Jack Hunter Resigns

District of Corruption

It’s over … the American Avenger has quit, but not before humiliating himself:

Note: Michael Hill said over a week ago here that it is no longer possible to be pro-White, pro-Southern, pro-Christian and a Republican.

“Jack Hunter, the aide to Sen. Rand Paul who made headlines as the former “Southern Avenger” radio host, has left Paul’s office to resume his career as a political pundit, the senator’s communications director confirmed to POLITICO Monday.

Earlier this month, Hunter came under scrutiny for controversial comments he made about President Abraham Lincoln, Southern secession and Spanish-speaking immigrants. …

“I abhor racism and I have never advocated anything other than equal protection under the law for all people,” his statement read.”

He plans to return to punditry to prove he is not a racist. He has also retired the “Southern Avenger” because he has now been “so mischaracterized.”

“Hunter told The Daily Caller News Foundation that he wanted to avoid being a distraction for Paul and to clear his own name, which he argues is now unfairly associated with racism.

A senior Paul aide confirmed Hunter’s departure.

“I’ve long been a conservative, and years ago, a much more politically incorrect (and campy) one,” Hunter said in an email. “But there’s a significant difference between being politically incorrect and racist. I’ve also become far more libertarian over the years, a philosophy that encourages a more tolerant worldview, through the lens of which I now look back on some of my older comments with embarrassment.”

Update: Jack Hunter quit because they continued to follow his paper trail:

“In the days leading up to Hunter’s resignation, the Free Beacon had been reaching out to sources regarding previously unreported radio recordings in which Hunter called Abraham Lincoln “the American Hitler,” joked that he would like to see the president of the NAACP tied to a tree and whipped, and alleged that black and Hispanic advocacy groups are more loyal to their races than to America.”

I think that’s a great idea. It is sad that anyone who approaches the “mainstream” has to tone it down and become so boring.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We all called it.

    I bet now that he’ll be busy at work deleting all his old “Southern Avenger” youtube videos. Somebody should start mirroring them. Many of them are good.

  2. Sigh

    And race denying Libertarianism lives another day, gets to be included in a small way in the MSM, provided it’s geared to helping poor Blacks – vouchers so they can attend White private schools, terrorize White kids in the private schools, the same as they did in public school.

    White Americans like to get access to TV, like their children to be accepted at Harvard, like to get invited to speak on MLK day…

    Yep, race denying Libertarianism lives another day.

    Maybe Rand Paul will get to run for President of the United States, same as his father…

    Moral of the story:

    Don’t feed the Libertarians. Like Vampires, don’t let them cross your threshold, or….

    They will never leave.

  3. He performs the obligatory bootlicking, and is obligatorily dismissed. The power of prostration is again demonstrated.

    • Yes, I do.

      I would never humiliate myself like that though. He didn’t succeed in changing anything in Washington. The place changed him, not the other way around.

  4. His “resignation” not a matter of if but when. When you turn on your own people to bed down with the enemy you should expect nothing less than being turned on yourself.

    Maybe if he kisses Morris Dees on both cheeks SPLC will bank roll a new radio program, “The Southern Betrayer”. He could have Derek Black or Scott Shepherd as his first guest.

  5. To paraphrase the Earl Butz,

    Three things every Libertarian needs: Loose shoes, tight pussy, and a warm place to shit.

  6. Lesson? If you plan to speak honestly and publicly about race either use a phony name or have a side career that is not public, not political and cannot be discovered.

  7. It’s hard to be a true rebel when you’ve got a mortgage and a lifestyle to maintain.

    Everyone should watch what they become accustomed to, and be prepared to lose it all in an instant, or you’ll find yourself groveling before you know it.

    One should be prepared at all times to go down in a blaze of rhetorical glory, not like a little bitch.

  8. All he had to do is demand evidence they’ve fired people for being Pro Black, Pro Jewish, Pro Mexican, etc. And if that evidence was not forthcoming, he could have denounced them repeatedly, for being anti-White and it would have stuck.

    Instead he did a Paula Deen (I’m not racist!) and was destroyed like all (I’m not racist!) Whites before him.

  9. They’re not done with him yet. They will rake him over the coals for years. And, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy:-)

    This slimeball is nothing but an opportunist.

  10. Its tough to be at the forefront with a family .Paula Deen Jack Hunter and all. Heat turns on. Their first reaction is the well being of his/hers family. This is why Hitler never married and no kids. He set upon a course of no turning back.

  11. Jack Hunter’s comments and remarks reflect the frustrations of white people not just in the South, but in the US. It is time for all white people to speak out about the double standard that exists, and blatant racism against whites in general. Slavery was abolished over a hundred years ago. For over half a century American taxpayers have paid to support, artificially promote and elevate blacks. It time to speak honestly about true equality in this country which unfortunately, does not currently exist. It is past time to eliminate and abolish all laws that favor and promote blacks but denied whites. Affirmative Action and special interest programs in which availability is based on color of skin is blatant discrimination and it will end. For all my parents’ lives, for all my life, and for all my children’s lives, we have been forced to pay for a crime we did not commit. We will end it …for posterity.

