After Uvalda

A huge US flag waves in front of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro
A huge US flag waves in front of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro


After Uvalda, where should the League of the South go next to protest “Southern Demographic Displacement”?

There’s been a debate over whether we should focus our attention on Georgia – due to our concentration of strength in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina – or move on to somewhere else in another Southern state.

How about Murfreesboro and Shelbyville, Tennessee? CNN and PBS have produced anti-White, anti-Southern, and anti-Christian documentaries that demonize the native population as racist bigots and glorify the Muslims who are colonizing Middle Tennessee, displacing the natives, and changing the culture of the area.

There are lots of League members and sympathizers in Tennessee and elsewhere in the Upper South who were unable to attend the Uvalda rally due to the extreme driving distance. Amren and the CofCC usually have their conferences in Nashville in part because of its central location in the South.

Murfreesboro has been a major battleground in Southern Demographic Displacement for the past three years now due to the construction of an enormous mosque and Islamic culture center which has stirred a lot of resentment among natives. The issue has been appealed all the way to the Tennessee Supreme Court.

If we went to Murfreesboro, we would be protesting in an urban area and would be much more likely to run into opposition. In 2010, 600 conservatives showed up to protest the Murfreesboro mosque waving American and Israeli flags while singing “God Bless America,” and were met by a group of liberal counter-protesters.

A successful protest in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville would require us to swell our numbers well beyond what we achieved in Uvalda. We would have to have all hands on deck … and then some to pull this off.

It’s doable though.

Note: Murfreesboro is 25 miles from Shelbyville. Vidalia is 16 miles from Uvalda. There are 108,755 people in Murfreesboro, which is part of the Nashville metro area and one of the fastest growing cities in America, and 20,105 in Shelbyville compared to 10,473 people in Vidalia and 530 in Uvalda.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think it would be important to have demonstrations in as many Southern states as possible. It would be a great way to recruit new members into state chapters of the League of the South while spreading an important message.

    Tennessee’s location, in particular, would make it convenient for a lot of people.

  2. Are you implying in these protests that Blacks run America or that Muslims and Hispanics themselves are the enemy? Are you informing the people fully about the SOURCE of the problem of colonization, population replacement and destruction of the indigenous ethnic culture — and that without a revival of Biblical CHRISTIANITY among the indigenous people all your efforts of political activism will ultimately fail or backfire. Confession and true repentance must precede secession and true independence.

  3. Twelve years in this part of the world.
    Attacks by Muslims – zero.
    In 2002 a white fellow teacher kicked my hat off my head because he was angry at my cat. The compound management moved him away from me and officially notified him that another incident and he would learn what a prison looked like.
    2013, a white fellow teacher wanted to win points with a dusky female who did not like smoking by approaching me in the smoking area, threatening me, taking my cigarettes out of my pocket, and throwing them across the parking lot. He has disappeared permanently.
    Another white fellow teacher knocked my hat off my head in front of the class and threatened me. He also got to go to the airport permanently.
    Both of these professionals trashed their apartments before they left.
    All three were politically correct to the max and 10 to 20 years younger than I.

  4. Commemoration of “historic, native SOUTHERN Talmudism” would harmonise perfectly with anti-Muslim protest, and southern Neo-“conservatism” and southern “Christian” pro-Zionism.

  5. Re: Mosin

    1.) The displacement of native Southerners in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and Uvalda, Georgia is a symptom of the existence of the Union and the failure of the federal government to enforce its own immigration laws.

    2.) In Uvalda, we protested Paul Bridges and his agribusiness allies, not the blacks who live there.

    3.) It would be more accurate to say that Quakerism is a source of the problem in light of its historic contribution to the leveling spirit of Americanism. Aside from the Jews and the Unitarians, there are few religious groups in America who were more involved in the Civil Rights Movement.

  6. College towns are the place to go, that is how you grow the movement: with youth.

    White student unions, if multiplied, will provide a traveler’s circuit through the nation to which the “name” activists can visit with local financial support.

  7. “Are you trolling for a reaction?”

    Not at all. I was thinking “aloud” that perhaps the “Muslim threat and support Israel” southern neoconservative mentality might miss the point of a secessionist protest in Muslim-invaded Murfreesboro. Keeping the message focused directly on the evil of the Federal beast would be essential. There is also the ultimate source, beneath or behind the Federal beast, apparently unmentioned so far — and it’s NOT northern Whiteness!

    I agree that the vast majority of modern “Quakers” are a major source of opposition. I DON’T agree that the historic Friends movement was ever harmful to southerners, northerners or the white race in general.

