Organized Jewry Backing Syria War

District of Corruption

The ADL, which recently attacked this website under their “Extremism & Terrorism” section, is working closely with other Jewish organizations to foment a war between the United States and Syria:

“But some prominent Jewish leaders said a moral imperative, rooted in the experience of the Holocaust, demanded a strong response.

Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, participated in a call organized by the Conference of Presidents on Tuesday and said there was a clear consensus to step forward.”

Note: The ADL wants the US military to intervene in the Syrian Civil War on behalf of real terrorists – oh, I mean “moderates” – like the individual in the video below:

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Here is an idea: In 1956 the U.S. Congress adopted “In God we trust” as the official motto of the U.S.A. Let’s create a petition movement to change the official motto to: “Let’s all go to the Lobby to get ourselves a treat”.
    “The … usual neocon suspects … are pressing for a very large U.S. involvement in Syria. … Don’t bet against the Lobby. – Kevin MacDonald
    “Our nation is our identity, our people, our blood …” = RamZPaul Ramzpaul ‘Smiling Nationalist’
    For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. – 1 Timothy 6:10 (King James Version) Let’s All Go to the Lobby (1957) The Simpsons – Let’s all go to the lobby

  2. Follow the money honey:

    That pic forgot to mention Syria as the 7th country. Merlin Miller wrote about this in his handbook. Sauron has his eyes on Syria and Iran. My only question is, where does Russia’s support of Syria and Iran come into play here? Trying to start WW3 perhaps? 100 years ago right now in September 1913, nothing had escalated out of control. Fratricide 1 was underway within a year. Sauron likes fratricide. He likes it every much.

  3. I guess all of these stories that Assad is using gas is making organized Jewry believe he’s going to be erecting gas chambers next!

  4. “these stories that Assad is using gas is making organized Jewry believe he’s going to be erecting gas chambers”

    Editor’s correction:

    “These stories that Assad is using gas is” (are) made up by THEM, and widespread acceptance of these stories might embolden THEM next to make up stories that Assad is erecting gas chambers.

  5. Stephen, do you really believe these stories are not made up by THEM (organized Jewry) but only “make organised Jewry believe” ?

  6. Not surprising that Israel would support terrorists since the state of Israel was in large part founded by terrorists.

  7. Jews coming out of the woodwork demanding war!

    Adelson New Obama Ally as Jewish Groups Back Syria Strike

    Lobbying on Syria has inspired coalitions of the unlikely, aligning President Barack Obama with Sheldon Adelson, the Republican billionaire who spent about $70 million trying to defeat him last year, in the push for a military response to the use of chemical weapons. (snip)

    “For our credibility, we have to do something,” said Morris Amitay, founder of the pro-Israel Washington Political Action Committee. (snip)

    The support Obama is getting from pro-Israel groups in the U.S. is important because of their history of political influence. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee and other Jewish groups have long helped secure continued U.S. aid to Israel, mobilizing activists who visit or call lawmakers. The effort is supplemented by several political action committees that donate to candidates depending on their support for Israel. (snip)

    ‘Action Alert’

    The Republican Jewish Coalition, which counts Adelson as a board member, yesterday sent an “action alert” to its 45,000 members, directing them to tell Congress to authorize force. “This is not a partisan issue,” the coalition said in its message. (snip)

    Jewish Holidays

    Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said the group decided to act before the Jewish high holidays, when rabbis will likely speak on Syria. Rosh Hashanah begins tonight. (snip)

    U.S. organizations that support the anti-Assad rebels, including the Coalition for a Democratic Syria and the Syrian Support Group, said they are asking their members to urge Congress to back Obama’s plan. (snip)


    joseph61 6 minutes ago

    There we have it . It has been the Israeli supporters who have been pressuring the Obama administration to attack Syria ! The chemical attack sounds sooo much like the Iraqi wmds ! Just another lie ! We should not be hoodwinked again by these criminal neocon carpetbaggers !

    chiliboots 8 minutes ago

    Shocking; that tail has been trying to “wag the dog” since 1948.

