Nashville: “City of Refuge”


Thanks to the US federal government, corporations addicted to cheap labor like Tyson Foods, and NGOs like Catholic Charities, Nashville is being transformed into a “City of Refuge” for the Third World:

Note: The US federal government dumps about 1,000 refugees on Tennessee every year. Most of them are settled in the Nashville area by Catholic Charities. These refugees are legal permanent residents and can apply for US citizenship after five years. They can take advantage of family reunification provisions of US immigration law to legally import their extended families.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bill Kristol in the original German. Lol.

    It’s quite good fun to see these stories Auf Deutsche.

  2. Joe Walker, add to that: many churches and even some white nationalist groups — and there is a synergy between the agents of the Vatican and the agents of the Bankers both working together to weaken and overcome the immune system of the host.

  3. Re: “immune system”:

    They work together to weaken and overcome us, but we recognise them (most reliably by their fruits or deeds) — and the truth that makes us free makes us resistant to their lies. Darkness can never extinguish the light of truth, which seems only to shine brighter as darkness grows darker.

  4. Immigrants are being imported by an NGO with massive and untraceable funds in cahoots with fedgov. The name of the organisation is Friends of Refugees (F.O.R.) and it is run out of Chicago in the US. It is an international org and in Australia it clearly has ties to the Chabad Lubavitch.

    Immigrants are being imported into all White populations by a massive international effort. Churches and community organisations might be assisting them once they have arrived, but importing and financing them to come in the first place is a well organised international effort as the F.O.R. extension shows.

  5. Joe, if they are the entire ballgame here, why can’t they at least get a majority in the supreme court?

  6. Your lips to God’s ears, Mosin!

    OT, but this a.m., church getting a new “white hispanic” preacher (just voting him in) to help bring in these “new populations” slated for our area!! Yay! Congregation is of 100% ancient blue-rinse nordics who believe this spaniard will help them! To go or not to go? Thus it is for millions of Americans on every Sunday.

    Every city is slated to be a “Rufugee City.”

    Here’s what I don’t get: Why would ANYONE IN U.S. think that the same government-corporate-revolving-door-entities that simply decided (against the american will) to print EVERYTHING in a foreign language would stop there?

    How long until “press one for the horrid sounding click-clack language” simply become the ONLY language, like in Florida? Or Ny? Or…. one supposed, Tennessee?

    They seem to actually think that there will be ANY English speakers. Of course the government does NOT see that happening.

    So…. what is their future, anyway? Clearly, it involves the strip mall restaurants (pan-asian, italian and mexican). And these are the people the government-sponsored and paid for “strip malls” intend to feed, right?

    Where are the strip malls for the English, Scots, and German who want to eat their own food? Why are the biggest u.s. ethnicities not allowed to eat their own food? In THE BOOK OF DANIEL this is clearly shown as part of slavery.

    I understand if this is banned, of course

  7. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Nashville’s growing immigrant population is in the spotlight in a new stage production.

    “Voices of Nashville” is presented by the Tennessee Women’s Theater Project, and it explores how new residents from a variety of different countries adjust to life in Music City.

    “In the last five years, I’ve noticed cultural diversity coming to Nashville,” said Maryanna Clarke, Founder of the Tennessee Women’s Theater Project. “I hope to introduce Nashvillians to their new neighbors in a way that isn’t threatening.”

    Promoting cultural diversity in a non-threatening way while hopefully making a profit. It’s a win-win for this leftist Nashvillian (Nashvillain?), self-appointed propagandist for Big Immigration.

    U.S. Census numbers show Nashville has one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country. In addition to the existing Kurdish and Hispanic communities, the city has seen substantial growth in residents from Sudan, Eastern Europe, Somalia, Egypt, Korea and other areas. Clarke said as the population grows, the issue becomes more important.

    “I hope native Nashvillians get to meet their neighbor and understand there is no ‘us,’ and there is no ‘them,'” said Clarke. “We are all Nashvillians.”

