About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. HW, it’s been a long time since I’ve been to the site. I had no clue you were progressing in so many areas. Congratulations brother. On the marriage, the kid, the site, the activism, all of it. Good luck. Onward and upward.

  2. Many places have prenatal classes which I recommend investigating. They are usually conducted by OBs or nurses. They will give you some idea of what to expect. The classes are often free. I also recommend being extremely careful about selecting a doctor and a hospital. When one of my kids was born, my wife got a potentially fatal staph infection from a botched epidural.

  3. “Hmmmm my math skills and calender and concept of Holy Matrimony ain’t jiving.”

    1 – November
    2 – December
    3 – January
    4 – February
    5 – March
    6 – April
    7 – May
    8 – June
    9 – July

    Uhm, correct me if I’m wrong but I think July is definitely in the summer. I don’t remember seeing a shotgun leaning up against the pulpit in the videos either.

  4. Great news! Congratulations on your wedding and baby on the way.

    It’s a wonderful thing to be present at the birth of your child. There is nothing like it. You’re going to love it, and I am certain you and your bride will be excellent parents.

    All the best,

  5. Excellent. Congratulations – you will not be sorry. Best damned accident that ever happened to me.

    My daughter (who has six) tells me that there is little or no marginal cost after the second one. Just in case you were wondering.

  6. Congratulations Hunter & Renee! Building your army early is a good sign! Remember, a baby changes everything… for the better.

    My only hope is that you keep this baby healthy by feeding only organics, no fluoride and, God damn it, investigate the vaccinations on your own (The idea of vaccinations is truly good but what the hell is in them? If you trust your government, by all means innoculate.). And, lastly, keep your most precious gift out of the public indoctrination system!

    Here’s a good starting point in investigation. If you can’t believe a good Christian Southerner, who can you believe?


    You can’t take it back once you do it!

  7. “The idea of vaccinations is truly good but what the hell is in them?”

    The main ingredient is usually a modified form of the pathological virus that has been rendered harmless but still evokes an immune response from the body which then protects against an actual infection by the pathogen at a later date.

    Immunization wiped out the scourge of smallpox and almost completely eliminated polio from industrialized countries. I am old enough to remember contemporaries who suffered from this awful disease. It has started to show up again because of immigration from the third world where superstition keeps the natives from getting their children vaccinated even when the medicine is made available free of charge by some NGO.

    Only a stupid, pig-ignorant nigger or Christian Scientist wack-o would argue against vaccination of children in this day and age.

  8. LOL. When the government discusses forced inoculation you have a serious problem. They can already hog tie you, stab you with a syringe, and take your blood in most states if you decline a breathalyzer or field sobriety test. If the government is pushing a vaccine on you, don’t take it.

  9. “When the government discusses forced inoculation you have a serious problem.”

    What are you, some sort of anarchist lunatic? Public health is one of the legitimate responsibilities of government. Epidemics kill millions and contagious diseases are contained or sometimes even eradicated by vaccination programs.

    When mass vaccination of the population first occurred there were cries and moans from the usual political and religious nut cases. You lost, and now we are free of German measles, mumps, smallpox, polio, diphtheria etc. etc. etc.

  10. “The main ingredient is usually a modified form of the pathological virus that has been rendered harmless but still evokes an immune response from the body which then protects against an actual infection by the pathogen at a later date.”

    Here we have Dr. Rudel-No Nudel, the expert on everything, telling us what’s best for us and our kids. After all, the government has only good intentions. Well, that’s what we’re told and you believe, foolishly. I dare you to read Eustace’s history on them and then report back that you still have no doubts. He performed his research at the Library of Congress until he was banned… (alert, alert, alert something is wrong with this picture)!

    “Only a stupid, pig-ignorant nigger or Christian Scientist wack-o would argue against vaccination of children in this day and age.”

    Listen you Kraut bastard, go hang yourself. Obviously your ignorance is the result of getting ALL the vaccines and the accumulation of fluoride that you’ve been told is good for your teeth, being pushed by the dental industry that would be put out of business if it actually did work that way. Get into the cattle car, Rudel, it’s for your own good. I’ll expeditiously help you with your wheelchair.

