharks, and leave it at that, I wouldn’t have gotten offended 75% of the times I got offended. But no, these commenters always have to take it to the next level, making crude and puerile accusations like “white women are our enemy”, or “we would be better off pairing up with Asian women”, as if most white women are feminists and/or mudsharks.

    I have been in this movement since 2004. I joined in my early 20’s. I have matured within the movement a lot. It is a shame that even someone like myself gets turned off half the time. I am glad we have leaders like Richard Spencer and Hunter Wallace and several others, who don’t fall under the spell of the toxicity I mention above. Most of the toxicity lies within the comment sections of particular websites.

  9. Thank you Courtney from Alabama for gracing us by posting here.

    I met Miss Courtney from Alabama at the recent Amren Conference in the great Southern state of Tennessee. I can attest to the fact that Miss Courtney is a very beautiful Southern lady…

    Wish I could say the same about the bitter no fun career women up here in Chicago. Some dying Confederate soldier must have put a curse on guys like me that Northern Yankkee women would be mean and childless.

    Oh, sorry Courtney, I guess I am a bit guilty of ragging on some White women here.

    LOL 🙂

  10. Reminds me of somebody who was rabid against right-wing-trendy “homeschooling”—- this was his argument. Not thinking on your own, not meeting opposition until you were college age, and then meeting professionals at it (teachers), etc.

    The person said it was WAY better to toss the kids in public school, tell them what you could, then sink-or-swim-them. If they survived that, and picked their friends on their own in the school yard, rather than in the “home school” managed “play-date” way, where mommy does everything for you, then college wouldn’t do them in.

    The hidden-at-home children often do seem vulnerable and behind in the long run.

  11. I think Don Blacks wife Chloe has issues with the WN Movement also. Maybe the entire family will turn their back on such BS. Hopefully Derek took more after his mother!

  12. Opposing the Genocide of White people is the right thing to do Scott. As an anti-White, what you are doing to Whites is evil.

  13. Re: Mark Potok

    If you are going to quote someone here, then quote me. This is my website. I don’t know a fraction of the people posting comments here. I’m sure that some of them are just free range leftist trolls.

  14. “The hidden-at-home children often do seem vulnerable and behind in the long run.”

    Public school still had its merits when our county was still 100% white fifty-three years ago, when teachers and parents were predominantly moral and respected, churches were attended and businesses closed on Sundays — and our local communities were tight and cohesive, so that everyone grew up knowing one another from childhood as they went to school together.

  15. Because there is no way in hell that he was raking in $7,500 per month and NOT making a huge profit.

    I’m no expert on how much it costs to run an internet forum, but I can’t believe that it costs $90,000/year. The gullibility of white nationalists is amazing. I remember when they were in a frenzy a few years back to send all their money to Ron Paul. A fool and his money . . ..

    So take your pick: Denise is gullible for believing Don Black “was not making money” with Stormfront when he actually was . . .

    Denise is a white nationalist cultist. Like any good cultist, she believes her leader unconditionally.

    She would be of no relevance if not for her intention to move to Dixie and infiltrate Southron nationalism.

    . . . or Don Black himself was just a boastful scumball lying about how much money he was taking in so he could impressed all the yokels on his website.

    Black is indeed a lying scumbag, but given the moronic nature of the sheep who follow him, $7,500/month in donations doesn’t sound like too much of a stretch.

  16. “She would be of no relevance if not for her intention to move to Dixie and infiltrate Southron nationalism.”

    Truth is “of no relevance” as long as it remains hidden and does not disturb the Golden Circle revolution propaganda?

  17. Some key points of the propaganda: Slavery was/is good and just; southern culture is a slavery-based culture; Southron freedom is not the same as the Yankee notion of freedom; Whites north of the Line are the primary source of evil in the modern world; and southern whites must become separate from (secede from, and deport) northern whites.

  18. I took the Gaede quote from Stormfront, about hers and Don’s kids, as I thought it was relevant. Anti-White bullying of children should be discussed.

  19. Secession of whites from the evil global Empire is crucial now. I would like to discuss what to secede INTO, rather than “secede now, analyse later”.

  20. It would be SO MUCH easier to create yet another (proudly called “Dixie”) branch of the slavery-based elitist global Golden Empire, than to establish a truly independent, truly southern Anglo-Celtic Dixie based on Christianity, with freedom and justice for ALL the southern Angl0-Celtic people.

