SPLC on Jack Hunter


SPLC writes:

“Miss Scarlett, the “Southern Avenger” has surrendered. …”

I have to admit that was pretty funny.

It just proves what we have been saying that it is a waste of time to donate, vote, or work for anyone involved with the Republican Party.

Note: In the aftermath of the 2012 election, I think a threshold was crossed in our attitude toward the GOP. With the GOP’s embrace of amnesty for illegal aliens, no one on the “Far Right” can ever have any confidence in them again.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Dangerous conclusions:

    Voting takes about 3 hours a year including registration. Makes a huge difference in the House of Representatives and state and local elections. Makes a huge difference in local primaries. The big wigs boss the marquee elections, thus one could conclude that supporting a GOP fall guy against Hillary in 2016 will be a wasted effort. I’m thinking here of Rand Paul. But local elections are still very important.

    Money is an utter waste on the GOP as the little guy’s money doesn’t amount to squat anyway and a candidate that relies on airway superiority to win doesn’t deserve to win. Better spent on other projects closer to home.

    Working is part of building influence and networking. You may not influence the GOP, but you can spread your views and poach a few folks at the same time.

    Even now the GOP keeps squaking about war in the Middle East and Putin, even though both Muslims and Russians are against the very World Order that presses for dispossession and genocide of the rank-and-file Republican. Wouldn’t it be nice to see a Ron Paul type defeat McCain or Lindsay Graham etc. in a Primary? Or come out in force in November for the other side to unseat those types of folks? Whites can be reached, but not through neo-conservatism.

  2. The fact that we even call ourselves far right, or able to be labeled as such shows the scope of the loss of our political footing. We have no power. In previous times, we were known as “normal” or “moderate”. Now we are relegated to the margins. Native westerners anywhere are so screwed it is beyond comprehension.

  3. @Afterthought
    You really think they will let Hillary run in 2016? I expect the Democrats will demand another diversity.

    As for the Republicans, they will never see the Oval Office again. They have screwed themselves, by cooperating with the anti-Whites.

  4. TJ: correct. And the Marxist rot is very very deep. Within a week I was banned from one of my professions Internet sites for solid, indisputable comments on federalism and States rights. My profession is generally seen as a very conservative one, but not 2 people on the entire forum agreed with me. Brainwashed idiots infected with the herd mentality, who would rather be accepted than be right and prefer equality over truth.

  5. Afterthought dreams:

    “Wouldn’t it be nice to see a Ron Paul type defeat McCain or Lindsay Graham etc. in a Primary”

    Jack replies no it would not. Ron Paul types are a huge embarrassment to our people – whiney old guys without spines or a working penis. Always backing down, pandering, putting out the idea (lots of truth) that our race is old, dying, won’t defend our interests.

    And a Ron Paul type has as much chance of winning some GOP primaries as Ron Paul has of winning the NBA slam dunk competition.

  6. “Ron Paul types are a huge embarrassment to our people”

    Not me. There are plenty of others who are genuine embarrassments, like the rest of white DC.

    “whiney old guys without spines or a working penis”

    Name one in DC, just one, who does have one or both parts? At least Ron Paul spoke the truth about the Fed and the real state of the economy. He also would not support
    amnesty and I heard him say that on the radio myself. Does good old Mitt have either part? Or, does any candidate you have cast your vote for in the past?

    You are so obsessed with attacking Ron Paul. I can understand your criticisms of Rand, but you are cross-eyed when it comes to Ron as well. And, I am not talking libertarianism because I am not crazy about it either. Anyone who likes Ron Paul you label a Libertarian as well. I want a politician to follow the Constitution. He was as good as it will ever get in our lifetimes. Unless, of course, if something drastic happens and I don’t see that. They all suck. And nothing will change. At least there’s some honesty with Ron and I believe he would have had the best interests of the nation at heart. It’s very clear he was not on the take either. If you’re looking for the perfect candidate, you’ll be looking for the rest of your life. If you were willing to settle for someone who would have possibly opened up avenues to achieve what we all want, then Ron Paul may have been our last hope.

  7. Snowhitey whines:

    “Name one in DC, just one, who does have one or both parts? ”

    Jack replies:

    Sure. Jeff Sessions, virtually the entire US Senate from Southern states outside of queer Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul (ok, Tennessee Senators went scalawag ).

    Hey listen, it’s not hard to have a racial soul, some loyalty to our people and some spine and a set of balls to fight for the legitimate rights of our people.

    Ron Paul didn’t/doesn’t have a White racial soul or a spine or a set of balls. The fact that nasty, Pakistani old men are reaping poor awhile English girls grooming than as Muslim sex slaves doesn’t bother him, neither do mobs of Blacks attacking Whites all over the USA, he wants to change the subject and talk about free market economics.

