About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. As long as it embraced traditionalism and was not oppressive I could live with it, though I do have my preferences. I think it’s far too soon to worry about such things. Building a strong grass roots nationalist movement is the priority at the moment.

  2. As I said in the email exchanges, I dream of being able to live a normal life in a stable, conservative society in a country where I can raise kids and where my descendants will have a future.

    The form of government isn’t an important issue as long as it secures the existence of our people over the long term. I have serious doubts that liberal democracy is compatible with our racial, ethnic, and cultural survival.

    The ideal society would revere its ancestors and would be building toward the future. It wouldn’t be an “experiment” or a utopian “proposition.” It would be the exact opposite of BRA.

  3. The south will never never gain independence until Mexicans fully take over, so the question is not relevant.

  4. I’d say a modified version of the government adopted by the early American Republic, but without the egalitarian elements. We should limit the franchise based on criteria such as education, probity, service to the nation, or other factors that show the person merits a voice in running things. We should retain the Bill of Rights with one exception to the free speech principle: promoting “equality” will be a crime punishable by death.

    • Re: Lew

      The franchise was originally restricted to a narrow swath of White male property owners. Who is to say that a republic just wouldn’t unwind all over again?

  5. HW writes: ‘My own preference is a monarchy – depoliticize the masses, and base power on a quality rather than a numerical formula and liberal abstractions.’

    That is my own preference, but as I mentioned, this discussion is premature by a long shot. Right now the focus should be on building a strong, grass roots movement behind a few, simple points of agreement.

  6. There was never anything wrong with the system we have now. Even today, it is still the functional and successful system of government the world has ever seen. The problem is, that it was not intended to be shared with non-whites. Remove the non-white and Jewish presence, and everything would be fine.

  7. As with your defection story, monarchies often fail due to the poor decisions of the founder’s offspring – a regression towards the mean effect. Peter the Great was among the best of Russian monarchs. His son, however, was vastly inferior.

    Throughout human political evolution, a continual process of attempting to design the best form of government for man has occurred. Unfortunately, we’ve now gone through most of the possible combinations only to find that all have some deficiency or another – democracy does not last and leads to tyranny, monarchy does well for a while, then regresses towards the mean.

    Perhaps something new is required. Instead of trying to find a government worthy of the people, maybe we should find a people worthy of their government. I know how that sounds, but I will explain.

    Japan and China are ethnically similar. However, they both have very different forms of government that both achieve what you desire: a government dedicated to preserving and advancing their native ethnicity. The liberal death cult is not present in either country despite Japan being more democratic than the United States. Reason: South East Asians are naturally more conservative and more nationalist than your average European (something that I’ve personally witnessed on many occasions).

    SE Asians are a worthy people who could easily prosper in the types of governments we in the west have now. Japan does well with democracy because Japan is filled with Japanese. China does well with authoritarianism because it is filled with over a billion Han Chinese.

    The solution is to build a better people. It has been known for quite some time that traits as common as religious fervor to cognitive ability and personality type are substantially genetic in origin (80% of your cognitive ability is purely genetic by the time you reach your 50s).

    Recently, scientists have announced that they are closing in on the genetic underpinnings of conservative vs. liberal mindsets (it probably has something to do with cortisol levels). Why not use this information to our advantage?

    Even within the most liberal European countries, there are millions of very conservative and/or very religious white Caucasians. Imagine, using a psychological and genetic screening process to select and encourage (through tax breaks, free education, etc) the immigration of those individuals to our country to replace DWL defects, illegals, and others as they emigrate to California?

    As Europe becomes ever more totalitarian due to the very public disproving of egalitarianism, it will become ever easier to encourage these people to emigrate out of those repressive countries to yours, where European people and culture are celebrated.

    Since those traits (religiousity, groupism, nationalism, etc.) are all likely heritable to some degree, it will be possible to build, through immigration, a naturally conservative population that could succeed under any form of government – democratic or not.

    I might suggest the following form of government: a shared monarchy (9 individuals) with a republican counterbalance (legislature and weak executive) and a society built upon a common ethnicity and ideology clearly enshrined in a very thoroughly-written constitution not up for re-interpretation by the courts (all of which will be publicly elected and subject to term limits).

    I might also suggest starting a new project: writing a new constitution. This could give people something to point to as a clear goal of secession. You could take polls and suggestions for this constitution section by section and post the document as a work in progress.

  8. “Remove the non-white and Jewish presence, and everything would be fine.”

