Nashville: “City of Refuge”


Thanks to the US federal government, corporations addicted to cheap labor like Tyson Foods, and NGOs like Catholic Charities, Nashville is being transformed into a “City of Refuge” for the Third World:

Note: The US federal government dumps about 1,000 refugees on Tennessee every year. Most of them are settled in the Nashville area by Catholic Charities. These refugees are legal permanent residents and can apply for US citizenship after five years. They can take advantage of family reunification provisions of US immigration law to legally import their extended families.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Earl Butz says:

    ‘As I’ve pointed out numerous times Roman Catholic political leadership in the United States Congress is almost 100% for open borders immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens. The same can be said of Roman Catholics in the State Houses. Just look at the voting records of the Catholic politicians. Let’s not kid ourselves, the Catholics are as politically anti-White as the Jews.’

    Becoming more and more obvious. The article below is more evidence.

    Catholic Bishops’ Amnesty Group Promotes National Call-In Day to Congress

    Justice for Immigrants, a pro-amnesty group with which the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is “closely involved,” has announced Wednesday, November 13th as a National Call-In Day to Congress.

    The USCCB website indicates that Justice for Immigrants helps to “unite and mobilize a growing network of Catholic institutions, individuals, and other persons of good will in support of a broad legalization program and comprehensive immigration reform.”

    Justice for Immigrants states on its website that on November 13th, the Feast Day of Saint Frances Cabrini, it is asking “Catholics and supporters of immigrants to call their Congressional Representatives with this simple message:”

    Support a path to citizenship and oppose the SAFE Act.

    The “Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act (SAFE)” is a bill that was introduced by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Trey Gowdy (R-SC) in June. The legislation aims to enhance public safety and national security through more effective immigration law enforcement within the country and at the borders.

    The USCCB has continued its efforts to promote amnesty for at least 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. through the use of op-eds by its bishops in news outlets across the country and homilies about immigration reform during Masses.

    In Trenton, New Jersey, Bishop David M. O’Connell celebrated a “Justice for Immigrants” Mass October 11th at St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, with 20 priests of the diocese concelebrating. The Mass was coordinated by Catholic Charities and the diocesan Office of Catholic Social Services.

    According to Catholic Courier, during the Mass, O’Connell referred to Jesus as the “divine immigrant” who lived his life “traveling from place to place.”

    “Sacred Scripture tells us where he was from and what his ancestral lineage was, but nowhere in the Bible do we find his permanent address, the location of his house, where he lived after beginning his public ministry,” said the bishop in his homily.

    “He lived and worked as an immigrant, an itinerant preacher, on many levels,” O’Connell said.

    The bishop continued that it is important for the Catholic Church to pray for positive movement on immigration.

    “It is not the church’s responsibility to enact civil legislation or to take sides or participate as a church in differences of partisan political debates,” O’Connell said. “No, it is, rather, the church’s responsibility to educate the faithful in those matters where human moral interaction, informed by the Gospel and church teaching, need to be lifted up and prayerfully considered.”

    O’Connell said that, according to St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, “‘we are fellow citizens and members of the household of God.’ The ‘household of God’ has no national boundaries… the ‘house of God’ has no ZIP code.”

  2. Interesting article written last April about Paul ( traitor) Ryan and Luis Gutierez.

    U.S. Representatives Luis Gutierrez, Paul Ryan team up to push for immigration reform

    On Monday morning, a Mariachi band guided the unlikely political pair into the Erie Neighborhood House, where immigration rights groups, clergy and others convened to rally behind substantial changes in the law that would give more immigrants a path to citizenship.

    “Right now, we all must acknowledge that we have an immigration system that’s broken,” Ryan said. “It is not serving our interests as a nation. Our broken immigration system does not serve our national security interests. Our broken immigration system does not serve our economic security interests. Our broken immigration system does not serve our family interests . . . We need to fix it.”

    Gutierrez said that although he campaigned hard against the Romney-Ryan ticket, Ryan held no hard feelings. When the two saw each other again afterward: “The first words out of his mouth were: ‘It’s good to see you again, Luis,’ ” according to Gutierrez.

    Gutierrez, a known national leader on immigration rights, said he and Ryan struck up a connection over their shared Catholic faith.

    When Ryan’s remarks came to a close, the crowd began chanting “Si, se puede!” as the Mariachi band played “Cielito Lindo.” One person waved a banner that read “Gracias Ryan,” with Paul Ryan’s photo in the middle.

    Wiki: Gutiérrez is also an outspoken advocate of workers’ rights, LGBT rights, gender equality, and other liberal and progressive causes.[7][8] Gutiérrez has been compared to civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., due to both figures’ use of non-violent civil disobedience in their advocacy for the equal rights of their communities.[9] In 2010 Frank Sharry of America’s Voice, a leading pro-immigrant group, said of Gutiérrez: “He’s as close as the Latino community has to a Martin Luther King figure.”[10] His supporters have given him the nickname El Gallito – the little fighting rooster – in reference to his fiery oratory and political prowess.[11]

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