  8. @Sam: “There we have it. … Just another lie!” 150 years of Fedspeak.
    “Jews are no longer trying to get into the academic establishment. They are the academic establishment.” – Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg
    “Pull down the White Race by poisoning its blood and mongrelizing it into a mongrel race of bastards, one which the Jew can easily control.”

  9. Remember when Al-Qaeda was trumpeted as the the #1 enemy of the USA?
    That organization was the main target of our war on terruh.

    Now we are going to align ourselves with them? What gives?

    Ted Cruz: “We certainly don’t have a dog in the fight,” Cruz said, calling it a civil war in Syria. “We should be focused on defending the United States of America. That’s why young men and women sign up to join the military, not to, as you know, serve as Al Qaeda’s air force.”

    Cruz noted that of the nine major rebel groups, seven have ties to Al-Qaeda. Cruz’s colleagues, Sens. McCain and Graham are pushing the Obama Administration to arm rebel forces with heavy weapons. It is unclear how the US would ensure that its weapons would go exclusively to the “right” rebel forces. Even if they were, it is likely that any post-Assad regime would be dominated by elements loyal to Al-Qaeda.

    “I’ll give you one of the simplest principles of foreign policy that we ought to be following,” Cruz said. “Don’t give weapons to people who hate you. Don’t give weapons to people who want to kill you.”

  10. It’s a sad day when a beaner on Capital Hill exhibits more common sense than most of the white men. It’s also plainly evident that Ted Cruz is looking ahead to 2016.

  11. 313Chris says:

    ‘It’s a sad day when a beaner on Capital Hill exhibits more common sense than most of the white men. It’s also plainly evident that Ted Cruz is looking ahead to 2016’

    Chris, people are confused about Cruz because he’s labeled as an Hispanic.

    His mother is Irish and Italian. His father is a White anti-communist who fled Cuba as a teen and is now a Baptist Pastor.

    The left and beaners hate them! Ted is referred to as the Hispanic Joe McCarthy.

    Photo of Ted’s father Rafael Cruz.

  12. Chris, people are confused about Cruz because he’s labeled as an Hispanic.
    His mother is Irish and Italian. His father is a White anti-communist who fled Cuba as a teen and is now a Baptist Pastor….

    Be that as it may, it’s a foreign culture. Only white hispanics go around qualifying themselves in america as irish and italian, lol. That seems the trouble with “white nationalism”—- they think all whites are created equal.

  13. Why isn’t Cruz seen as “the reconquista.” Um… the people who founded america fought the white spaniards in the past, so as not to have to live like them, (culturally, ethnically, etc, so they could ALSO KEEP their pre-christian roots, of which there are always traces in current culture.)

    It is very funny that “white nationalists” will go on and on about Hitler and his love of Germany. How great is Germany! The German right to exist as its unique people! But anglo-saxons, by contrast, should be easily lectured to by italians and irish, lol.

    And if they do not put up with it, they are “divisive” and eeeee-ville.

  14. “But some prominent Jewish leaders said a moral imperative, rooted in the experience of the Holocaust, demanded a strong response.”

    You’d think that would make them want to volunteer to do some of the actual fighting but no, always wanting other people to shed blood to kill their enemies.

    If US pilots take the risks and remove Assad’s air defenses then i’m sure they’ll be happy to join in the bombing afterwards.

  15. —-On a personal level, I’m not a huge fan of Italian culture. And don’t mean their current things, like Tarantino, Sopranos, Madonna, etc, etc—- but their historical arts, and so on. Nothing personal, just prefer other things.

    It’s very sad that people don’t realize the ethnic descendants of the founders they profess to care about (well, they are starting to be more open about being glad to be rid of them)—- anyway, those people can’t get their cultural needs met in a country their own ethnic group really founded—- the music, arts, are not to be found. The food served in the (white) hispanic u.s. is inedible for many americans.

