About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. But where would they go? A lot of WNs talk about running away to a mostly White place – be it Uruguay or Montana or where-ever. But WNs do not have power in such places. In fact, in mostly-White areas generally the White people tend to be more anti-White (see Vermont or Maine). I don’t think the answer is to run. The answer is to get active with others in your local area and build up a movement that can advance your interests and empower your people. That is what nationalists are doing in France, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, etc. It’s also what we’re doing in the LS. It’s what White conservatives in other regions of the US should do in their area. Do run. Get active with other nationalists. And don’t do it as a sloppy reaction. If you’re going to do it, be professional and serious about it.

  2. What an exasperating video to watch, as the other panel members (probably exclusively some variety of leftists/globalists/multicultis) try to shout Hitchens down, laugh at some of his comments, and generally try to stop him having his say. The snot-nosed young man in the light-colored shirt is too wet behind the ears to have anything of worth to say, yet he insists on trying to talk over his elders and betters.

    But yes, the question, as Palmetto Patriot says, is where would the young go, if they emigrate? To another besieged European country, under the EUSSR, or to a commonwealth country like Canada or Australia where immigration is a huge problem and the same maniacs run things? It would just be, (to paraphrase the old proverb)
    “out of the frying pan — into another frying pan.” The people ruling over us have done a good job of seeing that we have no place to turn to.

    Quite a few British have gone to Spain but Spain is in the same boat.
    – VA

  3. Run to….


    For some reason lib -Leftists leave the White Amish alone (pacifist program gives them a pass).

    Amish have big White families, don’t listen to rap music, don’t watch violent anti White movies and they don’t go for Neo Con Jew wars.

    Sounds pretty good.

  4. White areas generally the White people tend to be more anti-White (see Vermont or Maine).

    One factor is cold. But the fact that these areas are very white, with no policy of white nationalism and even anti-WN, should offer a lesson. Why is San Francisco a sea of white in California?

    For some reason lib -Leftists leave the White Amish alone (pacifist program gives them a pass).

    Are they going to leave them alone forever? I can see the EPA eventually shutting down their farms due to manure runoff or some excuse. But there is something to be said for being invisible when the state is your enemy. Another option is to separate yourself economically. This is why Silicon Valley is now talking about secession: they don’t need to be any specific place to write code and their customers are all over the world.

    Silicon Valley Roused by Secession Call

    First the slave South, now this. Is Silicon Valley trying to secede from America?

  5. I’ve had this crazy idea of taking over the southern portions of Argentina and Chile (Patagonia), and creating a homeland for Anglo Whites, or some sort of Confederation of European peoples (call it the Confederation of New Europe, or Nova Europa). Have a canton for english speaking, a canton for the afrikaaners, and cantons for any other white ethnic group that desires to live in a land free of white guilt, NAM on white crime and globalist destruction of the family structure.

  6. I live in an area of large numbers of Amish. By their very presence they tend to reduce leftest nonsense. Marching for gay rights parades, or screaming at people how “raaacist” they are, etc, just looks unutterably stupid and mean, when done to this population. Thier very cultural solidaty, honest religon, work effort, and history, make most people on the Left look childish in comparason. Also the amish, were horribly persecuted 300 years ago during the religous wars in Europe, by both protastants, and catholics. They remember it too. So Jack Ryan is right. Amish land is safer. I don’t think the Left hasn’t noticed them. They just can’t beat a community that is a REAL community, not a fake one. You can’t really undermine it that way. they are growing faster population wise, than almost anybody else. Every amish couple I see have children, lots of them.

  7. If I may interrupt yet another internet planning session for yet another Whitopia, just one tiny small suggestion; We get free speech for Whites first.

  8. Good comment, brierrabbit3030. Did you know the Amish originally settled as far south as the Carolina Piedmont? The Amish believe Jacob Amman died in North Carolina, and Amman family name still exists in that area. They have perhaps the highest white birth rate, and powerful ethnic religious cohesion, though they are weakened by materialism in most districts, in need of revival.

  9. “For some reason lib -Leftists leave the White Amish alone (pacifist program gives them a pass).”

    That is baloney, Mr. Ryan. Sorry. Generally I would say you are correct. But I live around a large Amish community and they told me about this incident.


    There pacifism and simple non-material lifestyle let them off the hook, for right now,
    but they are very good at bartering and they shuffle much of their money to the church to avoid taxes. It won’t be long before they are targeted by the bottom feeding Negro or the money manipulating Yid.