  21. Hunter Wallace says:
    July 19, 2013 at 4:23 pm
    Re: Mark Potok

    If you are going to quote someone here, then quote me. This is my website. I don’t know a fraction of the people posting comments here. I’m sure that some of them are just free range leftist trolls.”

    Jack replies:

    It might be a good idea to have repeating auto disclaimers something to the effect:

    “The comments expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Hunter Wallace or Occidental Dissent. While we reserve full 1st Amendment rights of free speech, we do not condone any hateful, violent or illegal comments. Please adhere to the Occidental Dissent comment guidelines and report comments that violate these guidelines”

    Something like that.

  22. Thanks, Jack Ryan, more of the same, and others, for your positive feedback.

    Jack Ryan, and others like him, conduct themselves like gentlemen on these websites. Some other males in the movement should take a lesson from them. Ranting on websites, and always being bitter, blaming Jews and white women for all your misfortunes in life, comes across as extremely unattractive. This is how a third of men in the comments section of this multiple websites in this movement conduct themselves, and then they wonder why white women, mainstream conservatives, neo-cons who could potentially be converted, Southern Baptists etc…… get turned off.

  23. Whoops typo!
    Meant to say:

    This is how a third of men in the comments sections of multiple websites in this movement conduct themselves, and then they wonder why white women, mainstream conservatives, neo-cons who could potentially be converted, Southern Baptists etc…… get turned off.

  24. “I remember another female poster who would get offended at misogynistic comments. It only motivated me more.”

    This is what I am talking about. You accuse women like me of getting offended about “misogynistic comments”, as if you are implying we are feminists. As a traditional Southern woman, I actually like it when men act “misogynistic” to the extent that you are traditional and masculine, and you take on responsibility for your family and race, being a white male. Blaming Jews and women for all your problems is when you sound weak and effeminate to me, …….not “misogynistic”.

  25. If we win this thing, it will be in spite of the idiots, Courtney.

    I often wonder how many of these people are trolls, because no one in RL is that dumb.

    I would like to see WN either change, or great two streams. One for the idiots that enjoy making themselves look bad and one for those that really want to win this thing.

  26. Ian Jobling said the same thing about Jew bashing. Basically that a bunch of Jews would join him if they just gave up Jew bashing.

    I personally disagree with the WN stance on Jews, but it’s not like the floodgates of new supporters opened for him after taking another position (though most Jews don’t like people defending Israel as a means of defending Jews, as if all Jews are linked to Israel, and this is what Jobling did).

    An analogy can be made in that WN would still be WN, that is disrespected, if it was pro-Jewish, pro-Women etc.

  27. “An analogy can be made in that WN would still be WN, that is disrespected, if it was pro-Jewish, pro-Women etc.”

    Well yes they will still attack us because antiwhitism is a psychopathology.

    And this is not about being “respectable”, because all respectable Whites are cowards. It is about opposing people that really are anti-White. Most Pro Whites don’t do that. They look at everything other that people that are being anti-White.

  28. “An analogy can be made in that WN would still be WN, that is disrespected, if it was pro-Jewish, pro-Women etc.”

    See, this is my point, once again. You are debating me by taking my argument, and taking it to the extreme, putting words in my mouth.

    When it comes to the Jew issue, I never ever said that Ian Jobling’s stance was correct and healthy. When it comes to the woman issue, I never said that White Nationalism should become “pro woman”.

  29. Sorry, Hunter Wallace, for meandering from the discussion and going into all of this. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I just wanted to make a cogent point on how I view this movement and why I think a lot of people are turned off.

    I am dropping out of this discussion now, unless some troll comes along (or they may not even be a troll), and puts words in my mouth. In that case, I will feel the need to defend myself.

  30. “I’m no expert on how much it costs to run an internet forum, but I can’t believe that it costs $90,000/year.”

    If he regularly pulls in $7500/month (and remember, he always claimed that his intention was to make money from the site when he started it) then he can afford plenty of bandwidth and storage. Interest in his site gleaned via the proxy of the number of Google searches for the term “stormfront” have declined quite a bit over the last five years however.


  31. LLD – stop being so rude. I have no problems with Derek leaving WN. I am REPELLED by this methodology. The way he’s treated his doting parents is disgusting beyond words.