    The only problem being that they do not wish to be removed and Caucasians do not seem to have the courage to do so. Perhaps, it is the white population that is at fault and not just the government. SE Asians do not have any qualms about discouraging immigration from those types….and China does quite well without democracy. China with have an economy 3x the size of the American one in 2040.

  9. The original success of the early Roman Republic and the United States was to restrict the franchise to those with a stake in the system succeeding (i.e. property owners). Giving everyone the vote has allowed the mob to vote itself a raise from the public treasury and cults of personality to get themselves voted into positions of power.

    I am also partial to the idea that to also in order to qualify for full citizenship, you must bear arms in its defense. The original Roman Legions were raised from the Roman Citizenry. Such a system was proposed by Heinlein in his literary works: Citizenship requires a period of military service (or an alternative for those who cannot serve due to physical issues).

    What I don’t want to see is a restricted franchise leading to a cabal of ‘ruling elites’, which is just a form of soft tyranny. Any system good system should allow a man no matter how impoverished or chaotic his origins to obtain wealth, security, and the vote via intelligence and hard work.

  10. Southern Nationalists should consider the merits of sortition as part of a mixed constitution.

    1) The Monarch is the constitutional head of state selected by birth to represent the unborn and take a long-term view of the Nation. He has the right to nominate ministers of state subject to approval of the Bicameral parliament.

    2) The House of Lords or Senate is the advocacy house made up of expert advocates whose members are appointed for life to introduce and deliberate on bills introduced either by ministers of state, individual members of the House of Lords, and public petition.

    3) The House of Commons or Congress is a genuine representative sample of the people, selected by lottery who listen to the deliberation of advocates and then by secret ballot vote for or against the law or motion in question. After every law the assembly is dissolved and a new assembly selected by sortition.


  11. “That is my own preference, but as I mentioned, this discussion is premature by a long shot.”

    Hunter is just indulging his fantasies here, as he is wont to. It’s his blog so he can do as he pleases.

    A better idea than simply stating what one’s preference is, however, would be to sketch out the steps by which society might evolve to the point where that preference could actually be realized. That preference is today an impossibility. A future in which it is not impossible can be imagined. What social and cultural changes would necessarily have to occur between today and that future point before that preference could be implemented? How might those changes be brought about? The benefit of this thought exercise is that it forms a connection between the desired future and the present state of affairs and thus suggests a possible way forward.

  12. 313 area code- you haven’t read the analysis by Ted Weiland about the pagan nature of the Constitution that he’s recently written, or you could never say that as a “Christian.”

    HW – I’m all for a limited monarchy, with some stipulations- only white, male, literate land owners can vote, for it is they who care for the race, as well as the nation.

    Also, it MUST be a genetic heredity basis for citizenship, with DNA swabs taken to weed out the imposters, from the truly racially pure, as God’s Word commands, in the Deuteronomic Code, as well as in the books of Ezra & Nehemiah.

    Some absolutely primary thoughts that must be worked through, before any true homeland can be implemented.

  13. Since we are just having a fun discussion, I like the idea of a benevolent monarchy, if you can ensure the King doesn’t go power mad. Lords and royal families don’t plan for the next election, they think in terms of hundreds of years, so they are more likely to think about the long term consequences of bad policy, I would hope.

    As I remember they had a good feudal lord on Sark Island, up until recently. I don’t know if the greedy Barclay twins have managed to get rid of him yet and introduce democracy. The population certainly didn’t want their lord to go, as it meant commercial interests would ruin the island forever. Stark was still pristine and the population 100% White and happy as of 5 years ago.

  14. Quantity see short term. Therefore is selfish, hence Democracy..Quality sees long term and knows what best for his flock.

  15. “There was never anything wrong with the system we have now.”

    ??? The entire population reduced to wage slavery at best, the complete debasement of our currency. Over a century of unnecessary and financially ruinous foreign wars. The suspension of habeas corpus. Confiscatory taxation of ordinary workers. The elimination of state’s rights. Corporate control of the media and political system. Open borders which have resulted in 40 years of wage stagnation. Unprecedented white adult unemployment. Fiscal bankruptcy. The destruction of our manufacturing base. The elimination of the 4th Amendment. The elimination of protection from double jeopardy. An education system which teaches Whites to hate themselves. Etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum…

    And you are the idiot who thought a vote for Romney would stem the tide.

  16. Fr. John+, if you want to engage me personally, then leave your baiting remarks on my blog and I’ll respond without holding back. I’m done flaming here.


