About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Northern WNs would do better to go for a more mainstream approach in their rhetoric, appearance, symbolism, etc. I think a locally-based movement in heavily populated Northern areas could probably gain a pretty strong following if ran professionally. Essentially do mostly the opposite of what these NSM folks are doing – which seems designed to turn off everyone.

  2. These tactics will not work in the country of soccer moms and sports obsessed dads. These are tactics of another time and place. America is a land of slick advertising, clean images but also fear. They need to reminded in a non-threatening manner, what is happening in society and they must be given a viable solution that addresses the problem without threatening any “groups”. Even Rockwell, who had a militaristic structure but a well spoken message, was worlds ahead of this, well…….crap. America has a odd and unique social and political structure that must be accommodated if any progress is to be made. David Duke is on the right track, although his image is burned from decades of involvement. The gun control opponents have used these tactics to be successful. They have been highly successful in suppressing any members of their groups who wish to radicalize it’s image. For the average white American to identify with the overall goals of white nationalism, they have to feel that they are part of the group, not just watching it. These knuckle dragging tactics will not work and have often been a sign in the past of Jewish infiltration. I have always considered these public displays to be nothing more than meet-and-greets between FBI undercover informants, Jewish infiltrators and low IQ white kids with identity problems. They paint us all with a very ugly brush.

  3. They are exactly designed to turn off White and normal folks and discredit genuine pro-Whites and pro-White movements. I’d be curious to know who finances them.

  4. Ok, so I’m no politico—

    But from the outside, just stumbling onto such things online, it really looks like a totally foreign movement (fascism, which is Militarist-Corporatism according to Mussolini, who would know, and which can obviously be multi-cultural/multi-racial) has spent much money co-opting and infiltrating the VERY AMERICAN “KKK.”

    They are right in line with mainstream media and it’s “Hitler Channel” the “history channel,” which DAILY tells people that “Fascism” IS “racism.” Well, obviously that linkage (fascism/racism) is CRAZY, as fascism is a ECONOMIC system that can be multi-racial. Multi-racial fascism is pretty much how most people experience “america.”

    The clown costumes are actually useful, in that it becomes like watching the (FAKE) “Westboro baptist church,” and helps point out that they are paid actors, even if you don’t look up that Fred Phelps was a “civil rights attorney” before he went into the “baptist” protest business (which makes baptists look bad is the main point)

    Also, (and then I will finish watching the vid), the person speaking ALLIES “anarchism” with “communism”—– that, too, seems CRAZY. MANY normal people would put “anarchism” (decentralization) at the EXTREME OPPOSITE pole from “communism” (a statism).

    So, these people don’t make very much sense to a regular average Joe.

    They seem all over the place, like they are just trying to uphold what even Marx noted were “FALSE DICHOTOMIES” (LIKE communism versus racism; or fascism versus multiculturalism or anarchism is communism)—-

    Honestly, is it just me? Or does it seem like some sort of psychotics meltdown, where they are babbling and it doesn’t make sense?

  5. To clarify—- this group, other than having the clear purpose of maligning southerners by REDEFINING the “kkk” as “facist” in an era where that is made to be “racist” by all the t.v. outlet— is in total agreement with the history channel. They are saying nothing different than the history channel, it seems like, or like any “anti racist” t.v.

    They agree that Hitler was just a “racist” (not a proponent of an economic system called fascism which can be multiracial) and they do not have their own movement (apparently, as they had to “co-opt” an american movement called the kkk)

  6. All the above is more like what really goes through the head of a stupid hick such as myself when they see this. (of course, I’m usually not thinking such thoughts at all, but rather, just picking toe jam out of my toes and belly button as bonocorsi, or whatever his name is, said once, to put me in my place as a resident of hickville.)

  7. I read that the NSM will soon be goose stepping off to North Dakota to help out White Power brother, and, militant atheist Craig Cobb. It seems Cobb is living in what is known South of the Mason Dixon Line as a “n_gg_r shack” that is a shack without running water, sewage, or heat. Cobb must be taking “n_gg_er showers” of some sort without running water in his shack?.

    Cobb is a White man, and hopefully that the NSM will be bringing plumbing Nazis, and backhoe Nazis with them to North Dakota.

    Zeig Heil… and 88’s #LOL.

  8. I’ve barely watched a third of the top video and have a hard time taking it seriously. I’ve found articles in the past documenting how much these fascist movements of neo-nazis and Klansmen are just paid by the FBI and anti-whites to make white liberation look bad.

    I am very distrustful of anyone who believes (or pretends to ) in Hitler. I suspect any pro-white who invokes him or his movement of either being fake, or of having some kind of serious emotional issue, especially if they’re american. The feds are probably trying to lure reckless young males in with this, hoping they’ll call the number on the banner and join. It’s like how the federal government used to set up recruiting stations outside of John Wayne movies in the 50’s so that they could sign young guys up (the Marines used to set the legal age for signing up at 16).

    Once a young white man is involved with these types they can be stigmatized and even lied about, and emotionally manipulated.

    As the second video plays I can’t say the speaker is totally lacking pathos, but that would be the best controlled op.

  9. LOL, these guys are all plants. Anything identifying as “Klan” or “National Socialist” in the USA is an ADL/FBI operation.

  10. I also think these people are fake. Or maybe they are genuine just ill informed. This would certainly be what I would do if I were a liberal desiring to stoke the fears of white power.

  11. Have you ever noticed how often the History Channel and the Military Channel run programs about Hitler or the Nazis? Compare that with the horrors endured by American men and women at the hands of the Japanese. I have read much regarding Americans held by Japanese, and it is sickening. Yet, the big story with the Japanese was the internment of Americans of Japanese descent during WWII.