  10. “There pacifism and simple non-material lifestyle let them off the hook, for right now,
    but they are very good at bartering and they shuffle much of their money to the church to avoid taxes. It won’t be long before they are targeted by the bottom feeding Negro or the money manipulating Yid.”

    Jack replies:

    Who can predict the future? I think the Amish are very low down on the list to be persecuted by PC, cultural Marxists – the Amish fly below the radar and don’t get in to confrontation Conservative politics. The Amish are very welcome at local Communist farmers market. Lot’s of college Green Leftist wish they could do something like Amish life, or else lead the Amish to join with progressive Blacks to eat natural foods, escape the corporate system etc. the Amish do actual do communal living.

  11. “I’ve had this crazy idea of taking over the southern portions of Argentina and Chile (Patagonia), and creating a homeland for Anglo Whites…”

    You are welcome to Argentina as many Europeans have been, but we don’t appreciate arrogant Anglos (or French btw) with preposterous intentions of creating segregated ghettos and more intra-white fighting. I am happy with having learnt English. But if you come here better learn Spanish…

  12. Argentina write:

    “But if you come here better learn Spanish…”

    jack replies:

    Agreed. Also, better learn Tango dance skills, taught by beautiful Argentine Spanich language teachers.


  13. Mosin Nagant,
    Have you heard of the presumed innocence concept? Why do I have to defend myself in advance for something I did not show any intention to do? I do not appreciate YKW-like passive-aggressive tactics being applied on me.
    On the other hand there are some deranged folks here openly talking about the genocide of my people, as if their were just a mere shitty obstacle not worth an afterthought, and their replacement with aliens who probably do not know where Patagonia is in a map. As we say: “A confesión de parte, relevo de pruebas.” You owe me an explanation, not the other way around. If it is bad to replace you with Somalians in Kentucky, then it is also bad to replace us with “Anglo Whites” in Patagonia. I am as White as you are btw. If you come here, come to add, not to replace.
    In any case, yes, I would leave the Kelpers alone. A benefit it was not granted to the Argentines expelled by force from the islands by the British back in 1833. It happened years ago and we do not forget, but there other problems ahead now, for my and your people as well.

  14. The Faulklanders are under a worse threat from their own government, the UK, than the Argentine one. Give me a break please. The elites in the UK government could snap their fingers and drop 36,000 Muslims in the Falklands just like that.

  15. Argentino, ‘better learn Spanish’ just reminded me of the Falklanders who don’t want to become Spanish. I agree that Welsh colonisation in Patagonia was NOT a good idea. On the other hand, the Falklands are overwhelmingly English and Welsh, and they want to keep their language, culture and land. White peoples should NEVER colonise or cannibalise each other.

  16. Mosin Nagant,
    You are not addressing my points, or pretend not to.
    “Becoming Spanish?” Never heard of something like that was possible, what a stupid idea.
    On the other hand it was a great idea that the Welsh came to colonize Patagonia invited by the Argentines. They become Argentines in turn and to this day they keep their language, which I must inform you is NOT English. And they came to Patagonia because they were not treated well back home… Now they also speak Spanish of course. I know quite a few Jones and Taylors from Puerto Madryn and Gaiman. They are alright.
    Don’t want to sound pretentious but it seems to me that you don’t know much history.

  17. Re: ‘Why do I have to defend myself in advance for something I did not show any intention to do?’

    ‘You’ meant the country (Argentina) that you belong to or speak for, not you as an individual — and many of us believe Argentina DOES intend to do that.

    Lew, has a good point. Diversitarians MIGHT easily flood the Falklands with other races. Monocultural monoethnicity is the vacuum they abhor.

  18. The Welsh certainly have NOT been well treated at home, and of course they were invited. But now they are blending, are no longer fully Welsh. They are too few in number to be sustainable as an ethnic community and nation.

    Re: ‘“Becoming Spanish?” Never heard of something like that was possible, what a stupid idea.’

    How did your mostly Italian and German immigrants become ‘Spanish’ or ‘Argentine’? How can the native Indians (or Land Bridge Asians) become Spanish or Argentine? Of course not genetically, unless by blending.

  19. If we have learned nothing from the current disaster in the United States, we ought to have learned about mass immigration. How can anyone be so hypocritical in our situation, being colonized by aliens (white and otherwise), as to promote the ludicrous idea of fleeing en masse to some other country?