    There is no ‘us’ and there is no ‘them’, because racism. The entire population of the planet are potential Nashvillians.

    I wonder if Nashville is being specifically targeted for this massive influx of immigrants and refugees because it’s one of the whitest large metro areas in the South. As of 2010, Metro Nashville was 73.5% white, second only to Louisville at 78.5% white among metros with a population of over one million in the South.

    In fact Louisville and Nashville are the only two large metros in the South that are more than 70% white. There are a further 12 between 50% and 70% white, and 7 where whites are a minority, including the 5 largest metros in the South: Atlanta at 49.6%, Dallas: 48.5%, Washington: 47.1%, Houston: 37.2% and Miami: 32.4% (the other two are Memphis: 45.8% and San Antonio: 33.2%).

    Of course there are still mainly-white suburbs in all these metros where the schools are good and the streets are safe, mostly. But they are now basically unaffordable for the white working class, and are becoming increasingly so even for the middle class. So unless working class and lower middle class whites are willing to raise their families in NAM-majority neighbourhoods and send their kids to NAM-infested schools, they are going to be forced to move to the far exurbs or out of these large metros altogether.

    It was bad enough when blacks began taking over central cities and whites fled to the suburbs in response, starting after WWII. But now non-whites are taking over entire metro areas, the economic, political, cultural and media nerve centres of their respective states and of the nation as a whole. Where exactly are non-elite whites supposed to flee to now? To small towns and rural areas, thus further marginalizing themselves? The big city white elites (largely Jewish) and their wog allies would surely like that.

    And the South is the region of the country, with the possible exception of the Southwest, that is hardest hit by the Third World immigration invasion. In what way can Miami or San Antonio still be considered ‘Southern’, except in a loose geographical sense? And how long before this contagion spreads to every other big metro area in the South, including Nashville? At this rate, white Southerners will soon be reduced to a minority everywhere except the Appalachian and Ozark highlands, areas where nobody else wants to move. Yet.

    I wish you guys luck protesting mass immigration and refugee resettlement in the Nashville metro area. You’re going to need it.

  8. Anti-Catholicism is becoming a noxious theme on this site. Anti-Catholicism might make some sense if the top Protestant leaders and secular ones were not supporting the same goals as the Catholic leaders. But this is not the case. Protestant leaders do support the same goals, and just as strongly. How many Protestant leaders in Tennessee have spoken out about native displacement? Picking on Catholics only while omitting all criticism of Protestants who support the same policies comes to the edge of bigotry IMO rather than principled criticism. It looks like support for a double-standard.

  9. Re: Lew

    In Nashville, the NGO partner is Catholic Charities. In Clarkston, it is a group called World Relief. In Jamestown, North Dakota, it is Lutheran Social Services.

  10. @Lew

    As I’ve pointed out numerous times Roman Catholic political leadership in the United States Congress is almost 100% for open borders immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens. The same can be said of Roman Catholics in the State Houses. Just look at the voting records of the Catholic politicians. Let’s not kid ourselves, the Catholics are as politically anti-White as the Jews.

    The Protestant response, to open borders immigration will come from mostly Southern & Western Protestant politicians. The Protestant response is weak, but, if it were to be strong, then we would hear Catholics whining about anti-Catholicism like the Jews whine about anti-Semitism.

    I’ve told this story before about some Roman Catholic friends of mine who sponsored a Vietnamese Catholic family in the US after the fall of Saigon. Well it turned out that this “Catholic family” consisted of a Vietnamese pimp and his girls. When the Catholic pimp started beating the girls, my Catholic friends ended up paying for them to leave town, after they had already paid to bring them to, and set them up in the US. I never found out how much it cost the Catholics, but, it wasn’t cheap. LOL.

  11. ““I hope native Nashvillians get to meet their neighbor and understand there is no ‘us,’ and there is no ‘them,’” said Clarke. “We are all Nashvillians.”” – Clarke here makes a distinction and then in the very same breath denies such a distinction exists.

