About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The future has to LOOK LIKE the future, even if the ideas borrow from the past. I persoally think more and better use of CHRISTIAN symbols are what the pro-White movement needs.”

    I don’t see much hope for Christianity. It is a ridiculous premise to begin with, and it truly lacks the warrior values at its essence, one or two stray verses aside. Always in history when our Christian societies required aggressiveness biblical references default to the Old Testament, except at the beginning of Christendom when pagan heroic values were still strong, but that is all dead now.

  2. Crowley:

    Christianity was the driving force behind the most demographically and biologically assertive period of White history. When Charles Martel drove the Muslims out of France, he didn’t do it in the name of his mama. He did it in the name of God.

    And then he kicked some Viking ass, too, who were chocked full of “warrior blah blah blah.”

    My point is that this is a war for the minds of non-weirdos and non-eccentrics and non-political junkies. If you try to force a message on them in the wrong way (Heiling Hitler), you don’t just lose them…you prove the Enemy right.

  3. I’m partial to my own Texas State flag. Nothing outdated or anachronistic about it. It is one of our symbols that sends the right message and, in my estimation, about a hundred times more effective than other symbols. Same for other State flags.

    Our enemies (rightly) laugh at people trying to do the stormtrooper look and really just dismiss them as kooks with no social life or influence. The hatred they have for real and relevant southern symbols is not a joke in any way. The image of the cowboy, the country musician, the middle class land owner, the southern musician, the armed citizen…all of these things are what the left spends its time trying to stigmatize. Notice I didn’t say “demonize,” because they understand that making something appear rebellious adds to its allure, but people will tend avoid something that is unattractive, non-threatening, and ineffectual.

    So here’s my point: We have so much that we could be use to present an image of a good future for white southerners. If we want to be taken seriously, we don’t want to be mistaken for quixotic types or rainbow confederates. We certainly don’t want to look like complete fools as do these nazis (or whatever they call themselves). They are losers at life whose contempt for most normal people is expressed in their dress and in their physical state. Why is it they always look either roided out or somehow gross?

  4. And here arrives the expected anti-Christian response. This is my first day putting up something on this excellent site, but I’ve had my eye on this and a couple of others for a while now, and there is always some genius who has to come by and tell us how stupid we are for following the religion of our ancestors or how little use we are.

    I’ll see if you can somehow convince the majority of southerners to see things your way by going around telling them that. I’m sure if calling one of the central pillars of their life “a ridiculous concept” doesn’t win them over, some runes and other ancient imagery will. You won’t look out of place at all, and people will definitely want to drop everything and follow you then!

    Most white people are already on-board with everything that this movement stands for. If you’re one of those enlightened few who has all of the secrets of the universe figured out, please keep it to yourself until we can actually achieve political gain. As much as the same three people seem to spam the comments here, AltRight, and others about how they ‘don’t have much use for Christians,’ they are quite useless for the movement in every way I can see.

  5. The Southern Baptist Convention is not going to raise the sword for the White man anytime soon. I don’t spend a lot of time down talking Christianity yet from time to time I’ll criticize it. Why not, this is a discussion forum, right? Christianity is a universalist religion. Try to appreciate what that means. In Europe the Catholic Church won’t even stand against its ancient adversary, or neither of them I should say. It does stand against homosexuality, but that’s about it. It doesn’t stand against Islam, It doesn’t stand against the Sanhedrin, and it couldn’t care less about ethnic European man in and of himself.

  6. Please don’t confuse what the men who run the Church teach and do with what the Church actually teaches. Our pope can spout off all the stupid, embarrassing horseshit he wants, but it’s all just one man’s opinion. His official teaching can’t contradict a word of what the popes before him have taught, because it was all handed down from Christ Himself.

    God sent this pope, and the faggot bishops and priests, as a punishment. We Catholics have strayed from what the Church teaches and we have the pope and bishops we deserve. May God give us the strength to suffer the ridicule, ignominy, and shame that our pope and the current crop of limp-wristed, Koran-humping hypocrite bishops are going to bring upon us.

  7. “These knuckle dragging tactics will not work and have often been a sign in the past of Jewish infiltration. I have always considered these public displays to be nothing more than meet-and-greets between FBI undercover informants, Jewish infiltrators and low IQ white kids with identity problems. They paint us all with a very ugly brush.”