    I broke up with somebody who tried to take me to spain on vacay. (I don’t care how white they are)

  16. Cruz is not an english, german, scots, or french name.

    I thought in nationalism, the people got to have their own real nations and cultures.

    And Goner, “nation” is not that way just for Ramzpaul—- it is BIBLICAL. GOD sees nations in that way

  17. DixieGirl says:

    ‘The food served in the (white) hispanic u.s. is inedible for many americans.’

    You are not serious, are you? No need to answer.

    DixieGirl says: ‘I broke up with somebody who tried to take me to spain on vacay. (I don’t care how white they are)’

    One of my nieces took two years off to travel around the world. She lived and worked in Australia, spent time in France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Morocco ( hated it) Vietnam ( beautiful landscape awful people) New Zealand, a few other places I can’t remember off hand and Spain.

    She liked Oz and New Zealand as she is athletic and loves outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, surfing and so on.

    Anyway, her favorite country by far was Spain. Loved the climate, friendly, helpful, happy people, music, restaurants, wineries and laid back lifestyle.

    She raved about the food and the tapas eateries.

    Said she would love to live there if she could.

    Not too many White folks left in the world. My belief is that we should try to get along better with each other.

  18. hugh says:

    Check out Cruz’s position on legal immigration. He wants to open the floodgates. Dixie Girl is right!’

    Not from what I’ve read, just the opposite. Are you confusing him with Marco Rubio?

    Ted Cruz Seeks to Ban Illegal Immigrants in U.S. from Citizenship

    Cruz’s amendment would prevent 11 million currently here from earning legal status

    By Rebekah Metzler
    May 8, 2013

    Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a newly elected Republican with a penchant for making headlines, filed an amendment that would bar undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States from ever earning citizenship.

    There are an estimated 11 million people living in the country illegally, and a bipartisan immigration reform measure would create a pathway to citizenship over the course of 13 years by requiring those people to pay penalties and back taxes, as well as learn English. Conservatives opposed to reform decry the path as amnesty, but Democrats say they will not support reform that does not cope with the immigrants already living in the U.S.

    Cruz also filed amendments that he says would “strengthen border security measures; reform the high-skilled temporary worker program; modernize, streamline and expand legal immigration; and prohibit federal, state or local entitlement benefits for those here illegally.”


    Sen. Ted Cruz Continues Push Against Senator Rubio’s Immigration Bill June 21,

    By JAVIER MANJARRES U.S. Senator Ted Cruz appeared on Fox News to continue his push-back against the ‘Gang of Eight’ immigration reform bill, a bill that Cruz believes is “a mess.”

    Along with other Republican Senators and many Americans across the country, Cruz believes that this bill “is repeating the same failed pattern we saw in 1986,” where 3 million illegal immigrants were granted amnesty.

    Like the 1986 amnesty bill, Cruz says the current immigration bill being pushed in the U.S. Senate, legalizes immigrants first, and promises to secure the border later.

    An overwhelming majority of Americans want to see the border secured first-

    Senator Ted Cruz The 1986 amnesty bill proved to be a failure, as the border was never secured, and the illegal immigration problem worsened.

    The number of illegal immigrants that the current Senate immigration bill is trying to deal with exceeds 11 million. Cruz said that he has proposes a ‘fix the border problem first’ amendment to the ‘Gang of Eight’ bill, but is skeptical that Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, will not let his amendment come to a vote because it does not comport with President Obama’s amnesty agenda.

    Cruz also firmly states that the ‘Gang of Eight’ does not intend to fix the border problem, because in their bill, border security is solely predicated on Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano “submitting” a plan to secure the border.

    Responding to the new immigration “surge” amendment introduced by Senators Hoeven and Corker, Cruz says that it also allows for amnesty for illegal immigrants. –

  20. This video of the hungry Syrian rebel should be a reminder of the unfortunate mistranslations that often occur with our foreign allies.

