SPLC Attacks Uvalda Demonstration

That's racist!
That’s racist!


As we expected, the SPLC has their big hit piece up on us (OD, SNN, LoS, CofCC) today over at the Hatewatch:

“The neo-Confederate group League of the South (LOS) will be holding a protest in Uvalda, Ga., this coming Saturday to protest the “Southern demographic displacement” allegedly caused by Latinos who have moved to the area. The rally is directed specifically at the town’s mayor, Paul Bridges, a plaintiff in a federal lawsuit that led to much of Georgia’s anti-immigrant law being struck down by the courts.

Slated to speak at the event, which has been supported by the town’s police chief, are several LOS members, a former neo-Nazi and a man once imprisoned for stealing weapons from the military that he planned to use in a race war.

The LOS, listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a hate group, advocates a second Southern secession and a society dominated by “European Americans.” The group believes the “godly” nation it wants to form should be run by an “Anglo-Celtic” (read: white) elite that would establish a Christian theocratic state and politically dominate blacks and other minorities. …”

Personally, I am honored that the Jews at the SPLC and ADL are attacking OD. I’m expecting much more of this in the future. It’s their job to attack White people, run down the South, and to assault our rights.

Uvalda is going to be the first, not the last, in a series of protests over “Southern Demographic Displacement” which we hope will take the Southern Nationalist movement off the internet and into the streets. Everything we do here will make it easier for Whites to organize through the CofCC in other parts of the United States.

Note: If you like what you are seeing and want to see us move further in this direction, there are several things you can do to help:

1.) You can join the League of the South or the Council of Conservative Citizens. I’m a member of both organizations and plan to work with SNs through the League and WNs through the Council.

2.) You can show up and participate in events like the Uvalda, GA rally.

3.) You can help us spread the word by publicizing our events through your social network (email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

4.) Most importantly, you can donate to OD and SNN, which will help us pay our bills, cover our traveling costs, and build up our media presence (through paying new writers like Counter-Currents and VDARE).

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Slated to speak at the event, which has been supported by the town’s police chief, are several LOS members, a former neo-Nazi and a man once imprisoned for stealing weapons from the military that he planned to use in a race war.”

    Slimeballs already intimidating town’s police chief with buzzword neo-nazi etc.

  2. Well, no one can call the SPLC inconsistent. That’s why I don’t understand why some think they are such a formidable foe. An enemy who does the same thing and utilizes the same tactics every time can’t be too difficult to plan contingencies against.

  3. G Prune says:
    “Slimeballs already intimidating town’s police chief with buzzword neo-nazi etc.”

    Yes, the “scare words” aren’t going to scare the tough guys named, but they will scare more respectable Whites away. Anti-Whites use “scare words” because they work.

  4. “Yes, the “scare words” aren’t going to scare the tough guys named, but they will scare more respectable Whites away. Anti-Whites use “scare words” because they work.”

    Decades through MSM and in public school. Indoctrination of Neo-Nazi Neo KKK is a shacle of public conscience of gas chamber and AA slavery. Exterminate indoctrination that is draining the life of white people like vampires.

  5. Why are we not in Oklahoma protesting Chris Lane’s death instead of protesting hard working Hispanics looking for work?

  6. Good point Hunter, well taken.

    I’m ordering an Australian baseball cap and encouraging everyone to make it like the Trayvon hoodie protest thing.

  7. Hunter, the SPLC article quotes you as believing (and saying, on Stormfront) that “White Americans have many enemies, Jews, invading Mexicans, Black Parasites, but none greater than the mortal enemy of all White Christian Civilization which is ARABIC ISLAM”.

    Haven’t they noticed that in Occidental Dissent, W H I T E S (“NORTHERN Whites” or Yankee or damnyankee whites) are identified as the REAL worst enemy, the true PRIMARY cause of the worst troubles of other white peoples (not of the white race, of course, since “there is no such thing as a white race”) in the modern world?

  8. SPLC should be overjoyed to discover that W H I T E S — NOT Jews or Blacks or Hispanics or Muslims — are identified here as the root cause of white complaints.

  9. “Slated to speak at the event, which has been supported by the town’s police chief, are several LOS members, a former neo-Nazi and a man once imprisoned for stealing weapons from the military that he planned to use in a race war.”