    How true! And these poor fools have only succeeded in providing more photos for their FBI and Homeland Security dossiers – other than that they have accomplished nothing.

  8. Cold war against Communism, during the height of Cuban missile crisis. George Lincoln Rockwell adopted Nazi outfit to shock the public out of their stupor whom the Nazi fought against. He was trying to convey to the public that Germany was on the right side. And U.S was on the wrong side.

    That was then and this is now. Nazis and Communism is Synonymous. Stalin and Hitler are butchers.

  9. Northern WNs would do better to go for a more mainstream approach in their rhetoric, appearance, symbolism, etc. I think a locally-based movement in heavily populated Northern areas could probably gain a pretty strong following if ran professionally. Essentially do mostly the opposite of what these NSM folks are doing – which seems designed to turn off everyone.

    I’m not so sure. There are no customs, traditions, blood ties, or deep roots in the soil on which Yankees can base their nationalism, so when they attempt nationalism it almost always turns out weird like this. Even the Klan these days looks solidly Northernised.

    What does screaming ‘White power!’ and giving Hitler salutes to a crowd of anti-Whites accomplish?

    Nothing besides attracting other freaks and misfits, obviously. I have always thought it’s funny that the skinheads, white nationalists, and other morons salute their enemies.

    As for the salute itself, the left-armed Roman salute appeared in Griffith’s Birth of a Nation, filmed in 1915, so it isn’t the Hitler salute when the Klan does it.

  10. But from the outside, just stumbling onto such things online, it really looks like a totally foreign movement . . ..

    Judging by the numbers of Yankees who post here (most of whom are keen on “helping us”), I’d say much the same is true here. I thought Hunter said he cleaned this place up.

  11. Christianity was the driving force behind the most demographically and biologically assertive period of White history.

    Christianity’s history is one thing and its present is something else entirely.

    It is obvious that anti-Christianity is a political non-starter in the South. Having said that, the irony is that the churches are vocal in their anti-nationalism. This is true of the liberal and the conservative churches. The Catholic church in particular is especially supportive of Mexican immigration and, like someone else has mentioned, does nothing to stop the Islamisation of Europe.

    If Southern nationalists could form a traditional, liturgical, pro-Southern church, then I would support it fully. But in the meantime, supporting churches that oppose our existence makes no sense to me. The churches should be leading our people, not working against us.

  12. Northerners who support our cause, contribute to us financially, and who participate in our events will always be welcome to post here.

    We’ve been down this road before. Their “help” usually consists of telling us to do things their way, lumping Southern nationalism in with white nationalism, moving here, and so on.

    • In order to build a real Southern Nationalist movement, we need money, bodies, and publicity for our events.

      We don’t need thousands of anonymous people telling us what to do and spending all their time arguing on the internet.

  13. We have a much larger problem with Southerners who are too busy watching football games to support our cause.

    The existence of one problem does not necessitate ignoring another. Allowing our traditional foe to have influence over our nationalistic movement is folly to the highest degree. There are more than enough Southrons to form a viable movement without contradicting our core principles (blood and soil vs. proposition nation) by importing foreigners to fill the ranks.

    • I’m not concerned about the people who are supporting us. They are useful and have proven their worth. The same cannot be said of anonymous people whose participation in the Southern Nationalist movement is limited to online criticism.

  14. I’m not concerned about the people who are supporting us.

    Support = influence. Are we nationalists or not?

    I have said before that if you live in an area like I do that is swamped with Yankees you would probably understand what I am talking about.

    The same cannot be said of anonymous people whose participation in the Southern Nationalist movement is limited to online criticism.

    Is this directed specifically at me? I missed one rally (of one) due to a scheduling conflict. You really ought not to condemn your fellow nationalists so easily, especially while talking about the worthiness of members of our opposing tribe who have weaseled their way into our cause.

    I doubt that I am the only one who has serious doubts about the LS because of its acceptance of our foes.

    • 1.) I’m a Southern Nationalist. I am a member of an organization that is advancing the goal of an independent South in the real world.

      2.) I prefer Yankees who support our movement with their actions to Southerners who talk on the internet about doing so.

      3.) Not specifically.

