It’s time to play the “associations game” again.
In the latest case, the Family Research Council (which has been labeled a “hate group” by the SPLC) has pulled out of an upcoming event in Texas called the “Founding Faith Conference.”
The Rev. David Whitney, the chaplain of the Maryland League of the South (which has been labeled a “hate group” by the SPLC), was scheduled to speak at the conference. Michael Peroutka of the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) was also supposed to be there.
This “controversial” association with the aforementioned chaplain was first exposed by an individual named Warren Throckmorton before it was crossposted to Salon. It was enough to send the organizers into a state of absolute panic:
“Family Research Council executive vice president Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin has backed out of speaking at a conference promoted by Glenn Beck after learning that the event has ties to the League of the South, a neo-Confederate group. …
“Sign up today for the Founding Faith Conference and learn how to boldly defend your conservative principles in any situation.” …
Dr. Timothy F. Johnson, the CEO of the Frederick Douglas Foundation, and Clarence Henderson of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Committee, are still scheduled to appear at the “Founding Faith Conference” to teach you how to “boldly defend your conservative principles in any situation.”
Now that you have stopped laughing, let us move on to the more serious question of how to avoid getting caught in the “associations game.” As Dr. Michael Hill put it here last month, “there’s no place in the GOP for Southerners who wish to remain … Southerners.” It’s nothing but a waste of your time, energy, and resources to get involved with the Republican Party or any group or political candidate that is associated with Conservatism, Inc.
We saw the same script play out with John Derbyshire, Jason Richwine and Jack Hunter: a leftist or a neocon exposes a “link” with an individual or a group which hasn’t been certified as “mainstream” by the SPLC, someone writes an article about it on Salon.com and Rachel Maddow denounces their “racism” on MSNBC, and then the conservative group or craven politician immediately surrenders and “boldly” fires or ritually denounces the “extremist” in question.
The “mainstream,” which shouldn’t be confused with being a normal, ordinary White American conservative, is politically and culturally nothing but a dead end road that is controlled by the Left and which always ends with the “associations game.”
Instead of squandering your hopes on a “mainstream” politician like Jack Hunter or on a job with a “mainstream” organization like Jason Richwine, support websites like Occidental Dissent and SBPDL.com or organizations like the League of the South and the Council of Conservative Citizens which aren’t going to fold their tent whenever Rachel Maddow calls and says “boo.”
Note: BTW, this conference sounds like it would have really sucked anyway. I can’t believe that any of our people would be interested in going.
A conference sponsored by Mormon infotainer Glenn Beck. That says it all.
Why would anyone pay money to listen to a couple of darkies, the limp wristed Family Research Council, and other wannabe Popes?
Lt Gen Boykin is famous for wanting to wage an all out religious war on Islam. Killing mooslum goat herders 6000 miles away is good standing up for the White race even in a roundabout way is evil, ok got it.
“BTW, this conference sounds like it would have really sucked anyway”
LOL. I had a good chuckle out of that line.
Indeed, it sounds like this event would be filled up with Sarah Palin and MLK Conservatives, the type who never actually succeed in conserving anything of importance.
I found out two years ago that mainstream conservatism was actually a branch of mainstream liberalism when it comes to race. Thanks to Hunter, Jack, and others on this site, I discovered that American conservatism has gone leftward since the WBTS days. Well, I’m going to conserve what I know to be true, and to hell with “respectable Conservative Inc!”
A conference sponsored by Mormon infotainer Glenn Beck. That says it all.
Why would anyone pay money to listen to a couple of darkies, the limp wristed Family Research Council, and other wannabe Popes?”
It could be good practice to heckle, disrupt meetings, prepare for much worse conflicts with Reds, Blacks, Mudslime etc.
Our side has to learn how to not be be polite, law abding losers. And guns aren’t going to save us. Learn to use Leftist weapons, rotted fist, water balloons filled with vile liquids. Glenn Beck, rich cowardly milk toast Neo Con is a fair target.
@JR: Yes, and Beck is a fat slob, too.
Fred Flinstone Moose Lodge members of Freemasons.
This is why I can’t take religous organizations seriously.
Let me know when some form of non milquetoast Christianity comes back. The kind Clovis likely practiced.
“Let me know when some form of non milquetoast Christianity comes back. The kind Clovis likely practiced.”
Anything to keep that 501c.. Just give Ceaser his already, you cheepskates.
Glenn Beck’s “movement”:
Jack Ryan, not sure if you are kidding or serious but some of those methods you list will turn us into impolite, non law biding losers. Yes, the Left is allowed to get away with it but our people will only be arrested, convicted and further discredited by using them.
IMHO, little progress will be made until our people get over their fear of the R word and stop granting the moral high ground to anti-Whites and their White Genocide agenda.
“Let me know when some form of non milquetoast Christianity comes back. The kind Clovis likely practiced.”
YT, that would be… Orthodoxy.
Still exists in Russia, and isolated pockets in the USA.
It was only after Charlemagne’s introduction of the errors of Alcuin (of York- an Englishman) that the West started the long, slow slide down to the Schism of 1054.
But yeah, if Beck were there, I’d be more concerned for his “Fred Flintstone order of the Moose’ variant on Xtianity, (great analogy there, G Prune) than a Chaplain for a group that believes in the whole Bible- including the second clause of Acts 17:26.
Like a T-shirt I saw. http://patriotdepot.com/im-surrounded-by-idiots-shirt/