Mapping Where English Is A Second Language


The Washington Post has published an interactive map of U.S. counties where at least 10 percent of people are speaking a language other than English in the home:

“More than a quarter of counties in the United States have at least one in 10 households where English is not the language spoken at home. Spanish is, by far, the most common language other than English spoken in the home, especially on the West Coast, in the Southwest, the Eastern urban corridor and other big cities. Native American languages are also common in the West, as is French around New Orleans and in some counties in the Northeast. German is a common language in some Midwestern and Western areas.”

Note: The map includes the 5.2% of people in Montgomery County, GA and the 10.2% of people in Toombs County, GA who are non-English speakers. This is where the League of the South will be holding our Rally Against Southern Demographic Displacement on August 24th in Uvalda and Vidalia, GA.

In Metro Atlanta, 32.9% of people in Gwinnett County, 25.4% of people in Hall County, 20.4% of people in Clayton County, and 19.6% of people in Cobb County are non-English speakers. Georgia is being deluged by a Third World invasion because the US federal government refuses to enforce our immigration laws and works with groups like the SPLC to subvert immigration laws passed by the states.

The time has come to put down our laptops, get in our cars, and start fighting back in the streets against our dispossession. The Republican Party isn’t going to save us. If our descendants are going to have a future, we have to save ourselves.

Update: Don’t miss the opportunity to yell at your congressman about the amnesty in the town halls this week.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Missouri’s only colored counties are:

    Pettis (where Sedalia is, home of the state fair and of non-issue rodeo clowns), there are a fair number of sweatshops in various towns in the county that like to haul in Hispanic cheap workers

    McDonald (far southwestern), Ibid. Actually, I’m surprised there aren’t more counties in southwest Missouri colored on this map, for the same reason

    Sullivan — North Central. Hispanics, but what the attraction is, I don’t know

    Pulaski — South Central. Fort Leonard Wood (Army).

    Scotland — Northeast. Amish. Pennsylvania Dutch German dialect.

  2. The French speakers in Louisiana are always over-represented. The last Francophone generation is nearly gone and the young generation (apart from a few arty types) has simply not learned the language.

  3. Went to the Matt Salmon town hall this morning here in Mesa. He is on our side as were everyone in attendance. The folks of the East Valley of the Phoenix Metro Area (Mesa, Scottsdale, Gilbert, and Chandler) are quite possibly the most reactionary folks in the country. These people were fired up and pissed off. Made me feel, ever so slightly, that all is not lost…yet.

  4. “I will be at my Congressman’s Townhall.”

    With THIS “one more”, it’s bound to be much merrier.

  5. Well, Mosin, the Dec. 19 2012 Commonweal headline did say, ‘The Roman catholic takeover of the u.s. is almost complete.” Oldest catholic rag in the country (like from about 1924 I think, lol—now there’s the kind of longevity that says you should tell generational americans what they are all about, even as you complain about the country going to hell in a hand basket—- truly beyond hypocrisy into strictly psychosis).

  6. “I can literally find myself on that map.”

    Yes, if you live in a sparsely populated area you can easily identify the location of individual households.

  7. How can the unconstitutional government censuses be confidential when they result in maps identifying individuals, and individual farms and households?

  8. I suggest a picture of Renee firing a Pennsylvania German (“Kentucky”) long rifle, perhaps the greatest colonial American invention.

    I’m not sure where this fits, but it is interesting: Are dark-skinned Orcs roaming England at night and eating their prey on the spot, or was this an act of anti-monarchial civil disobedience (since killing one or even stealing one of their eggs is considered TREASON) ?

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