Salon: Why The Right Hates Detroit and New Orleans


It sounds like someone has been reading

“Is it pure coincidence that these two landmark cities, known around the world as fountainheads of the most vibrant and creative aspects of American culture, have become our two direst examples of urban failure and collapse? If so, it’s an awfully strange one. I’m tempted to propose a conspiracy theory: As centers of African-American cultural and political power and engines of a worldwide multiracial pop culture that was egalitarian, hedonistic and anti-authoritarian, these cities posed a psychic threat to the most reactionary and racist strains in American life. I mean the strain represented by Tom Buchanan in “The Great Gatsby” (imagine what he’d have to say about New Orleans jazz) or by the slightly more coded racism of Sean Hannity today. As payback for the worldwide revolution symbolized by hot jazz, Smokey Robinson dancin’ to keep from cryin’ and Eminem trading verses with Rihanna, New Orleans and Detroit had to be punished. Specifically, they had to be isolated, impoverished and almost literally destroyed, so they could be held up as examples of what happens when black people are allowed to govern themselves. …”

Note: I learned in Paul Kersey’s book Second City Confidential: The Black Experience in Chicagoland that it is an axiom of liberal society that blacks are not responsible moral agents. Every black failure is reducible to either 1.) White racism or 2.) White people not doing enough for black people.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The gity whose governmental apparatus — I emphasize exclusively, governmental apparatus — I would like to see fail, is New York. The sole but fully sufficient reason for my curse upon the government of New York, is their abrogation of the common citizen’s Right of Arms in the city=person’s means of personal self-protection against interpersonal criminal aggression, the personal handgun.

  2. Robert Pinkerton,

    New York City has already falled, failed at least 2 times, during the Ford Administration with the Federal Government wouldn’t bail out the NCY finances and during the Dinkin Administration when the city went over to Black criminal anarchy, BRA rule/misrule.

    New York City has come back from the ashes to be a prosperous, safe (white) place to live thanks to the White New York City Police Deparment, White mayor Guliani – and Jew Mayor Bloomberg has at least kept the zero tolerance for Black crime policies of the NYPD.

    As for the Right to Bare Arms, other Constitutional “Rights”…. when the population turns to hundreds of thousands of underclass Blacks, Muslim immigrants, 3rd world people of color, my personal experiences is that these sacred Constitutional rights for White Americans of British heritage were never meant for these destructive non Whites. The NYPD has my permission to strop and frisk any Black, Muslim immigrant they want and I don’t give a rat’s as* about what some idiot Ron Paul, Rand Paul blather on about sacred Constitutional Rights etc.

    Being sane, healthy and more than a bit White Racist… well it clears up so many problems, I am rarely if ever in doubt about much of anything.

  3. It’s not just the City of Detroit that’s in decline, it is the entire Detroit metro area. Anyone who lives in that area will be happy to tell you about it. What a mess.

    Notice, that on TV the talking heads give every, and, any reason for the Detroit bankruptcy except Black misbehavior. The Levantines of all descriptions don’t help anything either.

  4. But let’s answer the question: were entities motivated by (white) racism taking action to thwart the success of Detroit or New Orleans?

    The sequence of events as I understand them is white demoralization, black moralization, black violence from rioting to crime, white human and capital flight, economic collapse.

    In the case of New Orleans, we also have Hurricane Katrina which was possible all that was responsible for the damage, though some speculate that the levy was destroyed intentionally.

    All the while the net flow of tax money was into the two cities, from whites, and yet it was still not enough.

    So let us turn our attention to the only things on the list that might be a product of conspiratorial racism: white flight and the destruction of the levies.

    White flight is a at most the effect of private racism. It was never an organized public campaign. White flight is the only weapon our demoralized population has to protect itself. It hearkens back to the flight our ancestors made from the quagmire of Europe to America. Were it not for the anti-federal nature of the Federal Government, white flight would be the only strategy we would need for survival.

    As for the intentional destruction of the levies, that is unsupported.