  8. I think you’ve all done very well overall, Hunter, Michael, Palmetto, et al.

    Again, thank you for the free speech forum, Hunter.

  9. There is nothing positive for White Americans in the million and a half or so legal immigrants we take in every year from the 2nd & 3rd World. Moslems, Hindus, Catholics, Jews…

  10. I would like to hear other suggestions along the lines of Uvalda/Vidalia and Murfreesboro/Shelbyville – hotspots where we are being visibly replaced in our own land and where the locals are pissed off about it.

  11. Of course northerners and other outsiders who haven’t even travelled the south extensively can’t make any specific suggestions. Perhaps when your movement is underway successfully you would also give us general suggestions and moral support for building up nullification-secessionism in our state? Let whites north and south be united in their desire for freedom. Don’t let the Federal beast divide and conquer us.

  12. “I would like to hear other suggestions along the lines of Uvalda/Vidalia and Murfreesboro/Shelbyville – hotspots where we are being visibly replaced in our own land and where the locals are pissed off about it.”

    Hit Miami.

    It is SEETHING with chocolaty-brown human goo oozing over every formerly white neighborhood.

    Draw screams, rocks, sticks, the purest of non-white hate. Maybe a little red stuff too…

    Make the powers-that-be absolutely DREAD your shock troops coming to town. Make their city coffers spit out big chunks of Federal bux trying to corral the raging Zulus and shrieking mestizos.

    Burn, baby, burn…

  13. One thing I’m monitoring is that the US is about to attack and crush Assad this year. This means that the US is siding with Sunni Wahabi maniacs against a secular dictator. Christianity will not survive in Syria. Between Rev. Bush II and Obama the Sultan of Schwag, Christianity has been wiped out in the ME. One would have to conclude that it was a deliberate plan.

  14. By “don’t let the Federal beast divide us” I don’t mean that the Union might divide itself, separating northern and southern states, but that it would benefit from enmity of whites against whites.

  15. “Stephen Dalton drove all the way to Uvalda from Illinois.”

    Very good, Stephen. That’s real moral support.

  16. If we could get our act together and take power in the South, that would do more to advance the WN movement elsewhere in America or Europe than anything else we could ever possibly do.

  17. “It is my understanding that a large number of the Muslims in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville are Syrians.”

    That’s odd. But many Iraqi refugees may have sojourned in Syria before coming here. We can expect Syrian refugees as the war escalates. But you won’t protest the endless wars of the Federal-global beast, because neo”conservative” southerners LOVE all wars, especially all wars that protect Israel.

  18. Mosin Nagant, rather than telling us what we believe (and you are quite wrong on this, in fact) why don’t you just ask? No one likes it when you try to tell them what they believe and then attack that. It’s a straw man argument.

  19. “rather than telling us what we believe (and you are quite wrong on this, in fact) why don’t you just ask?”

    My last sentence was a bit of overstatement (“they love wars”) I know. I would like to learn that I am very wrong about this. I would like to learn that we share the same view of Federal-global endless warfare that bankrupts us, and brings us all these “refugee” invaders.

  20. My sentiment is you should go to Tenneessee, make your case as you did in Georgia, but include an unqualified denunciation of Islam.

  21. How could you protest Muslim colonisation in Tennessee without relating their presence to the unjust wars? Protest should focus on the Federal-global Tyranny, not Muslims who are merely a symptom and an effect.

  22. Miami is a lost cause. I was raised and currently live in what has become a third world shithole of the highest order. Of course, one can escape to small white enclaves if one has the finances, but even so … multiculturalism is EVERYWHERE. It has triumphed in Miami, it has won and brought all its ills with it.

    So I’m clear: Miami is an extension of the Caribbean. Large swaths of this city are blighted by the Haitian Negro, the worst variety of African, and every other mystery meat immigrant you can imagine.

    This city is gone. Put a fork in it. It is done. If displacement continues unabated, Miami is a reflection of the entire South’s future.

    I’ll be packing up for the panhandle of Florida, sooner rather than later, where 90 percent of my family fled over the past decade.

  23. – SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. – It has been nearly 20 years since Somalia last had a functioning government. Islamic jihadists now control most of the country-and sharia is the law of the land.

    Tens of thousands of Somali refugees have resettled in America in recent years to escape the chaos of their homeland, which is located in the Horn of Africa.

    But the transition isn’t going smoothly in one small town.

  24. The Florida League is very active and several members from Florida were present in Uvalda. I encourage everyone here who lives in Florida and who is interested in the League to get in contact with them.

