Murder By Craigslist


This article in The Atlantic about a Craigslist serial killer doesn’t pertain to anything we normally discuss on this website, but I thought it was worth flagging here because this is a job that would appeal to a lot of White Nationalists:

“Wanted: Caretaker For Farm. Simply watch over a 688 acre patch of hilly farmland and feed a few cows, you get 300 a week and a nice 2 bedroom trailer, someone older and single preferred but will consider all, relocation a must, you must have a clean record and be trustworthy—this is a permanent position, the farm is used mainly as a hunting preserve, is overrun with game, has a stocked 3 acre pond, but some beef cattle will be kept, nearest neighbor is a mile away, the place is secluded and beautiful, it will be a real get away for the right person, job of a lifetime—if you are ready to relocate please contact asap, position will not stay open.

Scott Davis had answered the job ad on Craigslist on October 9, 2011, and now, four weeks later to the day, he was watching the future it had promised glide past the car window: acre after acre of Ohio farmland dotted with cattle and horses, each patch framed by rolling hills and anchored by a house and a barn—sometimes old and worn, but never decrepit. Nothing a little carpentry couldn’t fix. …

I was initially drawn to the story of the Beasley murders because I thought it would illuminate the isolation and vulnerability of so many working-class men, who have been pushed by the faltering economy from one way of life—a nine-to-five job, a wife, children—into another, far more precarious one: unemployed or underemployed, single or divorced, crashing on relatives’ spare beds or in the backseats of cars. At what other moment in history would it have been plausible for a serial killer to identify middle-aged white men as his most vulnerable targets? …”

Update: The Jew who wrote this article, Hannah Rosin, is obviously more interested in the “Beached White Males are vulnerable losers in the Obama era” angle than the actual serial killer.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. OK, I read the whole article. There’s no way that Richard Beasley scumbag killer would go through attra or goodfoodjobs. he was just a low class scumbag trolling Craigslist.

  2. The thought that the author of the Daily Beast article is a Jewess is incidental to me in light of the fact that this GLOAT would be/ is shared by virtually every democrat (including their effectively neutered males), feminist (probably including WN feminists), & lefty (socialists of any stripe). A pretty small percentage of those are Jews. A majority are women & neutered males> self hating Whites.

    They think it’s revenge or “justice”, but it’s suicide.
    Makes me so damn mad, I will almost be glad when the shooting starts.

  3. $7.50 an hour for farm labor, and getting to live in a trailer in some cow pasture in the middle of nowhere ain’t no bargain.

    Notice that the bastard who placed the ad claimed he got 300 responses from potential candidates.

  4. After reading this foolhardy statement: “The thought that the author of the Daily Beast article is a Jewess is incidental to me…A pretty small percentage of those are Jews. A majority are women & neutered males> self hating Whites.”

    I thought of this article, that references a writer that the ‘kinists’ over at the now defunct “SpiritWaterBlood” used to tout as ‘one of us,’ and now Ms. Wood is clearly showing that she (and your quoted poster) are the ‘willing goyim’ the Jewish power brokers talk about, all the time.

    As posts recently have noted, ‘It’s the Jews, Stupid’ ….EVERY SINGLE EFFING TIME.

  5. Hanna Rosin is one of the great writers and journalists of our time. Many of you southern nationalists may be interested in her book God’s Harvard, about the very conservative Patrick Henry College in Virginia. Like many Jews, she has a superior ability to psychologically understand and empathize with other people. She is able to tell the stories of these tragic men with sympathy but still examining their faults. She is however quite wrong about this being the first moment in history where poor middle-aged white men are the targets of serial killers. I think a point to take away from this is that Christianity has been forced to accept millions of divorced people and other people with broken families, in order to gain some influence over their future. We also see that even with all the complaining about the black family, the white family is not in great shape either. Finally, it’s interesting that people blame feminists and racial minorities for the actions of two poor white men killing over poor white men. I hope this story will lead people to question so-called race realism, since the two murderers are white yet have most of the qualities attributed to blacks here.

  6. I turn on the radio. Some guy is crying. My immediate reaction was; Who died? A prominent figure? A celebrities, politicians, No. it was a Philly manager got fired. Headline news.