    Goddamn it Hami, we said to win hearts and minds…WIN.

  21. Dixiegirl

    If you really broke up someone who wanted to take you on a European vacation I think all the men here would agree in saying that guy really dodge a bullet. Please stay in in redneckistan, Europe doesn’t want uncivilized Neanderthals running around their well organized countries.

  22. DixieGirl says:

    ‘Only white hispanics go around qualifying themselves in america as irish and italian, lol. That seems the trouble with “white nationalism”—- they think all whites are created equal.’

    Can someone help me understand what she is trying to say?

    I get a headache trying to decipher half the stuff she writes.

  23. Sometimes I have to re-read what DixieGirl says to understand the meaning but her point about WNism is clear to me. I’ve made that point myself on occasion, once I caught on that WNism has as a tenet the idea that Whites are all equal, and no White culture is preferable to another. In other words, doctrinaire WNs would say that there should be no objection to mass immigration of another people as long as they are ‘White’.
    However most on the racialist right say that they reject egalitarianism per se, while they insist that all White people are equal and we should accept them as interchangeable.
    For instance the people in Ireland or the UK who object to the mass influx of Eastern Europeans into their countries are told to shut up because ”at least they [Eastern Europeans] are White”, even though their culture and ways are not very compatible to the peoples of Western Europe. WNism implicitly supports the idea of White countries as ‘melting pots’ of European nations. That’s how ‘diversity’ got started in this country.

  24. I would presume–were it not for the thousands of comments preceding–that everyone here understood white nationalism and southern white nationalism aren’t at logical odds.

  25. “Pro-Israel and Jewish groups strongly back strike against Syria”


    The Washington Post comes right out and names the Jew.

    Meanwhile, Chronicles Magazine and Dennis Mangan cravenly mumble incoherent nonsense about petro-dollars and egalitarians.

  26. Porter says:

    ‘Sam, Cruz wanted to increase the H1B Hindus even more than the senate bill. It’s for The Economy, you see.’

    Well, I think he is wrong to advance legal immigration. We have more than enough people in this country as it is. There was very little support for that anyway and no chance of that happening. However, I’d much rather see good, educated White people come our way ( So Africans for example) if we went that route. They would probably be excluded in favor of more darkies.

    I’m thinking he wanted to deflect the avalanche of criticism directed his way for opposing amnesty and closing the border to Mexican and Latin American border jumpers. That would be racist against squat brown people.

    I’m just thankful he is spearheading the drive to close our borders, cutting benefits and aid to wetbacks and denying them citizenship.

    That would be huge.

    We can work to cut legal immigration after that hurdle.

    One step at a time.

  27. “The Washington Post comes right out and names the Jew.”

    They have no choice. There is so little other public support the Jewish lobby has to come out in the open. Given that reality, the media’s only option is to spin the motive i.e. make the motive about the holocaust rather than about destroying Israel’s enemies and maintaining the petro-dollar.


    “Meanwhile, Chronicles Magazine and Dennis Mangan cravenly mumble incoherent nonsense about petro-dollars and egalitarians.”

    If you understood the petro-dollar angle then you’d understand why it’s a major factor. The banking mafia don’t care about Assad or Israel. They very much care about maintaining the petro-dollar.

    In a nutshell there is a specifically Jewish lobby and a banking mafia lobby. They overlap a great deal but aren’t the same.

  28. VA,

    “WNism implicitly supports the idea of White countries as ‘melting pots’ of European nations. That’s how ‘diversity’ got started in this country.

    Exactly. I’d add that massive European immigration in the late 1800s set the precedent for massive non-white immigration post-1965. Israel Zangwill said as much in 1908:

    “America is God’s Crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and re-forming!”

    No, the real American has not yet arrived. He is only in the Crucible, I tell you – he will be the fusion of all races, perhaps the coming superman.