    As for these mentions about monarchy, my opinion is that the white race simply outgrew the tradition of kings & queens 237 years ago, and there’s no going back. We outgrew the silly notion of “God”, despite the handful of drooling, urine-soaked tub-thumpers who desperately cling to the contrary, and it’s possible that we’ve outgrown the idea of centralized government itself. I like the system we have in America, warts and all, but I’m not a fool and I know it won’t stand indefinitely. White people need to examine how much we’ve really changed since the time of God & King, before we start longing for things that are so far removed from what we are here and now.

  17. Recent downfall of 1933 Germany. only because the athoritarian regime din’t allowed Democracy because it was vulnerable within and from outside influnce.NSDAP established a cadre of quality people. And the SS guard of i mil loyal to its founding stock.

  18. @313chris

    “There was never anything wrong with the system we have now…Remove the non-white and Jewish presence, and everything would be fine.”

    I mostly agree but if you look at how Jews compromised the system in the same way as a security company paying hackers to trash their system i think you can see some of the weak points in the constitution. I’d say they were

    1) not enough control of the judicial branch (federal judges needed to be elected)
    2) effect of mass media (as it’s effectively the 4th branch of govt)
    3) critical importance of the banking system and who controls the money supply

    On top of that i’d suggest
    1. DNA based citizenship
    2. The possibility that North America is physically too big for a single federal govt to not get over-powerful over time unless preventive measures are much stronger.

    The other thing is the “best” system may not exist i.e. the best system for one population may be different to the best system for another.

  19. Monarchy, with a landed nobility influental in local affairs. As for the rulers, best to select from among heroes of the movement. At the present time, Matt Heimbach should be in the running for Dixie (along with James Edwards), and clearly Covington for any other ethnostate, or if he is found too loathesome, then Kyle Bristow.

    A Christian king would be the best symbol against modernity and the liberal “human rights” (suppressed giggle) regime, but any authoritarian government would do, and would do well to emulate Putin’s Russia and Lukashenko’s Belarus to the highest degree possible.

  20. Monarchy seems fine, if they are in the same ethnic group, (rather than ruled over by foreign monarch).

    The american system was really great, imo—- but due to aggressive immigration, from the melting pot on, and increasing centralized power, the average person is left very voiceless, while simultaneously trying to pay lip service to “being free.” Psychologically, that would seem an increasingly difficult system. “Cognitive Dissonance” shouldn’t need to be a part of popular parlance

  21. “As for the rulers, best to select from among heroes of the movement.”

    The “movement” hasn’t had any “heroes” since WWII besides Robert Matthews, David Lane, and Timothy McVeigh.

    What it has had are some inspirational intellectual leaders like George Lincoln Rockwell, William Pierce, Kevin MacDonald and a few others. Matt Heimbach still has a long way to go to be in that league.

  22. WN has intellectuals that write essays and educate people about Jooz and other minutiae, but these men are not leaders.

    Those that can convince others to do things that get real world results, that actually advance our interests, are what leaders are made of. WN has few people like that.

  23. Jewdel writes:

    “The ‘movement’ hasn’t had any “heroes” since WWII beside Robert Matthews, David Lane, and Timothy McVeigh.

    – David Lane, the pedophile pervert who sexually propositioned April Gaede’s teenage daughters over the phone, and murdered an unarmed man in his own driveway without the slightest provocation. Big fucking hero. And I PISS on “the 14 words”. Robert Matthews, the lowlife who robbed banks and committed burglaries and outright STOLE from people who actually worked for a living, so he could support that disgusting old freak William Pierce. Fuck Robert Matthews. And then there’s Timothy McVeigh, the pencil-necked coward who murdered 168 innocent people in the name of avenging Fr. John+’s predecessor, David Koresh.

    You sure know how to pick ’em, Jewdel. Than again, you were a Harold Covington supporter for a little while, so I shouldn’t be surprised

  24. Regarding the Curse of white civilisation through millennia, MONARCHISM — the evident preference of Hunter (who wrote, above: “My own preference is a monarchy – depoliticize the masses”) and of Palmetto, LongLiveDixie and many others here:

    “And Samuel said to the people: ‘YE SAID UNTO ME, NAY, BUT A KING SHALL REIGN OVER US, when the LORD your God was your king (…) your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king (…) And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD will not hear you in that day.’ ”

    “And all the people said unto Samuel, ‘Pray for thy servants unto the LORD thy God, that we die not: for we have added unto all our sins this evil, to ask us a king.’ ”

    “And the LORD said unto Samuel (…) they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.”

