SPLC, Tennessee Anti-Racist Network, & Mainstream Media Try To Intimidate State Sen. Frank Niceley, Fail Miserably

State Sen. Frank Nicely to speak at the Southern National Congress
State Sen. Frank Niceley to speak at the Southern National Congress


They huffed and puffed … and for the second time in three months, an elected official has defied the SPLC and its allies in the Mainstream Media.

In this case, Tennessee State Sen. Frank Niceley stood firm and followed through on his decision to address the Southern National Congress. State Rep. Judd Matheny was also scheduled to speak at the conference, but lost his nerve after he was exposed by the media. The sharks continue to circle him.

Sen. Niceley went further and told The Tennessean that he agreed the Southern states might one day need to secede and form an independent nation:

“He agrees with the group’s idea that the South might one day be its own nation, like each of the 13 colonies after the American Revolution.

“They delegated a little power to central government. When that fails, we go back to being independent nations,” he said. “We could team up with New Jersey and Oregon if we wanted to.”

Even better, Sen. Niceley has been attacking the SPLC on Twitter. He drew attention to the fact that the SPLC created the “climate of hate” which inspired Floyd Corkins’ domestic terrorist attack on the Family Research Council:


The “Tennessee Anti-Racist Network” has been using Facebook and Twitter in an organized campaign to harass and intimidate Sen. Niceley. They also recently boasted on their new website that they outnumbered us over “6-to-1” at our demonstrations in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville.

The League of the South owes a debt of gratitude to the “Tennessee Anti-Racist Network.” They generated far more publicity for the League in Tennessee over Sen. Niceley speaking to the Southern National Congress than our demonstrations in Murfreesboro and Shelbyville received. More importantly, they tried and failed to enforce a major taboo on elected officials associating with so-called “extremist groups.”

Sheriff Paul Bridges and State Sen. Frank Niceley are proof that the League’s new strategy of aggressively challenging the reigning taboos is working. We are making progress towards a “new normal” where it will become commonplace for Southern Nationalists to organize and air our grievances in public and where groups like the SPLC can no longer enforce the prevailing taboos in the way they have done in the past.

Note: I rushed to judgment on the Southern National Congress inviting Rep. Matheny and Sen. Niceley to attend as speakers. This has worked out quite well for us.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The simple fact of the matter is if we don’t defend ourselves then no one else will. And if we act as if we’re ashamed of what we are then that is like blood in the water to those who hate us. We must be proud and bold in the face of the enemy. That will inspire others.

  2. I hate RRSs carping, but if he’s right he’s right. On this particular issue, he’s right.

    Anti-white, not anti-racist/antifa, etc.

  3. This also shows people who are undecided about committing that, even if you backtrack, the media will still go after you, therefore you might as well stand firm and not cave in to the pressure.

  4. Lew I hate ineffectiveness, I don’t care all that much what you think of me personally, mainly a bad cop act anyway, if you met me in person I mostly sit there and listen. But you fine folks have to realize we are in a political phase of white liberation, freeing whites from the tyranny of the day, but most of our intellectuals want to gather internet likes for tracts on abstract philosophy and wistfulness for the past.

    Free Speech for Whites

  5. I also think our best opportunities are at the state representative level. The corruption at the national level are too much, even clear traitors like McCain, Lindsey Graham can survive with Adelson money, MSM cover, AIPAC etc. plus, now we are stuck with a fake opposition in the form of Libertarian loons Rand Paul and Paul Ryan.

    No, let’s go local – it worked for David Duke in the early 1990s. A State representative race can be contested for ~ $50k.

    I have another, minor tweak suggestion:

    Let’s work for Southern “autonomy” instead up outright “secession” – as that denotes a flat out rerun of the Civil War. The future will resemble the past, but not be the return of the past.

    I think Dr. hill should stress this point. We’re not bringing back slavery.

  6. Bravo! A true White Man!

    We must learn to not ever ever ever apologize for our beliefs. To do so invalidates our beliefs, and obliterates everything White Advocates try to do.

    Bless Nicely for facing up to the Communist toads. When you grovel before the Southern Poverty Lies Center – you give them power. When you stand up to them – you deflate their power, and fortify your own.

  7. He agrees with the group’s idea that the South might one day be its own nation, like each of the 13 colonies after the American Revolution.