  20. Mosin Nagant,
    Right, even during the 1982 invasion of the islands no Islander was touched and there was no intention to replace anyone. It was, it is, a matter of political sovereignty. It is not a cultural or ethnical problem. There are many Argentines of British and Irish descent in the continent and nobody has a problem with that.
    Why did Argentina invade? Because our own population was expelled by force from the islands by Britain in 1833. Britain, the same country that also invaded mainland Argentina in 1806, 1807, and again in 1845.
    Now Britain has other problems back home for sure, as you do as well. Whatever our evil intentions were back in 1982, I promise you that we did not intend to turn the Falklands into London (majority non-white now) or Detroit, or Birmingham, AL. So please do not patronize me, and appreciate you don’t try to replace my people AGAIN.

  21. ‘you don’t know much history’

    I know something of Welsh history, being of that background. I gave the example of the dying Welsh colony because I’m NOT in favour of fleeing from our stations to the mirages of greener grass on the other sides of our borders, like ‘taking over southern Chile and Argentina’. Rather stand in our places, and fight for our own ancestral lands.

  22. ‘we did not intend to turn the Falklands into London’

    You would only make it a Roman Catholic, Italian, Spanish and ‘Argentine’ outpost — not harming anyone (who doesn’t resist) of course — since it’s only ‘a matter of sovereignty’!

  23. Our Southeastern states were originally Spanish territory (La Florida). Read about Santa Elena, the original Southeastern colony established long before Jamestown. It was Spanish, VERY Romanist, elitist and multiracial. But the English took that away from your people like the Falklands.

  24. Mosin,
    If the Welsh have been about 150 years in Argentina without turning “Spanish”, just being Argentines of Welsh ancestry keeping a language that for all purposes is not even talked in Wales anymore, why Argentina try to erase the Kelpers culture and tradition? It does not add up. If Welsh culture in Argentina is “dying” then it is already dead in Wales. The Malvinas/Falklands is sovereignty issue. Nothing else.
    Memo: Not all Argentines are Spanish/Italian Roman Catholic.

    I also keep finding hypocrisy from you. You are outraged that Italians, Germans and omg, Welsh immigrants were expected to become Argentines. But I bet you find it only natural that Italians, Germans and Welsh immigrants to the USA were supposed to become Americans.

  25. What is your view of the first ‘Black’ Jesuit Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, of Argentina? Some of us consider Romanism, or at least Jesuitism, a threat to our liberty and existence nearly equal to Talmudism.

  26. Re: ‘I bet you find it only natural that Italians, Germans and Welsh immigrants to the USA were supposed to become Americans’:

    I don’t take that view at all. If I did, I would indeed be hypocritical.

    The Welsh didn’t move to Argentina to ‘take over’ as some commenters have suggested. It was not a colony in that sense.

    There are many German Anabaptist colonies in Latin American countries, and they preserve their language and religion, mostly keep to themselves, don’t interbreed.

  27. ‘You are outraged that Italians, Germans and omg, Welsh immigrants were expected to become Argentines’

    I’m not outraged that Italians became ‘Argentines’, which is not yet a true ethnicity, by the way. I’m simply disappointed that the small weak Welsh people is being blended out of existence, even if surnames like Jones and some language use persist. As long as we keep moving around as individuals or in unsustainably small groups to greener pastures, we are being divided and conquered.

  28. I then reckon your views are not very representative of most folk who post on this site. If white Argentine is not a true ethnicity, then neither are white American nor Dixie.

  29. Right, Argentino! ‘American’ is not an ethnicity, at least not now. There is no such thing as the American people. However, in the beginning some of the colonies DID approach monocultural monoethnicity. There was or could have been an American people.

  30. I think you simply misunderstood my reference to Y Wladfa, but we truly differ on the question of Falklands versus Las Malvinas, much like the question of Dixie versus La Florida.

  31. Mosin,
    You rather have double standards.
    According to you my people, who are as white Europeans as the next guy, have to accept being non entities and put up with enclaves of foreigners in our midst, foreigners who have expelled my very own people years ago.
    Meanwhile you object to being in the same situation, and somehow don’t like that I object as well.

  32. They might have Welsh or Angl0-Celt or German ancestry, but don’t sound Welsh’ speaking Spanish, Rudel.

    Getting back to the thread topic of Peter Hitchens, note that he has converted to Christianity from atheism and a typically practically atheist British upbringing, Rudel.