  12. I object to Hunter’s grotesque insult to The Furher, with the comparison to the vermin psychopath Lincoln.

    Jack Hunter. Forever a Pussy.

    You’d think it would be utterly obvious that grovelling does NOT work.

  13. It’s difficult to criticize the predictable “I abhor racism” theatrics because almost no one can survive the media feeding frenzy and public condemnation associated with being labeled a “racist”. It would be delightful indeed, if we whites were permitted to publicly demonstrate pride in our race and heritage, with all it’s breathtaking accomplishments and remarkable triumphs, but the simple truth is we cannot do this. Not, that is, without being utterly ruined. It is a foul and grotesque perversion of our civil society that this is a fact of our modern life, but a fact it is.

  14. I’ve also become far more libertarian over the years, a philosophy that encourages a more tolerant worldview

    File this under the “libertarianism is an anti-white philosophy” folder. Jack Ryan has these idiots nailed.

  15. “Is WN really outmoded?”

    The argument isn’t over the WN label in general – just what label people involved in BUGS should use, if any.

  16. “So, he took a job? Do you have one?”

    I do, but all too many Americans don’t, thanks to the mass immigration you support.

    I hope you have fun at your well attended block parties, Metalgear/Iceman, while your people are being destroyed by the high unemployment, declining wages and increasing state/local taxes caused by the mass immigration you support.

    Lloyd Blankfein sends his thanks.

  17. ” It would be delightful indeed, if we whites were permitted to publicly demonstrate pride in our race and heritage, with all it’s breathtaking accomplishments and remarkable triumphs, but the simple truth is we cannot do this.”

    You can’t wait for society to bestow that right on you out of pity. You earn it. Pro White Joe just showed you how right on this thread.

    All he had to do is demand evidence they’ve fired people for being Pro Black, Pro Jewish, Pro Mexican, etc. And if that evidence was not forthcoming, he could have denounced them repeatedly, for being anti-White and it would have stuck.

    If enough people start doing that it’s a game-changer.

  18. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/22/rand-paul-aide-resigns_n_3634390.html

    UPDATE: 11:20 ET– Paul confirmed Monday that he and Hunter came to a “mutual decision” on the staffer’s resignation, telling reporters that he hopes Hunter’s tenure on his congressional staff won’t stand in the way of the senator’s efforts to broaden the Republican Party’s appeal.

    “I think everybody occasionally has people that work for them who sometimes have a background that damages what you’re trying to do,” Paul said. “But I think people can judge me on who I am and what I’m trying to do.”

  19. Have I mentioned a dislike of two faced, Libertarians that have full access to the MSM, run for President of the United States without any chance of winning anything, but hey – they’re on TV, they get to sell their books, bored White people in the sticks can to be part of the campaign, threaten to..

    March on the convention, restore the Constitution.

    Kind of a toss up at this stage for White Majority renegade of the year:

    Lindsey Graham
    Paul Ryan
    Rand Paul…
    (Derek Black)

  20. This is self destruction at work.

    You have to have a case of advanced self hatred to put yourself through this, what makes this so bad is he’s attempting the impossible, to erase his own history as if he can alter the past.

    This boy needs a doctor.

  21. Libertarianism is a great philosophy when placed in racial context, don’t dump baby with bathwater.

  22. The source of the anti-white’s power is fear. They have power only so long as Whites listen to what they say and allow them to define right and wrong. Anti-whites do not forget and they do not forgive except when it suits their purposes. Jack Hunter was more useful as a target than as a convert.

  23. TJ says:
    July 23, 2013 at 3:15 am
    Libertarianism is a great philosophy when placed in racial context, don’t dump baby with bathwater.”

    Jack replies:

    Libertarianism means the death of our people: Whites will suffer the same terrible fate as Whites in Santo Domingo/Haiti, Whites in French Algeria, Whites in Constantinople, Whites in Rhodesia, Whites in Detroit, Whites in Birmingham etc.

    Libertarianism brainwashes Whites (and only Whites go for this cult) to only think and act as individuals, all group interests, collectivist interests are attacked as the worst sin. Lone individual Whites no matter how rich will always lose to groups of Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans etc. large groups of “them” will always defeat lone individual Whites.

    Until Whites begin to think and act as “we/us”, instead of me…..

    ME, ME, ME

    “They” will overwhelm “us”

    Hunter is of course right that “us” has to be unique groups of Whites with a common identity, like Southerners, Frenchmen, Afrikanners, Russians etc.

    Kindness means stop being selfish and helping your own kind.

    14 words.

  24. Jack Ryan, et al.

    This is entirely wrongheaded, libertarianism by itself and at its extreme is definitely hazardous to civilization. However, libertarianism in an ethnic context, under the proper restraints of the group interest, is what the founders created and what I perceive to be ideal. That’s why the founders emphasized Liberty. What you fail to identify is the hijacking of context which has enabled universalists to push libertarianism as another propositional creed.

  25. Pro White Joe- “All he had to do was demand evidence they’ve fired people for being pro-black, pro-jewish, pro-mexican, etc. And if that evidence was not forthcoming, he could have denounced them repeatedly, for being anti-White.”