  12. ““I hope native Nashvillians get to meet their neighbor and understand there is no ‘us,’ and there is no ‘them,’” said Clarke. “We are all Nashvillians.”” – Clarke here makes a distinction and then in the very same breath denies such a distinction exists.

    Abolish the Words of “us” “them” cuz they don’t exists in third world.

  13. DixieGirl, are you really that daft? If there were a *visible* majority of jews on there, then whites might actually wake up! The jews have used white figureheads and spokespersons for their causes for centuries. Some admitted to it in the book about the eastern european jews who founded Hollywood.

    They don’t want whites to know whose controlling things. Either you are really quite dense or you’re a troll.

  14. They have, BTW, managed to get a jew into the lead seat in every Ivy League university except one, Dartmouth. No one knows for sure what’s up with him, but even the two white presidents of Ivies are married to…jews!

    It’s when they have to advance their agenda in the open public that they find figureheads. Police Commissioner Kelly in NYC is a prime example; the orthodox jews are running the whole operation, which is something between their own private mossad and gestapo, paid for with american tax dollars.

  15. I was raised catholic and can vouch that the hierarchy’s aim is to genocide the white race. Anyone on here who feels compelled to defend them is also defending ritual child molestation and also the rape of white women by all groups while they’re at it.

  16. I think I am going to throw up.

    “One of the fundamental rights of refugees is the right to seek shelter in a NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY.”

    How are the United States a NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY of these stone-age shit pits?, 90% of the population of which only exists as a direct (and indirect) result of white intervention.

    Not even stone age, STICK AGE !


    In the meantime, check out what kind of Camp of the Saints nightmare is happening in Europe :

    burning fishing boats off of Lampedusa island, Italy, crammed full of gubs muh dat young africans, including unaccompanied children (“take that, YT !”) :–finance.html

    Spanish enclaves in Morocco overrun with black african male locusts :

    Camp of the saints indeed !

    – Arturo

  17. Lew, thanks for your common sense observation about Anti-Catholicism. All the Churches are involved in this crap. As I’ve said on another post, it’s the liberalism that has infiltrated the churches that’s the enemy. I’m hoping that laymen like Michael Voris in the RCC will be able to motivate many Catholic lay folks into fighting and driving out the liberalism that has done so much harm to all the churches. If we don’t succeed, kiss any meaningful Christian influence in this country goodbye.

  18. “Picking on Catholics only while omitting all criticism of Protestants who support the same policies comes to the edge of bigotry IMO rather than principled criticism. It looks like support for a double-standard.”

    Lew, I recognise a single standard for both. Note that I have consistently called Protestants “imitators” who have striven to outdo their mother. It might appear that Romans are being “picked on” because they are the only ones objecting to the plain facts on this site.

    Re: “I’m hoping that laymen like Michael Voris in the RCC will be able to motivate many Catholic lay folks into fighting and driving out the liberalism”:

    I hope that system proves incapable of yet another outward reform, and that its nature will become FULLY manifest. “Let the evil be evil still”. Likewise for the heretic daughters, there being no double standard.

    Christianity is never irrelevant to politics.

  19. The droids you are looking for are the Jew bought and paid for politutes in DC – especially the globalist widgets overseeing Immigration, the Jew bought and paid for media presstitutes of the MSM, the NGO lib-bot helpers and the new world order JudeoXtian hierarchy / membership of the JudeoXtian post Vatican II ecumenical church currently in occupation of the Roman Catholic infrastructure world wide, the JudeoXtian ecumenical churches of the World Council of Churches.

    Nations that return to their authentic Christian tradition are resisting this – as in Hungary, as in Russia, as in Austria, as in Greece. All have strong anti-globalist, counter-revolutionary political movements and wide popular support. In Hungary and Russia, those movements have won government.

    You have yet to state the actual name of your shining light, orthodox faith community, Mosin.

  20. Joe, if they are the entire ballgame here, why can’t they at least get a majority in the supreme court?

    Jewgirl, there are two Jews on the Supreme Court which means that your foul race is vastly overrepresented on our highest court.