    Hitchens understands that without revival of the moral conscience and virtues of Christianity there is no hope of the renewal of Western civilization. ‘I have seldom seen a more powerful argument for the fallen nature of man, and his inability to achieve perfection, than those countries in which man sets himself up to replace God’. He also recommends regular reading of the King James Bible, ‘a poetic translation, written to be read, to lodge in the mind and disturb the temporal with the haunting sound of the eternal’. Good advice.

  33. ‘foreigners who have expelled my very own people years ago’

    Yes, your original Spanish Romanist colonists were expelled by the British from some of these lands being claimed as British colonies, but now they (your people) are reconquering the same lands, demographically, by immigrating and out-reproducing the indigenous white population.

  34. There’s also no such thing as a “british” people – a phony Whitehall contrived identity. Even the language is predominantly creole.

  35. ‘According to you my people (…) have to accept being non entities and put up with enclaves of foreigners in our midst, foreigners who have expelled my very own people years ago’

    You DON’T have to put up with them. But didn’t you say you INVITED some of them to Patagonia? Just as YOUR people (Hispanic, Mestizo, Latin American) as well as Somalis, Iraqis, Cambodians, etc. are currently being invited to settle here.

  36. ,i>”They might have Welsh or Angl0-Celt or German ancestry, but don’t sound Welsh’ speaking Spanish”

    They sure sound Celtic enough when speaking English.

  37. What Mosin posits to Mr. Arrrrhhhhhennntino, is that for the vast majority of us who are Native English speakers, the language and customs of Papist South America, remind us irrevocably of the worst excesses of the [sic] “Hispanic” culture of the barrios of East L.A., or Cheech and Chong, or Ricky Martin, ‘livin’ la vida loca.’

    It disgusts us. Plain and simple.

    So, not knowing this, Mr. “A” presumes that he is ‘one of us’ when we, who have been commenting and reading HW’s blog for some years, can’t tell if he’s a Blond/blue-eyed Spanish speaking resident of Christendom (i.e., Europe) or whether Mr. “A” is really some greaser from the hoods of Buenos Aires, a la “Evita” and her ‘descamisados.’

    No offense, Mr. “A”, but there you are. We are as ‘culturally conditioned’ as you are, but on a different scale, and with a different reason. If Peron were still alive, and I could visit your country, knowing that Jews, Sodomites, and other riff-raff were to be excluded, I might (just might, mind you!) “apprender la lengua Espanol.”

    But every time I contemplate moving south of Kansas City, I see/hear taco stand Spanglish, hear mariachi music, see low riders, and my gorge rises. Yes, I’ve seen the pictures of the Argentine, I know of your gauchos, but my gut instinct reminds me of the British aristocrats sing in Lloyd-Webber’s opera, ‘Things have reached a pretty pass, when someone pretty lower class, can be thought cultured and refined.”

    If the Argentine would act ‘mighty white’ and allow for the White Ethnostate we all are craving on this forum, I’d gladly change my opinions. But I don’t see it happening on the national level in “What’s New, Buenos Aires.”

  38. As for the Falklands, they neither have the interest, infrastructure, or cojones to encourage making their little windswept area of the South Atlantic/Antartic a ‘white haven’ that many of us would desire. Frankly, I’d rather take over St. Kitts/Nevis, with barely 50,000 inhabitants, and make it the ‘White Disneyland’ of the World. At least there, it’s warmer, and prettier!

  39. Rudel- As far as the Patagonian grasslands being revivified, one need look no further than America’s Shenandoah Valley, Joel Sallatin, and his Polyface farms.

    This is both Protestant- theologically derived, as well as using knowledge of our Celtic/Anglo ancestors, on how to live symbioticially with the land.


  40. Germane to the Discussion between Mosin and Mr. “A” is Hitchen’s own comments about his interview, shown/linked above, found on his own blog:

    “For those who don’t much like this country anyway, the choice is plain. They will demand multiculturalism because they see it as a useful tool for dismantling the British monoculture, conservative, Christian, monarchist, puritanical, which they wish to get rid of and have wanted to get rid of for decades. For those who do like this country, it’s equally plain. Immigration must be kept to levels small enough to ensure that the migrants are encouraged to integrate and to become British, the best way of ensuring harmony and of maintaining the British nation state, the largest form of social and political organisation in which it is possible to be effectively unselfish. This is the real quarrel and, when it is stated in this way, it is hard for the revolutionaries to win it. That is why they almost always seek to smear their opponents as bigots.”

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