    Were there monkey-wrenches thrown in the machines of Detroit and New Orleans by white racists that pushed them to collapse? From my vantage point, besides grumbling (but never doing anything) about Federal taxation, whites didn’t do anything but let those cities collapse. Much like South Africa, or Communism.

    I would be open to any evidence that whites pushed NO and Detroit towards collapse by active means, i.e. not white flight. But from my vantage point, those cities collapsed because the typical American Black is a net consumer, not a producer. It couldn’t get much more simple than that.

  5. I was a fan of George Will back then His shtick; John boy from the Walton’s. Traditionalist and self reliant from the feds. Federal intervention on behalf of aa. Genetic issues is that you cannot make a crow into an eagle.

  6. By the way they are talking you’d think we shelled those cities. They are completely deranged.

  7. Bailing out Detroit is like bailing out Haiti or NOLA. In a few years it will all be back to where it is now. Any White and normal person knows this but to say so brands you a “racist”. I’ll bet even these anti-White talking heads know it too but will never say so publicly.

    As USA takes on the aspects more and more of a third world country I believe BRA’s days are numbered.

  8. Haiti is somehow being punished for daring to be black. The precise mechanism of oppression has yet to be pointed out in concrete terms of cause and effect, but Haiti is the white man’s fault.

  9. Jack Ryan, that is a good point about the anti-Black crime policies of the NYC government. I think it shows you can have a multi-racial society that functions to some extent as long as you have a very strong police presence and do not tolerate Third World criminal behaviour. This was the case in the South prior to the 1960s. We had a large Black population but didn’t tolerate the nonsense from them that is now almost encouraged in places like Greensboro, Birmingham, Atlanta, Memphis and so on. A free and open society is just not possible if you have a large Third World population.

  10. “I mean the strain represented by Tom Buchanan in “The Great Gatsby” (imagine what he’d have to say about New Orleans jazz)”

    That moron at Salon ought to actually read the friggin’ book. Tom Buchanan attends parties and dances to jazz tunes actually specified by name in the text.

  11. This Salon tripe sounds like the sort of dialogue Ayn Rand gives her enemies in The Fountainhead. Next to White liberals that guy in Shutter Island looks sane; sadly, he’s the only one who’s getting lobotomized.

  12. Pure insanity.

    Even more insane is that wealthy, sheltered, educated white people read this crap and say, “yup, that’s correct, absolutely.”

    Bitter Eat Pray Love white women eat this shit up like porridge.

  13. Jack Ryan is right here. Though I don’t know how much Ron and Rand Paul have really said about stop question frisk. If you’re going to live in a third world polyglot slop city, you need brutal cops. And third world non whites don’t really have Constitutional rights for the same reason that we dogs don’t have Constitutional rights. When we dogs shit on the rug, you don’t read us Miranda rights and then administer due process of the law, because we don’t understand those things because we aren’t smart enough to invent or understand the underlying doctrines. You rub our noses in the shit turds we dropped then whack us on our asses. Stop question frisk for blacks and Hispanics is sort of like that.

  14. Jack Ryan wrote:

    New York City has come back from the ashes to be a prosperous, safe (white) place to live thanks to the White New York City Police Deparment, White mayor Guliani – and Jew Mayor Bloomberg has at least kept the zero tolerance for Black crime policies of the NYPD….Being sane, healthy and more than a bit White Racist… well it clears up so many problems, I am rarely if ever in doubt about much of anything.

    I respond:

    We should all hope that New Yorkers come to their senses and tell the Oscar Meyer Weiner to take a hike, and tell that lesbian Quinn to take a hike, and vote for the only sane candidate for Mayor who wants to keep SQF intact, Joe Lhota. And you’re right, once you understand race and start thinking racially, a lot of seemingly weird unexplainable mysterious things fall into line and aren’t so weird or unexplainable or mysterious anymore.

    The non-whites among us will either live under the yoke of our own oppression (“-“) or get the hell out of our country and stay out, and go somewhere where they can give themselves all the rights they can dream up and institute. (Which, so far, has amounted to exactly zero).

