About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is what we will be up against in the near future. Prepare yourselves and listen to Dr. Hill’s instructions on how to respond in situations like this so we will come off on top.

  2. What on earth do these conferences accomplish?

    We need grassroots activism. Fancy talk is just that – fancy talk. It does nothing to reach and galvanize the white middle class.

    Matt Parrott handled the antifa gracefully, but his shuffle with the thug was probably the most exciting thing to take place at this NPI seminar on mental masturbation for white men. Notice how the cops refused to cuff him even after he blocked Parrott’s way numerous times.

    I would have loved if some pro-White had spoken straight to the camera in the midst of all the anti-whites covering their faces…

  3. By the time of the next League conference, we will have held successful public protests in Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina, for sure, and probably Florida, Alabama, and North Carolina in the first half of next year.

  4. A quote from another blog: To use the term Antifa (meaning anti-fascist) for those groups is like saying, “we are facists and they are against us”. It keeps us in THEIR frame rather than calling them what they REALLY ARE, which is anti-WHITE.

  5. I am deeply appreciative of the people who are getting things moving off the internet and into real life. I just don’t understand why so much importance is placed by many of the so-called ‘leaders’ in these conferences which do nothing as far as I can see. People are dying, being murdered, maimed, raped, and dispossessed every week in this country and somehow holding self-important ‘conferences’ is supposed to help.

    It continues to frustrate me that nothing happens close enough to the northeast for yankees to participate in without having to travel more than 8 hours. I know that is not your southerner’s fault, it’s just annoying. I’ve noted that TYN seems to have little interest in notifying people of their upcoming events, some of which could be accessible to people in the northeastern states.

    Mostly I’m just watching the clock here, in the US. We don’t have that much time by my calculations. It’s get the message and the people out soon or face the fact that our civilization will die.

  6. The security have DHS on their uniforms; Department of Homeland Security. I think this video should be disseminated to let whites know whose ‘security’ is really being defended by big government. Add on that one of Mr. Small in Maryland who got arrested by black ‘security’ personnel for merely asking a question about where his taxes were going at a PTA meeting. The two together should be enough to chill people to their bones…

  7. A few covert shots from suppressed .22s would have cooled their jets in the hallway and after dark and not gathered undue attention from the police.

  8. Re: NYYankees

    That’s true.

    Fortunately, I have a solution to this problem: in the North and West (and the South, too), we can organize White people who are concerned about our racial and cultural decline through the CofCC, and hopefully we can inspire them to start doing some of the same things the League has been doing lately.

    Jack Ryan and Stephen Dalton came down from Illinois to support us in Tennessee. We are already in the process of starting a CofCC Chicago chapter. I would like to see similar chapters sprout up elsewhere in the North and West.

  9. Instead of the constant SN vs. WN bickering over historical issues, we ought to channel all that energy in a more productive direction which is focused on what is being done to all of us in the present.

  10. ““Antifa” will be supported by the left openly “anti-whites” not so much

    Those ” I’m white, I’m privileged” ads are as about anti-white as you can get and rap music has celebrated the murder of Whites for decades now.

  11. As soon as that darkie tried to stop Parrot from entering the hotel he should have been arrested.

    I would definitely file a complaint with the police, and the Washington authorities. Even if a complaint didn’t go anywhere it’s on record for the next time the spook acts up, and you can be sure that he will.

  12. Of course the cops were “giving the guy a break” and not cuffing him; you can’t expect black cops to actually enforce the law against black thugs when they assault innocent whites.

  13. Earl Butz says:

    ‘As soon as that darkie tried to stop Parrot from entering the hotel he should have been arrested.
    I would definitely file a complaint with the police, and the Washington authorities. Even if a complaint didn’t go anywhere it’s on record for the next time the spook acts up, and you can be sure that he will.’

    Excellent idea!

  14. NYYankees,

    I’ve noted that TYN seems to have little interest in notifying people of their upcoming events, some of which could be accessible to people in the northeastern states.

    My bad. We’ve actually identified this problem and are on it.

    They’ll be on our Facebook page and on our events page.


    Long time no see. Nice to know you’re still around.