      If you are a League member, this is news to me.

      4.) If you are not a League member, then you are not really a participant in our movement.

      5.) I doubt that I am the only one who is skeptical of anonymous people who boast about their Southern ancestry, but who do nothing in the real world to advance their professed cause.

  15. The same cannot be said of anonymous people whose participation in the Southern Nationalist movement is limited to online criticism.

    One more thought on this – your condemnation of prospective nationalists is especially inappropriate when considering that the current Southern nationalist movement is such a recent phenomenon that any well-meaning Southron could be excused for having never heard of it. What was there before a year or two ago besides a few heritage/re-enactment/Rainbow groups? Sure, the LS has been around for a while, but until very recently it had a reputation for being a Rainbow organisation. I would guess that many of the LS’s prospective members don’t even know that the LS is changing directions. Its change is so recent that even remnant rainbows remain within the LS – the North Carolina chairman and New York native Bernhard Thuersam – for example.

    So, Hunter, my point is to lighten up on this issue. Attracting people to nationalist events is hard enough without condemning or mocking prospective supporters.

    • 1.) I’m not condemning “prospective nationalists.” I’m saying that I take the people who are supporting our movement more seriously than those who don’t.

      2.) If you are so devoted to the Southern Nationalist movement, why doesn’t anyone know you?

      3.) That’s true. It doesn’t wash in your case though. You are well aware of the recent changes in the League.

      4.) You’re the one who is condemning people who actually support us with their actions.

  16. 2.) I prefer Yankees who support our movement with their actions to Southerners who talk on the internet about doing so.

    Then you are not a Southern nationalist. A nationalist is someone who supports his people. To a nationalist, the people are more important than is the ideology of strangers. Nations are not built on ideologies. They are built on blood and soil.

    You posted a link to Golden Dawn – do you think they talk about preferring Turks who support them to their own Greek people? The overwhelming majority of Golden Dawn’s supporters have done nothing more than cast votes to support them and I have never heard a Golden Dawn leader condemn his own people for that. And remember that Golden Dawn is a household name in Greece and holds frequent events, making real-world activism that much easier. Neither is true of the LS. So, who do you think you are to spout off about Southrons who haven’t attended the LS’s one and only public event in years? A few years ago, all you were doing was trolling websites talking about Hitler being the cause of all our problems.

    If you are a League member, this is news to me.

    I have been a member for more than a year. I told you before, but I guess you forgot.

    • 1.) No, I don’t remember you telling me this. What discussion are you referring to?

      2.) I’m a Southern Nationalist. I am a member of the League of the South. I participate in League events. I am well known to everyone who is involved in the Southern Nationalist movement.

      3.) To my knowledge, you post on the internet under a pseudonym, show up in comment threads to argue and criticize people who support us in the real world, and advocate extreme rhetorical positions like breaking up marriages.

      4.) While you might be a Southerner, I don’t consider you a Southern Nationalist or recognize you as being part of our movement.

      It’s true that nations are built on blood and soil, but revolutionary political movements aren’t built by people typing on their keyboards while sitting on their recliner in their living rooms.

      5.) If you have done anything to support the League of the South, this is unknown to me.

      6.) I’ve demonstrated that I am willing to stand up for my beliefs with my fellow Southern Nationalists. I will take a Yankee who will stand beside me over an internet based rhetorical radical anyday.

      7.) I don’t recall saying anywhere that Hitler is responsible for all of our problems, but it is true WW2 played a major role in discrediting nationalism and racialism.

  17. 1.) I’m not condemning “prospective nationalists.” I’m saying that I take the people who are supporting our movement more seriously than those who don’t.

    See previous post.

    2.) If you are so devoted to the Southern Nationalist movement, why doesn’t anyone know you?

    LOL! I suppose because I haven’t attended the LS’s only public event since I realised that they moved on from their Rainbow past.

    My re-discovery of the LS is very recent – within 18 months maybe – and for most of that time I still had doubts about them given their Rainbow past, their NC (NY) chairman, etc. I very nearly resigned soon after I joined as a result of getting e-mails about Lincoln being a “white supremacist”, and so on. It wasn’t until maybe six months ago that I saw that the League is making an effort to move away from that.

    This site helped me see that, but it’s also making me wonder if the League is just replacing Rainbowism with white nationalism.