  15. “The NYPD has my permission to strop and frisk any Black, Muslim immigrant they want and I don’t give a rat’s as* about what some idiot Ron Paul, Rand Paul blather on about sacred Constitutional Rights etc.”

    First of all, let’s hope they’re not citizens.

    One can never accuse Jack Ryan of being inconsistent or intermittant. I sometimes get the impression he is fully engaged in a round-the-clock crusade against the very un-Christian & very un-American libertarian movement as well as the chief pinkos of our time, Ron & Rand Paul. He must be totally exhausted by this truly patriotic endeavor.

    I urge him to take a much needed break. And, there is no better way for a crusader of his kind to re-charge and re-group than by absorbing the contents of any intellectual masterpiece of historical truth and accuracy written by the late, great Eustace Mullins. He may just learn the real threat the Pauls and the Muslims pose for all of us.

  16. OT

    Is anyone else other than me (and I know Jack Ryan is thinking the same way) getting tired of this Kabuki theater that has broken out all of a sudden within the Stupid Party between neo-cons/lamer cons and libertarian-ish types over the NSA and other similar issues?

    Are we not supposed to notice that both the neos and the libers want to swing the borders wide open?

    Besides, I’m starting to think that we’ve been played over this whole NSA deal. I read a story in a mainstream tech blog a few weeks ago that the “massive” NSA data center in Utah won’t be able to store anywhere near the information that some seem to think it will. That said, I’m starting to think that the NSA wants us to think that the NSA is all knowing all seeing all present eye-in-the-sky everywhere as sort of a head fake to deter terrorism. Likewise, city hall promulgates the notion that you can’t beat city hall.

    Whatever the case may be, immigration is far more important an issue, and I don’t care what kind of arguments Krispy Christie and Rand Paul are having with each other, because they’re both on the wrong side of the immigration issue. However, they might both get good seats on Capitol Hill on January 20, 2017 to see and hear the words, “I, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III do solemnly swear…” spoken.

  17. By ignoring and covering up black violent crime the media guaranteed the destruction of Detroit. If you don’t protect your tax base from havign their children mugges, stabbed and raped then Detroit is what you get.

    Also Salon didn’t mention Harlem in its list of black cultural centers. Perhaps because Harlem is currently being cleansed of black people by the sort of people who write for Salon.

  18. Even more insane is that wealthy, sheltered, educated white people read this crap and say, “yup, that’s correct, absolutely.”

    Bitter Eat Pray Love white women eat this shit up like porridge.

    Absolutely correct, which is why DWLs, not blacks, are the real enemy.

    None of should waste time banging on and an against blacks. Blacks are what they are, but there aren’t enough of them to impose anything on anybody. The current regime, which we may safely call Black Run America, is run not by blacks but ostensibly on behalf of blacks by a power elite composed mostly of people who are as white as Christmas snow.

    This is why those people who want a race war — thinking it will mean open season on blacks — are fools. If a race war comes, it won’t be white vs. black. It will be a tiny minority of whites vs. blacks AND the entire federal military. The feds swooped in to fight for poor, dead Trayvon, kilt by a half-white. Does anybody think they won’t come down with both boots on 100% whites if there are ten, a hundred, or a thousand Trayvons?

    Folks, pretty soon it will be illegal for a white person to defend himself against a black under any circumstances. Ponder that while you are stacking up cans of beans and boxes of bullets in your bunkers. Very soon now, you will be left with two choices: go to prison, or let Trayvon kill you.

    See you in Florence.

  19. “the very un-Christian & very un-American libertarian movement”

    There is nothing un-Christian or un-American about honest production and trade and enjoying the fruits of one’s labor. I’m sick of the conflating of eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles such as:

    1) the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults,

    2) sound hard money principles instead of fractional reserve banking, and

    3) freedom of association (which was severely damaged by the 1964 Civil Rights Act),

    with wild statements about unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense espoused by certain “libertarians” over the years.

    Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.

  20. New York’s stop and frisk is designed to harass blacks out of New York. They can get away with it there because there are two million Jews in New York and the Jewish media want blacks out of New York – especially Manhattan – and have been covering it up.

    The crime cleansed from New York doesn’t disappear. It gets section-8ed to white suburbs outside of New York instead and if the people there complain about it the same New York media beat them down for racism.

    This is the same New York media who’ve spent a year trying to incite racial violence against white people in the Zimmerman case over a hispanic man profiling a black man.

    Again, the New York Jewish media have over the last year got some unknown number of completely innocent white children attacked and killed over a case where one hispanic man profiled one black teenager and over that same period the New York media will have covered up *thousands* of cases of racial profiling in pursuit of their aim of ethnically cleansing Manhattan of black people. Not only is it the most incredible and blatant hypocrisy it’s got lots of white people attacked and killed. It amazes me that WNs can praise it.

    Stop & Frisk for everyone in the country fine but Stop & Frisk just for New York Jews and nobody else?

  21. @test
    As the Buddhists say, they are racking up a lot of bad Karma. When the rubber band snaps back on them, its gonna hurt real bad.

  22. @ Jack Ryan’s, “New York City has come back from the ashes to be a prosperous, safe (white) place to live thanks to the White New York City Police Deparment, White mayor Guliani – and Jew Mayor Bloomberg has at least kept the zero tolerance for Black crime policies of the NYPD….”

    What on earth? I don’t even know many white people who will bother to go there for MUSEUMS or opera, etc., any longer. DROVES of even the “native new yorkers” (first-second generation people) have fled there in the past ten years (many to the “new south” by the tens of thousands).

    This is an example of “slow dumbing down.” Yes, it might be better than under Dinkins (or the hellhole of Koch) but many decent people have no desire to go there (nor do their want to socialize with people who were born-bred in that kind of atmosphere)

    HALF THE POPULATION does not even speak english at home. The Generational American population there is THREE PERCENT, (wasps). The whites are majority catholic but even that, only about 30%.

    It’s a TOTALLY ALIEN experience for many americans. Even at its most shining, it’s still an example of why Generational Americans want TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY.

  23. Oh wait, maybe I misread something or didn’t realize comments were ironic. Maybe I need more coffee.

  24. Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.

    Libertarian or not, the Confederate Constitution seriously erred in being almost an identical copy of the US Constitution which itself was a product of the radical liberalism of the 18th century.

  25. @Rudel

    Much of what you said was valid, but “… freely entered upon by consenting adults” is a phrase that has got to leave our lexicon. Whenever someone says that, they are up to no good and trying to legitimize an evil with a spurious abstraction. If an activity, economic or otherwise, is harming the body-politic, it is government’s responsibility to prohibit it, whether it is performed under contract between “free” adults or not.

    Always remember, take out the completely arbitrary “adults,” and there you have the justification for child pornography that will be used by liberals in ten or twenty years.

  26. I’m not much of a George Will fan but the clip about Detroit’s woes was interesting. The half-Jewess Katrina Vanden Heuvel looked livid when he started rattling off the intellectual achievements of the Detroit herd.

  27. :If an activity, economic or otherwise, is harming the body-politic, it is government’s responsibility to prohibit it”

    And who is to say what is “harming the body politic?” That kind of thinking under FDR had the feds pouring hundreds of thousands of gallons of absolutely good milk down the drain while people were starving. Free markets are on of our most precious birthrights as Europeans.

  28. No, I want to correct that. Free markets are on of our most precious birthrights as human beings (think of the ubiquity of farmer’s markets.)

    It’s part of the Natural Law that we all end up having to adhere to one way or another.

  29. I learned in Paul Kersey’s book … that it is an axiom of liberal society that blacks are not responsible moral agents.

    Kersey’s axiom that “BRA” is run by “white liberals” implies that he doesn’t regard jews as “responsible moral agents”.