    There is ONE King, Jesus.

  25. “you were a Harold Covington supporter for a little while”

    ORLY? I’ve never met the man nor any of his alleged associates. I did make one or two posts on one of his blogs. I moved to the Northwest 20 years before Covington did.

    I’m glad Matthews put that money to good use by funding the National Alliance. Quit bellyaching about OKC and worry more about the feds. There is a shit-storm coming when the country goes bankrupt that is going to make 168 dead seem like nothing.

  26. Expect that the other great Curse of white civilization, the heretical, universalist denomination of Rome, is likely to come to rule with the Southron Monarchy. “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

  27. “Depoliticize the masses”

    Thomas Jefferson rolls over in his grave as southern white people embrace inequality and the despotism of the global elite.


  28. “th” has no significance, a typing error

    No one has said that even a Christian king will not fill the need for a Christian people. Confession BEFORE secession, no true independence without repentance.

  29. I am a Carlist and a monarchist, and so my ideal state would be explicitly Catholic, authoritarian, regionalist, and Distributist. However, there is no tradition of Catholic monarchist government in Texas or in the South, with the exception of Louisiana, and I fear that the average citizen of these new states, few of whom have any idea what life in an integral, organic, and truly traditional Christian society is like (e.g., the readers of this blog), would chafe under such a foreign social order.

    And so I might recommend the following types of government for the post-BRA era:

    For Dixie: I would not have a unified national government for the South. I favor rather a confederation of sovereign states, each with its own government (of whatever sort), with the confederation responsible solely for the administration of foreign relations, military defense, and cross-border trade.

    For Texas: a limited republic with a weak central government, with franchise strictly limited to property-owning European-American males.

    For Louisiana: restoration of the former regime (the Kingdom of France) and borders prior to 1763. Louis XX is young and might make an excellent king.

    For that matter, the truly conservative thing to do would be to simply erase all the Revolutionary nonsense and hand North America back to the people it was stolen from — England, France, Spain, Sweden, etc. Much of Texas was nicked from the Mexican Empire, which was itself taken by force from the Spanish Empire. We could give it back and revive New Spain, Likewise, the rest of Texas was pilfered from Louisiana. Restore it to the French and bring back Louisiana and the rest of Nouvelle France.

    Of course, we’d have to have traditionalist regimes in place in England, France, and Spain (etc.) for that to work. Until the French and the rest throw out their own Revolutionaries and restore their countries to their traditional regimes, there wouldn’t be much point in giving anything back to them.

    I suspect that any post-BRA regime will arise organically, the same way that nations have traditionally arisen: a warlord will arise, rally the people, and drive out the invaders. The warlord’s companions will acclaim him King. The King will then enoble his companions and give them territory and property as a reward for their loyalty, creating an aristocracy around which society will be restored.

  30. “Thomas Jefferson rolls over in his grave as southern white people embrace inequality and the despotism of the global elite.”

    Thomas Jefferson was a paradigmatic member of the global elite of his day: the nascent Grande Bourgeoisie and a life long slave owner to boot.

  31. ‘Expect that the other great Curse of white civilization, the heretical, universalist denomination of Rome, is likely to come to rule with the Southron Monarchy. “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”’

    Get a grip Mosin. The Reformation was over hundreds of years ago and now thanks in no small part to said same which spawned the Enlightenment, God is Dead.

  32. A true federal (in the classical sense synonymous with confederacy) republic with suffrage restricted to land owning men of 30+ years of age, military service, in good standing, and lineage back 3 generations on both sides–same for holding any office. National senators appointed by State legislaures and recallable by the governor of the state. All judges elected and States judiciaries have power over all cases short of impeachment, international and interstate trade, etc.

  33. Regarding the banking system, it must be public, in other words, we print our own money backed by real assets and use it at zero interest.

  34. @Shibes Meadow a.k.a. Robert Oculus III

    – Hey, why stop there? How ’bout we restore Droit du seigneur while we’re at it? In fact, I motion that your teenage daughters go first. Whatcha think?

  35. Chess Master nailed it:

    “Instead of trying to find a government worthy of the people, maybe we should find a people worthy of their government.”