    I like Don and Chloe VERY much. I feel for them. I am not a “cultist”. If you haven’t figured out that I am opinionated in extremis- nothing I can write will expand your powers of cognition. I do not follow ANY “cult leader”. The Blacks could have lived very different, cushier lives, by ignoring White genocide. Like millions of other de-racinated Whites have. I respect them immensely.

  32. “Metal Gear / Iceman says:

    July 19, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    I remember another female poster who would get offended at misogynistic comments. It only motivated me more.”

    The Marxist Jew reveals that his genetics are beyond his control. Oh my! A woman getting offended by misogynistic comments. Please post the meaning of “misogyny”. The very idea that a woman may be so outrageous as to get offended at woman-HATING comments. This, of course, only drives the Jew to ramp it up.

    Flawless. Thanks ever so much for revealing the inherent Nature of Die Jude.

  33. I never alleged Courtney’s position on Jews equals Jobling’s. I questioned if a different position on Jews actually would bring in new supporters. The view that it would is a viewpoint shared by both, but they don’t have the same position.

    My view is that it would probably bring in a small number of supporters, it would alienate the current supporters. As a spectator I think the typical WN position on Jews (whether vanguardists or David Duke / Mcdonald) is wrong, as is the Jobling the position, as a matter of principle.

  34. There is no need to take any position on Jews, Women’s rights, Blacks, Asians, Saving the Whales, banning plastic bags, Global Warming, or protecting animals like PETA, etc, etc. These issues are handled by specialist groups.

    The only position a Pro White organization should concern itself with is protecting Whites from anti-Whites – People that want to get rid of Whites.

    And numbers of people attracted don’t matter. The quality of the message and quality of the people in the group is what counts.

  35. I always thought the whole “Prussian Blue” thing was as creepy as “Toddlers in Tiaras”. The fact that they were laughably bad didn’t help. Anytime parents dress up their children like that and make them act out adult themes it makes my skin crawl.

  36. Hunter can you ban this 313Chris? Block his IP address?

    He’s constantly violating OD comment guidelines, scaring off ladies, he’s not in the South, of the South, for the South?

    It’s the extremely negative, foul mouthed “loners” that marginalize anything connected with Southern Nationalism, WN.

    This might be Coutney from Alabama’s final appearance on OD if we don’t clean up the comments.

    Yeah, smelly trash should be taken out.

  37. Axis Sally, from Axis Sally Raw website: “Mark Potok just called me. My story is going to run right next to Derek’s in the print edition.”

    Damage from Derek Black’s heinous treachery continues to expand like an out-of-control firestorm. Now another WN traitor – ex torture-porn actress Corinna Burt – who suckered Harold Armstead Covington like a fat tootsie-roll pop – is going to be the other half of a massive double-whammy against white nationalism. “Sally” (aka “Sally The Slut”) is not demure when it comes to savaging the WN movement. There’s nothing she won’t say, and no one she won’t spill her guts too. There’s even talk on her website of teaming up with Derek Black (aka “pencil-necked jerk”) for a podcast about his defection.

    Don Black (aka “Lurch” and “Herman Munster”) has already confessed on his personal blog that his pecker-headed (as in red-headed woodpecker) son had become “increasingly annoying” during recent months. By all accounts, it’s only going to get more annoying still as Mr. Black attempts to contain the damage his metrosexual son has inflicted upon the WN movement. Even at this moment, the Black household is probably being torn apart by burning accusations – between Don Black and his multiculti wife Chloe – who some suspect is the one behind their son’s unconscionable defection to the enemy. Divorce is even now very likely being contemplated by both sides in this fiasco, as the pillars of the Don & Derek Dynasty steadily burns and crumbles.

    Meanwhile, over on HMS Stormfront-Titanic, dopey-headed members like “Mjodr”, “Suepeace”, and “CyanSky”, among many others, continue to bleat like the Stormfront sheep that they are, twisting and squirming every which way they can in a desperate attempt to avoid facing up to the Truth: that Derek Black has basically sh*it over everything they ever believed – and they just can’t handle it. What’s more, they continue to shriek in frothing terror at those WN’s – like myself – who stand tall and brave in the saddle, able to look down on Derek Black as the worthless POS that he is – and call him that.

    For it is during crises like these that the golden wheat of WN is separated from the weak and cowardly chaff among us – those who beg that “it isn’t true!” when it comes to despicable, traitorous dogs like Derek Black…

  38. Jack Ryan, pot meet kettle. You were the one spouting crank ideas like the South and their lax gun laws are responsible for Chicago’s gun problem a while back.

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