  25. Quoting from your cited article, Hunter: “Our experience has been that refugees are very successful at resettling, said Holly Johnson of the Tennessee Office of Refugees. Johnson said the federal government contracts with social welfare groups at the local level to help set the refugees up in apartments, find them jobs and ease their transition to America. They are completely self sufficient, usually within 4 months, she said. They arrive here with nothing but a duffel bag of clothes, and they’re on their own, paying their bills, children are attending school, they know where their doctor’s office is within a few months.”

    What do you know/think about “The Tennessee Office of Refugees”, a STATE government bureau?

  26. Offsides – when you placed this site on Moderation, I predicted that the sincere posters would stay, and the trolls vanish.

    IceJew and NoManNoWN have evaporated……


  27. I think it would be good for the League of the South to concentrate on building a big presence in centrally located places in the South. It isn’t just easier for people all around the South to get to central areas, people in the central areas will be more likely to attend events/demonstrations more frequently and readily so each demonstration will have higher turnouts all over.

    • Re: JODAFO

      I agree.

      We have a hardcore nucleus of activists based in AL, GA, FL, SC, and NC. We already have a team that can pull off events in this area. We really, really need to get something going in the Western South – TX, OK, LA, AR, MO – because that area is just too far those of us in the Eastern South to make it.

      I hope to see you in Tennessee!

  28. It’s really creepy when you go to a mall or department store, and see Moslem women wearing hijabs, and carrying large purses or bags. You can’t help but wonder when one is going to blow up.

    It’s everywhere. Columbus, Ohio has the largest Somali population in the United States, and a big Levantine & Asian population too.

  29. “Offsides – when you placed this site on Moderation, I predicted that the sincere posters would stay, and the trolls vanish.

    IceJew and NoManNoWN have evaporated……


    I noticed that too.

  30. Hunter Wallace says:
    August 26, 2013 at 3:39 am
    I would like to hear other suggestions along the lines of Uvalda/Vidalia and Murfreesboro/Shelbyville – hotspots where we are being visibly replaced in our own land and where the locals are pissed off about it.

    JR suggests:

    I think you/we should make Murfreesboro TN the center of our activism. Bad Muslim immigration is a much easier propaganda threat/enemy as compared to Mexican farm laborers. Muslims can’t be presented as kind, smiling additions to Tennessee, the South and even idiot Christian Zionists will oppose Muslim immigration colonization.

    Sure, Libertarian loo s like Rand Paul, Paul Ryan will insist that most illegal aliens are “Christian” Mexicans willing to work hard at jobs Americans don’t want to do, but we don’t care.

    I’ve had solid success making Muslim terrorists, Muslim immigrants the propaganda enemy, they blow away all the anti White arguments of the Left that has to make excuses for brutal 8th century Islamists.

  31. It’s really creepy when you go to a mall or department store, and see Moslem women wearing hijabs, and carrying large purses or bags. You can’t help but wonder when one is going to blow up.

    South East Asia stuck in medieval times;bigger threat than Latinos don’t impose.

  32. Even 25 years ago when I attended college in Tennessee, locals were noticing the influx of Arab Muslims, many attending cheep TN colleges.

    The joke going round then went:

    Q: “How do you know an Arab terrorist is from Tennessee?

    A: when his terrorist demands includes six pack of Bud and some fishing gear.”

  33. There are so many benefits for making scary Muslim immigrants in Tennesseethe #1 propaganda enemy.

    1 whites in the military who’ve “served” in Iraq, Afghanistan hate Muslims as they’re theones killing the vets army buddies.

    2 we can network with British, French other European nationalists like the Swiss People’s Party, EDL and copy their effective propaganda, protests. TheSwiss People’s was a brand new party that quickly shot up to #1 opposing Muslim immigration. Check out their great election posters making Islamic mosque towers look like missiles.

    3 Virtually all Whites from Left to Right, secular to religious Christians fear, hate Muslims. About the only Whiteswho defend Muslims are rabidly anti Jewish extremists like David Duke.

    4 ugly, hairy, racially alien Muslims look evil and have customs regular Whites in the South don’t like – Good Ol Boys in Tennessee won’t be allowed to drink beer or eat BBQ pork, so our anti immigration protests will of course include beer and pork roasts on Islamic holidays that last for a whole month.

  34. @ Prune

    It’s six of one, half dozen of the other. The Mexican Catholics bring drugs & prostitution with them. The Moslems, Hindus & Jews bring God knows what with them?

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