  21. Stephen, as I’ve told you before, some of Michael Vorus’s biggest fans are traditionalist Mestizo Hispanics. Do you really think he is going to reject him? In point of fact, most of the anti-Catholics on this site are right about the true aims of the Catholic Church. We do intend to partner with the Jewish agenda to marginalize white identity, because the multicult is the only hope for the salvation of our world, both in this life and the afterlife.

  22. Rudel says:

    ‘There are three Jews on the Supreme Court: Breyer, Ginsburg, and Kagan.’

    Some suspect Sotomayor of being a crypto. She has many connections with jews and has made trips to Israel. She has the gargoyle features of a jew and is certainly anti-white in her beliefs and politics.

    For what it’s worth.

    It appears that Sonia Sotomayor will be placed on the Supreme
    Court; the girl who was brought up as a Catholic, but during her
    her days at University belonged to the Latino organization and
    all went to Sunday mass except her – Imao, sounds like an echo
    in the room with the likes of Nancy Pelosi who is another yenta;
    speaks Yiddish fluently, but this Italian gal can’t speak Italian –
    the Pope knew and he gave her a 15 minute interview with a
    smile on his face.

    Sonia’s family originated in Spain during the late 1400’s and
    then fled to Portugal; then on the Chile, Puerto Rico, and US
    over hundreds of years. There is a very special website that
    gives the names of all Sephardic Jews in the world and one
    only has to research: Soto, Mayor, Sotomayor, and her mom’s
    maiden name of Baez; not to mention a simple look at photos
    of her and the mother.

    (Folk singer Joan Baez is a jew)

    This is a satanic movement who is stacking people in all the
    important positions of power. This all reminds me of the good
    Catholic boy called Hugh Hefner who finally came out of the
    closet a few years ago to admit he was really a [Sabbatean] Jew.

    See also “Sotomayor and the Crypto Jew”

  23. Sam, I thought Hefner was nominally a Methodist. Where did you read or hear he was a “Catholic”?

  24. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Sam, I thought Hefner was nominally a Methodist. Where did you read or hear he was a “Catholic”?’

    I did a cut and paste directly from Makow’s site. It’s his research not mine.

    I think I’ve read in the past that H.H. claimed to be Methodist or Episcopalian or something or other. Makow writes some interesting stuff that may indeed be true and he has many followers that trust him, but his conclusions must be taken with a grain of salt because he is a jew.

    That is why I wrote ‘for what it’s worth.’ But he is not alone believing Sotomayor to be a crypto.

  25. Earl Butz says:

    ‘As I’ve pointed out numerous times Roman Catholic political leadership in the United States Congress is almost 100% for open borders immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens.’

    Undeniably true.

    If we think it is a good idea to protest insignificant Mayors of small towns and rent billboards in Arkansas, why not go after the big fish instead of the minnows?

    Wouldn’t it be wiser and more productive to protest Bishops like the ones mentioned in the article below?

    How about a a large billboard attacking their anti-White agenda?

    It’s wrong for them to replace Whites, isn’t it?

    I’ll contribute $ !00.00 to the project if someone puts up a billboard opposing the Bishops in Virginia.

    Jack, what do you think?

    Virginia’s Catholic Bishops Say Illegal Immigrants Are Not ‘Lawbreakers’

    Having been cued by President Obama that his attention will now turn to immigration reform, some Catholic bishops are revving up their campaign to demand that Congress grant amnesty to at least 11 million illegal immigrants.

    In an op-ed in the Richmond Times-Dispatch entitled “Who Is My Neighbor?” Virginia’s bishops criticized Americans who claim illegal immigrants are “lawbreakers.”

    Bishops Francis DiLorenzo of Richmond and Paul Loverde of Arlington wrote, “Many regard the undocumented immigrants among us as lawbreakers, when instead we are all challenged to embrace them as fellow children of God, deserving of the same dignity that we ourselves enjoy.”