    3.) That’s true. It doesn’t wash in your case though. You are well aware of the recent changes in the League.

    See above.

    4.) You’re the one who is condemning people who actually support us with their actions.

    I don’t agree for one moment that the tribe that has been in conflict with us for 400 years is supporting us. Even if they were, their support would not be worth the cost of credibility with our own people. The only people I’m condemning are not Southern!

    • 1.) Are you planning to attend our protest in Tennessee on October 12?

      We have 36 people who have committed to show up. If the South is ever lost, it won’t be because of Stephen Dalton or Jack Ryan.

      Instead, it will be because our own people were too sorry to lift a finger to resist our demographic demise.

      2.) I’ve never received any emails like that.

      3.) We’re committed to getting off the internet and building our movement in the real world.

      4.) Stephen Dalton drove from Peoria, Illinois to Uvalda, Georgia to support us. That’s more than I can say about lots of “Southern Nationalists.”

      5.) The people who stand shoulder to shoulder with us in the real world have more credibility than anonymous keyboard commandoes on the internet.

  18. Gospel According to Mark is a pretty god guide to a political movement that starts in a backwater and very nearly overwhelmed the powers that be.

    Cut out the Cross bit at the end of course. Faith healing is Out of the question, but I do view the SPLC as a demon to be cast out. Maybe faithhealing was a metaphor for changing sick minds.
    It might have local resonance. The blacks and invaders eat widows out of house and home. Men have put away their wives and women have put away their men as their income is consumed by lazy princelings and hypocrital preachers. you could have a few thousand show up in a year or two. Be patient. It’ll take there years of street activity to get anything done.

  19. 1.) No, I don’t remember you telling me this. What discussion are you referring to?

    I have no idea now which subject it was under. I think it revolved around your support of Denise and other foreigners, though.

    2.) I’m a Southern Nationalist. I am a member of the League of the South. I participate in League events. I am well known to everyone who is involved in the Southern Nationalist movement.

    I don’t doubt that you’re a Southern activist. But being an activist doesn’t mean that you’re a nationalist. Nationalists support their people and they don’t boast about being supported by members of the opposing tribe.

    3.) To my knowledge, you post on the internet under a pseudonym, show up in comment threads to argue and criticize people who support us in the real world, and advocate extreme rhetorical positions like breaking up marriages.

    Breaking up marriages are words you put in my mouth. Criticise people who support us in the real world? Sure, if you think that some blowhard Yankee like Denise lecturing us about replacing nationalism with a white imperium constitutes supporting us in the real world.

    4.) While you might be a Southerner, I don’t consider you a Southern Nationalist or recognize you as being part of our movement.

    Though your pompous proclamations are becoming increasingly uninteresting to me, I am at least interested in this one enough to ask on what grounds you claim that I am neither a nationalist nor a part of the (newly-formed) Southern nationalist movement.

    It’s true that nations are built on blood and soil, but revolutionary political movements aren’t built by people typing on their keyboards while sitting on their recliner in their living rooms.

    Answered sufficiently in previous posts. Let me ask you this, both personally and in the context of your role in LS leadership, do you want me to attend League events?

    6.) I’ve demonstrated that I am willing to stand up for my beliefs with my fellow Southern Nationalists. I will take a Yankee who will stand beside me over an internet based rhetorical radical anyday.

    I have no doubt that you would favour a Yankee to any number of your own people. It is a case of intellectualism and ideology versus nationalism.

    7.) I don’t recall saying anywhere that Hitler is responsible for all of our problems, but it is true WW2 played a major role in discrediting nationalism and racialism.

    Your memory fails you.

    • 1.) If you are a League member, then Dr. Hill will be able to verify this. Send him an email and request that he verify your identity.

      2.) There’s a difference between real nationalists and internet based fantasists – a fantasist is someone who posts exclusively on the internet and who adopts a radical rhetorical posture which isn’t consistent with their actions in real life.

      3.) If memory serves, you wanted to drive every transplant out of Dixie. You want us to break up marriages and families. It’s an absurd, impractical fantasy like so much of the crap we hear from people on the internet.

      BTW, Denise is willing to financially contribute to the Southern Nationalist movement. What about you? What are you doing except complaining on the internet about people who act to support our cause?