    Then we have “The New Colossus” and the strong opposition to the 1924 immigration restriction act (thankfully that opposition was in the minority). White Nationalists cannot look at these factors and conclude that massive European immigration was a “good” thing. It wasn’t. It was a disaster to the Generational Americans that Dixiegirl speaks off. (Full disclosure: I’m not a Generational American. I’m a Melting Pot American).

    I’m of the belief that the White Americans this movement should target for support are those who live conservative/traditional lifestyles (Whites who are married, have kids or plan to have kids, live away from the urban cities, etc.). I don’t believe for a second that it’s possible to unify White Americans in the abstract. There’s no common blood at all. We’re ethnic mongrels, most of us. Mutts, if you will. This is a reality the pro-White movement has to face if we plan on saving ourselves from extinction. We can’t assume racial unity.

  29. In re: My last comment, here’s an excerpt from a July 31, 2013 Amren article:

    There are other differences between Anglo-Saxons and continental Europeans. For example, land is plentiful in sparsely populated North America and Australia. White settlers took over vast tracts of land that they put to good economic use, but to which they had limited emotional attachment. Consequently, Americans respond to the influx of nonwhites into their neighborhoods and communities by moving to the suburbs, exurbs, countryside, or out of state. The territory they are giving up to alien races is not important to whites as long as they are able to find some other place where they can live in peace.

    Europeans have a completely different attitude toward their ancestral lands, where families and communities may have lived for centuries. In densely populated parts of Europe, ownership of as little as a few acres of farmland meant the difference between surviving as a family and dying from starvation. Centuries of often bloody battles between indentured peasants and their feudal landlords forged emotional ties between white Europeans and their land. That’s why they have much lower tolerance for alien people who take treasured real estate that generations of their ancestors may have died to protect. Also, because many Americans move often during their lifetimes and live in several different states, this weakens the ties to their family roots.

    Americans often do not know the names of their ancestors beyond their grandparents. Families often represent a mix of several European ethnicities, which complicates efforts to maintain family traditions. American family histories are often fuzzy, sugarcoated stories, often involving Ellis Island, and occasionally an elusive Indian princess. Not surprisingly, white Americans often have little interest in maintaining family traditions once their ancestral Irish, Polish, or Italian family ties weaken through assimilation.

    In Europe, ethnic and family roots run deep. In rural areas, families have often lived in the same communities for hundreds of years. Strong ethnic ties, forged over centuries of joint struggle for survival, have created a sense among continental Europeans that their ethnicity represents their extended family. That defensive mechanism, the strongest bulwark against alien encroachment, seems to have disappeared among white Americans, which makes the United States more vulnerable to alien invasion.

    Again, these are all realities that White Nationalists can’t just ignore. Enough regional cultures have formed within the United States that dissolving the union would allow those different regions to become their independent nation-states. Dixie would no doubt have the strongest ethnic ties by virtue of its British heritage. I’m not sure about other regions. The bloods have been so diluted that ethnic unity is literally impossible. If we can’t assume racial unity like i said above, then that goes double for ethnic unity. It’s no wonder Whiteness has such a deep history in the United States – we’re more unified racially than we are ethnically!

    It would seem our greatest hope for unity lies in defeating a common threat – that common threat is the people who advance White GeNOcide. The mantra taps into this. It doesn’t focus on unity so much as it focuses on identifying and defeating our enemies who would exterminate us just for being White. They know who we are, and we know who they are. A common threat is easy to target and rally against. But unification on the basis of blood, soil, and tradition? I don’t ever see that happening for White Americans. It might happen for local regions. It won’t happen for the country as a whole.

    Dissolve the Union, and let the chips fall as they may.

  30. Dixiegirl, I like you but Prussiancroat is correct. I hope that man has found a more compatible woman. Personally I find Italian culture to be the best in Europe along with the French, with Germany and Russia having the best classical music. The generational Americans mostly intermarried with immigrants a long time ago, and not all Catholics; also Protestant Germans and Scandinavians.
    Now as for Syria, if I were a Muslim community leader in Tennessee I’d still consider trying to join Hunter’s protest and try to get the SNs to protest the war in Syria together with them. If the SNs have a bad reaction, it makes them look bad.