    Sorry folks, this bloviated, self-absorbed idiot gets my blood boiling with his know-it-all attitude and constant attacks on others. To insult Hunter & Renee with the insinuate of a shotgun wedding takes the cake. He needs to leave his dark place and stop trying to take us there. So much for white solidarity and respect for differing opinions. I have only benevolence when I try to educate other whites on these issues and don’t need to be called names for doing so. But, I do enjoy a good fight.

  11. “Sorry folks, this bloviated, self-absorbed idiot gets my blood boiling with his know-it-all attitude and constant attacks on others. To insult Hunter & Renee with the insinuate of a shotgun wedding takes the cake. He needs to leave his dark place and stop trying to take us there.”

    I didn’t insult Hunter and Renee, I defended them in my response which you would know if your reading comprehension level was in amy way discernible. You really are a shit-for-brains if you think vaccination for deadly and crippling viral plagues is some sort of authoritarian plot to soften you up for mass extermination. BYW WTF does fluoride have to do with viruses? My city doesn’t even use it.

    I hope your unvaccinated offspring all get polio and die without issue.

  12. Like pesticidal chemicals in agriculture, vaccines have side effects and will eventually fail, making the diseases stronger in the long run. But it is said ‘we all live and die in the short term’.

    ‘Medicate now, analyse later’ !

    It is very thoughtful and wise to recommend moderation in vaccination (and other medication) for the mother and expected child — and also a healthy natural diet, and a healthy, natural, rural agrarian ‘lifestyle’ in a rural agrarian setting, and full membership and participation in a vital ethnic Christian church community.

  13. “I hope your unvaccinated offspring all get polio and die without issue.”

    How low will this piece of shit go?

  14. “You’re turning into as bad a liability to this blog as JOEW.”

    I am a fount of wisdom and reason in a sea of religious nut cases like you and Mosin or just plain dumb-fucks like Snowhitey.

    BTW, you still haven’t established your bona fides as to your right to swank around with the title “Fr.” Which seminary did you graduate from? Where were you ordained?

    People like you who claim to have started their own religions are invariably insane.

  15. When did Fr John or any other commenter here ever claim to have started a religion? There are such cases on the internet, but we apparently haven’t been visited by them yet here on OD.

    Re: the wisdom of vaccinations: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/10433683/Syrian-polio-outbreak-could-spread-to-Europe.html

    Coincidental that it appears in Syria now, and that the emerging SARS-like ‘MERS’ seems to have originated in the Middle East as well, when most new diseases have emerged naturally in very crowded or tropical settings.

  16. Congratulations.
    Regarding vaccinations modern medicine is wonderful but they have gone rather overboard with vaccines. Do we really need so many so young? The way things are these days your child will have to have them so try and get them from your family doctor and if you can wait until the immune system is up and running before poring all that stuff into the child. Some people swear by them;some against. As for the science, well its animal based and they still don’t let vets operate on people so go figure. But some doctors swear by them while other medical doctors are against them. Have fun googling vaccinations. And of course with the baby!!!

  17. “Re: the wisdom of vaccinations:”

    Yes indeed, as the article concludes:

    “Until the virus is completely extinct, it is essential that we continue to vaccinate our children.”

  18. “get them from your family doctor and if you can wait until the immune system is up and running before poring all that stuff into the child.”

    The immune system is up and running” immediately and as Mosin’s link showed, it is extremely important to get that polio vaccine into your child as soon as possible.

  19. “I am a fount of wisdom and reason in a sea of religious nut cases like you and Mosin or just plain dumb-fucks like Snowhitey.”

    Even on our day of rest this foul varmint has to attack a man of the cloth. It appears the only vaccination he didn’t get is the one for rabies.

    Well, I have to give him credit where credit is due. He’s long winded. I thought he ended the tribute to his mother early this morning. Anyone this nasty, has to be one-eyed, one-armed, and one-legged… from saying the wrong thing to the right guy.

  20. “Anyone this nasty, has to be one-eyed, one-armed, and one-legged… from saying the wrong thing to the right guy.”

    What have we here, an indirect physical threat of mayhem couched in rhetoric of the third person? What a pathetic little wuss you are.

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