  7. The Phillies and Washington Nationals are both having very disappointing years. Dave’s Johnson may be next. I hope no tears though.

  8. I think Hanna Rosin also tried to blame the financial crisis on evengelical charismatic preachers, which is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard: A Jew blaming goyim for financial manipulation, its like a black blaming a white for stealing his television set, its such a pot calling the kettle black it isnt funny.

    But then again, if not for Rosin, I wouldn’t have read her celebratory gloating about the “End of Men”, which would’ve angered me so much I would’ve never discovered the “red pill” of the alternative right. When we save western civilization from these people, we should at least tip our hats 🙂

  9. “The Phillies and Washington Nationals are both having very disappointing years. Dave’s Johnson may be next. I hope no tears though.”

    Used to follow the 93 Phillies. They lost the World Series to Toronto Blue Jays.
    93 Phillies starting lineup were all white. Daulton,Dykstra,Stockten and on. Most of them were from around here. Recall the paper mocking the Phillies for being too white.
    Athletes from Central America and the hood.Juice up for performance.
    Overpaid well above their expertise. Stadiums are funded by taxpayers. Season tickets, parking, admission, 6 dollar a hotdog. Family run up over 10k per season.

    Players and managers recycle in the league. Phillies manager who was fire. Wind up with another team with 5 mil just the same.

  10. White Men won’t stand up and save themselves, or the World (for we MADE the culture that sustains over 90% of the World today) until we CHANGE RELIGIONS.

    On another front, Blacks are ready to impeach ‘The ONE’- and have filed.
    How come this isn’t news?
    Oh yeah, Jews control the Media…

  11. Speaking of serial killers, nut jobs, etc.

    Joew is back on my blog (and Chris 313, also actually commented… with a four letter word – so sad he can’t write on HIS own blog….) and yet, he (Joew) actually thinks I am ‘Chechar.’ (Did he get that idea from Jewdel?)

    Mr. Pathological actually thinks I have the time (with a full time job, a parish, teenagers, a house and a wife) to post all over the ‘net’ with multiple screen names…..
    like someone else we all know, actually does….. himself….pot calling kettle, come in, kettle…

    So, If Joew comes back here, Hunter (or, over at any of y’all’s other blogs), just look past the fake name, for a ‘scusati’ and you’ll know who you’re dealing with; a resident of Bedlam.

    Misericordie, Domine.

  12. Globalism, and the havoc it wrecks on the American working class, made these murders possible.

    Therefore, Proud-Globalist-Race-Traitor has blood on his hands.

    Oh, and by the way, a superior ability to gloat is not the same thing as a superior ability to empathize.

  13. $7.50 an hour for farm labor, and getting to live in a trailer in some cow pasture in the middle of nowhere ain’t no bargain.

    It’s a lot better than the average McDonalds or Staples worker, who pays most of his wages in rent and car expenses for hte privilege of going to work.

    7.50 an hour WITH NO EXPENSES. Get the food from the farm so no food expense., and save up 20,000 for a duplex. Use your free time outside of those 40 hours to learn IT and get an IT job, or save up 1000 bucks and go learn how to be a Tower tech.

    No commuting. No dry cleaning expenses. Free food. Lots of free time. With some free time you can learn technical skills or trades that can pay a lot more and advance up the ladder.

  14. I also noticed this great Atlantic Magazine real life White working class dispossession, crime, horror story. the Atlantic Magazine had some outstanding articles in the 1990s including commentary about Raispail’s Camp of the Saints.

    Needless to say I’ve been banned from posting comments at the Atlantic, Trayvon Martin affair.

    Hunter you have…

    The eye

  15. @ Kievsky

    Don’t be a chump. Agriculture is a highly mechanized high tech multi-Trillion dollar business in the USA.

  16. “the Atlantic Magazine had some outstanding articles in the 1990s including commentary about Raispail’s Camp of the Saints.”

    The book was also the cover article of the Atlantic upon its American publication in 1975.

  17. A full time job with a successful farming operation generally pays at least 25% over minimum wage, with better prospects for earning than most retail positions.

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