    There’s a good chance Kersey picked up this “liberal” version of moral agency during his correspondence with Lawrence Auster, who described it this way in October 2009:

    In the liberal script there are three classes of characters: (1) the bigoted whites who oppress and exclude nonwhites and non-Westerners; (2) the enlightened whites who combat the bigoted whites and include nonwhites and non-Westerners; and (3) the nonwhites and non-Westerners. In this script, the only moral agents are the bigoted whites, who are morally evil, and the enlightened whites, who are morally good. The non-Westerners and minorities are not moral agents; they exist only to be the victims of the bigoted whites or the beneficiaries of the liberal whites. It is impossible for the liberal whites to conceive of nonwhites or non-Westerners as a threat, because they don’t see them as moral agents.

    It’s the script for Auster’s so-called First Law of Majority/Minority Relations in Liberal Society, but it all has more to do with jews than “liberals”. Anyone can say whatever nasty nonsense they want about “liberals”, especially if they specify “white”. Nobody gets censored or censured in “liberal” society for that. If instead you vex the jews then even supposed anti-“liberal” poseurs like Auster start acting out the supposed “liberal” script, and do so exactly because it is in fact a jewish script.

  30. The “liberal” article actually described the issue accurately, even as O’Hehir tried to deny it. Detroit is an example of what happens when black people are allowed to govern. Misidentifying that denial as “liberal” is itself a form of the same kind of denial. Both are examples of what happens when you allow your thoughts and words to be governed by jews.

  31. I agree with Rudel. Our ancestors waged for against the mother country for the purpose of liberty. We didn’t spend our blood and treasure to replace one tyrant with another. I am not in favor of anything remotely resembling an authoritarian state. The people (and I’m talking about native white Americans) can be trusted to govern themselves. Government must be kept at gunpoint, or they will turn it on you.

  32. Absolutely right, TJ.

    “NYC… ‘a safe prosperous white city.’ hmm” Dixiegirl’s comments, long or short, are always commonsensical and worth reading.

  33. Sessions hit that one out of the park.

    My favorite line, sticks it to the northeast GOP elites and Obama’s phony populism at the same time:

    Sessions, the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, advises his fellow Republicans to adopt a “humble and honest populism.”

  34. TJ,

    “Our ancestors waged for against the mother country for the purpose of liberty.”

    I suppose if you can trace your ancestry back to the native British of the 1770s, this would be a true statement. But the colonial founding stock has long since been diluted and swamped by massive immigration from White ethnics in the 1800s and early 1900s. The far majority of White Americans have no colonial ancestry whatsoever. Just like it is true that you can’t replace 10 million Whites with 10 million Mexicans and expect the culture to stay the same, you also can’t replace 10 million Brits with 10 million non-Brits and expect the culture to stay the same. Massive European immigration fundamentally changed the United States forever, and there’s no going back. Individualism, limited government, personal liberty, etc. are really more Anglo ideals than they are White ideals. Amurrica is not an Anglo-Saxon nation and hasn’t been one for well over 100 years now. Most White people, particularly Northerners, simply don’t identify at all with the founding stock or their values. And why should we? They aren’t OUR ancestors, and their values are questionable at best and self-destructive at worst. “All men are created equal.” Um, no thanks (see Detroit)

    “We didn’t spend our blood and treasure to replace one tyrant with another.”

    A tyrant is only a tyrant when he uses his power to harm our people. A tyrant is not a tyrant by virtue of his position as a king or aristocrat. This is not to say that absolute power doesn’t corrupt, but even within this Movement, Whites have long lost sight of what “tyranny” and “despotism” really mean. We all instinctively associate tyranny with “big government,” thus falsely implying that “big government” (whatever that means) is inherently a bad thing, and that tyranny is something that can be controlled or contained by the “rule of law.” This is all hogwash. White people worldwide are being demographically displaced and are facing extermination because:

    1. Inherently hostile people run those nations

    2. There are too many good Whites who do nothing about it

    3. There are too many bad Whites who, for one reason or another, ally with the hostile people.

    There’s no castle that can’t be burned down. No ship that can’t be sunk. No fortress that can’t be penetrated. Let me be more blunt: There is no system of government that can’t be utterly corrupted, and other than the government-run economy in North Korea, there is no system of government that is inherently despotic and self-destructive.