    Unlike the model that welcomed our parents, grandparents or great-grandparents to these shores in the last century or before, current policy does not adequately or realistically address the need for visas. Living in this comparatively prosperous, peaceful nation, many Americans seem unaware of the desperate situations that lead people to enter or remain in the country illegally. Around the globe, people yearn for better lives, a chance to escape poverty, jobs to feed their families, reunion with their kin or life in a country free of war.

    Arguing that “immigration reform will strengthen Virginia socially and economically,” the bishops claim that, regardless, a “path to citizenship” should be accomplished simply “because it is the right thing to do.”

    As Breitbart News reported earlier in the month, Justice for Immigrants, the group that has run the campaign for amnesty for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), is associated with some member groups whose actions have not been aligned with Catholic doctrine in the areas of abortion and marriage.

    In September, Justice for Immigrants ran a program entitled “Pilgrimages for Immigration Reform” in Virginia, during which at least in one Catholic parish–Blessed Sacrament in Harrisonburg–the priest held up postcards at the pulpit and urged parishioners to complete them and send them to their congressional representative, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, demanding that immigration reform be passed.

    The organizer of the “pilgrimage” at Blessed Sacrament Church, Roxana Bendezu, was reported as admitting that, in her community in Virginia, “there are a lot of people who are unfortunately undocumented.”

    Bendezu said “a pathway to citizenship” for illegal immigrants is the most pressing issue for the country, “even before securing the nation’s borders.”

    Bendezu referred to attaining legal citizenship as only “a piece of paper.”

  26. ‘If we think it is a good idea to protest insignificant Mayors of small towns and rent billboards in Arkansas, why not go after the big fish instead of the minnows’?

    I like your billboard proposal very much, Sam. I would be able to contribute. What is perhaps the world’s richest entity is perhaps the biggest fish we could possibly go after.

  27. Nearly a century has passed since the last time American whites confronted it seriously.

    But beware: The Department of Homeland Security’s Behavioral Science Division lists ‘Anti-Catholic’ as one of the known ‘key indicators of potential terrorism’ — right up there with ‘reverent of individual liberty’, ‘belief in conspiracy theories’, ‘belief that one’s personal and/or national way of life is under attack’, ‘seeking to politicize religion’, ‘supporting political movements for autonomy’, ‘anti-abortion’, ‘anti-global’, ‘suspicious of centralized federal authority’ and ‘nationalistic as opposed to universal and international in orientation’.

  28. I’ve been reading, all around. ‘An Army spokesperson said the presentation (not a DOD program-developed, but an isolated independently-designed, slide presentation about extreme religious groups, that mentioned both Catholics and Protestants, along with twelve other groups) was produced by an individual without anyone in the chain of command’s knowledge or permission. The Army removed the offending slide (removed the slide that mentioned Catholics from the presentation series) after receiving complaints. The person responsible for the presentation, the spokesperson said, was not a subject matter expert, and produced the material after conducting Internet research’ (and the SPLC, which lists Fatima Center, was noted as one of the information sources):

  29. There may be different lists. This one supports Mosin’s contention.

    The Anti-Terrorism Law in USA

    The Department of Homeland Security has a Behavioral Science Division which presented below mentioned points as indicators of potential terrorism on 31st January 2012:

    “Reverent of individual liberty”


    “Believe in conspiracy theories”

    “A belief that one’s personal and/or national “way of life” is under attack”

    “Impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”

    “Insert religion into the political sphere”

    “Those who seek to politicize religion”

    “Supported political movements for autonomy”




    “Suspicious of centralized federal authority”

    “Fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”

    “A belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”

  30. One more righteous-indignation-inspiring example, from North Carolina where a Sharon JABLONSKI, cohort of mayor ‘Mel’ COHEN, initiated the process of forcibly ejecting Christians from the very well-attended, excellent street-witnessing venue of the Historic Morganton Festival. So we see the same double-standard, anti-Non-PC-speech treatment that is given to white nationalists is also given to Christians, and perhaps even more so.

  31. Sam, add to that list ‘protesters of fracking’. Since there are millions and millions to be made on fracking, those who question it too much publicly are profiled.