      4.) If you are so committed to the Southern Nationalist movement, what are you doing to support i t in the real world?

      5.) Absolutely. I hope that I am just getting the wrong impression of you. I am just tired of dealing with people bickering on the internet and doing nothing to advance our cause in the real world.

      6.) Seeing as how we have 36 people willing to come to our event, maybe we should. Maybe the people who are willing to support us should take the place of those who are too sorry to do so.

  20. 1.) Are you planning to attend our protest in Tennessee on October 12?

    No, and for good reason.

    We have 36 people who have committed to show up. If the South is ever lost, it won’t be because of Stephen Dalton or Jack Ryan.

    By themselves, that is true, but they won’t slow down the loss.

    Instead, it will be because our own people were too sorry to lift a finger to resist our demographic demise.

    I truly hope that few of our own people are reading your rants of tonight. Who would read what you have written tonight and be motivated to go to one of the events that you promote? Most people’s reaction to what you have written would be “to Hell with that asshole”.

    2.) I’ve never received any emails like that.

    You don’t live in North Carolina. Bernhard Theursam is the NC chairman.

    3.) We’re committed to getting off the internet and building our movement in the real world.

    That’s a great goal. And I hope for success in building an orgnacic, folk-centric movement. But, I must say that your tactics suck. 50 people attended your Uvalda rally, which means that tens of thousands of sympathisers did not attend (for a variety of reasons). Lashing out at people who did not attend on this site is probably the stupidest thing that can be done from a PR perspective.

    4.) Stephen Dalton drove from Peoria, Illinois to Uvalda, Georgia to support us. That’s more than I can say about lots of “Southern Nationalists.”

    Southern nationalism is finished before it gets started if it relies on the opposing tribe for support.

    5.) The people who stand shoulder to shoulder with us in the real world have more credibility than anonymous keyboard commandoes on the internet.

    That’s quite a bold statement coming from an ex-keyboard commando.

  21. How long did it take the EDL to get rallies that were in the thousands? It’ll take time.

    I don’t know about the EDL, but Golden Dawn took years to get thousands at its events. Something that can be learned from them is that a big factor in their success has been their unconditional support of their people. You don’t hear a message of contempt for their people with things like: “I’m a bigger activist than you are” or “I prefer Turks who support us to anonymous Greeks on the internet”.

  22. I am just tired of dealing with people bickering on the internet and doing nothing to advance our cause in the real world.

    Your attitude makes me far less likely to support the LS. You are the anti-ambassador of a cause if ever there was one. Instead of addressing my concern (which others have voiced here in the past) about the LS’s soft stance towards the Yankees, all you could manage was to lash out at your own people who haven’t attended the LS’s only public event in recent memory. Get a grip, Hunter.

  23. Long Live Dixie, the vast majority of Catholics in this country do not support unrestricted legal or illegal immigration, even from Catholic countries. It’s basically a radicalized clique in the clergy and the laity that has made a fetish out of so-called immigration reform that’s causing the problem.

    You seem to resent that Denise, Jack, and myself are involved in SN. I can’t speak for Jack or Denise, but here are my reasons for involvement. One, even though I’m from Peoria, Il., my ancestors, where from Pittsylvania Co., Va. They came to the Mid-West because my ggggrandfather had land grants from military service in the War of 1812. They settled in Ft. Farmington, IL. in 1830, and they helped found the town of Elmwood, Il. shortly after. A lot of Southerners, especially Virginians, settled in this neck of the woods, since Illinois was originally part of the territory of Virginia. Two, when I got interested in my family’s history and genealogy, I realized my extended family in America was Scot-Irish and Southern. Very few Daltons lived in the North. This interest caused me to do a lot of reading about the South and it’s history. It turned me into a Copperhead. The visits I made to Virginia and other Southern states deepened my love for the South and it’s way of life. Three, if America (or any part of it) is to be saved, the South will be the major reason for that salvation. This region is the most traditional part of America. It has, it spite of all the crap thrown at it, like the WBTS, held on to religious and secular traditions that the rest of the American people have foolishly thrown to the winds. It’s only a traditional people with their hearts, minds, and souls rooted in sound traditions that can save the future for their descendants.

