About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “What have we here, an indirect physical threat of mayhem couched in rhetoric of the third person? What a pathetic little wuss you are.”

    Obviously, it went over your head. Not a surprise.

  2. Oh, excuse me. Rude- L is not like Joew. He’s now become like Stonelifter.

    Denise, don’t you see the correlation? Or perhaps he’s Chris 313’s grouchy uncle?

    As to my bona fides, I don’t NEED to show you my dissertation, my Doctorate, my certificates of ordination to diaconate or the presbyterate by my Bishop, my academic teaching record at Tier One schools, or all the rest, for any reason, you dog, whatever.

    What about YOUR attempts at a B.A. in Multicultural Studies, YOUR failing/falling 2.5 GPA, YOUR academic suspension for public drunkenness, and your ultimate animosity against anyone who dares to question your supposed ‘intelligence.’

    Lord Almighty, you truly are a poster child for the use of prozac, straight jackets, and revocation of all credentials in the modern world. I merely thought you vulgar, and haughty. You’ve flipped out, Rude.

  3. “my dissertation, my Doctorate, my certificates of ordination to diaconate or the presbyterate by my Bishop, my academic teaching record at Tier One schools, or all the rest”

    I don’t believe you.

  4. Congrats, Hunter. Get your sleep now while you can.

    Encourage breast feeding even if Rene can’t produce much. The antibodies help the immune system and brain development.

    If you have to supplement breastmilk with formula in the first year or so, beware that Similac (or similar) baby shit is the worst smell you’ll likely ever experience. My solution was to use a army surplus gas mask and cannister. I’m not 100% sure how those work but they filter out the poop smell as well as nerve gas and anthrax apparently.

    Also, diaper genies seem like they are overpriced snake-oil but they really do work.

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