About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Too many whites are living entirely disconnected from the land, kinfolk and ethnic Christianity. As long as they live the urban lifestyle like the rootless cosmopolitans they will lack white ethnic and local identity, and be defeated.

  2. Sam,

    I like a lot of what Whitaker says, but I dislike his condescending attitude

    There is no doubt BW has given our side a great weapon. But I’ve given up trying to understand him and his pupils’ rationale for the condescension. I just use the good stuff and otherwise tune out their uniquely annoying carping.

  3. “As long as they live the urban lifestyle like the rootless cosmopolitans they will lack white ethnic and local identity, and be defeated.”

    LOL!!! Me and my friends and my kids and their friends can get to the beach or steelhead streams without hitting a traffic light, be at the mountain lifts in 90 minutes and we have honkin’ big and tasty Roosevelt Elk within the city limits along with over 50 breweries. Eat your heart out, we ain’t gonna be defeated by anybody!

  4. Free speech for whites is the highest priority period end of story. We are working to attain that right. We attain that right to speak as whites to think as whites to organize as whites you fine folks can ride your fine looking hobby horses to your hearts contents and in front of much larger crowds. We are the white liberation front doing so is more important than an essay with 12 likes. Sorry folks

  5. RobRoySimmons,

    Free speech for whites is the highest priority period end of story.

    This doesn’t even make sense. Whites in America have all the free speech they could ask for. Social shaming and guilt-mongering aren’t assaults on our “rights”, they’re challenges to our courage and vitality.

    We are working to attain that right.

    Can you offer some recent examples of pro-white speech being censored by the government?

    You fail to grasp the situation. It has nothing to do with rights or permissions, but will. And compounding your misfortune, you’re convinced that thinking more about the problem is a bunch of hobby horse fantasy faggotry.

  6. ‘Whites in America have all the free speech they could ask for’

    An opposite hyperbole. Deletions online, job discrimination, punitive tax audits, investigations, federal ‘guidance’ and restrictions on what can be taught in schools and unconstitutional restrictions on white conservative political activity such as fees charged for ‘permits’ to demonstrate within strict spatial and time limits are all evidence that speech is NOT ‘as free as we could ask for’. But I agree that exercising the WILL to ‘take’ or ‘live the freedom’ that we do have is essential if we are ever to regain ALL of our freedom. More than that, Christian revival is primary, otherwise we remain in bondage.

  7. Mosin said it best, I’m envious. Listen we could continue this, but it becomes quite counter productive, quickly.

    Someone brought up the subject of the SPLC and how they write the party line and how this party line becomes the attack words which demoralize whites, saps our wills and impinges on our rights.

    Here is the deal, you fine folks let us know how the SPLC attacks your groups, what attack words it uses and BUGs will put our little heads together and come up with a counter-attack to render them and the anti-whites ineffective.

    Factoid, the SPLC writes the script which is used as the party line, it is the head of the large beast.

  8. “BUGs will put our little heads together and come up with a counter-attack to render them and the anti-whites ineffective.”

    You’ve come up with nothing but a couple useful rhetorical phrases. In fact you can drop the enemy’s word “codeword.” “Anti-racist is anti-white” is more succinct and effective. The rest of the time you put out the same ol’, same ol’ attacking other whites. Disgraceful.

  9. “Christian revival is primary, otherwise we remain in bondage.”

    Praying to Christ is a dead-end waste of time. It is nothing but the lamentations of those with a the view of slaves trying pathetically to ignore reality and meaningful action in this real world, and hoping for a better life beyond. There is no “beyond.” When you are dead you are dead.

    It is better to take out just one non-white of breeding age than pray every day. If you have any balls that’s what you should do. God is not there. We have to help our own damn selves if we want to preserve the White race.

  10. Passivity holds whites back more than anything else. If we organized Twitter campaigns, for example, to boycott corporations for their anti-white policies (like when a white employee gets clearly discriminated against, or a white customer – and in the NY metropolitan area I can furnish tons of examples of this) we’d be just as effective as the black-run movements that shut down careers like Paula Deen’s, for example.

    It’s our passivity, essentially. That said, we aren’t receiving funding from jewish benefactors the way Diversity and particularly POC are although that’s changing as certain elements of the zio-cons, along with the corporatists, are trying to re-balance the imbalance between the serfs of various colors. Just as the white middle class has almost completely collapsed, pseudo-heroes like Edward Blum (anti-AA champion) ride in on their two-trick ponies to perform magic tricks; now it’s white, now it’s black(or brown).

    I guess I’m trying to say that I agree with Matt Parrott. We have the power, we just lack the will in various dimensions. One problem is that whites don’t want to become reactive in the way our adversaries are. I think this is a fundamental issue. In the last half year I’ve come to understand that nothing short of the white middle class withdrawing from the system economically can save it. Simultaneously we have to ‘fight back’ in ways that are reactive, just like our enemies.

    Doing some of both is the only way to succeed in securing a future for our people; deciding who does what and where and how seems less difficult, although challenging, than getting any spectrum of actors to unite behind some common vision, however blurry it’s lines.

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