  32. Thanks, Mosin. I see you have already racked up 8 comments for Oct 20 and that is just on this thread alone. You are a troll who is jamming this messageboard. You have not actually refuted the FACT reported in the Washington Times which establishes that the Dept of Defense specifically puts the organisation of the Catholic Church on the same list as the organisation Al-Quaeda. Your efforts to reframe this FACT for the rubes are futile.

    No amount of local harassment of cross carrying Christians, do-gooders, PC objectors and White race waker-uppers can re-frame that or change the inescapable conclusion to be drawn by DoD designation of the Catholic Church.

    The US Conference of Catholic Bishops have rejected Obamacare and the Catholic social services are refusing to kowtow to Washington’s affirmative action faggot agenda. Simply by being true to Christ, the Catholic Church is honored with this DoD designation because the strength and co-ordination of the Catholic social apostolate.

    Most people would see this in a separate category from from Christians with their private little prayer group and Jesus and me religion out carrying crosses and arousing the ire of the Jews who as a rule do not allow Christian religious processions or tolerate them under great sufferance.

  33. In other news from the Nashville metropolitan area:

    Emilie Townes, the new dean of the Vanderbilt Divinity School has it all — black, female, lesbian, and of course liberal, nominally Baptist (!), anti-Biblical, anti-Christian, and committed to advancing multiculturalism and racial diversity — presiding over a faculty that includes such as Amy-Jill Levine, member of an Orthodox synagogue, who teaches NEW TESTAMENT (!) — a self-described ‘Jewish feminist in the buckle of the Bible Belt’ who says she uses ‘historical-critical rigor, literary-critical sensitivity, and a frequent dash of humor with a commitment to eliminating antisemitic, sexist, and homophobic theologies’ — in one of the most prestigious training grounds for wolf in sheep clothing pastors leading our people to destruction.

  34. Reading more on the Department of Defense slide series — that was developed by one individual, supposedly without official oversight or approval, who did his or her research using the SPLC website — I’ve found that seventeen, not fourteen, groups were mentioned, including Orthodox Judaism (!) and Mormons, and that ‘Evangelical Protestants’ HEADED the list of religions ‘associated with terroristic religious extremism’. The Catholic slide that was removed from the series following the first complaints apparently derived from the SPLC listing of ‘Active Radical Traditional Catholicism Groups’.

  35. “I’ve found that seventeen, not fourteen, groups were mentioned, including Orthodox Judaism (!) and Mormons, and that ‘Evangelical Protestants’ HEADED the list of religions ‘associated with terroristic religious extremism’.”

    Mosin, for over a century the majority of educated people no longer believe in a monotheistic God, much less one which is a weird Jewish, Trinitarian, with sick blood sacrifices. God as a concept is dead.

    You are merely seeing the results of this as opportunistic charlatans insidiously weasel their way into various ministries that no self-respecting physicist would go near with a ten foot pole. As they say, religion and metaphysics are so off base they aren’t even wrong.

    Get a grip and start believing in reality for a change. There is no divine grace; just us humans working our way through things in, hopefully, a rational and scientific manner.

  36. Unlikely as it might seem to you, I do appreciate science, Rudel. The same God that ‘gave us brains and expects us to use them’, also gave us the opportunity to be saved. As long as white nationalists continue to reject the Gospel, and make plans to rebuild white civilisation on OTHER foundations, they will be defeated.

  37. “As long as white nationalists continue to reject the Gospel, and make plans to rebuild white civilisation on OTHER foundations, they will be defeated.”

    The Roman Republic and then Empire lasted for 700+ years on a mish-mash of pagan religions. Sparta (albeit under Roman oversight in later years) remained a self-governing city-state for at least 600+ years also with pagan gods.

    You are all wet in your false thinking.

  38. Please provide a link, Mr Troll, Mosin so we can read all about how the Christian Zionists (ie Evangelical Prots) are considered to be ‘terrorists’ by Fedgov.

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