  24. I am involved in SN because I am involved in White Preservation. Were I ruling the world, (and I really ought to be!) I would gladly, and with all the love in my heart, and all the admiration of my soul, set Dixie free. Dixie would not longer have to worry about the tyranny of the Union. I am not interested in terrorizing, exploiting, or abusing my fellow Whites (or any other Race, for that matter). I simply want my beautiful and valiant Pro White Whites to LIVE AS THEY CHOOSE.

    Dixie is different from the other regions of the USA. I love what Dixie is, and has been, and will be. I want Dixie to flourish AS Dixie. Dixie must LIVE!

    That’s why I am involved in supporting a Free Dixie.

  25. You seem to resent that Denise, Jack, and myself are involved in SN.

    I oppose Northern involvement in Southron nationalism for these reasons:

    1) I don’t trust them or their motives.

    2) It is not their cause. Southron nationalism is folk nationalism. Generally, outsiders can be of limited help to begin with, and while I don’t mind a limited amount of foreign involvement, I would definitely look to friendly nations for that.

    3) They are our traditional, age-old foes. We have been in conflict with them, in one form or another, for 400 years. It would be as preposterous for us involve Yankees in our nationalist cause as it would be for the Germans to involve Poles or the Greeks to involve Turks in their nationalist causes. Some people simply don’t get along well and shouldn’t be involved in each other’s business.

    4) They are loud, pushy, and domineering. This almost always results in them telling us to replace our Southern ways with their Northern ways. Denise’s insistence in an earlier discussion that we stop thinking of folk interests and focus solely on race is a good example of this.

    5) Their involvement leads to increased fraternisation between our people, the breaking down of barriers between our people, the idea amongst our people that “hey, maybe the Yankees aren’t so bad after all”, and the increased likelihood that the Northerners involved in our cause will move South.

    6) As a matter of principle, it is a bad idea to include in our liberation struggle the very tribe from whom we seek liberation and who is actively colonising our land, which is an act that threatens our survival as a people.

    7) Their presence causes division and demoralisaion in the ranks. Southrons are fed-up with Yankees moving here and bossing us around. When these fed-up Southrons look to a nationalist cause they don’t want to find someone from Chicago, New York, or California involved in (or leading) it. What they want is a place to promote Southron nationalism amongst their fellow flesh and blood Southrons. We have seen this division and demoralisation on this site before and I have seen it first-hand.

    I am aware of the fact that Southrons settled parts of the Lower Midwest in earlier centuries and I assume that some remnant Southron populations remain from southern Illinois to southern Ohio. If these people remain Southron and have a Southron identity then I encourage their return to Dixie. I don’t know where you fit in there.

  26. Long Live Dixie, you seem to have a paranoid hatred and fear of Copperheads like Jack, Denise, and Moi. We’re not interested in “dominating” the South. We want to aid the South in it’s struggle against the Godless, Yankee mindset that have ruined this country. We see the South and it’s traditions as the last line of defense against it. Speaking only for myself, I would no more change the South than I would change the recipe for the fried chicken I had at Callaway Gardens years ago. It was good, and to change the recipe for that chicken would be just as nutty as changing the culture of the South.

  27. “Opposing tribe”. LLD, we Copperheads are not opposing you! We are uniting with your fellow Southrons in the hope we can rebuild a part of the North American landmass back into what the original settlers wanted in the first place. The old America began in the South in Jamestown, Va., may the new America also begin somewhere in the Southron land too.

  28. Just remember that bickering is what made the occidental the Occident. Accept no substitute to the question of “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin”. We inherited that problem from the first westeners. Disputation is our lifeblood.

  29. “Their involvement leads to increased fraternisation between our people, the breaking down of barriers between our people, the idea amongst our people that ‘hey, maybe the Yankees aren’t so bad after all’, and the increased likelihood that the Northerners involved in our cause will move South.”

    That makes perfect sense if you plan to use the Line (and the Ohio River) to mark off and establish a distinct, separate American “Southron” ethny. As long as people from north of the Line keep moving south, visiting to “help out” or fraternising online, your project is always being frustrated. “The South” cannot learn to walk alone without rejecting the crutches of northern aid, or become a separate people without barring all white immigration from north of the Line. You must demonise white people north of the Line, avoid contact, and OUTLAW miscegenation with “Yankees”. Rather cross with a Negro than a Yankee!