  15. Rudel you old dino you the anti-whites have never been labled and defined. You old school types wasted our time with abstract hooey and by playing their game and using the terms “antis”, “anti-racist” and now “antifa”. BUGS is stripping them of their supposed moral superiority and reclaiming free speach for whites not playing the college facist intellectual however fun it is.

  16. BUGSters have a way of making you want to disagree with them even when they’re correct. It’s possible to communicate a point without being all pushy and resentful about it.

    But, yeah. Calling them “Anti-Whites” makes rhetorical sense and I’m striving to do that in my own writing.

  17. This is not a recommendation, but it shows how off base these anti whites are, have these kids heard of a Rollkomando? Particularly Sturm 33. Four of them burst into a Communist meeting in Berlin and killed half a dozen and injured the rest. That’s what an actual Nazi would be doing. Is that what these kids actually want? The anti white rentamob would vanish as soon as something like Sturm 33 showed up. The actual rise of the Nazi party is remarkable in that they combined a series of targeted terrorist assaults on Communists and scattered them, while the Party behaved as if it didn’t organize a killing machine.

    These trust fund hipster thugs are not fit to lick the boots of the Communists who actually were around in the 20s and 30s.

  18. Earl wrote: ‘As soon as that darkie tried to stop Parrot from entering the hotel he should have been arrested. I would definitely file a complaint with the police, and the Washington authorities. Even if a complaint didn’t go anywhere it’s on record for the next time the spook acts up, and you can be sure that he will.’

    WHY wasn’t that done? Also, WHY didn’t the recent protesters in Tennessee not lodge legal complaints and make a fuss about being required to pay toll to speak in a very small space and time frame, while OTHERS exercised their right to speak freely, over more space and time and were NOT billed for it? Even if it only cost one dollar.

  19. They’re using communist tactics:

    Jews, Leftists, and Communists were well-organized in advance to use violence to suppress a speech targeting only 130 people, the content of which would not be circulated to a larger audience via newspapers or magazines (the mass media of the day). Their intention was to stop the meeting and intimidate the participants so that even a tiny audience could not hear Hitler’s message, knowing few would risk doing so ever again.

    This pattern persists today.


  20. Matt you guys got balls but you play on their court their rules. We’re not trying to poach your membership list to steal your dollars we are trying to defeat the censorship whites face. Free Speech for whites then all the ideological fancies you want. Good luck young man

  21. “Rudel you old dino you the anti-whites have never been labled and defined. You old school types wasted our time with abstract hooey and by playing their game and using the terms “antis”, “anti-racist” and now “antifa”. BUGS is stripping them of their supposed moral superiority and reclaiming free speach for whites not playing the college facist intellectual however fun it is.”

    You don’t make a single lick of sense.

  22. Picketing, protesting, and other forms of street theater have their places in a political struggle, but in the end, the members of any political or nationalist group who find themselves confronted by a violent and organized street opposition are either going to have to physically fight their enemies (and go to hospital and/or jail) or they are going to have to go home and accept their collective fate in silence.

    They had better be prepared to fight the cops, too.

    This is why young, single men are vital to any such movement. Old people, married people, and parents cannot be counted upon in any real fight. Oldsters are not physically capable of urban guerrilla warfare. “Let’s get ’em, boys — my spleen!” Most married people are too timid to fight for any cause, including self defense. “Let the bully have what he wants and maybe he’ll leave us alone” is their collective motto. And parents of young children will avoid any action that might harm or disrupt the happy lives of their young children. “Mommy, why won’t you stop crying? And why is Daddy handcuffed to his hospital bed?”

    This is why an effective hypothetical political movement needs a militant wing — a corps of 3-500 hot-blooded young men with no wives or children and nothing to lose but their teeth. The hypothetical movement leaders deploy them as street troops, both to create fear in the enemy’s heart and to bust heads if need be. The creation of such a hypothetical corps must be accompanied by the establishment of a legal defense fund for use by the street troops after they all end up in prison.

    One thing is certain: any movement whose members are unwilling to physically fight for their cause is doomed to fail. The Requetes of Civil War-era Spain, Jobbik in Hungary, and Greece’s Golden Dawn are examples of successful political movements that had or have an active militant wing. In a world where Might increasingly makes Right, the Right had better build up some Might, or risk losing it all.