    On the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 Arab Muslim slaughter of our people in our country, Ron Paul can’t find anything positive to say about the 300 Irish American FDNY who were martyred, 300 modern day Spartans, instead he expresses sympathy for the NW Muslim murderers, says it’s because we insulted Saudi Arabia by having US troops near Muslim holy sights.


    This pathetic old man has no loyalty to our people, he is indifferent to whether North America is populated by pur people or by the worst Mestizos, Muslims, Blacks.

    What a terrible traitor, but sadly this is the way it goes for almost all race denying Libertarians.

    If you or anyone you know is in this Libertarian cult, get help, get out.

  8. Jeff Sessions is good but he does not have a spine or a penis. If he did, he would have ordered Capitol police to arrest Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey as traitors. Reporting to entities outside of the U.S., while engaging in foreign affairs on behalf of the U.S. government, is the act of traitors. He also voted for the indefinite detention of Americans citizens under NDAA. I would not call him a people’s candidate or one true to the Constitution. If that’s our best… no wonder we are in such a mess.


    If Ron Paul did anything you mentioned, he would have been marginalized even more and you know it. Just like Joe McCarthy. McCarthy’s doom was not that he wasn’t right about communist infiltration, but because one of his targets asked on live TV “Have you no decency?” Popular opinion turned against him. Aw, the poor commie being treated poorly by that bully, Joe McCarthy. That’s why we are overrun with them now. The stupid American people, that’s why. We fought them over there, so they could run amok over here. Sound familiar?

    Americans have the government they deserve and deserve the government they have.

    I think the release of those “racist” newsletters says more than his silence today.

    Paul’s silence is a reflection of his beliefs that the whole 9/11 thing has a lot more to it than the official story. He doesn’t buy the official story and neither do I. You say you’re not a CT yet you believe in the “theory” that 19 Muslims conspired – and succeeded – in slipping through the cracks of our national defense system.

    The 300 firemen were martyred by people in our government who were warned (and it’s well documented) – or complicit – but did nothing to stop the attacks even after the second plane struct the WTC. It was an official with the FAA, on his own instinct and not on orders from WDC, who grounded every plane that day. Yet, the military escorted Pane Stewart’s small plane – what 1,000+ miles – because of no cockpit response???

    What about all those American soldiers who have been sent overseas to die for “democracy?” A lot of white boys have died for democracy and look where that has taken the rest of us whites? Dwinding demographics and political power at home and abroad. Our government wasn’t even set up as a democracy! We got one now.

    You want to know why I believe the white man deserves to be vilified throughout the entire world while his history is distored with lies and misinformation? Not because he has done most of the things he’s accused of, but because he never questions his orders!

    You’re in denial. I understand. At one point, I was where you are. An illogical loop.

    Do you really think this assault on whites, on our ancestral homelands, and the entire Western World is some simple coincidence? Forget the quickening, the synchronization alone should trigger your primal instinct that it’s no coincidence or mere accident.

    What are you doing about those poor English girls? White people are impotent – at home and abroad. As a racial group, we no longer have power and it’s only going to get worse as time goes on. NOTE: I am not saing there aren’t white people with power. But not as a collective racial group looking out for our own interests as a racial group. We’re not impotent by accident just because we didn’t see it coming. Even our f***ing “leaders” work against our interests. Why are so many white politicians more concerned about other groups’ interests and not the people who mainly put them in office?

  9. Snowhitey wrote: “You are so obsessed with attacking Ron Paul. I can understand your criticisms of Rand, but you are cross-eyed when it comes to Ron as well. And, I am not talking libertarianism because I am not crazy about it either. Anyone who likes Ron Paul you label a Libertarian as well. I want a politician to follow the Constitution.”

    He needs someone to play the role of “The OLD (VERY old!) Believer” ? Or is it because Jack loves the global WAR more than constitutional secession and nullification, the exposure and dethroning of the Bankers, and anything else?

  10. Snowhitey says:
    ‘McCarthy’s doom was not that he wasn’t right about communist infiltration, but because one of his targets asked on live TV “Have you no decency?” Popular opinion turned against him. Aw, the poor commie being treated poorly by that bully, Joe McCarthy. That’s why we are overrun with them now. The stupid American people, that’s why. We fought them over there, so they could run amok over here.’

    That is exactly what happened.

  11. Sam says:
    July 24, 2013 at 3:37 am
    “We fought them over there, so they could run amok over here.”

    The left wing draft dodgers were turning Americans into Commies, while our soldiers were overseas.

  12. “That is very disturbing” referred to the subject of my previous comment, not Sam’s comment. I agree with both Sam’s and Snowhitey’s comments. Due to the long delays caused by moderation it is easy to “talk past”, difficult to carry on discussion.

  13. “He does not have a spine or a penis.”

    Perfect metaphor for the Republican party. If those Northern whites tire of the Dems the Reps will do everything they can to drive them back.

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