  31. “I’ll bet Dixie Girl has gone through many men in her time.”

    Sam, Prussian. Not a very gentlemanly way to speak about a lady.
    Even one you may not be able to [always] understand.

    For the record…..


    This is a rather good attempt to go beyond Roman sources to account for the Gauls and Britons. It seems they were egalitarian, richer than the Romans and were unfortunate to fall victim to their murderous war machine. Jones estimates that 2 million Gauls were killed by Ceasar. Settled cities with complex economies and trade and gold coinage were destroyed. Apparently the Celts were in control of 400 gold mines that produced 70 tons of gold a year and they have a huge export industry for wool and textiles. They were also iron workers and had a welfare system that took care of widows and orphans and unwanted children. There was very little slavery.

  33. Another good substantial comment, John. (I liked the Virginia ratification debate/Patrick Henry material yesterday.) Yes, northwestern Europe had our own civilisation and culture (NOT “barbaric” but different than the Latin and Greek) that was conquered, weakened and diluted by the Latin. However, I think it still lives on in us.

  34. This particular series by Jones is a nice primer into how an Empire designed to centralize and extract wealth actually functions. The episode about Archemedes and Syracusian Greeks is fascinating. What was the Learned man working on when the legionaries stabbed him? lol. Also the Parthians are given their due. At Harran the Romans were struck by a Chivalric host that Europe wouldn’t see until a thousand years later with the knights in shining armour. Crassus (a dodgy real estate developer) must have wet himself. Good one.

  35. The Dacians were also given an episode in the series. It seems they were far richer than Rome. They had plumbing and they were also mineral rich. Gold, Copper, Opels, Amber. Dacia was also known as the Metal Mountains. Seems like Trajan built what we now see as Rome from this booty. Of course every area has its mineral wealth, but the Romans did appear to squish and squash nations that were vastly more attractive and decent than their own propaganda would let on about.

  36. HW if you take on organized jews with the old WN shrieking of yore then take the SN movement out back and put one in its head out of mercy.

    Put the phrases “anti-White” or in your specific case “anti-Southern” in front of the word Jew. If you define you dominate, if you allow these jews to define then they will define jews as the ultimate whatever, victim, ethny, culture, religion.

    They have defined whites as “racist” for generations and who here will tell me we are not being dominated?

    Define you dominate, be defined and you will be dominated.

  37. Lew – great find!

    There is a Jew De Jour all over Talmudvision, trying to drum up support for the latest Jew War.

  38. Dan Poole: I think that whites have been pushed about as far as they can go. My parents lost money on a house that they owned in suburban St. Louis when the neighborhood went black in the 60s. They rented after that until they could afford a house in Clayton, which was expensive enough that they thought that it would be out of reach of blacks until they would reach retirement age. That pretty much worked out for them.

    Where can whites go at this point? Neighborhoods like Clayton are not affordable to most whites in their 20s and 30s. If they buy a house in the exurbs, they face a horrible commute, and a statistically higher divorce rate. The less expensive areas already have problems with minorities, including crime and sub-par schools.

    People don’t want to have to move to a completely different part of the country where they will be cut off from having easy contact with the family and social network that they grew up with. Southerners generally don’t want to move to Montana or North Dakota, etc. Most people would like to stay within a three or four hour drive of their “hometown.”

    Between Section 8 and other HUD programs and initiatives, combined with the refugee racket, whites are being boxed in. They certainly can’t count on hard work and thrift to get them to one of the few remaining white enclaves, because fewer and fewer people can find a full-time job paying more than $10/hour, even if they have a four-year degree and a pile of student loans.

    I don’t see how the status quo can be maintained indefinitely.

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