  23. RobRoySimmons,

    Matt you guys got balls but you play on their court their rules. We’re not trying to poach your membership list to steal your dollars we are trying to defeat the censorship whites face. Free Speech for whites then all the ideological fancies you want. Good luck young man

    I just told you that you’re correct, that we should be calling them “anti-whites” instead of “antifa”.

    #1. You’ve accused me of being wrong when I’m trying to agree with you.

    We’re not trying to poach your membership list to steal your dollars

    #2. You accuse me of being a greedy and petty weasel.

    Free Speech for whites then all the ideological fancies you want.

    #3. You dismiss everything I’m saying and thinking as mere “ideological fancies”.

    Within a few short sentences, you’ve managed to jam-pack an impressive amount of insults, accusations, and shittiness. You can keep the top and bottom bun of obligatory compliments on this insult sandwich of yours.

    BUGSters are boiling with contempt for the rest of the pro-White movement. They have no respect for it. And those of us who attempt to work with you to any other extent than full-on joining your NLP cult are subjected to a barrage of insults.

    It’s. Not. Cool.

  24. The whole “fascist” thing is just silly. White people subscribe to many different ideas. Destroying “heretics” who don’t agree with your Big Idea is way too roman for the Generational Americans (who want to have thoughts, feelings, flights of fancy etc.)

    T.V. tried to make Hitler be all about race, but everyone knows that “fascism” was Militarist Corporatism, really. So, many see the u.s. as “multi-cult fascist” anyway.

    The term is so abused it’s useless.

    Just don’t bother with it, anymore. It seems antiquated, really. And those kids in the street seem way behind the times, like they’re still in college or something.

  25. — oh, and what is the significance of the Pig-with-blood jacket the youth is wearing at the end? Just curious.

  26. Oh, and the other outfit seems camo, like they are in the army or something. Also, leather jackets like people mostly wore back in the 80s. The usual hoods and masks and such. Their outfits just always seem very 80s

  27. “Oldsters are not physically capable of urban guerrilla warfare.”

    Speak for yourself (and stay away from surveillance cams, if you even know where all of them are.)

  28. I see no reason that the blame for the BUGSters spreading their contempt and divisiveness around the various communities shouldn’t be laid at the top. This is straight from their glossary. BW himself encourages spreading derision, ridicule and contempt.

    Shame: Tool used to display other white factions’ inefficacy and laziness in defending Europeans and European Americans.

    Anti-Intellectual: Term used by Elite Thinking “White Nationalists” to describe anyone who doesn’t worship Big Ideas over real results.

    N&J (News & Jews; News & Jewster): Slang for people who call themselves “White Nationalists” and prefer whining about news and their beloved arch-villain, Jews, over feasible solutions.


  29. Lew,

    Precisely. It’s not a defect or a case of some adherents getting a bit giddy or insistent. Whitaker insists on hostility toward the rest of the pro-White ecosystem and encourages them to talk over, insult, and “shame” those who aren’t fully on board.

    I’m going to continue using their useful rhetorical think tank work on an a la carte basis at my leisure and discretion. Like so many things in life, it’s a mixed bag.

  30. “I’m going to continue using their useful rhetorical think tank work on an a la carte basis at my leisure and discretion.”

    Capital idea. I hadn’t realized Whitaker is still locked in to 1990’s WN fratricide.

  31. sk,

    Matt Parrott, we have a race to save. Apparently, you don’t think it’s that dire. So what are you doing?



  32. Lew says:

    ‘BW himself encourages spreading derision, ridicule and contempt.’

    I like a lot of what Whitaker says, but I dislike his condescending attitude. He fancies himself as a sort of guru dispensing priceless pearls of wisdom to incompetents, losers and ingrates who haven’t the capacity to recognize his brilliance.

    He wasn’t deemed to be the wisest of the wise by SF, or any other online community, and seems to be genuinely irritated for not being acknowledged as the ‘Grand Poobah’ and Professor of Professors.

  33. ‘Heimbach and Parrott are traveling all across America trying to save the White race’

    Others must stay rooted in their places, to save the race, and their land.

  34. The Mantra is not insurmountable. Clever anti-whites have recently learned how to use it in reverse:

    ‘Anti-White means anti-Racist’!

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