  12. I remember when Matt Hale used to hold such demonstrations in the Peoria area. He made a lot of noise, but he accomplished zilch in the long run.

  13. This brings a song’s lyrics to mind, lyrics I think are applicable in all political pursuits:

    “And if you go carryin’ pictures of Chairman Mao,
    You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.”

    Every movement has a Chairman Mao in the mix somewhere. For White Nationalists, it’s Hitler.

  14. Comedy gold, they storm the state capital building on to the roof top dome mount the swastika flag for a change- 1945 commies in Berlin with the cicle and hammer.

  15. I think almost everyone knows by now that these groups are almost entirely Fed created and sustained. See “Federally-Funded Niche-Market Nazis” and “Prefabricated Fascists: The FBI’s Assembly-Line Provocateurs” at the paleolibertarian Pro Libertate blog. Michael Collins Piper presents several similar case studies in Chapter One (“The Return of COINTELPRO”) of his book, The Judas Goats. Matt Hale was obviously an exception, but his strategy-whatever it was-was clearly wrong-headed.

  16. I am pretty much in agreement with Pulaski. But to suggest that fascists are freedom fighters who are opposed to tyranny is comical and misleading at best. It’s the better of two innately tyrannical systems, where one is nationalist and one is internationalist.

  17. The NSM and the Klan look ridiculous and crazy as compared to what? The crazed Washington estblishment wanting WWIII with Russia?

    I think i’ll take the NSM’s “craziness” over Washington DC.

  18. I think almost everyone knows by now that these groups are almost entirely Fed created and sustained. See “Federally-Funded Niche-Market Nazis” and “Prefabricated Fascists: The FBI’s Assembly-Line Provocateurs” at the paleolibertarian Pro Libertate blog. Michael Collins Piper presents several similar case studies in Chapter One

    Michael Collins Piper has no problem with Muslim immigration in the US or Europe. He says the idea that is proposed by far right groups that they are a threat to us is over the top and ridiculous. Also, libertarians as a source? The enemies of nationalism lecturing us about what is real or not? Gimme a break.

    Having said that, there is no doubt that all right wing groups are infiltrated by Feds. It is the nature of the beast. Nationalism is their biggest threat and they cannot allow it to take off. It’s the main reason we have had a horrible track record forming White groups. Remember this, our enemies can wear suits and ties just as much as shaved heads and tattoos.

  19. GOP is sustained by the power that be. Without the right wing which is just a fraction of talking heads.A new political party draw millions discontent

  20. I watched ten minutes of the top video. The speaker is very clear about what he is talking about. Well spoken and well done. Southern Nationalism could take a few cues from this. Y’all need to embrace the Confederate battle flag. It’s what you really stand for. Man up and fly it so as there is no doubt about where you are coming from.

  21. Michael Collins Piper has no problem with Muslim immigration in the US or Europe. He says the idea that is proposed by far right groups that they are a threat to us is over the top and ridiculous. Also, libertarians as a source? The enemies of nationalism lecturing us about what is real or not? Gimme a break.

    Most people understand that you can get valuable and reliable info from a variety of sources.

  22. The beginning of the end for Hitler was when he decided to ally with the Japanese. What a white hero, right?

  23. Southern Nationalists have a real message and gain nothing by associating with costumed misfits. At the very best, associating with overt or crypto Hitlerites sends a conflicted message. Yes we should be smart enough to understand the nuances of WW2, but these are not people who have a good grasp on reality.

    We have four hundred years of symbolism and unique, southern tradition to utilize – traditions that “Nazi” groups are going to be largely hostile to. Honestly I don’t think they have social graces, and I would get irritated by their monomaniacal views pretty quickly.

    As for the symbolism, I think you guys here are taking it in the right direction. Get away from the re-enactor look. Leave it for re-enactors. Leave the bizarre facial hair for the court historians, because they all seem to have it.

  24. These fellows don’t strike me as white and normal.

    Whatever Nazis were and are, there are certainly not a product of the organic culture of North American people. The are as out-of-place as another import from Old Europe, the anti-white Jews, in a time where we are facing dilution by brown skinned and black skinned folks that consider us one and the same, and nurse a common revenge fantasy for us both.

  25. Another thing: that is a really ugly uniform and they don’t seem to own an iron among them. It looks like a suicide cult, which is appropriate, because they are nothing but poison for our cause.

  26. “The beginning of the end for Hitler was when he decided to ally with the Japanese. What a white hero, right?”

    It is not like he had a lot of choice on that one. Hitler’s Slavic policy is where he went wrong. He should have made common cause with the Russian Whites, which he couldn’t do considering his plans to turn Russia into a German colony. He must have been insane to think he could take on the entire world.

  27. Y’all are fighting like two high school cliques, here, and both sides are, in my estimation, a bit off.

    National socialism? Nah. It’s fun for the true believer, but it’s a lot like Communism in that you can’t belong unless you BELIEVE. People have lives and problems that no catechism of political orthodoxy can really make better. And the uniforms and grimness and all that are a turn off. Very cosplay.

    The neo-Confederate thing is a little better, but there are some embarrassingly anachronistic elements to it, too. You’re doing better with polo shirts and smiles, but the old-fashionedness of the particular Confederate symbols chosen seem hokey and quaint.

    The future has to LOOK LIKE the future, even if the ideas borrow from the past. I persoally think more and better use of CHRISTIAN symbols are what the pro-White movement needs.

    And less friggin’ BLACK. Try a hopeful color, y’all. Whatever happened to Bonnie Blue?

  28. One last thing: nobody with any sense would join a movement that wears black and waves Swastikas. Ten seconds of thought tell you that even if they aren’t a group designed by the government to track gullible nuts, joining is an easy way to get on the FBI’s radar

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