    Any system of government that Dixie or a White ethnostate(s) devises is irrelevant if the people are corrupted beyond redemption. Monarchy, liberal democracy, Republicanism…none of it works if our people are immoral, self-hating, materialistic, etc. etc. etc. So yes, the top priority is separating the sheep from the goats and the men from the boys. I really like Chess Master’s suggestions, with one catch: Instead of using his proposed screening processes to attract desirable White immigrants, we should apply that to the American population so we can find out who the normal Whites are and who the bums are. (I suspect the Northeast won’t be happy with the results, but sucks to be them)

    After the “People Question” has been solved, then a sustainable form of government will evolve organically. As much as I like the idea of a monarchy, I don’t think most Whites on the North American continent (Southern or non-Southern) would choose a King or an Aristocracy for themselves – at least not one that’s determined by blood and lineage. It just takes one bad offspring to throw the entire system off balance. The key principle here is localism – and not “localism” in a “central vs. decentralized” sense. I don’t have a problem with a strong central government that advances its people forward. By “localism” I mean a nation where it is illegal for a given community (city, town, village, etc) to have a population larger than 50,000. I am convinced that urbanism and cosmopolitanism are great curses upon the White race. There’s not a single urban city in America where the majority of White people are authentically traditionalist. By contrast, there are tens of thousands of rural areas, small towns and suburbs where the overwhelming majority are traditional, family oriented Whites (most of them Christian). Any system of government must maintain the supremacy of these local communities and must prevent urban cities from dominating. To the extent that cities with skyscrapers exist, they should have literally no say in government. It should be a commercial district only – some place where you can watch a ball game or participate in a parade or watch the Russian Ballet or whatever.

    Quality White people + localism. That’s what any sustainable government must be based around. For the most part, government doesn’t create its people. People create their government.

  36. Mosin,

    1. Jefferson envisioned Amurrica as an “Empire of Liberty.” The neocons would later take Jefferson’s morally bankrupt vision to its logical conclusion.

    2. We hold these truths to be self-evident: That inequality is the NATURAL state of the human condition. Inequality is a moral good. Equality is a moral evil.

    3. Amurrica IS despotism. It’s history is one long series of despotic victories after another. It was born to fail.

    Dissolve the Union

  37. I dunno. What color should unicorn should I buy from Petsmart? If a white ethnostate ever became a reality I would say a military dictatorship would be wise in order to fend off attacks from the 97% of humanity whose sole purpose in life would be to crush the fictional nation.

  38. Mosin- yes, Saul was not the king YHWH wanted…. But then again, David was that sort of king, and JC is both his antecedent, and heir. Sounds like God IS a monarchist, Samuel and Saul notwithstanding….

    313. I wouldn’t demean myself by commenting on your blog. A battle of wits with an unarmed man ,and all that…

  39. Switzerland’s form of direct democracy is not only the best existing political system on Earth, but it also has the greatest appeal to people everywhere looking to change their own political arrangements.

    Switzerland’s voting system is unique among modern democratic nations in that Switzerland practices direct democracy (also called half-direct democracy), in which any citizen may challenge any law approved by the parliament or, at any time, propose a modification of the federal Constitution. In addition, in most cantons all votes are cast using paper ballots that are manually counted.


    As for these mentions about monarchy, my opinion is that the white race simply outgrew the tradition of kings & queens 237 years ago, and there’s no going back.

    I agree that for Americans there’s no going back, and no form of neo-monarchical government will ever be accepted in any part of the US (with the possible exception of Hawaii), but that’s not true for the white race as a whole. In Europe, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain are all constitutional monarchies, as are Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So that’s 220 million mostly white people still happily living under kings and queens today.

  40. ” The ideal society (…) wouldn’t be an ‘experiment’. ”

    Hunter, you might misunderstand their use of the term “experiment” (in the sense of “experimental religion” in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries) — which did not mean a test or trial of uncertain outcome, but the “experience” of what is already known for certain. The early Welsh and English Friends and German Anabaptists who settled Pennsylvania (who sometimes shared the same meetinghouses) were concerned with “living out”, “perfecting”, obeying, practicing, realising — experiencing — the Gospel in their own lives, and as communities. Unlike slave-based cultural colonists, they were not concerned with “creating immense wealth” or gaining power, or self-display, but considered themselves “pilgrims and strangers” working out their salvation, preparing to enter “a better country” beyond temporal existence.

  41. The EXPERIMENTAL idea that dissolving the Union and dethroning the POTUS would result in the natural goodness of the southern people creating a paradise reminds me of some earlier, failed experimental ideas: that the natural goodness of the French common people, and of the Russian proletariat, would create their own paradises when their hindering governments were dissolved. Secede now, analyse later? Dissolve the Union, and goodness will follow? Not necessarily. Secession, separation, from the evil is good and crucially important, but do you know what are you seceding into?

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