    ” I am not in favor of anything remotely resembling an authoritarian state.”

    Russia was the most authoritarian state in all of Europe during the 300 yearn reign of the Czars. Yet the Russian peasants had more freedom in terms of gun ownership, free speech, etc. than any other European nation. Russian peasants were healthy self-sufficient farmers, and the only thing they couldn’t do was vote or “have a say” in government. Contrary to popular consensus, authoritarianism is not the antithesis of freedom. More often then not, authoritarianism prevents freedom from devolving into freeDUMB like it did in Amurrica. Authoritarianism allows for a healthy dose of freedom while preventing so-called “consenting adults” from harming the general welfare of society.

    “The people (and I’m talking about native white Americans) can be trusted to govern themselves”

    I disagree. “We the people” governed ourselves into egalitarianism and other satanic garbage. As Mencken observed back on July 26, 1920:

    [i]We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.[/i]

    It’s time to abandon this catastrophically failed experiment in “liberty and equality.” It’s time to Dissolve the Union.

  35. Well said, Mr. Poole.

    A liberal is nothing else but a person who holds individual liberty to be the greatest good. Any person who holds this position has no business calling himself a conservative, a traditionalist, or a Rightist. He or she is a liberal.

  36. I was reminded, rudely and quite directly, why the right actually hates Detroit, New Orleans, and the rest of the filthy impoverished cities “governed” and populated by the phukking urban yard apes. Circumstances had me driving through N.E. Washington, D.C., today with my wife and daughter (by the way, n.e. is not the worst part of d.c., s.e. is), and I became quietly enraged. I literally was forced to keep a constant vigil of my surroundings, and was especially aware, at the stop lights, not to pull up too close to the car in front of me, so as not to be trapped in the event of a chimp-out or flash mob assault. This was real. That I, as a peaceful and law abiding citizen, had to endure this threat in my own country filled me with disgust and anger. And that is why the right hates Detroit.

  37. @ Dan Poole:

    “Let me be more blunt: There is no system of government that can’t be utterly corrupted, and other than the government-run economy in North Korea, there is no system of government that is inherently despotic and self-destructive.”

    I agree, so I don’t see that getting rid of all popular elections will fix anything.
    I believe Machiavelli was right when he wrote that the only sound basis for a republic is good laws. I think that includes good moral laws as adhered to by the people.
    I also believe Sam Adams was right when he said our constitution was only workable as long as the population were moral.

    As I see it we have two basic problems, we are near the bottom of cycle of general moral corruption. Cycles of corruption and virtue seem to be the human norm.
    The other problem is we brought a hostile nation of Jews to live among us 130 years ago.
    Having stated the two basic problems, the only reason we still have the right to bear arms and the legal right to deny the holocaust, unlike Europeans, is that ten generations of white Americans have been raised in the belief in the Bill of Rights. That dedication to the Bill of Rights is the remnant of what Machiavelli called Good Laws.
    And as to the Jewish question, so as not to upset the poster on CC who thinks we obsess about Jews, we should simply re-educate them. That is what we learned in 1945. It is possible to re-habilitate a nation of bandits into reasonable human beings.
    We will need to put the Jewish nation among us through a de-Zionization program the same way we put the Germans through a de-Nazification program.

  38. I’m just wondering if the blacks & whites are thinking racist when they are in bed with each other? I’m very curious to know. Because this black & white thing is here to stay. We just seem to continue to be on opposite sides. But yet you join together to for sex & making babies. I don’t understand. Do you want to love or hate? Maybe its both. Maybe that’s how people just get their rocks off today. But anyway I pray for us all. God bless

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