    Exactly. 100% correct. The guy had done nothing wrong. Nothing. Jack Hunter’s response to the media was Just PATHETIC. He destroyed himself.

  26. TJ has the correct view: “libertarianism in an ethnic context, under the proper restraints of the group interest, is what the founders created and what I perceive to be ideal. That’s why the founders emphasized Liberty. What you fail to identify is the hijacking of context which has enabled universalists”.

    But WHY do they fail to identify? Why do they adore and love despotism, and would rather have death than liberty?

  27. “I think everybody occasionally has people that work for them who sometimes have a background that damages what you’re trying to do,” Paul said. “But I think people can judge me on who I am and what I’m trying to do.”

    You have to be a whore and a liar to succeed in politics?

    Just like his dad just never saw those horrible raycist newsletters that went out under his name.

  28. He was trying too hard to be elected? Even if some of it is Taqqiya, Taqqiya is un-Christian, self-degrading and harmful to the good cause in the long term. If a known, trusted, southern ethnonationalist practices Taqqiya to win a state election would that be acceptable?

  29. “He was trying too hard to be elected?” referred to Ron not Rand, and of course everyone KNOWS he knew about and approved the racialist content.

  30. I have ZERO argument with any of those 3 quotes in the “Update” section of the article.

    Lincoln was an evil person in so many ways (calling him “Hitler” might be a bit over the top, but not by much), agree 1000% about the NAACP President (and I’d like to see Rev. Jesse Jackass, Rev. Al Sharpton, Eric Holder & that fraud presently in the White House tied to that same tree), and he is also right on the mark about the ethnic pressure groups (though I’d add the Muslim groups like CAIR to the list).

    Now if others cannot deal with the truth, that is THEIR problem.

  31. Despotism doesn’t come from the abstract institution of gubiment, it comes from whoever the hell runs it. Government is a tool. It can be used to destroy a people or it can be used to sustain and advance them. Government is like guns: It doesn’t kill people, people kill people.

    Different White ethnic groups will want government to do (or not do) certain things. I have no doubt that an Independent Dixie would have a much smaller government than Yankee Land – at least in terms of the economy. But from a pro-White perspective, it doesn’t make much sense to condemn government itself as a “necessary evil” like that race-traitor Thomas Paine did. (He of the “world is my people” fame).

    In order to Dissolve the Union, I think Whites in this movement need to get over the Framers and the consolidated monstrosity they created in 1787. I see certain Southern Nationalists and White Nationalists alike praise the Framers just like the Tea Party does, and it makes me scratch my head. “All men are created equal” means all men are created equal. Empire of Liberty means Empire of Liberty. Equality? Empire of Liberty? These utopian concepts not only don’t help normal White people anywhere, they HURT White people. BRA is the natural extension of Jefferson’s “self-evident truth that all men are created equal.” I don’t want to hear anymore that he was only referring to Whites, because “Whiteness” doesn’t appear anywhere in the Declaration or Constitution. Nor does Christianity for that matter.

    Dissolving the Union requires rejecting the founding of the United States. Most Southern Nationalists have already figured this out, and increasingly White Nationalists are figuring it out as well. Enough of the eulogizing of the Framers. Their entire experiment was destined to fail from the start. The United States was born to die.

    Dissolve the Union

  32. @more of the same . I know Derek Black and Scott Shepherd, Shepherd was a long time White Nationalist associated with many groups now changed Boy those two are a disgrace to Our movement or traitors I should say!

  33. “Libertarianism means the death of our people”

    I’m sick of the conflating of eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles such as:

    1) the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults,

    2) sound hard money principles instead of fractional reserve banking, and

    3) freedom of association (which was severely damaged by the 1964 Civil Rights Act), with wild statements about unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense espoused by certain “libertarians” over the years.

    Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.

  34. Rudel, until you punish, destroy the careers of insane, traitorous race denying, open border immigration libertarian loons like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Paul Johnson, Paul Ryan, all Libertarans will be tarred with this terrible treasonous cult.

    If Ron Paul supporters had simply gang tackled Ron Paul in 1988 and rubbed his nose in dog poo/piss when Ron Paul was lecturing us that mass low skilled Mexican immigration was really good for America, good for California and any problems associated with this immigration (invasion, conquest) was caused by too much border security and too much government regulation of abor markets (I’ve posted this terrible RP audio tape from 1988) – if Libertarians who claim to be on our side would simply punish the idiot/traitors who continue getting on TV, spreading this poison-

    We wouldn’t be stuck in the Libertarian loon cult.

    But we are, and the dumb goyim White Americans can be counted on to waste their/our time every four years on this race denying, race suicide libertarian cult.

  35. Jack, I’m talking about basic free trade without which civilization could not exist. The first and most successful cities were market towns (Egyptian farmers markets, Babylon, Jericho etc., just as Rotterdam, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Orleans, Hamburg, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, London, and New York City (ad infinitum) are today. I get very nervous when I hear talk of those who would prohibit/restrict free trade.

    I’m a White man from Chicago who is prepared to protect my natural God given freedoms. Bob Taft for President!

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