    This is why you Anglos-Saxons lose and lose again. The problem with the U.S. is not that the “central government” is too strong. The problem is that your idiot forebears were so hostile to government–so intent on being “free,” on “reserving rights to the people”–that they drafted a Constitution in which every inhabitant of the polity was given the power to vote every other person’s money out of his or her wallet.

    Do you think I’m wrong about that, Mr. Wallace? You’re about the only Southron here who has ever demonstrated any ability to listen. Just watch the reflexive hostility that the present comment will draw.

    • That’s exactly the problem.

      It is why the system is incapable of being reformed. All the power is now concentrated in Washington. The states have effectively been transformed into counties. They are nothing more than administrative units of the central government.

      The Constitution isn’t the problem. The system worked well – the federal government was small and unnoticeable – until Lincoln overthrew the Constitution and the Black Republicans passed the 14th Amendment.

  8. The queers and freaks are right about there being some fascists in our midst. Near as I can tell, Italians and Germans are failing pretty hard too. They are no better off.

  9. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia,

    …Anglo-Saxons… idiot forebears…

    Please tell me why should anyone should bother answering you?

  10. “…Anglo-Saxons… idiot forebears…”

    Reflexive hostility?…nah, couldn’t be…

    I would say something about those people and hypocrisy, but I have nothing new to say that my idiot forebears and countless others have not already said on the subject.

    ‘The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern States.’
    –Charles Dickens

    I hereby nominate the Honorable Senator Nicely as champion for the title of greatest pro-white advocate of the year. Only in Dixie will you find such as he–a deadly combination of clear sighted common sense and moral courage.

    No wonder our enemies, being the tiresome shemales that they are, are nervous. Every day our people become more emboldened and to be truthful, quite simply fed up with the bullshit from TPTB, as we move ineluctably towards a free and independent South. God bless Dixie and all true Southern men!

    Deo Vindice

  11. Reflexive hostility?…nah, couldn’t be…

    The problem with you, Apuleius, is you don’t know when someone’s trying to do you a favor.

  12. Please tell me why should anyone should bother answering you?

    They’re incorrigible. I know the type quite well, seen it a million times (even been it myself, some might say). With everything going on John Bona’s still haunted by ghosts of Anglo-Saxons past. You’d laugh if it wasn’t so tragic.

  13. Ghosts of Anglo-Saxons past? I’m trying to save you fools, Silver; I’m not hostile to you.

    Look at this ridiculous website. There are probably half a dozen Jews like George Soros who could buy and sell an entire polity simply by writing a check–and you guys think you’re going to save Southern man by waving a few cardboard signs at street corners. You keep griping about the same thing: the big, bad central government. Have you learned nothing in one hundred fifty years? Do you not see that the problem is that the Federal government is too weak, not too strong? The purpose of government is to inhibit conflict, parasitism, predation, not to give every good-for-nothing a vote on everybody else’s wallet. Those inclined to make free with the energy of others are in charge, instead of in their rightful place, which is far away from anyone who wants to live. Every time you complain about the central government, you simply repeat the mistake of your–what’s the phrase?–idiot forebears. Every time you mouth off like that, you encourage your enemies, because you reassure them that you just don’t get it.

    • John Bonaccorsi is here for comic relief: the only thing wrong with America is that the federal government doesn’t have enough power to block state immigration laws, grant amnesty to illegal aliens, keep the borders open, import refugees, takeover the healthcare system, criminalize firearms, fag up the military, preserve affirmative action and promote blacks in a thousand other ways.

  14. The morale of Whites definitely has to improve before the new normal can ride free on the range of collective consciousness.

    Public discourse on all media must be captured with facts and truth from the ‘all hat no herd’ leftweebs, libweevils, entitled victim whiners with Jew organised/funded agendas, faggot energizer bunnies, femocrat changeagents, mulitcult widgets and of course the Wile E J-oyotes.

    Whites have to get good at ‘I spy with my little eye’ all cultural dicta from the Kahal (the correct Yiddish word for the organisation of their tribal collective and its organisation working all sides of the host bodypolitic and social fabric). It is not enough to know there is no separation between synagogue and state. The synagogue is only one dimension of the Kahal – which is racially based.

    Racially Aware Whites (RAW) have to just stop bending over for the Jew, kissing black ass and paying the Dangeld on all their entitlements. They have to get rid of the Danegeld altogether – that is all forms of the banegeld, the blackgeld, the Jewgeld (starting with the kosher tax). For the sake of the scattered and cowed White Herd, they have to learn to play the righteous indignation card on the Jews and the race victim card on the blacks.