  30. “They are loud, pushy, and domineering. This almost always results in them telling us to replace our Southern ways with their Northern ways (…) They are our traditional, age-old foes. We have been in conflict with them, in one form or another, for 400 years.”

    Especially beware of Yankees who are always saying nice things about the South, telling you what you want to hear, because “Yankees” are natural enemies of “the South”. It’s in their Yankee GENES to harm the South.

  31. “We want to aid the South in it’s struggle against the Godless, Yankee mindset that have ruined this country. We see the South and it’s traditions as the last line of defense against it.”

    The struggle of “Southron” whites against “Yankee” whites must also be cast as the struggle of religion against godlessness: “Yankee” whites must be demonised as GODLESS, as atheists at heart or in “mindset”, if not openly so — as the natural enemies and destroyers of everything moral and good!

  32. Long Live Dixie, you seem to have a paranoid hatred and fear of Copperheads like Jack, Denise, and Moi.

    I live in an area of the South in which Southerners will be a minority in a short time and in which Yankee influence is impossible to avoid even in rural areas. More Southrons should experience this level of dispossession; it might cause them to re-think their soft attitude towards our invaders from the North.

    I have no problem at all if Yankees wish to support us from a distance. But the best thing they can do to support us is to not move here and to convince their neighbours likewise. I don’t know a lot about you because I haven’t followed your posts thus far, but Jack’s and Denise’s worldviews are very alien to the Southern mindset. Jack has apparently moved South and Denise has favourably mentioned the idea for herself. That is not help – that is increasing the dispossession of our people. The Southland is for Southrons. It is not a refugee centre for any white person who happens to agree with us on a handful of political ideas.

    We’re not interested in “dominating” the South.

    The actions of your people say otherwise. Whole areas of the South are unrecognisable because of the actions of Yankees.

    We want to aid the South in it’s struggle against the Godless, Yankee mindset that have ruined this country.

    Thanks, but no thanks. We are a people who number in the tens of millions. We do not need your help and have more than enough experience to know that it has not done anything for us in the past. There are plenty of areas in the USA’s interior west that are receptive to the racialist message. Your help would be more appropriate in those areas.

    “Opposing tribe”. LLD, we Copperheads are not opposing you! We are uniting with your fellow Southrons in the hope we can rebuild a part of the North American landmass back into what the original settlers wanted in the first place.

    The Southron people do not need unity with anyone. We need independence. Our unity with the Yankees is the reason for our current predicament.

    The old America began in the South in Jamestown, Va., may the new America also begin somewhere in the Southron land too.

    I am not interested in building or re-building America. America was a disaster for Southrons from the very beginning. I wish to have an independent, racially-homogenous, nationally-homogenous Southland. I do not wish to have an independent Southland in which Yankees who wish to “help us” are free to come and go as they please. Additionally, I find it rather patronising that so many Northerners have this idea of “helping us”.

  33. 2.) There’s a difference between real nationalists and internet based fantasists – a fantasist is someone who posts exclusively on the internet and who adopts a radical rhetorical posture which isn’t consistent with their actions in real life.

    I checked back on some old threads and my timeline was a little off. It was only in June, after the conference in Alabama, that I decided for certain to go with the LS (it was actually Michael’s speech that was the clincher). So, I was right that I have missed exactly one public event since I decided on the LS (even though I was a member before, like I said, I had a lot of doubts).

    While I understand your frustration with people who refuse to get active, your lashing out is totally unhelpful. In my case (and undoubtedly in the cases of others), it is based on false assumptions and distorted expectations. It is a false assumption to say that since I missed the only event since I decided to go with the League that my motives were rooted in a desire to shirk. It is a distorted expectation in that is unreasonable to expect universal attendance at public events. Schedules, prior engagements, family responsibilities, driving time, and several other factors can come into play in someone’s inability to attend an event.

    Though I feel uncompelled to justify my non-attendance in Uvalda and central Tennessee, I’ll do so anyway just to humour you. I did not attend last month’s rally because I had a scheduling conflict. For next month’s rally, I also have a scheduling conflict. I had previously planned to leave as soon as I could Saturday morning, drive the several hours, and then arrive in time for the afternoon event, but it turns out I’ll be needed here longer than I had thought. Does that make me sorry? Or does that make me someone who has a normal life with responsibilities and commitments?