    Sounds like good people to me.

    Although I’m a little confused about how one can “steal” weapons from a military which is itself a weapon that belongs to the people and which swears itself to that station. If the military won’t use the weapons to fight the wars the people want and need them to, what’s the harm in the people taking the weapons, which they paid for in the first place, and using them to fight their own wars?

    There was never supposed to be a standing army in this country, but a group of militias of,by, and for the people. Since the military exists as a proxy for that, and the weapons are paid for by the people, both the military and the weapons belong to the people,to be used in whatever wars we feel are necessary to fight.

    “2.) You can show up and participate in events like the Uvalda, GA rally.”

    If I hear about one in my area, I’m there.

    Like I said, ya’ll sound like good people to me.

  10. To some extent it’s still true, the long term threat to the Occident is Islamic migration. Islam in the US however is 50% black apparently so the issue overlaps.

  11. “still true, the long term threat to the Occident is Islamic migration”

    Still wrong. Do more research.

  12. If America is not REALLY Black run, why not aim the protests at who IS really running it? No wait, that would be whites north of the Line.

  13. Mosin really is a thick one. I also liked the selective quote. Read the next line and you get a joke about the NOI.

  14. Heidi Bierich is a hideous looking woman. Visually, she embodies all of the ugly qualities held by those in the $PLC.
    What a nasty woman.

  15. Joe Whitlock:

    Hard working Mexicans looking for work? Are you serious?

    Good hard working white people are also looking for work but the jobs are being taken by these Mexicans who will work for a lot less and are not even citizens. They also bring a lot of crime with them wherever they go.

    What you said sounds like regurgitated liberal bullshit. That’s exactly how the left portrays them, and it’s absolutely not true. They are not White Gentiles so they are not our allies.

    This shit country would be a lot better without them, that’s for sure. Plus, are you really so naive to believe that once they get amnesty they will stay hard working? Hell no.

    They’ll jump on that welfare wagon so quick it’ll make your head spin.

  16. John, please explain: “I also liked the selective quote. Read the next line and you get a joke about the NOI.” Which quote, of whom?

    Hunter wrote: “That’s in your backyard, right?” Well, Charlotte is one of the Bankers’ minor outposts, for example, and District of Columbia is south of the Line. But New York, D.C., City of London, Tel Aviv, are major foci of evil. BLACKS really don’t run America or the world. Yes, I know the term “BRA” doesn’t really mean what it means, but is just too catchy to give up.

  17. John, by “NOI” do you mean “Nation of Islam”? If it was Hunter’s quote that was all I saw of it, the extent of the quote in the SPLC article. Oh well. Meanwhile, note: http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2013/08/20/gov-paul-lepage-obama-hates-white-people/comment-page-1/#comment-1871490 It was a white genocide by tyranny-deluded whites, all about dominating, looting and land-grabbing. The same tyranny was secretly pleased to see rival Byzantium go down.

  18. Denying a group a group defense is a violation of settled international law. I know its not some sexy esoteric abstract essay we so covet but its easily converted into a short polemic which is more effective than trying to get brownie points from an anti-white leftist on how smart you are.

  19. Idk— you can sort of see why people go for those jobs.

    Clearly, they sit around all day, eating bon-bons and reading Stormfront, and they get really fat paychecks for it, lol. All you have to do is be bright enough to pick out whatever quotes make people look really bad and demonize them the most. And that’s your whole job. While others dig ditches and deal with high-tech systems where things could backfire and cause you harm. …But there you are, going down the hall to the cozy kitchen to heat your pan-asian meal in the microwave, before going back to read Stormfront—and telling your boss that you are “working through lunch,” lmao…

    Hard to imagine… but this occurs in Reality.

  20. “No wait, that would be whites north of the Line.”

    Don’t kid yourself. There are plenty of White Grand Bourgeoisie in places like Raleigh-Durham, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Dallas, Houston, not to mention Norfolk and the DC suburbs of Virginia. They also control the Republican Party in the South.

  21. “Heidi Bierich is a hideous looking woman. ”

    Heidi Bierich is a Jew.

    The first follows from the second.

    “Beauty may be skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone.”

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