    Whites have to start giving the Wile E. Coyote moment live and on camera to the goyapparatus of Jew approved public discourse.

  15. “We never pay anyone Dane-geld
    No matter how trifling the cost
    For the end of that game is oppression and shame
    And the nation that pays it is lost”

    Rudyard Kipling

    These lines should be written over the kosher tax, too big to fail bailouts for Jew banks and banking contracts between private money trusts and nations written in fraud – such as the unConstitutional abdication of the nations right to issue its own currency.

  16. Irish Savant has posted another instruction for Whites: “Learning from Obituaries” for Saturday Nov 2 2013. This is an excellent post because Savant’s incisive comment is based upon the math of entitled victim status. It is a valuable post because math is always acceptable in Stuff White People Like Town (SWPLtown).

    The obituary follows from the previous post on the subject of Jew reality distortion using their media and the heavy sanctions for White cognitive dissoance.

    The obituary is for Lamondo ‘Flair’ Alen, entrepeneur (code for when the Black is too old to be a youf) – late of New Orleans. http://irishsavant.blogspot.com.au/

  17. John Bonaccorsi is here for comic relief

    Your entire Southern Nationalism is comic relief, Mr. W.–for your enemies.

    “[T]he only thing wrong with America is that the federal government doesn’t have enough power to block state immigration laws (clear the Department of Justice of troublemakers), grant amnesty to illegal aliens (halt illegal entry into the country), keep the borders open (maintain borders), import refugees (preserve whites), takeover the healthcare system (protect private property), criminalize firearms (ensure the right of self-defense), fag up the military (prevent disruption of sexuality), preserve affirmative action (establish segregation) and promote blacks in a thousand other ways (quit living in a dream world).

  18. John Bonaccorsi, please do none of us any favours. If those like you in Phili want an all-powerful Federal Government then I’m cool with y’all getting it. But people here don’t want that. Most of the problems we face today were forced upon us by your government.

  19. The obituary is for Lamondo ‘Flair’ Alen, entrepeneur (code for when the Black is too old to be a youf) – late of New Orleans.

    New Orleans has a corporate owned, and, of course, Jew-controlled “local” paper. The euphemisms their writers and editors use for the black criminal element can be hilarious. Without irony, they will describe a “he din do nuffin” rape or murder suspect with no job and a wrap sheet a mile long as “Mr. Jones, a father of three with an interest in sports.” Tom Wolfe mocked these misrepresentations in the The Bonfire of the Vanities where he had local media turning a black dropout into an “aspiring honor student.” With Jews, you lose.

  20. John Bonaccorsi, please do none of us any favours. If those like you in Phili want an all-powerful Federal Government then I’m cool with y’all getting it.

    I don’t care whether you’re “cool” with anything, Palmetto. I don’t discourse in the manner of a Negro. What I want is a government that protects the white race and protects property: the more powerful, the better, that’s for sure. For all your prattle against the Stars and Stripes, you’re still mouthing off like an Eighteenth Century Yankee, hostile to the king. That hostility is what destroyed the Anglo-Saxon peoples: it’s what led them to give power to the mob.

  21. You fine gents could actually get along if you would stop your insufferable squabbles over who is going to be General of the Internet Army.

    Even the Philly Fascist can get along with Col. Palmetto if they would agree to work on stripping the anti-whites of their unearned moral superiority over us whites.

  22. The Constitution isn’t the problem. The system worked well – the federal government was small and unnoticeable – until Lincoln overthrew the Constitution and the Black Republicans passed the 14th Amendment.

    Then what was Leonidas Spratt complaining about two month before Fort Sumter:

    “In the [North] the pauper laborer has the power to rise and appropriate by law the goods protected by the State–when pressure comes, as come it must, there will be the motive to exert it–and thus the ship of State turns bottom upwards.”

    (End of second paragraph at http://docsouth.unc.edu/imls/secession/secession.html )

  23. “This is why you Anglos-Saxons lose and lose again.”


    “The problem with the U.S. is not that the “central government” is too strong.”

    If you have a hostile elite that fully intend to harm you and your kin as much as they possibly can then that is precisely the problem – and very obviously so.

  24. If you have a hostile elite that fully intend to harm you and your kin as much as they possibly can then that is precisely the problem – and very obviously so.

    If you have no real conception of an elite, then you are your own problem.

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