    While I am fairly thick-skinned and can handle your insults, I shudder to think of how other new or prospective members may react to being lashed out at like that. It would make a very poor first impression with the League. Not only does that attitude discourage people from getting active, it also lowers the feeling of comradeship within the ranks for those who ultimately will get active.

  34. Hey Long Live Dixie

    Does your hatred of White Northern people apply to attractive White Northern women? European women who are new to the South?

    So,if some Anna Kournikova type woman showed up at your place dressed in a bikini would you chase her away and prefer to hang out with southern “boys” like lisping Lindsey Graham?

    It’s not all some Northern Yankee plot. Lots of Southern people in South Carolina keep supporting Lindsey Graham. They Lso voted for Newt Gingrich and the Huckster in the GOP Presidential primary.

    So there is lots of local work to be done and we can’t just blame Whites from other regions, nations for our problems.

  35. Long Live Dixie appears to be trolling here. No reason to wate time investigating what he/it is about – spreading dissection against LOS, CoCC, OD for actually accomplishing local, positive activism in the South.

    If he/it was real he would be accomplishing positive activism in some all Southern group. I see no evidence that this is the case.

    We need to run off negative, “nay Sayers” along with infiltrators, agent provocateurs.

  36. Here’s the thing – I do understand what LLD is saying, but his hatred for Yankees is blinding him to practical reality.

    United we stand. Divided we are genocided. The global White population is so small that Freeing Dixie alone is a monumental task. Getting a larger population to give their tacit consent to ones’ goals is 90% of the work. Yankees are just beginning to become aware of the fact that All is Not Well. Yankees possess the immense Tragic Flaw of the Jew; neither group can comprehend, accept, and certainly NEVER EVER admit that they are wrong, on any issue. Yankees are not Jews, however, and will eventually be forced to deal with their lunacy on racial and economic issues.

    I do a lot of “prep” work for that day.

  37. Long Live Dixie, the vast majority of Catholics in this country do not support unrestricted legal or illegal immigration, even from Catholic countries. It’s basically a radicalized clique in the clergy and the laity that has made a fetish out of so-called immigration reform that’s causing the problem.

    I meant to answer this in my earlier post. I have no problem with individual Catholics just because they are Catholics. The problem is with the clergy and other leaders of the RCC and the lay members who go along with their agenda.

  38. Palmetto, thanks for the comment. I didn’t even think I’d be noticed in the crowd in Uvalda. After all, I wasn’t loud, pushy, or domineering! If I decide to be “loud, pushy, or domineering” it will be in favor of our cause!

  39. Mosin, you seem to take umbrage with the phrase “Godless, Yankee mindset”. Well Mosin, in case you haven’t noticed, most of the wacko religious and secular ideas and movements that has hurt this country have one thing in common. They mostly came from the North Eastern part of America called New England, aka Yankeeland. So I’m not demonizing the Yankees, I’m describing them.

  40. Does your hatred of White Northern people apply to attractive White Northern women?

    I hate what the Yankees are doing to my country and I hate the Yankees who are doing it. I do not hate Yankees just for being Yankees. I have no problem with Yankees who live their entire lives in their own land and mind their own business.

    European women who are new to the South?

    Depends. I don’t consider the people of our founding stock to truly be foreigners, so I would welcome people from the Isles in reasonable numbers. The same goes for Australians and New Zealanders. The further one goes from Britain, the less I want them here.

    Long Live Dixie appears to be trolling here.

    Obviously I don’t care what a Chicagoan thinks of me or my motives, but I do think it speaks about the Yankee mentality that the reaction to my nativist principles can only be understood by labelling it as trolling.

  41. United we stand. Divided we are genocided.

    There is no evidence that a Yankee-Southern union of any sort will slow or stop white genocide. There is evidence of the exact opposite being true.

    I am very supportive of the Southern cause looking to Europe and other New World white countries for friendships and alliances. I am not advocating that Dixie must stand alone, though I think we could survive if we had to. Given independence, Britain and the white Commonwealth are our most natural allies. Russia and the former Soviet Bloc countries are our most likely allies.

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